Despite 2K and Gearbox's best efforts, it does feel like Borderlands spinoff Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has struggled to stand out. The loot-heavy shooter is another game — like Ghostwire: Tokyo — that's having to follow up on absolute juggernaut releases such as Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring. Obviously Wonderlands is going to appeal directly to existing Borderlands fans, but it still feels like its release has arrived to relatively little fanfare.
But maybe we're reading the room wrong. Perhaps the fact that we got review code in late means that Wonderlands hasn't really settled in our minds just yet (we should have a review for you soon, by the way). As such, we'd love to know if you're planning on picking Tiny Tina's Wonderlands up. Vote in our polls, and then sit down at the table in the comments section below.
Comments 61
I… thought this was out in a couple of months. Genuinely had no idea it was out this soon.
Would have bought it as a day 1 game. But too much games to get through atm. Definitely buying it soonish though.
Love Borderlands and D&D but there is so much stuff out at the moment and Borderlands games are always on cheap sales so I’ll just wait.
Wasn't a game like this on PS plus last month...?
I wouldn't give a dime to this overused burnt out series. Gearbox is seriously a one trick pony.
@BoldAndBrash yeah it was an old Borderlands 2 DLC pack though.
I could imagine they may have shot themselves in the foot by using Assault on Dragons Keep to promote the new game because the layperson probably doesn't know the difference. And that murky blurry art style probably doesn't help anyone distinguish between the older games and the new.
I never really played the games and I feel burnt out with series, they need a new ip asap!
No I've never cared about Borderlands or anything Gearbox makes so I have no reason to get this
Too much to play right now, gonna wait for some sales
I've been a huge Borderlands fan since the first game and if I'm being honest, despite basically being just more Borderlands, this has been one of my most hyped games for this year. Had it preordered since it was announced and I'm loving it.
@Gloamin Kind of there with you. Borderlands just feels like the quintessential looter shooter and I'm sort of bored with those at this point. Looking past getting guns every second, you realize how boring it really is to get hundreds of common and uncommon guns every second with the occasional rare that you realize you already have. Willing to try this one when it's on sale because it has more of a focus on magic and such but still. Meh.
They release way to many games in a short span no idea why you sometimes see people that complain about the pack of games.
I like the look of this one better then the older games. But because of the lanslide of games im getting it next month i just dont have the time to play it and i will be getting it. But i really dislike the amount of different version of the game.
I genuinely couldn't care less about this if I tried.
Not a big borderlands fan but we got most of them from PS+ so I'm going to wait until then. If that doesn't happen then I'd buy it cheap eventually. For now I'm too busy with other games and still enjoying HFW too much to think about anything else.
I'll snag it, but not with my backlog and not before it's $20-30 for the complete version. Borderlands always puts together solid collection-style releases.
Plus, Borderlands 3 left a horrible taste in my mouth.
With Borderlands 3 having the worst balancing out of all Borderlands games from the annoying annointed enemies, devs making weapons useless(RIP Conference Call), Mayhem mode 2.0 making epic weapons useless, and the awful story itself. I am absolutely going to wait for a sale and what people have to say about the balancing after a few updates for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Especially when they are trying to charge 70$.
I like the Borderlands games but they’re such a time-sink. I can spend hundreds of hours playing and never feel like I’ve accomplished anything. The respawning enemies is kind of annoying too.
The fantasy element and classes have me sold, but it’s a “backlog/sale” moment
@Gloamin yeah, I'm a bit fatigued. 3 felt a blast and was more full, environmentally speaking, than its predecessors, and this looks the best iteration yet, but I'm a bit too fatigued... but I'll probably pick it up on sale
I will be getting it next week. An unexpected bill popped up so I half to wait on this and Kirby.
Nah. It’ll have to wait. I used to be a Borderlands fan until halfway through Borderlands 3, where I started to lose interest. I can’t help but feel worried that some reviewers say it’s just “more Borderlands 3” essentially.
@Gloamin 😆😆😆
You could take your entire comment and replace "borderlands" with many games(any sports and racing game, any game with five or more iterations) and it would read the same.
I feel like this franchise has given all it has. It's time to move on, it's getting old, and massive amounts of Lott drops that now exists in many games is actually hurting the overall game play loop of these games.
They become shallow, Loot focused drivel, but the irony here is the excessive loot dumps make the loot shallow and disposable so ultimately you end up with a game that is entirely shallow and repetitive. Borderlands continues to double down on this, coupled with shallow idiotic humor and terrible world / location design. The loot fest riddled games rely on the same mental manipulation that slot machines do and promote the same addiction.
Too many other games to play right now, not to mention being pretty burnt out on Borderlands in general. Probably pick it up in a sale at some point.
I really enjoyed Borderlands, Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but the series has gone down hill from there. The Pre Sequel wasn’t great at all and 3 was huge disappoint. I’m reluctant to get this because of that.
I like the idea but I just don't like Borderlands. I would love something like this in another genre.
Once every 3 or so years I get the urge to play some Borderlands. I'll have my fun, and then afterwards I get really sick of it.
Only been about a year since my last forage into Borderlands 2 VR, so its gonna take a while till the border season is over me, I'm afraid...
I finished Borderlands 3 and even got the plat for it when it was offered for a limited time on PlayStation Now. I guess if I ever get in the borderlands mood again I can always play the first Tiny Tina game since I never tried that one. Borderlands is a fun series for me but not one that get overly addicted to. One playthrough and that's usually enough for a long while.
There’a no accurate option for me this time - I’ve tried a couple Borderlands games and didn’t enjoy them.
Next level edition was £50 last month so preordered it then as it was cheaper than the normal version for some unknown reason
I bought BL3 with all of its DLC. Played around 3-5 hours and became bored. I plan on playing it again eventually. So, it’s a solid pass on Tiny Tina as I heard it’s more of the same.
I never cared for Borderlands.
Which is strange, because I love Diablo and the original Phantasy Star Online. Borderlands is basically the FPS version of those games.
Used to be big on Borderlands but am pretty burnt out on the franchise, it peaked at Borderlands 2 and I've always regreted returning since (and giving Randy Pitchford my money). The VR port was refreshing though, if they brought no 3 or this new one to a headset...I'd buy it.
Does it keep that authentic jokes from reddit 2 years ago humor I remember from borderlands 2?
I've enjoyed them all so far but I have yet to play Borderlands 3, which I would want to before getting to this. Tales From the Borderlands is my favourite though.
Nope. Got Ghostwire: Tokyo instead. Getting tired of the Borderlands formula. Ghostwire is a breath of fresh air and really enjoying it so far.
I definitely dig the Borderlands series but every game is just more of the same (just like the Far Cry series) and if this is just more of the same, I'll definitely be waiting for the inevitable version w/ all the DLC bundled in AND for that to be on sale to boot.
I have never actually bought a Borderlands game before, I always get it for free through plus or now. So definitely ain't buying as it will be free one way or another ( I can wait that long as there's other games to play)
@FinneasGH That's the biggest thing for me. I'm still plowing through Elden Ring and then I've got Horizon FW waiting for me after that. The cross-platform play is enticing, but it's just not enough.
@Juanalf Wait. You're burnt out on a series you never played?
Nope , what a waste imo
No, it was so tiny 🤣
A future purchase after patches and i play a game or two i already have. The only BL game i do not like is "Tales", and that is because of how the game plays. All other BL games i have multiple play throughs along with hours of grinding for legendaries.
So... You want to hear a story,eh?
I haven't bought Tiny Tina's Wonderlands yet, will be waiting for Black Friday/Christmas sales.
As for the other question, I've only beaten Borderlands 1 on PS3 (didn't 100%/platinum it though).
I had fun with Borderlands 1 but then never finished 2. I really enjoyed the Telltale game, but skipped Pre-Sequel entirely, and while I bought 3, I got it for $8 and have never even installed it.
I did. I was intending to play it today but I ended up playing Returnal for countless hours struggling to beat the second boss without success and now Returnal is a game I will never play again. Dying over and over again, starting again at the beginning each time? BLEEP off.
As I a big Borderlands fan I was unsure about this one. BL2 was the pinnacle, with The Pre-sequel being good and BL3 was average and disappointing. Also I'm not a big fan of the fantasy/D&D genre in general and was afraid all that magic would not fit in with Borderlands world.
Boy was I wrong. The gameplay is as fun and tight as it's ever been, and the new magic/spells fit in perfectly. The quests and missions are entertaining and funny with a few actual laugh out loud moments for me. The level/area design and locations are some of the best of the series. The only downsides so far are technical, being visual hiccups in the menu and online/co op connectivity, which can both be patched.
I do highly recommend this if you're after a fun shooter, even if you disliked BL3. Yes it's more of the same but it's varied and improved enough to make it different from previous games in the series.
Nope. I'm waiting till a friend picks it up we can play co-op. The BL games is one of last few remaining franchises that actually has online co-op day 1. That alone is enough to warrant a day 1 from me.
@BoldAndBrash A chapter from an old Borderlands game that was the inspiration for this, but yeah, the feeling of been there done that is what keeps me from sinking AAA dollars on it.
@JohnnyShoulder Trust me but you'd want to skip BL3 with how bad the jokes and the story is in the game
I loved the first game and it's DLC's. Was a refreshing take on open world FPS games and it was fun to play.
Even preordered the Borderlines 2 when it came out... but they've changed the formula from B1. Made it harder, added tons and tons of weapons, so many that finding a very good one for your build, or a good shield for that matter, got nearly impossible, even after finishing the game. And they've changed the healing system which screwed it up even more imo. So only finished it once and that was it.
Tried to play B3 too, because I received a game code with one of my PC components, but it was too much like B2, so I gave up on the series completely.
Not yet as i'm short on money but i plan on buying it this week when i get paid, i love Tiny Tina as a character and the fantasy setting looks great so i'm excited to play it.
I will get it next month right after I sell Horizon, tiny tina is an amazing character.
Cannot wait to start this, however after 300+ hours in Borderlands 3, I feel like it will probably be my main game for months. Problem is I am still playing Horizon Forbidden West, just downloaded The Ascent, want to start Cyberpunk 2077, GTA 5 has me intrigued as does Gran Turismo, and I’m still playing Far Cry 6 which just (finally) added load outs and Stranger Things. So many awesome options currently. But Borderlands is probably my fav game franchise and Gearbox did a stellar job of constant new stuff, endgame and meta with B3 for 2+ years, so yeah I’ll be fitting this game in for sure in the very near future.
I really loved borderlands one and got burnt out on borderlands two. Tried getting back into the series with the prequel on the switch and didn’t like it. Got tiny Tina’s because my friends love the series. I’m really enjoying it and my partner loves all the table top references and jokes.
Actually the best Borderlands game since BL2, overall I actually love it more than BL2, by far. Just works so much better in all areas. And the endgame is fun with basically a roguelite component. Only real complain is nothing seems to be across your characters. Things like the dice, or at least the luck bonus acquired by finding them, should be pushed to your account. Just like in BL2 it had badass levels that were applied to all your characters. Even Myth levels in this is on a per character basis. Still overall its an easy 9/10.
There’s a few tricks you can do to defeat the boss.
First, max out your weapon proficiency to 15 before you go off to face it. This is pretty easy to do if you explore all of biome one and biome 2. This unlocks triple trait weapons. I’d say go for the rocket launcher, but if you can’t find one then the electrophylon is a good alternative with the proper set up. It’ll rip the boss to shreds if you continuously reset the pylons as they dissipate. The Hollowseeker isn’t bad either, but it does require you to shoot while you move.
The advantage of the rocket launcher and the electropylon for bosses is that they are fire and forget. You empty the magazines and maneuver around projectiles, and then reset the pylons or launch more rockets.
As for Gearbox, they need to take a break from Borderlands and give us that Battle of the Bulge story they promised at the end of Hell’s Highway.
I want to get it, especially with cross play and two plats, but it's too expensive and it's too early to buy it.
I shall wait for the fixes and content to come out, and for a sale.
@TheRedComet Thanks man I'll keep all of this in mind when I go back to it. I played it for a good 7 hours on Saturday trying and trying again and it was just mentally exhausting so for now I'll be taking a break from Returnal.
Looks like a ps3 game. Also I really don't like watercolor artstyle
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