If making you feel like a speedrunner was Rocksteady's intention as it put together the opening hours of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, then it at least nailed that aspect. Forcing one slapdash mission after another onto your HUD, the story introduction is told at such a breakneck pace that it can be difficult to parse what is actually going on and find the proper time to even get to grips with its four playable characters. It's a lot to take in and none of it's especially basic, so you're left still reading pop-up tutorials hours into the experience. There are flashes of brilliance in amongst it all, but you're going to need to work to see them.
It's difficult to feel any differently, as we pen our initial impressions following just over three hours of play. The situation surrounding release day review code means we are starting to work towards our verdict at the same time everyone else can begin playing. It is not ideal, but the one benefit is we can share impressions such as these right after our first play session.
Maybe that whirlwind of a quest sequence lets up as you progress further into Suicide Squad, but for now, we don't know whether it's worth pushing through to the other side. It feels like such a strange and awkward game to play in the moment, with combat mechanics piling on top of one another and unique traversal methods for each character that take some getting used to. Deadshot and King Shark have it best with a jetpack and huge leaps; both feel relatively easy to control and it's simple to navigate them around the open world.
Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang, however, don't prove as intuitive. The former uses a grappling hook that she can either use to reach the tops of nearby buildings or latch onto a drone that follows her around to swing from. The latter, meanwhile, throws a metal boomerang that he teleports to at the end of each throw up to two times in a single jump.
Quinn especially seems to have drawn the short straw compared to her teammates because getting around with the grappling hook just isn't fun. You'll constantly collide with buildings and fall back down to the floor, demanding you restart your route back into the air and get some momentum going once more. On the other hand, Captain Boomerang requires you to be quite delicate and precise with your boomerang placement; you'll fall back down to the Metropolis ground if you're not careful. Unless traversal upgrades are a thing further into the game, we can't see ourselves using either character much.
The first few hours of gameplay involve just as much shooting as they do traversal, with uninspired tasks like clearing waves of enemies and depending points soaking up many of your bullets. Suicide Squad quickly seeks to build on basic back-and-forth firefights by introducing methods of engagement that land critical hits and power your shield meter. The gunplay actually feels pretty good no matter who you play as, making draining HP bars (and all the damage numbers popping out of them) feel satisfying. We've yet to unlock any build-defining weapons, but with three skill trees to work through for each character, it's easy to see how you'd get some good combat variety out of Suicide Squad if you spec your build in the right way.
Still, though, just like its movement options, the game just doesn't quite play as you'd expect it to, with easily forgettable mechanics and very busy HUDs that can obscure vital information in the heat of battle. The mission design — at least in the early game — doesn't allow for much experimentation as every encounter is over just as quickly as it began. Going back to that breakneck pace, quests in the first few hours are never really more than five to 10 minutes long, featuring a single encounter with a cutscene on either side. It just seems like an odd way to present the narrative; we wouldn't be surprised if a walkthrough was tracking 50+ levels once the campaign is all said and done. There's an entire mission dedicated to giving you a grenade slot; again: it's just a bit weird.
The one saving grace happens to be those cutscenes fronting and ending missions, which are of a very high quality and feature lots of quality, witty writing that'll genuinely have you laughing out loud. The overall story of killing off the Justice League that encompasses it all also proves fairly gripping in the early stages — we're looking forward to seeing where it goes in the hours of game ahead.
As such, we're left with what feels like a jigsaw puzzle with pieces that don't quite go together a couple of hours in. We need to see how each element develops over the course of the experience, but while there's potential there, we can't shake the feeling Suicide Squad isn't quite going to come together. Its narrative is proving captivating so far, the shooting is mostly satisfying, and you've got a 50 per cent chance of choosing a character with fun traversal mechanics. However, if the mission structure continues to be so one-note and over before you've really got going, then investing in what Suicide Squad is feels like a tougher ask than it should be. There's a lot of the game still to go, but as of right now, we've no idea where we're going to land. This is a strange game with a strange introduction, even if there are reasons to be excited for what's to come.
Have you been playing Suicide Squad in this early access phase via the Deluxe Edition? What are your first impressions? Post them in the comments below.
Comments 62
I got to be honest, I never understood any of the hype for this game. I never thought it looked that good and everything that’s coming out just proved it wasn’t for me.
Removed - spoilers; user is banned
I kind of just blurted all my thoughts out at once in this article, so it's probably not quite as structured as usual. If you have any questions based on the first few hours, feel free to copy me in.
I was never interested, but feel for Rocksteady fans. I know waiting this long for a game from them and getting this is a gut punch.
How does the combat change between the main four? Is it unique? Or is it just the traversal that sets each apart?
@HenryMcI Each character has their own melee attack and skill trees, but from what I've seen so far, they don't really differentiate them from the others. The main difference is definitely the traversal.
The sentiment I've been seeing pop up is that it is soulless except for the cutscene... Which matches expectations.
I just hope that if it does flop WB reverse their stance turning everything into a live service ***** show.
Man, im just trying to imagine what would Hogwarts Legacy be if it was live service 4 player action grinder
@LiamCroft that’s really helpful. Definitely seems a bit like a missed opportunity. Thanks for sharing and for the early thoughts!
@Bamila After how huge it was, give WB time...... They will find a way, they won't be able to help themselves because if all the lost gas revenue it world have created
Played it with a friend for maybe 45 minutes just now and what I played was a lot of fun. Only tried king shark but I’m stunned by how well it handles.
Don’t get me wrong this is dumb fun at its finest but it’s very pretty and plays fairly well. Waiting for a sale later but I figured it would be WAY worse.
I've been loving the story and jokes so far but I do have to agree that so far, it's only been the typical mission format like so many other games which I don't really mind, that or I'm used to it but I do hope they sprinkle some variety soon.
As for traversing, boomerang has been fun and feels much better to use than King Shark, Harley is a let down and Deadshot is the funest for sure.
Glad I bought it, haven't encountered a bug so far and hope it stays that way.
All in all, definitely isn't a bad game that many like to make it seem.
As for the spoilers that many may have seen and dislike, I agree with you but I still need to see through the story.
If this game is not a sequel to Batman: Arkham, I will try it. However, this game literally destroys everything from Batman: Arkham.
I’ve put in 8 hours and think it’s really fun with more laughs than I expected. I find it funny that they think King Shark is the best with deadshot when across the net the consensus seems to be Boomerang and Deadshot followed by Shark with Harley dead last. The combat and movement is fantastic like top tier stuff and Metropolis is very nicely designed with its retro future look.
@Odium There isn't really any hype, the majority thinks the game looks and plays bad.
@Nepp67 that isn’t what the ot on resetera thinks and most streams have the streamer enjoying it with plenty of comments from spectators that it looks fun and not as bad as they thought it would be
@LiamCroft I don’t agree once you get deeper into the skill tree they are def different.
Pretty much lines up with my thoughts after playing the alpha. It just…just isn’t great.
Wait for a sale, if anyone actually HAS to buy this game eventually. Not worth it at full price.
@Nowings It definitely takes place in the same universe as the Arkham series. They've said that multiple times.
A bargain bin game for me.
I'm really digging it so far.
if they patch in offline mode like they said i will pick it up if i see it going cheap, if they don't i might get it if i see it under a tenner.
Like A dragon infinite wealth
Persona 3 reload
Tekken 8
FF7 Rebirth
Spend your money elsewhere. This game will be on PS Plus swiftly.
The fact they didn't allow reviews until the last minute says it all.
@dark_knightmare2 Your first mistake is listening to Resetera, your second mistake is not noticing the majority of people who had a hands on experience with the game saying it was bad and that characters play mostly the same and dont differentiate enough. Even Push Square's hands on experience says it isn't good lol.
@Nepp67 this site played three hours nowhere near enough time to see that yes the characters once you get further into the skill tree def play differently. What does you hating resetera have to do with people enjoying the game there not to mention you just completely leave out the part about the streamers and their audience saying it’s good,looks fun,better than they thought it would be etc. All you have done is say the majority of people who played didn’t like it while bringing no receipts so who are these people
Game reviews be like:
>Starfield takes over 10 hours to get going, no game should take such a long time.
>We've played Suicide Squad for 3 hours and it's literally too much stuff going on.
I will not be spending my money on this game (at least not at $70). It's sad that this is Rocksteady's big follow up to the Arkham trilogy....after 9 years. I'll stick with Insomniac's Spider-Man series and the original 4 Batman Arkham games (Origins is very underrated).
I loved the batman games seeing as batman was the main character in the DC universe I really liked. I was never going to purchase this as it just didn't appeal to me in the same way the avengers game did because I much prefer the MARVEL universe. I was hoping this would turn out great for the fans but it looks like this game is their avengers with less content which really is a shame. Rocksteady dropped a bollock with this one.
@LiamCroft you did a fine job articulating your thoughts, and I empathise with the situation at hand (Re. no early review code...)
I think you've confirmed a lot of people's expectations regarding this game, and I expect it will get lost/ignored among the other tremendous titles recently released (or soon to be...)
LAD / FF7 Rebirth / Tekken / P3 will certainly open people's wallets, and I'm not really sure if there is a solid/broad audience for SS?!
Be interesting to see how it lands critically, and with fans, but I expect quite average reviews and a fade into obscurity...
@Nepp67 there isn’t now but there was a good amount when it was first revealed
Not for me. I've heard how the makers have treated the heroes.
Not getting my money.
Rocksteady was supposed to be setting trends, not chasing them.
What a waste of time and talent to join overcrowded GaaS market, just to fade into mediocrity within hours of release to the surprise of literally no one. If it wasn't attached to DC the game would be dead on arrival. 🙄
Even if it came on PS Plus, I doubt I'd bother playing it. Would still nab it for my library though.
Good thing to let us know your first impressions after they pulled the review code trick. I’ll patiently await the full review. I’m hesitant to buy games on release day anyway nowadays since most games need lots of patching in the first months. If a company decides to net release review codes in advance all alarm bells go off.
What a disappointment, rather than making new single player DC superhero game that will sells millions, rocksteady make... this, which will bomb in the market because the market already tired of live services games 😕
@LiamCroft Two questions.
1) Did you find the game FUN?
2) Did you think the story was compelling enough to keep playing?
Having played the alpha I was slightly optimistic about this game but seeing how they have dealt with the supposed Arkham Batman has turned me completely off this game. Why they thought this was a good idea is beyond me, across two different game as well. Just give us a Batman Beyond game or a true sequel to AK. I’d even be happy with a remaster of origins at this stage. This just isn’t it whatever IT actually is.
Well we know this isn't a Rocksteady game because the people that made the Arkham games are gone.
I dont agree with putting thoughts up on this after just 3 hours play.
Thats simply not enough time to make any conclussions based on your gameplay rather than expection, and there are many many games which take much longer than this before their worth can be evaluated properly.
Really poor decision from Push - I expect better.
@dark_knightmare2 I played the Alpha for a good few hours... really didn't see that there was much to like with gameplay. It's derivative, and yet still not very intuitive. The map and HUD was a mess, and it got tedious very quick. Fun with 3 other friends, maybe, but for a solo experience, it was not. Took the skill tree from borderlands, so I imagine by level 30 or so, each character maybe feels more different, but if you all used the same guns, I imagine it wouldn't be noticeable- at all.
@themightyant I had fun in fits and starts, sure. There's still potential here; I haven't written the game off entirely yet. It's more the cutscenes themselves than the actual story they're telling — they're really high quality and have a lot of good writing in them. I like them a lot.
@Titntin It's not a review; they're first impressions. The article states this.
As a Rocksteady fan, my biggest concern about it being a Live Service, is that it will be taking resources away from their next project (just like how Naughty Dog were concerned).
I think I will wait for this to either hit PS+ or Game Pass (can see it going here first)
So aside from the characters you’re playing, can you actually do anything villainous? Can you rob a bank? Murder innocents? Actually kill people?
Seems like a typical buddy romp to save the world, when you should be able to commit crimes. And that bomb in your head trick is old and used.
'It's not a review; they're first impressions. The article states this.'
Why are you even writting that? I never called it a review in my response to this article. Defensive much?
I stand by my opinion that only playing 3 hours and then writting this, full of assumptions, guess work and conjecture, is unprofessional. Of course its not a review, you've barely played it.
It's not the type of article I expect or appreciatie from this site, and I dont think theres anything wrong with me expressing that opinion.
From the art style to the first gameplay video, everything felt off with this game.
@Titntin from what I have been reading from players on the sub reddit, the first few hours are all tutorial but they are all saying they are having fun (I know... 2024 and having fun in a video game!). I have been patiently waiting for reviews on this but I feel this is the latest "it is cool to hate" game. So I am going to wait some more, for either big price drop or if it gets added to a sub service.
Like I said above, my only worry is Rocksteady's Resources going towards this instead of fully to the next project but I hope they have a plan lol.
Oh yeah, welcome to the internet where you are always wrong 😂
This has ‘eventual PlayStation Plus Free Game of the Month’ written allllllll over it.
I think this is gonna be on sale pretty soon 😂
@Titntin He has a right to do this its nothing special or new. If one company is here to blame it's your pals at WB for releasing a game before sending out review copies sending in the players blind.
That could have a few reasons something like they knew the game was not ready yet or they don't believe in their product. Or it's just bad and we're hoping some people would buy it blind first.
From playing the closed alpha, it felt to me like there were flashes of Rocksteady personality in the storytelling and cutscenes, which I really enjoyed, but the gameplay was clearly an unfortunate result of WB shoving a GaaS model down their/our throats.
It was actually fun to play, I played as much as it let me. Traversal felt fine (agree Harley is the worst of the bunch, but I personally gravitated to Captain Boomerang predominantly and Shark here and there) and the mechanics were tight and played well, but it did just feel a bit hollow and repetitive.. But still fun to play. "Go over here and kill these things, now go over there and kill these things, next go to this other place and kill these things but also protect this thing at the same time" etc.
It's super unfortunate to see a parent company's leadership's poor decision making and lack of being in touch with their demographic affect something so much. I would have loved to see what this game could have been or what other game we would have gotten if it weren't for the GaaS mandate.
@SgtTruth Gotham Knights really wasn't bad. I really enjoyed it, despite it playing in 30fps.
I always felt like it was another casualty of bandwagon hating.
Previews are fine when you get a limited early look. But the games now available, so I'd expect a longer play before expressing a view.
Not so sure I have any pals at WB?. If your trying to suggest Im sticking up for this game I can assure you Im not. It may well suck bad, and its not my type of game regardless. Its the brevity of testing I object to, if the games bad Id certainly hope and expect to hear it!
It is stupid the way the game has been rolled out for sure, and in many ways they are inviting quick judgements to be published.
The initial gameplay reveal looked rubbish, then they delayed the game. To me it still looks like rubbish. Wouldn't play it if it was free.
@J2theEzzo you can’t use certain types of weapons with characters and you can also turn off almost all the hud. I’ve been playing nothing but solo I think it’s a blast and have never felt the need to team up now that will probably change for endgame but it’s very doable to experience the story solo which I think is the better option if you’re invested in seeing the story through.
@gonzilla oh it def was just like Days Gone and now SS which is getting it worse than both of those games. Once critics make up their mind pre release they will double down no matter what
@dark_knightmare2 Well that's fair. I didn't realise certain guns were character locked- but I also don't know whether I think that's a good move. (Seems like willfully limiting player choice, for the purpose of forcefully making characters feel different?) The story was defo the best aspect, but I can't fathom spending cash for that alone, when so many good games are out in the next few weeks/ months, that will surely tick more boxes for me, personally; it was fine, but I don't think that's reason enough to put out a game, or warrant buying it!
@J2theEzzo nvm that I was mistaken I was in a upgrade menu and it wouldn’t let me equip guns on the other characters for some reason but I checked when I got on today and you can so I apologize for the mistake
Three hours doesn't feel like long enough for the basis of an article, but by all accounts this game is a train wreck, so who cares, lol?
Seems like everything I read about Suicide Squad suggests that it's creatively compromised and broken, when simply being the next instalment in the Arkhamverse could have done a lot of the heavy lifting.
Off the back of the first two games, Arkham Knight was an easy incentive for my getting around to owning a then-current gen console. I can't think of any other series I've enjoyed which has put in so much effort into putting me off trying another one.
@Titntin As a Developer they need to send out review copies to inform the public about their games if they don't it's their at their own risk I can't feel sorry for them. You can make people pay €30 more to let them play a few days early you can clearly make it happen for reviewers.
The worst thing now is that spoilers are everywhere the most interesting story material is spoiled everywhere there isnt even a reason to get it anymore.
The worst part is these practices are mostly done out fear that they don't live up to the hype they are afraid the game isn't good enough and that says it all. Cyberpunk did it and many more this really ruins the trust of the customers you try to sell to.
At no point have I said any differnetly to what you have just stated, or 'felt sorry for them'?
BUT I expect a proffesional reviewer with access to the whole game to spend more than 3 hours before committing thoughts to an article. My comments were clearly about proffesional journalism and nothing to do with WB's pathetic launch of a sub standard game.
Edit, Ive now read some very positive impressions, so I take back the 'sub standard' description. Its also reinforced the idea that 3hours was never enough to make any valid judgment.
@Titntin The review is here you can put it to bed now. I really don't care about a preview anyway the review is where it's at.
Im still saying give the review copies earlier so it can be reviewed so they can't rippoff people by not informing the people yes it's a well known tactic.
In the end it hurt their own business a review copy should be ready before the release to inform the customer if its any good. You can't return the game in a normal fashion anymore so its on them make it work or push back the release.
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