Here it is, then: the very first PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium refreshes since the two tiers launched last month. The new PS5, PS4, and Classic titles will be available for download from 19th July 2022, but until then, we want to hear your thoughts on the lineup. As a quick refresh of the new games entering the list of All PS Plus Games, the following launch on PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium next week:
PS Plus Extra: July 2022
- Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (PS4)
- Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered (PS4)
- Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry (PS4)
- Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection (PS4)
- Assassin’s Creed Unity (PS4)
- Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
- Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (PS5)
- Ice Age: Scrat’s Nutty Adventure (PS4)
- Jumanji The Video Game (PS4)
- Marvel's Avengers (PS5, PS4)
- Paw Patrol on a Roll! (PS4)
- ReadySet Heroes (PS4)
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected (PS4)
- Saints Row Gat out of Hell (PS4)
- Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition (PS5)
- Stray (PS5, PS4)
PS Plus Premium: July 2022
- LocoRoco Midnight Carnival (PSP)
- No Heroes Allowed! (PSP)
As a reminder, these games join Arcadegeddon, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, and The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan from the PS Plus Essential tier earlier this month. So, what are your thoughts on this first offering? Place your votes in our two new polls, and share your full thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 48
I'm not interested in classic games so I'm not interested in the premium offerings but even I have to admit the additions are poor.
For Extra though, the new games are really good and I'd say beat gamepass's July additions by far. Let's hope sony keep this up.
Yes I'm extremely happy with the selection
Across the whole service very happy indeed. Stray, Crash 4, FF7R Intergrade, many AC's., Man of Medan. I'd even be happy had I paid full price.
That said while Essential and Extra are great, Premium is distinctly lacking.
Yeah i can see their taking a page out of nintendo's book with the retro classics subscription model; a small amount every month, so don't expect a flood of content from them. Only difference is nintendo's subscription is dirt cheap and Sony has it as their higher tier. I'm intrested in checking it out but will wait for it to fill up first.
All i care for is Stray.
The game selection for Extra is pretty solid: Stray, FF7R Intergrade, Assassin's Creed and Saints Row aren't some bad offers at all. Premium though... I know Sony can't pump everything out at once but only two games and them not exactly being anything mind blowing at that. And the standard Plus games themselves weren't bad either with Crash 4. A better month I'd say after months of Plus being quite dreadful. If Extra keeps getting supplied with good content monthly and the Premium tier with classic games improves I think I'll be very happy with the service. My problem and many others I imagine too is the premium side isn't looking too appealing so we can only hope Sony gets to work on improving that
More psp.ps1.ps2 and ps3 games is welcome.wheres grand theft auto liberty stories.grand theft auto vice city stories.syphon filter logan shadow.syphon filter dark mirror.parasite Eve.maximo.scarface the world is yours.the darkness up son
I mean I may play the campaign from marvel Avengers, so that would be enough for me with Crash coming with essential this month. I'm happy with 1 game a month to play. I'll still be buying games I want. I get a bit worn out on gaming if I play games I don't really want to just because they're available. It becomes a chore.
I'm just curious if having upgraded from the PS4 version of FF7R will make me ineligible for the Intergrade version? If so it'll mean that although the Yuffie DLC is included with this PS+ version, the only way for me to access it, despite being a Premium subscriber, is to buy the DLC.
The Extra games are pretty good. I dont think Sony can keep that up. Because they heavily leaned on the Ubisoft+ Classics this month, but we shall see.
As for Premium its a trash addition. If this is the incentive to go to the top tier. I can see alot of people dropping to the Extra tier when their membership ends.
The only one I care about is Stray, haven't been a Ubisoft fan since Vegas 2 and judging by what they put out lately that won't change anytime soon.
Like I said before. I have PS Plus Premium for the classic games and there not delivering them = trash.
A decent month for essential
A great month for extra
A terrible month for premium
Even though the additional cost from extra to premium isn't that high, the value is very low.
From the new additions there's probably only Stray that is of interest. But a good list of additions even if it's slim pickings for me. Premium needs to up it's game quite a bit. Maybe in a year with more drip fed in it'd be worth it, but pretty poor so far.
With the exception of Stray, I have zero interest in any of these games. Having said that, still a decent offering for me even if that's all I play. Still enjoying Guardians of the Galaxy at the moment. Hoping to give Valhalla another go after less than stellar first impression.
Extra clearly seems like the tier with most value.
Very much so, hard not to be.
Absolutely! This is a great lineup!
They’re great games but no personally I’m not very happy. Already played the games that interest me except for Stray obviously. And Stray is like $20 on PC, so it’s likely very short.
As for premium, well I think that speaks for itself. Garbage.
theres been alot of crossover so far between ps+ and ps+ extra
Extremely happy.
FF7 Remake Integrade
Crash 4
Man Of Medan was a pleasant surprise
I'm very happy
How can you not be happy, we life in an age you get free games via subscribtions. Insane and cheap ass if you complain.
10 years ago this was unthinkable, you had to do with demo's.
The Extra selection's pretty great, I'll be playing Stray, Intergrade and probably Spirit of the North (adding a cute fox game on the same month as the cute cat game had to be intentional, right?).
... The least said about "Premium", the better.
@PALversusNTSC Some people care about quality
Whoever voted the bottom 3 options for Extra don’t deserve to play games
@Jacko11 or they weren't playstation gamers
Alot of Assassins Creed, to me both selections aren't good. I would say Stray is carrying it.
FF7R is a fantastic get for PS+ Extra.
@WallyWest You play as a cat walking around. How thrilling.
Extra: looking good. Premium: nope. Where are all the ps2 games? I'm looking at you Champions of norrath.
I own most of the games from the Extra tier already but Stray alone makes me very happy and I don't think you can deny it's an excellent list otherwise!
On the whole, yes. To be honest I'm not that bothered while I'm only paying up to December, but if I'm shelling out a hundred quid for next year, Premium needs to improve. I've got every faith it will.
Crash 4 and Stray made this a great month.
how can anyone be happy with ps plus extra or premium of July??!! Crash 4, final fantasy vii remake and stray is the only games that is good games. rest is ***** games. saints row iv is so bad, ice age??? 4 hour game, and jumanji, an 1 hour game. come on sony. that is just shovel ware. assassins creed is to old and not well optimized games. like unity. they thould fix unity so it run 60 fps like the dvd unpatched version do. if they run 4k 60 the assassins games, then it would be better.
Stray, a couple of AC games I havent played, Spirit of the North, Avengers... I'm happy enough with that.
Added that to Crash on the standard sub and yeah, first month is value for my money.
If I subbed to Premium I wouldn't be happy with that offering but thankfully, that's not something I'll ever need to worry about.
Am I the only one who is seriously disappointed with FFVII Part One?
Not trolling but I won't be bothering with the other parts.
Much prefer the original, just my opinion.
Bored to death of Assassins'Creed.
Played the games up until Black Flag and it corrupted my save and I lost all my progress.
Didn't bother with AC after that.
The past characters and stories are pretty good but the present/near future stuff is pretty weak.
If you're into all these games you're all set but if not meh...
As an outsider that doesn't subscribe to plus what so ever due to just not playing online very much. The Extra tier seems to be killing it. Some cracking games on there thats even made me think about getting a sub at some point. Premium looks to be a complete waste of time. Theres no reason that there shouldnt have been waaaaaaaay more classic spanning the ranges advertised and playable demo's for premium subscribers on day 1.
For cat lovers there's Stray and for dog lovers there's Paw Patrol. Can't argue with that.
Premier - rubbish 😒
Extra - good 😊
Stray and FFVIIR will keep ke busy for the month, so yeah great selection for extra, the premiun line up is terrible.
Isn't this like the 3rd time they've given the remake for free? Not that special.
Only Stray looks good.
Yeah! GTA 1! With the country song when you stole a pick up truck
Both gta vice city stories.and gta libertycity stories are amazing games.2 of my favorite games ever.lets do the lance vance dance.😂😄😀😊.haha.word up son
Kinda poor either already own everything they offer or not interested. Only thing might be stray but even that doesn't peak my interest unfortunately.
Hopefully someday soon they add something for myself. Great for loads other people just me it's a very poor selection.
I'm happy for the Extra games, but have zero interest in the Premium selection.
Stray Stray Stray Stray Stray Stray Stray Stray
Feeling rather impatient and excited for AnnaPurrrrna's offering now 🐱
And intrigued even more since I noticed there's some strange Pustules (PUSS-tules) on the walls and some creepy eyes peeking at us in the trailer. Kind of wasn't expecting that
What kind of trouble has this kitty got itself into 🙀
Well i'm pretty happy with ps extra so far..there are a lot of little games to whittle away my time with when i only have a couple of hours here or there..just grabbed r-type final 2 for a spot of old school shoot 'em up action..makes me wish that i could play delta,armalyte or even uridium as they were some of my all time fave shooters..jesus christ i suddenly feel ancient..
Stray looks excellent and very unique. I really think it’ll smash reviews.
I`ll defo be getting my Schlong on with Intergrade!
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