A whopping 22 games are coming to PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium next week for December's big update. Highlights include the excellent Judgment, a trio of Far Cry titles, the two Middle-earth games, and inspired CRPG Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. It's a robust offering with something for just about everyone — and as far as we can tell, the reception has been positive.
And that's without delving into the additions to PS Plus Premium, which has been rightfully criticised for its lack of classic games over the last few months. The PSP's Ridge Racer 2 is the obvious standout here, but subscribers can also look forward to streaming Heavenly Sword, and downloading PS1 title Oddworld: Abe's Exodus.
Anyway, as always, we want to know what you think of this month's selection. Vote in our polls, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.
Are you happy with your PS Plus Extra games for December 2022? (1,711 votes)
Yes, very happy%
Yeah, mostly happy%
Meh, they're okay%
Nah, not very happy%
No, it's a crap selection%
I don't have PS Plus Extra%
Which PS Plus Extra game for December 2022 are you most looking forward to? (1,491 votes)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (PS4)0.8%
Ben 10: Power Trip (PS5)%
Evil Genius 2: World Domination (PS5)%
Far Cry 5 (PS4)%
Far Cry: New Dawn (PS4)%
Far Cry Primal (PS4)%
Gigantosaurus The Game (PS4)0.7%
Judgment (PS5)%
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)0%
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)%
Mortal Shell (PS4)%
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (PS4)%
The Escapists 2 (PS4)0.8%
The Pedestrian (PS5)%
Worms W.M.D (PS4)0.9%
WWE 2K22 (PS4)%
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PS4)%
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PS5)%
None of them, to be honest%
I don't have PS Plus Extra%
Are you happy with your PS Plus Premium games for December 2022? (1,193 votes)
Yes, super happy%
Yeah, I'm happy%
Hmmm, they're fine%
Nah, not really%
No, it's a terrible selection%
I don't have PS Plus Premium%
Which PS Plus Premium game for December 2022 are you most looking forward to? (1,185 votes)
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he's played 'em all. A little too much, some might say.
Would have been a great month if I didn’t already have the games I wanted. Then again, I guess this service is a chance to play some games I wouldn’t ordinarily try, so maybe the question is a bit beside the point. Would be more interested in a question about whether anyone found enjoyment in a game they wouldn’t ordinarily have tried.
Of all the great ps1 classics and still getting throw away games. Abe oddessy the only good one for premium, another nail in the coffin for why I won't pur have premium, god awful but extra well worth the money.
@thefourfoldroot1 I found little big workshop in extra which was a great management game and ive now played division 2 which is fantastic. Also played a few games i liked the look of years ago and never bothered with them, and enjoyed, some were boring, but the vast amount of games in offer is great, only for extra tier though. Premium, like literally what is the point. Heavenly sword great game but pa3 stream no thanks. And then you have pinball. Brilliant hahahaha I'm good thanks.
New additions to Premium are still a bit lacklustre, but it needs to be put in perspective. There are around 437 retro games on Premium (another 424 on Extra) that's also not bad value for £16 more a YEAR. Would I like more, sure, but really can't complain much at that price.
I am happy for all the RGG Studio Games. For those that have not played them, this is a wonderful opportunity to download them and play them. They are all excellent.
I didn't even know Heavenly Sword left when PSNow re-branded. Why take out 1st & 2nd party titles in the first place? I'm still waiting for them to bring back the Killzone trilogy and GoW: Chains of Olympus & Ghost of Sparta.
I've already got most of these but doesn't worry me. There's so much else to play. I'm exceedingly happy with Extra and am signed up for years to come.
I wish the Premium selection was better, especially since I signed up for PSP games and we haven't seen the best yet but Ridge Racer 2 is a great game so I'm happy to have that.
It's going to be real funny to see what Sony does when it runs out of Ubisoft games to pad out this service every month. I honestly think this is the weakest month by far. I wish they would add more top indie games than so many of these generic AAA games like Far Cry.
Mortal shell can scratch that dark souls need if anybody wants, it's fairly difficult, same structure as souks no map or quest log, go collect you "shell"(souls) when you die etc.
@thefourfoldroot1 I've not found any bugs up to now, my only gripes with the game is the complexity of what you can make for whats ment to be basic stuff, which is time consuming for beginnings of the game and the market not giving you much options, or I've had it many times where every item on the market is on a downward spiral, or many of the same item and some items just never seem to turn up. Can never get a trade flow to a product for steady income. But don't think that's a bug hahahaha.
I did end up buying the game on steam aswel because I'm more inclined to play with mouse and keyboard on these types of games.
@Ken_Kaniff evil genius 2, pretty good different game. Judgement is a top notch game, reality is all the games which are not ubisoft are pretty top notch games for there genres, maybe not for you but those are great games
@Toypop fair enough. Me personally happy for this subscription options because I have a chance to try dozens of games in the next 12 months for the price what a favourite game costs on first weeks. But probably I would have different approach if I would have all the PS consoles when they came out.
After all, I hear you. It is weird that there is a subscription and option to buy individual games too. It reminds me amazon prime videos and after all, rent/buy option, and in certain period they pull out movies/TV shows or add others. In video streaming service , I prefer more like Netflix model: you have subscription and you have access to all the movies/shows what they offer. In Ps world, I would prefer subscription for all the games and that's it. No other cheeky money pulling stuff.
But again, for some gamers like me who never had PS before, it's the way to explore many games.
I renewed my extra on black Friday and moments later had an offer to upgrade to premium for £10 only. Why would I turn the offer down, other than premium really doesn't offer any better than extra except the ability to online stream games which was once called ps now.
@Dloki yeah it's pretty lame,.I'd forgotten it came to ps plus awhile back and there also no ps5 upgrade, Sony always seem to find a way to pad it out 1 half decent game cornered by 5 dreadful games. But I wouldn't count on them changing it anytime soon, I've decided already to not renew when my current premium is up, unless they dramatically overhaul it
@stvevan "so you would pay what 5-10 for RR2?" - Yes, yes I would.
"premium for 400+ more than extra is only around 15 more than extra anyway." - Per month! That same $15 would net me a full game without subscription.
My PS account is 10 years old, I already own the vast majority of the PS4 titles available and PS3 streaming isn't available in my region. My PSClassic has more classic PS1 titles on it than Deluxe does right now.
PS+ Deluxe is absolutely not worth the cost to me in it's current form, and SONY need to pull their heads out of their ass and start putting way more content into Deluxe before I would consider it, it's a joke as is right now.
Did you ever think that, just perhaps, people do not have time to get through many games, especially when some can top 200hrs +, and so we quite reasonably don’t buy them at release, but get them when we have the time, often years later given backlogs, because why pay launch price in that situation?
This being the case, there are loads of games I’d like to play at some point which could come to plus.
There are also games I kind of would like to try, but not enough to invest time and money in finding out. Some of these later turn out to be some of my most enjoyed games.
There’s no gambling. I’ve had plus for years. And Now before it was extra. I know how many games, on average, I’ll play from what type of games they give. Given the price per game is so low I’ve calculated it’s worth it.
In saying people should buy a game full price if it’s a great game for them, and they shouldn’t spend time on anything otherwise, you are presuming that people know exactly what games they will and will not like before playing them.
@Toypop Then call it educated risk if you want to be pedantic. I have never, not a single time in years, received less value for my money than that which I hand over. It’s almost impossible given the number of games provided.
Comments 36
Would have been a great month if I didn’t already have the games I wanted. Then again, I guess this service is a chance to play some games I wouldn’t ordinarily try, so maybe the question is a bit beside the point. Would be more interested in a question about whether anyone found enjoyment in a game they wouldn’t ordinarily have tried.
Of all the great ps1 classics and still getting throw away games. Abe oddessy the only good one for premium, another nail in the coffin for why I won't pur have premium, god awful but extra well worth the money.
Premium is still kinda rubbish but Extra has been bringing really solid games to the table basically every month.
@thefourfoldroot1 I found little big workshop in extra which was a great management game and ive now played division 2 which is fantastic. Also played a few games i liked the look of years ago and never bothered with them, and enjoyed, some were boring, but the vast amount of games in offer is great, only for extra tier though. Premium, like literally what is the point.
Heavenly sword great game but pa3 stream no thanks. And then you have pinball. Brilliant hahahaha I'm good thanks.
New additions to Premium are still a bit lacklustre, but it needs to be put in perspective. There are around 437 retro games on Premium (another 424 on Extra) that's also not bad value for £16 more a YEAR. Would I like more, sure, but really can't complain much at that price.
Is little big workroom not still bugged to the point it’s unplayable? Apparently we didn’t even get the PC patches on PS.
I am happy for all the RGG Studio Games. For those that have not played them, this is a wonderful opportunity to download them and play them. They are all excellent.
I didn't even know Heavenly Sword left when PSNow re-branded. Why take out 1st & 2nd party titles in the first place? I'm still waiting for them to bring back the Killzone trilogy and GoW: Chains of Olympus & Ghost of Sparta.
Here in India ..... premium is deluxe and it's worth it.....
I have not played Heavenly Sword then you must do when you get the chance its a gem.
I've already got most of these but doesn't worry me. There's so much else to play. I'm exceedingly happy with Extra and am signed up for years to come.
I wish the Premium selection was better, especially since I signed up for PSP games and we haven't seen the best yet but Ridge Racer 2 is a great game so I'm happy to have that.
It's going to be real funny to see what Sony does when it runs out of Ubisoft games to pad out this service every month. I honestly think this is the weakest month by far. I wish they would add more top indie games than so many of these generic AAA games like Far Cry.
Has anybody ever actually paid for an Oddworld game? I feel like I’ve got them all free 3 times over in the last 10 years…
Mortal shell can scratch that dark souls need if anybody wants, it's fairly difficult, same structure as souks no map or quest log, go collect you "shell"(souls) when you die etc.
Can’t wait for Judgement!
@thefourfoldroot1 I've not found any bugs up to now, my only gripes with the game is the complexity of what you can make for whats ment to be basic stuff, which is time consuming for beginnings of the game and the market not giving you much options, or I've had it many times where every item on the market is on a downward spiral, or many of the same item and some items just never seem to turn up. Can never get a trade flow to a product for steady income. But don't think that's a bug hahahaha.
I did end up buying the game on steam aswel because I'm more inclined to play with mouse and keyboard on these types of games.
Shame they have already moved onto something else
@Ken_Kaniff evil genius 2, pretty good different game. Judgement is a top notch game, reality is all the games which are not ubisoft are pretty top notch games for there genres, maybe not for you but those are great games
@Toypop fair enough.
Me personally happy for this subscription options because I have a chance to try dozens of games in the next 12 months for the price what a favourite game costs on first weeks.
But probably I would have different approach if I would have all the PS consoles when they came out.
After all, I hear you. It is weird that there is a subscription and option to buy individual games too. It reminds me amazon prime videos and after all, rent/buy option, and in certain period they pull out movies/TV shows or add others.
In video streaming service , I prefer more like Netflix model: you have subscription and you have access to all the movies/shows what they offer.
In Ps world, I would prefer subscription for all the games and that's it. No other cheeky money pulling stuff.
But again, for some gamers like me who never had PS before, it's the way to explore many games.
The Middle Earth games play like dung on next gen machines as WB never update any of their library to 60fps.
Allow me to buy Ridge Racers 2 and I'll be extremely happy. Premium isn't worth the cost in it's current form imo.
I already have the games i want for extra, they readded a ps now game that should not have been removed and the remaining 3 games hold no interest
@Bu1ld0g so you would pay what 5-10 for RR2?
premium for 400+ more than extra is only around 15 more than extra anyway.
in general i think people expect too much from premium tbh
This is a pretty bad month for Extra/Premium. Most of it has already been on Plus/Now.
I'm ok with a bad month every now and then, it gives me an opportunity to whittle at my backlog that's been bolstered by all the good months.
very poor list for ps5/premium owners.
we ps5 gamers demand at least ps4 to ps5 updated titles. dammit we ps5+premium pioneers are frontrow gamers who suport the brand the most.
I renewed my extra on black Friday and moments later had an offer to upgrade to premium for £10 only. Why would I turn the offer down, other than premium really doesn't offer any better than extra except the ability to online stream games which was once called ps now.
@Dloki yeah it's pretty lame,.I'd forgotten it came to ps plus awhile back and there also no ps5 upgrade,
Sony always seem to find a way to pad it out 1 half decent game cornered by 5 dreadful games. But I wouldn't count on them changing it anytime soon, I've decided already to not renew when my current premium is up, unless they dramatically overhaul it
And still not interested in the models above Essential.
I took another extra year Essential over Black Week. That's fine
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@anon_pel222 I have deluxe and there’s hardly been anything to talk about. There was even a month where 0 games were added to deluxe.
"so you would pay what 5-10 for RR2?" - Yes, yes I would.
"premium for 400+ more than extra is only around 15 more than extra anyway." - Per month! That same $15 would net me a full game without subscription.
My PS account is 10 years old, I already own the vast majority of the PS4 titles available and PS3 streaming isn't available in my region. My PSClassic has more classic PS1 titles on it than Deluxe does right now.
PS+ Deluxe is absolutely not worth the cost to me in it's current form, and SONY need to pull their heads out of their ass and start putting way more content into Deluxe before I would consider it, it's a joke as is right now.
Did you ever think that, just perhaps, people do not have time to get through many games, especially when some can top 200hrs +, and so we quite reasonably don’t buy them at release, but get them when we have the time, often years later given backlogs, because why pay launch price in that situation?
This being the case, there are loads of games I’d like to play at some point which could come to plus.
There are also games I kind of would like to try, but not enough to invest time and money in finding out. Some of these later turn out to be some of my most enjoyed games.
There’s no gambling. I’ve had plus for years. And Now before it was extra. I know how many games, on average, I’ll play from what type of games they give. Given the price per game is so low I’ve calculated it’s worth it.
In saying people should buy a game full price if it’s a great game for them, and they shouldn’t spend time on anything otherwise, you are presuming that people know exactly what games they will and will not like before playing them.
Then call it educated risk if you want to be pedantic. I have never, not a single time in years, received less value for my money than that which I hand over. It’s almost impossible given the number of games provided.
I'm looking forward to playing both Ben 10: Power Trip and Heavenly Sword.
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