Following on from Microsoft's agreement to acquire Activision Blizzard, it feels like many PlayStation fans have been waiting on Sony to strike back, as it were. Ahead of the official PlayStation Plus reveal for February, there was some speculation over whether Sony would unveil its heavily rumoured Project Spartacus overhaul of the subscription service — but no, it's just regular old PS Plus...for now, at least.
And we want to know whether you think that's good enough. February's PS Plus selection has already been met with a wave of disappointment, and we even wrote an article about how one of the games probably shouldn't even be part of next month's offering. But perhaps you're of the persuasion that February's lineup actually isn't that bad.
As always, vote in our polls, and then give us a brutally honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 65
For real, I'm honestly way more excited for Planet Coaster than anyone probably should be.
Having said that, I can acknowledge it's still a pretty bad month.
I already have Planet Coaster (good game by the way) and even if I hadn't, I don't have a PS5. So I guess this is not my month, as I don't find the others games very interesting.
Not sure I'm even going to bother redeeming any of these.
This is one of the few months where all the games are completely worthless to me, usually there's at least one I'm willing to play or want to try. Not the end of the world, hopefully they can secure better games for March.
I’m sure someone on this big blue ball spinning around the sun spiraling through the galaxy will enjoy this selection
Nope. Twaddle.
Wouldn't say I'm over the moon, but me and the kids will probably have a laugh with Planet Coaster
Looking forward to giving Planet Coaster a go. To me, this is better than last month since I already had Dirt 5.
Yes, I am. Always have been considering the price point. I don't get the constant whining at all tbh
Rubbish IMHO, but I don’t think they would add anything decent to PS+ with Horizon Forbidden West round the corner.
So release some average games/add-ons (imho) to keep the HFW sales high as possible 🤔
Planet Coaster could've been good but as Sony are too stingy to give the PS4 version too, there's nothing of interest.
I'm not personally but thats only because I own planet coaster and the others are a bit mmm
The new rumored service can’t get here fast enuff!!!
Crap selection.but it is what it is.but i got a huge backlog of games.so im playing my backlog now.word up son
Planet Coaster will be great but otherwise… dreadful.
Pretty bad selection this month.
I am interested in planet coaster; a friend of mine is obsessed with it. But it doesn’t seem like the kind of game I would enjoy without hooking up the mouse and keyboard.
Planet Coaster is great. If anyone played Rollercoaster Tycoon back in the day, you will enjoy this, maybe even more. Tiny Tina is a easy Platinum if that is of interest to anyone.
Planet Coaster is on Gamepass, isn’t it? I’ll still download it, regardless. The UFC game is on there too, I believe. PS+ needs to go back to feeling like it’s got unique titles like it did for the first half of last year.
Strongly dislike Borderlands, so I probably won’t even claim Tiny Tina. Strong meh this month, but that’s every month. Planet Coaster is more compelling than a typical offering though.
Already own Planet Coaster but happy to give UFC a try. Not interested in Borderlands in general so will swerve Tiny Tina.
Planet coaster is great. One of the first PS5 games I purchased.
A Borderlands DLC, Rollercoasters or UFC something. The 25th can’t come soon enough.
I'd say its a 'Bad' month but at least its not as 'Bad' as the Game with Gold line-up for February.
At least its a 'great' month for new Game releases. I know I'll be playing Horizon: Forbidden West myself but with Dying Light2, Elden Ring and a few other big new releases, its perhaps not a 'bad' idea to have a 'weak' month to encourage people to buy H:FW and/or other games...
It’s always lottery with these sort of subscription services, sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. This month it’s a down month but other months have been better and overall as long as this isn’t the norm then I’m ok with that.
I'm on the "meh" boat. Nothing really stands out to me.
A really weak month, I was hoping they'd offer Life is Strange remastered as I've seen it predicted on several sites
Might give planet coaster a go, and may play the borderlands game coop with the wife but…not anything I’m really excited about. Some JRPGs please!
It could always be worse..it aint brilliant but its not crap either..
@Twixmix42 to me, the idea of a mini-game isn't a bad thing. As if I have time for more big stuff. But I've got no interest in Borderlands anything and Tina is an annoying character to begin with.
So yeah, a crappy month as a PS4 owner.
With EA sub service on sale for 3 months in the price of one, having UFC is kinda meh. At least we got P5strikers last month
since i bought ps5 and returned to ps platform last july last year i have not been satisfied with ps plus service except last January 2022. Sony is slowly creating more reasons for me to sell the ps5 and buy the XSX! really disappointed !
@zupertramp I would have been if it was on PS4.
More Rock and Roll and Stone! for me I guess
@JosephTheSheik given how meager the selection is you'd think they could have just given this away as a cross-gen title.
@TBQL95 i think Plus is mostly hot garbage but I also wouldn't hinge my console of choice on that alone. Playstation has tons going for it even if Plus isn't one of those.
And anyway it is much cheaper than Game Pass, and just a different service altogether, so keep that in mind as well.
It’ll only be an ‘add to library’ for Planet Coaster, but which year I’ll play it is up for debate. For me, it’s in the did the same category as Farm Sim & Cities, as in ‘I’ll give it a go but there’s more fun stuff to play first’
Already have the Borderlands DLC & not interested in UFC. C-, Sony, must try harder!
Obviously the Tiny Tina thing is total BS, couldn't give a BLEEEP about EA Sports buy I think Planet Coaster is something that me AND my family will actually play and that's rare for PS Plus
@zupertramp what do i have to memorize it when i am willing to pay extra if ps plus is as good as gamepass ? I'm not short on money when I feel the service is needed, the only reason I still use PS Plus is because of the Online mode!
Sounds good to me. I don’t have any of ‘em.
The UFC game is an AAA release, and that’s what people are always complaining that PS+ hasn’t been delivering, so Sony has checked the box with that one. (Slow clap for Sony!) If UFC is not the AAA release the players were hoping for, that’s a bummer. Broaden those horizons and give it a try, anyway! I never thought DC Supervillains would be a game I’d ever play, and I’ve got the game on pause right now as I’m writing this. Whine if you’re compelled, but don’t be surprised to find I’m playing the world’s smallest violin with my thumb and index finger as you’re doing it.
As an aside, I have my own whiny rants to complain about (and you’re welcome to play your own violin as I digress): After waiting a bunch of months for my PS5 purchase opportunity through PlayStation Direct, I finally got the invite for the following day at 1 pm. I was so excited I lost several hours of sleep that night just thinking about that brand new PS5! At exactly 1 PM the next day, I followed the email instructions, clicked the link, and was placed in queue. I then waited…and waited…and I was in queue for a full hour before I finally got brought into the online store. My reward? The store page message said both PS5 versions had sold out for the day. Yeah, I know—sad day for me. Still, I’m okay. First-world problems, right? In the grand scheme of things? I’ll survive. And, so, in closing, bring on the UFC and Roller Coaster games. I may be pleasantly surprised.
Said it before and will say it again, really hyped for some theme park building before Horizon drops!
I would check out Planet Coaster if I had a PS5, but otherwise not really interested. I think I'm basically done with Borderlands as a franchise at this point. I bought 3 and never even installed it. I have no interest in UFC. I used to watch the events but fell out of it several years ago.
I've never understood this expectation from the audience. Perhaps I'm missing something but you can just cancel your subscription no? Loose access to all the other PS+ games you enjoy. Give up access to online functionality of a massive amount of games.
I might be the only one but I see these as free games that I'll download and try, and I'll be thrilled if even one holds my attention for more than an hour.
I'd be interested to hear someone else's take on why the expectation is so high though.
Anyone know what "Games with gold" are this month?
[bugs bunny no meme]
Dragon Keep i will play. I like that dlc and being able to replay it without the full game needed will be nice.
Sony needs to rethink their decision with Planet Coaster and come to senses and offer it also for PS4.
i'm satisfied with this months offering mainly for the reason that I don't own any of them already.
@TBQL95 you kinda lost me but in any case, it's obviously up to you what to do with your own time and money. more power to you whatever you decide.
I'm happy with UFC and Planet Coaster, not a fan of Borderlands and the fact it's a DLC is a bit... Poor.
Can see why people would be a bit annoyed at the selection though.
Roll on Spartacus, they might knock it out the park...
While I'm interested in planet coaster, that game has quite a few DLCs you'd need to buy to get the "complete" experience. Another month where the games don't necessarily feel free...but rather an invitation to purchase DLC you might otherwise ignore.
There are literally thousands of games they can select. It doesn't need to be AAA for 59,99 to be a "good" game. For example, indie hits in the price range 10-20 USD like Dead Cells, Hades, Blasphemous, Stardew Valley, Syberia, Sable... I can go on. Most people expect games that are worth investing time in it. I mean, at least one proper title and others can be whatever. This month we got MP game (without single-player campaign), plus UFC and Sim Coaster, which is interesting for like 5-10% of the players. So all three games are not a good fit for the majority of 50 million PS Plus subscribers.
@AV_aka_577_ex-Xbox - So, on the one hand you say they’re not good, but on the other, you say they may be good, but aren’t popular/mainstream enough to be worth including?
First off, which one is it? Secondly, if we’re being honest, most of the indie titles you listed off could just as easily be written off as niche titles (Stardew and Hades being perhaps the only exceptions), so I’m not sure if that second argument holds up if you’re suggesting obscure titles like Syberia and Sable as replacements for a AAA EA Sports title (admittedly it’s no FIFA, but it’s still leagues above a lot of indie titles in terms of recognition).
And finally, I’m pretty sure Tiny Tina isn’t a Multiplayer-only title; it’s a single player/co-op dlc expansion released as a standalone.
While I’m disappointed the Tiny Tina inclusion isn’t the new game (though in hindsight I should’ve realised that couldn’t have been the case), it’s still an okay month for me. Nothing to write home about, to be sure, and a bit of a drop from last month, but I wouldn’t say “it’s a crap selection” like a lot of others seem to think.
Its a decent month for me. Planet Coaster looks worth a go and I recently got into watching the UFC so its the perfect game to expand my knowledge there.
Meh month but will still claim the standalone Tiny Tina game.
The rollercoaster one looks ok, but I’ve not seen a PS5 in the wild, and won’t get one until there’s a Slim version
As a late PS4 adopter, I’d love to see some of the older PS+ games come back into play
Meh. Not a great month but I wouldn't say crap either, just some games I'm indifferent about.
This selection is horrible!
No Complaints, the January Selection has re-paid my Year Subscription, so anything now on in is a Bonus - Not forgetting the PS+ extra Discount, Cloud Storage - I would not have purchased Planet Coaster, but then I said the same about Horizon Zero Dawn and since given away Free in Summer have just clocked 100Hrs. - A few more Indie titles would be appreciated, there are no doubt some Hidden Gems waiting to be discovered.
Planet Coaster is alright, but I'm not going play that on a console.
I’ll have no AAA backlog for a while for one to even eventually crop up there and justify the subscription
I never expect anything from the service and they deliver each time. In close to a year I've added Mortal Shell to my library. That's it.
I have the rule to not get freebies that I wouldn't otherwise play, be it because of quality or genre. As the result in the last half year or so I got only a couple of games from PlayStation+. So, February is just month as usual, continuing the low point of catalogue.
I think it's good. I've been wanting to try a UFC game for a while, but not enough to buy one, and I've never played the Tiny Tina DLC, plus it has a couch co-op mode, which is awesome. Planet Coaster, meh, but they can't all be winners. With Forbidden West coming out soon, I'm glad it wasn't some super long game.
I dont have any of them so its a great month. Just change the title to why do i hate Plus this month. They could release 3 of the biggest games and people would still bitch about it. 🤪
Planet Coaster is a good game (already got it), UFC not my thing but seems to have reviewed ok and is less than 2 years old, so looking good even if nothing new to me, but the crap around Tiny Tina (dlc and the full version had been on ps+ before) and the gate keeping of PS5 versions Vs cross gen is just crap. Must do better.
I usually dont complain about the games offered and really Im not now I just wont download or add to library no big deal. I just think UFC games are horrible the controls make em a nightmare. Really looking forward to a boxing game on PS5
Why can't Sony just open their PS+ back catalog and let people choose what 2 games they want for "this" month?
Sony keep adding 2 or 3 games each month, but if you don't like them, pick one from the back catalog.
Is that so complicated?
There will be many PS+ subscribers (like myself) that missed out on years of "free" PS+ games, which will never come around again, as the long-time subscribers will have already had them (which is fair enough).
@somnambulance it was but got taken off last autumn.
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