Promising a potent mix of utter madness and intense drama, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is here, and its arrival likely signals the start of a memorable weekend for fans of the franchise. Indeed, the stakes are dangerously high for Ichiban and Kiryu in this climactic adventure across Honolulu, and as always, we want to know if you're tagging along.
"Like a Dragon fans will turn up in their droves for a new Yakuza story regardless of overall quality, but never has one been as utterly essential as Infinite Wealth," is what we wrote in our 9/10 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth PS5 review. We absolutely heaped praise on the game's emotional story and much improved turn-based RPG gameplay.
But will you be joining Ichiban's party? Have you say in our polls, and then grab your favourite baseball bat before heading down into the comments section below.
Are you playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth? (1,679 votes)
- Yes, of course I'm playing it
- I plan on playing it, but not at launch
- Nah, I'm not sure about the game yet
- Nope, I'm too busy with other games
- No, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth just isn't for me
Are you a big fan of the Like a Dragon / Yakuza games? (1,470 votes)
- Yes, I love these games
- Yeah, I enjoy them
- Kind of, I've played bits and pieces
- Nope, but I'm looking to explore the series
- Nah, I've just never found the time
- No, I have zero interest in the franchise
Comments 64
I bought it, but won't start it up right away. Still have to finish a couple chapters in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
This was my most anticipated game of the year, so I'm obviously playing it right now. Only an hour in and I already love it.
Started today...love it
I have it installed and ready to go, but I probably won't get around to it until I've finished Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Persona 3 Reload and maybe even Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
Im pretty much done with the series due to them changing the combat. I know Yakuza has always been goofy/serious but from I'm just not a fan of how much the series is leaning more into the goofy aspect. The only thing I'm waiting for is the next Judgement game.
Still waiting for it to come today. Bought the PS4 version so I can do the free upgrade. Probably close to a 100% I’ll want to platinum it twice eventually (no, I don’t auto pop)
Enjoy the game, everyone!! It’s bound to be an epic adventure so play it at your own pace. Have fun!! 😎😎💙😎😎
I have a huge backlog at the moment but I adored 7 so I'll certainly play this too in the future!
I’ve never been able to get into the Like a Dragon series, but I’m honestly sort of hoping this year is an off year for other releases, so this might be the year I finally jump into the series. I really like the look of the new one. It’s just hard to jump into Yakuza because you know you’re signing up for a 100+ hour game and it’s hard to commit to that when you’re in your 30’s in management and a dad while other games are coming out.
Currently on Chapter 13 on the Like a Dragon game. I tried Infinite Wealth until the first battle and I can't wait to try more but I will finish the first Ichi game first
Yes I am. I just smiled when I saw all of the old gang having a few pints together. Ichiban is still very Ichiban. Love it.
Not yet.im having fun with my backlogs of games.word up son
Oh yeah! Ultimate edition!
Ichiban! Lipstick, for men!
Finishing my CP2077 platinum then Phantom Liberty and then I have to decide between this, Persona 3, and Granblue. Spoiled for choices but I have no idea where to go with them and Rebirth right around the corner. GAHHH!
I'm looking forward to it, but I still have to beat Like a Dragon and Gaiden first!
I tried one of the previous games and almost immediately quit. They’re not my type of games at all.
@Nepp67 opposite here. Hated the brawler combat and have only got into the series due to the change.
Played it for 8h so far and I'm really enjoying it, as expected from the series
Franchise is way too over saturated for me to ever feel like jumping in.
Absolutely, my most anticipated game of 2024 alongside Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. 4 hours in and loving it
Bought it but I'm finishing Alan Wake 2 before I jump in... hopefully I can finally get into these games ...going to really try this time
Not buying any games this year until I clear my backlog (that's what I told the missus) which is going to most probably take me all year.
I have got FF7 Rebirth pre ordered but it only cost me 5 quid as I used all my reward points up at The Game Collection.
So I might ask for it for Xmas 🎄 😂
@LordAinsley Good for ya, the brawler combat was the best part of the game to me. To see them change it from brawler combat to something out of place like turn based is mind boggling for me. At least they didn't abandon it entirely with Judgement so I'm not too upset.
I love the Yakuza games, but I'm not sure I'll manage to get to this before I die of old age. I only finished Yakuza 3 last year and while I do have 4, 5 and 6 in my backlog (along with Judgment and all the rest of them I don't remember at the moment), I also have Last of Us Part 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, GoW Ragnarok, Alan Wake 2, Horizon Forbidden West and a boatload more in that same backlog.
(when other people were saying "oh no, GTA6 is probably still two years away", I went "s'okay, take your time" )
I’ve been buying like a yakuza day one since 2 on the ps2, so I bought it but I don’t plan on playing it till I finish FF7 remake and the yuffie chronicles.
Well, I just stared where all it began.
I'm on Yakuza 0 Chapter 4, so i'll guess i'll be a while to infinite wealth
Just finished Gaiden last week so decided to jump straight into this. Really enjoying and I'm still not in Hawaii yet
I'm in the middle of rampaging through the series... I started on Yakuza 4 earlier on and plan doing nothing but playing it all weekend. Not sure how I feel about four protagonists yet.
Yes and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Its easily become one of my favorite games in the series.
Got it today. Already impressed at the start. I was expecting it to start on the Beach but they are actually giving what i would say is an epilogue to the previous game before moving onto new things.
I especially liked to know what happened to this character that did something shocking at the end. They never said anything in the previous game. Now we get to know what happened.
Still on the first chapter Amazon didn’t deliver it till 7pm and I had the traitors final to watch. Booked Monday and Tuesday off work so hope to get in deep! Quite cutscene heavy so far more than usual but I’m invested and can’t wait to see where the story goes! preordered persona 3 but that will have to wait till after rebirth. Yakuza and tekken will probly last me till rebirth
@Kanji-Tatsumi lol. Joey and chandler make me laugh sometimes. Their comedic combo just works.
My first Yakuza was 7 (I'd had played like an hour of 0 but ended up getting rid of the system I played it on) and damn. The battle system was atrocious. You are at the mercy of auto pathing and whether the ai will rush down Kasuga.
Not to mention the frequent giant jumps in difficulty. I remember one fight I had to do the entire company mini game just to get some laser and an extra character just to clear. I was afraid to do mitigates because I knew I needed to keep grinding at all times. But because of that I was chronically poor.
I love games like Persona but this was inferior in every way. I heard this one has improved combat and tells you what level is expected of your team before fights. I'm going to definitely wait though
@Dirk_Diggler This is your " clear the backlog resolution year" too huh?
God Speed and good luck, seriously🤪
I've already caught myself twice checking to see what deals are out there, willl be my downfall I'm sure....
I've gotta finish up other games before Persona 3 releases, so this one is going to the back of my priority list.
I'm waiting on a sale cuz I definitely don't feel like paying extra for ng+
I'm at the end of Sea of Stars, after I finish the game I will start Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
Yeah im playing it. I just couldn't bring myself to wait to complete LaD and Gaiden first so i watched an indepth catch up video of the 2. Its more of the same imo but im liking the ability to be able to move during combat as opposed to the static combat of LaD. It adds another layer of strategy. Im nowhere near far enough in to make any solid call but im finding it better than LaD already just due to the combat.
Love the series and will love tonolay it, but I am still in Yakuza 2 (and im sure Persona 3 and Final fantasy will take all my time) i hope RGG studio hit the break with the releases, the man who erased his name is not even a year old and we already have another one…
Yes, this game is a masterpiece
I love Yakuza series (play all the entries, finished 4,5,6,0, LaD), but putting New Game + behind a paywall is NO. I will not even buy it with a huge discount...
I'll get to it. Gotta drag myself away from palworld first 😅
The games are excellent, the decisions being made however such as NG+ being locked behind a paywall are souring the series
I thoroughly enjoyed the first Like a Dragon (Yakuza 8), but once I read how greed had affected this iteration (no New Game + unless you buy DLC), I decided that the game's title refers to Sega seeking Infinite Wealth & am skipping it.
Still playing lost judgment and have gaiden and ishin to go next, but already bougth Infinity Wealth.
I’ve lost judgement and never got into this. Will I not like it
If I get a chance to play anything it will be The Last of Us Part 2 remastered. Only just started it really. Absolutely love it. It's been nearly 4 years since last played it. Holds up amazingly
You should have a “I plan to but haven’t caught up to 1000 entries yet”
I swear every time I beat one they’ve released another 5, it’s like a hydra.
I will absolutely, eventually get to it. But I have one game I'm playing now and three more that I haven't started yet in line after that one. Maybe I'll find a good sale on Infinite Wealth later this year.
Nah, the game hasn't had a fair enough discount during the sales for the deluxe edition or whatever max tier version it has, the time required to complete everything including the side activities for platinum is a major turn off honestly more than the original Yakuza games, I'm more inclined to play other games that have a fair trophy list which is more respectful of my time instead of the same garbled mess with the mini games, no thanks, everything in this game is a demanding grind and i detest it honestly
@HeeHo at this point it's like wack a mole, the games come out like call of duty and I'm done with the series tbh, even if the recent like a dragon series comes to plus extra I don't think I would download and play it for my own sanity, no thanks
@rusty82 I brought it for a tenner and I'm enjoying it so far, the no return mode is great for pickup and play, I even did another play-through on grounded for my enjoyment, far more simple that this mess 😏
I'm currently playing the original Like a Dragon and love it so far. I'm going to finish that and Like a Dragon Gaiden before starting Infinite Wealth. So glad I started this series now.
@DestructionAllstars Grow up. I know you think you sound cheeky, but you really sound like a smoothed brain knuckle dragged. Come back when your mom stops buying your games.
@DestructionAllstars At this pace, you will soon have the game options behind a paywall...
@rusty82 I clicked on comments icon on what I thought was what are you playing, that's why my comment doesn't fit lol
@Arminillo The combat changing has made me understand FF fans frustrations with 16's combat since it isn't turn based anymore which is pretty funny. Yakuza changed from brawler combat to turn based and FF changed from turn based to real time combat, weird times we live in.
I've just finished sleeping dogs... Again. Better than Yakuza in every way.
@Mintie Yakuza 3 and 4 are the only bad games of the franchise, after you beat then is pure gold
Just on chapter 3 ,what a fantastic game this is ,im really enjoying sicko snap 😂
Yakuza 0 didn't click with me so I don't think the rest of the series will either.
@Onigumo I honestly don't think I'd call 4 bad, just my least fave of the bunch so far. I'm at the half-way point in 5 now and it is almost like the writing team had a massive upgrade in some respect... anywho, time to go be Haruka and do the Idol nonsense the poor girl has to suffer through.
@Mintie Hahaha dont subestimate haruka path, in the begining its like: ***** haruka and those dances, and in the end its like: haruka you can do it!
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