Well, it's finally here. One of 2023's most anticipated — and highest rated — games is out now, exclusively on PS5, and we're willing to bet that most of you reading this will be swinging right into the fray over the weekend. Indeed, it's time for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and we're eager to hear all about your plans.
"Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a confident sequel that builds on the previous games in practically every way possible," is what we wrote in our very positive 8/10 Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 review. "Smart additions and refinements to traversal, combat, and open world activities mean this is the best Spidey game from Insomniac yet [...] an absolute blast full of moments that'll surprise and delight."
So, are you playing this superhero sequel? Pull on the mask, check your webbing, vote in our polls, and then catapult yourself into the comments section below.
Are you playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2? (2,526 votes)
- Yes, I'm playing it
- Not yet, but I want to play it
- Nah, I'm not sure about the game yet
- Nope, I'm busy with other games
- No, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 just isn't for me
Has Marvel's Spider-Man 2 been your most anticipated game of 2023? (2,189 votes)
- Yes, this is the biggest game of 2023 for me
- Yeah, it's probably my most anticipated
- Not quite, but it's up there
- Nah, there have been other, more anticipated games
- No, I don't care about Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Comments 85
It's all about Super Mario Wonder for me this weekend
It’s up there but not there.
For me 2023 it’s TOTK. Started Mario Wonder £37.50 today and spider man 2 will be later when on sale.
I promised my son that I would wait until he gets home from school. Just a few more hours. Spidey senses tingling.
Just paused the game to answer the question lol. Put around 12 hours into now as i've been playing all day, i'm getting through the story quick so i can avoid spoilers dropping as i already had one thing ruined prior to release. So far its been excellent though i prefer the first game so far, that said i've only just got the Black Suit so that could change by the end.
I will say this if any game shows the power of the PS5 its this game. Insomniac are just masters at this point and far above nearly everyone else.
I liked the first spiderman at first, but found that the mechanics got repetitive and the story was unoriginal and a bit boring. Should I even bother with this one?
I still gotta play Miles before this one. Especially since I have access to it thru ps+. Just not enough time with so many good games!
@Lyedecker I liked Miles better than the Remaster.
I am 3 hours into SM2 and it is awsome for now. No bugs and graphics with RTX on Performance is dope.
Im back to Baldurs gate 3.
@species Well... ok.
Nope, will when it's free on ps+
Spidey was definitely up there in an especially slow year but I think my most anticipated of the year was either Dead Island 2 or The Crew Motorfest.
Super Mario Wonder for me today. Alan Wake II for me next week!
Spider-Man 2 is on my Christmas List.
I preordered as soon as I got paid Wednesday so the wife couldn’t say “we don’t have the money!” today 😎 but it’s still sitting at GameStop and I work nights 😞 so it’ll be tomorrow playing for me sadly
I want to pull the trigger on this one but I was reminded that the MGS Collection is coming this next week. And then there’s Lords of the Fallen I wanna play too.
And I still haven’t finished BG3. Come to think of it I haven’t played any video games in almost 3 weeks. Been focusing on not smoking, seems like reading is all I want to do lately.
I played an hour before work and loved it, going out tonight but then a completely free weekend. The wife is picking up Mario wonder so we are going to have a romantic few days of completely ignoring each other on the couch in favour of our new obsessions (although I am looking forward to playing a bit of co op Mario with her)
Insomniac deliver quality and I trust them more than most. Physically pre ordered months ago
Pretty low on my list right now. I haven’t even finished the first one - started to get bored with the story and repetitiveness. This has been the year of the RPG for me with BG3, FF 16, Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes and Starfield. Add Super Mario Wonder, ToTK and Diablo 3 as well as a few surprises like Lies of P, Hi-Fi Rush and Cocoon and that’s pretty much my year in gaming.
But it’s all about SM Wonder this weekend!
Nah, I’ll play it on PS+ whenever that happens. The reviews pretty much read like I was going to play this one casually, same as I did the last two. Super Mario Wonder is too big a game to compete with, in my opinion.
Yeah!... A bit before work, already blown away. Hype is real.
Forecast here is rain all weekend. Perfect timing 😅
Not yet but i will.my backlog of games is huge. 🕷 spiderman 2018 is easily one of the games ever made.and 🕷 spiderman 2 is already one of the best games ever made.word up son
My Collector's Edition turned up today however I have not even opened the box as yet because I am in the final stages of my first BG3 run. Over 250 hours, and I'm still not quite done.
As for most anticipated? That accolade also goes to Baldur's Gate 3, as will every single Game of the Year award that it is eligible for. The only reason I can think of for anywhere not awarding the GotY award to BG3 is if they want to stand out from the crowd and be seen as doing it differently.
It's been a fantastic year for us gamers. One that will be difficult to be topped in years to come...
Spider-Man 2 has been my most anticipated PS5 exclusive, but Alan Wake II is my most anticipated game of the year. It's been 5 years between SM1 and 2 (and only 3 since MM). But it's been 13 years since Alan Wake 1 released.
@Tr3mm0r Nice, I played up to the part where the city is unlocked, so just thru the intro but definitely a quality game. Maybe all this SP2 hype will get to me and I'll pick it back up.
@NinjaSixx Just get him the game, what's the point of making the lad wait 2 months simply because you can't think of another gift?
@Icey664 Nope, don't even bother.
@Stevemalkpus I told my kids it doesn't come out till Monday.
Been on it all day. So im ahead. Hahahahaha.
My kids like to spoil the story, if they get infront
Insomniac might be my favorite PS studio since Naughty Dog stopped making games.
@NinjaSixx you cant do that.
What about his mates who probably will play it. By the time he gets round to it. They would of spoiled the story.
He's 12, get him clothes and other stuff for Xmas.
I feel bad on my kids telling them it ain't out till Monday so I can get through most of it.
But the 2 kids who love games are only 6 and 9.
Don't be that dad hahahaha
Of course I am playing it. And according to my friends list - everybody is. Game is outstanding. Insomniac Games easily carrying the Playstation 5 from Sonys first party studios.
Not playing right now because I'm in the middle of daily responsibilities lol getting the money to pay for games because as a developer myself I actually care about developers.
I second others and will play in 6 months or so when it comes to plus. Looks fun though.
yea , i haven’t played my ps5 in months & finally have a reason to . hell, this is actually my first true ps5 game i’m playing on it
@dschons @practicein2021 Cool thanks, I have enough other games to play anyway 😆
It's in my top 10 most anticipated games, but it isn't my most anticipated. RE4 Remake, SF6, TOTK, and Alan Wake 2 are higher.
Still I'm having a blast.
@practicein2021 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Game is awesome! Easily the most fun ive been having all year with FF16 alongside it
Looks good but I can wait till it lands on PS+/Premium. The two previous games burned me out and from the looks of it this one appears to be more of the same, so might as well wait.
Nope. I'm playing Phantom Liberty and it's absolutely preem.
Definitely going to get it, just getting through miles morales first then it's the next game on my list
Nope. Not really interested. I bought the original in a sale long after it released, and enjoyed it for a while but it became quite repetitive.
I got Miles Morales with my PS5 in July 2021, and installed it but have yet to play it. I love the Spider-Man movies, but have never really been interested in superhero games. Maybe in a year or so when it's cheap, and if I've played Miles Morales by then, I'll consider it.
I'm sure it's a great game, but if you're not really into the genre, it doesn't really matter. Personally, I'd much rather have had Days Gone 2.
I will definitely play this one but might end up waiting for a sale. I'm hoping black Friday 2024 will have it for $20. I have a mountain of games I haven't gotten to yet.
I liked the other two games but I'm not a big Marvel or Spiderman guy. I can conquer the FOMO in this case.
I’ve played maybe 1-1,5 hour, just opened up for changing suits (love there’s different combinations of each suit). So far really enjoyable beginning. And what for me has been really nice is the dual sense and the haptics. Tbh I always have found it gimmicky, but this is probably the first game on PS5 where I’ve enjoyed them as well as the audio.
There needs to be a “waiting for it to be on PS+” option in the poll
@GamingFan4Lyf Ken Carson here wtf
My collector's edition showed up an hour or so ago. The statue is even bigger than I imagined and looks awesome next to my statue set from the previous game.
Resi 4 and Spiderman 2 were my most anticipated so as Resi 4 was out ages ago it's been Spiderman 2 most the year.
Alan Wake 2 is next but I'll have to be patient and get that at Christmas
@practicein2021 No i'm just eye rolling at someone who presents their subjective views as an objective view, why bother countering it when you have already decided your view is the right one.
@Grimwood there’s always that cheapskate one.
My eldest has been saving up for it, so we went to Asda earlier and grabbed a copy. They hadn't even put it out on the shelves so we had to ask if they had it. Then the guy on the till was like "we haven't sold many copies today" lol
The play time is too short. I don't see the value in $70 for a fun weekend. I will wait a year till it's in the 34.99 range.
@Tr3mm0r ok indeed
I plan to play Spider man right after Alan Wake 2 but I might just squeeze in cod mw3 campaign for some short fun. For me AW2 is the most anticipated game of the year.
@practicein2021 100% agree with you, the arkham games have much more depth in virtually every aspect compared to spider-man , and with better graphics & story writing. Spider-man is light work compared to arkham , but with that being said i still enjoy spider-man because for one - it’s spider-man , & im grateful we’re getting something that isn’t low budget filler trash or movie tie-ins like a lot of his games have been handled.
@practicein2021 agree. Massively overrated, especially on this site. Still gonna play it tho, but not before Mario Wonder
First time I’ve received a Friday release on Friday in a while.
@Fiendish-Beaver I'm actually already dreading Black Friday/(Boxing Day? Or whatever the island people call it) because I still need basically every game from the 1st half of this year, 2nd half of last year and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself.... must stay away from Steam as well................ gaming is bonkers right now
Got it in the mail today and got the disc installed and update. And then left for work. Once im home ill be playing it with 5 oclock shadow
@practicein2021 I am curious what games you feel meet these high standards? Rocksteady games aside.
Your complaints fit the bill of nearly every medium ever, so what for you sets those high standards?
Your question made me realize 2023 has been a ridiculous year for gaming. So many must-play titles that Spider-Man 2 was not my most anticipated game, and I loved every second of 1 and MM.
First 3 hours on Spider Man 2 and I’m loving it!! 🔥🔥🔥
Yes I'm playing it! Feels good to be back in that world. It's such a fun and enjoyable game to play. Glad it's PS5 only, it doesn't have to lessen the experience by making it work on the PS4 as well. Insomniac Games proves (once again) they are one of Sony's best developers.
I can see why they kept the Venom identity under such tight wraps—I never would have suspected a resurrected Aunt May!
In all seriousness, I started Cyberpunk 2077 when Phantom Liberty came out, and I’m having a blast. While I preordered Spider-Man 2, I’m so close to finishing Cuberpunk and obtaining the platinum that I’m going to do that first. Then I’ll play SM2, then I’m going to go back and do all the Phantom Pain stuff!
@glassmusic DUDE! SPOILERS!!!
I'm playing right now, and I'm having issues: a lot of flickering, especially when there's a lot of sand on screen or while looking at the sky (some grid-like paterns keep appearing). I tried to change the graphical options, turning things on and off but nothing worked. Never had this sort of issues with other games like Miles Morales, FFXVI, Ratchet and Clank and so on. Can anyone help me? Please?
[Edit]: found it! It was the granular effect gauge! Man, this thing kind of ruined my first three hours on this game!
Waiting for my physical copy to be shipped still so resuming my God of War Ragnarok first.
I wouldn't say its been amongst my most anticipated games this year, though I did get the platinum on the previous games and really enjoyed them. I'll be starting this Monday as I don't have much time this weekend, so it'll be a bit of the brilliant Mario Wonder until then
No. I only got halfway through Miles Morales, so will restart that and pick this up in a sale at some point. I’m in no great rush to spend £60 on a game at release anymore.
As much as I like Insomniac games and Spiderman I just couldnt get into Spiderman on PS4. As a game it has that quality to it and was probably deserving of the accolades it revieved. Sadly it just didnt seem to click with me. I dont know why but because of that my hype for this game is minimal at best.
I never ended up preordering it but I plan to get it Monday. Cannot wait!!!, the pushsquare graphics comparison lays bare the differences and it looks exquisite 👌
@glassmusic booo! Spoilers! Boooo!!
Definitely my most anticipated, pure AAA fun! Robocop and RE4 run it close though, absolutely great year for gaming!
Lies of P is my GOTY, no contest
@practicein2021 and? You still worded it all like its a fact.
Just paid a large clump of the PSVR2 off, bought the mother a new carpet for her front room, paid for a joiner to fit an interior door and now have no cash for a few weeks. So no, old Jim isn’t getting £70 out of my debit card any time soon . I’m stuck with Battlefield 2042 and trying to be the best that I can be
Believe, word up son
Bought the the other 2, but I'll wait for this one.
2 many games going on.
Nope, playing Super Mario.
The first game blew me away, but by the end I was pretty done with it. Tried getting into Miles Morales but it felt like more of the same and got quickly bored. I feel like I should be excited about this new game but I’m just not. Maybe just open world fatigue. Anyone else feel this way and tried it out and ended up getting over that blah feeling about it?
I have no will power at all, @CallMeDuraSouka. I pre-order pretty much every that interests me, and then anything that initially slipped my notice, gets snapped up in a sale. I just cannot help myself. The amount of games in my backlog is frankly ridiculous... 😂
@practicein2021 The Spiderman critique regarding where he lives was a little bit just weird. It's why I was curious, isn't he a always a broke guy that is by the way a genius?
I agree GOW is a fun play, but why is a God destroying beast not simply 1 hitting all the grunt soldiers, makes no sense.
As great as Nathan is, he is just Indiana Jones pixelated.
Not giving you grief, just seemed like kind of odd complaints. I didn't finish the 1st one, just didn't grab me, was fun just not great
@NinjaSixx I don't have that power.
I bought it for me not them hahaha.
All the power to you.
@Fiendish-Beaver Ah yes, I donate to gaming companies all the time as well. The shelf lined with unopened games mocks me as I click on the notification my Steam wishlist is on sale, and that I can grab my Xbox wishlist while I'm at it, oh did Nintendo put out a banger? Well why not🤑
Don't know where I fit in the poll answers really. The lock downs have me so much time to game that I cleared a large amount of my backlog. I absolutely loved spider man and miles. But now that life is back to normal I just can't justify paying 70 for a game I don't have time to play.
Anyway, the definitive answer for me is that I'll pay it as soon as it inevitably goes free on ps+
I got S-M2, and have installed it, but haven't played yet. Like others, I'm still playing BG3. I want to get my first play through completed before I dip into S-M2. Larian's masterpiece deserves savouring, and I'm doing just that.
While it's definitely one of the most anticipated games of the year for me, I think I'd have to put FF16 as no. 1 in that particular category, with Spidey as the runner up.
@NinjaSixx You're a good dad man, your son is lucky to have you!
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