Now that 2021 is done and dusted, we think it's time to look back at PlayStation Plus, and what Sony's subscription service offered over the last 12 months. If you've been subscribed to PS Plus in that time, we'd love to know your thoughts.
But before we get to our polls, let's recap by taking a look at every 'free' game that was added to PS Plus in 2021.
January 2021
- Maneater (PS5)
- Greedfall (PS4)
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (31%) said January 2021's PS Plus offering was 'good'.
February 2021
- Destruction AllStars (PS5)
- Control: Ultimate Edition (PS5, PS4)
- Concrete Genie (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (54%) said February 2021's PS Plus offering was 'great'.
March 2021
- Maquette (PS5)
- Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
- Remnant: From the Ashes (PS4)
- Farpoint (PSVR)
Most Push Square readers (42%) said March 2021's PS Plus offering was 'great'.
April 2021
- Oddworld: Soulstorm (PS5)
- Days Gone (PS4)
- Zombie Army 4: Dead War (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (24%) said April 2021's PS Plus offering was 'good'.
May 2021
- Wreckfest (PS5)
- Battlefield V (PS4)
- Stranded Deep (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (26%) said May 2021's PS Plus offering was 'okay'.
June 2021
- Operation: Tango (PS5)
- Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4)
- Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (25%) said June 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
July 2021
- A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS5)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PS4)
- WWE 2K Battlegrounds (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (35%) said July 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
August 2021
- Hunter's Arena: Legends (PS5, PS4)
- Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (PS4)
- Tennis World Tour 2 (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (63%) said August 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
September 2021
- Overcooked: All You Can Eat (PS5)
- Hitman 2 (PS4)
- Predator: Hunting Grounds (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (28%) said September 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
October 2021
- Hell Let Loose (PS5)
- Mortal Kombat X (PS4)
- PGA Tour 2K21 (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (47%) said October 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
November 2021
- First Class Trouble (PS5, PS4)
- Knockout City (PS5, PS4)
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (PS4)
- The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (PSVR)
- The Persistence (PSVR)
- Until You Fall (PSVR)
Most Push Square readers (47%) said November 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
December 2021
- Godfall: Challenger Edition (PS5, PS4)
- Mortal Shell (PS4)
- LEGO DC Super-Villains (PS4)
Most Push Square readers (41%) said December 2021's PS Plus offering was 'crap'.
Phew, that's a lot of games — 40 games, to be exact. But quantity doesn't necessarily equate to quality, and subscribers weren't always happy with these lineups. Indeed, at least a few of these months went down particularly poorly — we remember August getting absolutely slaughtered by just about everyone — but what about the year as a whole? Well, that's for you to decide.
As always, have your say by voting in our polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 83
I paid under £30 so I rate is as good value but not as good as it's PS3 heyday.
Very strong start that drove off a cliff after April. At least they finally ended up finding some Lego at the bottom of that gorge.
I thought it was a great month especially with the added VR games. Will only get better the more ps5 games that come out.
Also compared to the competition you should be very happy with this list
PS+ was okay last year, I chose February as the best month.
I mean there's a lot of good games there, on top of the discounts and all the other perks you get. I still think it's pretty good value for money, although I'm in favour of the touted overhaul they're supposedly planning.
I only played 1 of the games I claimed (ignoring the ones I own already)
I have about 10? that I claimed that I will play eventually. I played a lot more from PS Now this year instead.
I rated it okay. It gave me good selection to play I just haven’t found the time for them yet.
Can’t really pick a month as not played enough of them to vote for one
I'd say that this is the worse year just for having "WWE Battlegrounds", but the first and last few months weren't too bad. And I think it's crazy that people are expecting multiplePlayStation Studios games to be part of the service. It's Sony, not a charity.
Overall, a pretty okay year.
0/10, can't wait for next year.
I voted for it being a great year. Which it was. Then counted that I’d played just 3 of the games.
Thing is, there are around 5 others I want to play but just haven’t had the time.
Definitely worth the £34 I paid for it though. Who in their right mind could claim otherwise?
I've just got the platinum for Operation Tango today. With that, Lego DC, Overcooked and Remnant from the Ashes it's been a decent year for co-op games.
Concrete Genie was another highlight for me.
I got a lot out of it last year looking back at that list. Out of all the games released I finished / put a lot of hours into 8 of them. That means if I bought PS+ for the games alone then having paid £30 for a year each game would have cost me £3.75. That is pretty good value.
I played through 4/5 games on that list so definitely worth the price of admission. However there a drought of just okay/not my kind of games for a lot of the year and I was pretty disappointed at how devs treated the subscription as second class by not offering free next gen upgrades like they did those who purchased the products outright.
I'm actually surprised so many people are voting 'okay' or even 'good'. It feels like most of you spent the entire year complaining!
Sometimes I don't get what people expect for a fiver a month. I find the value insane although I've usually played most of the games.
See people, here’s a concise list for all the entitled cry babies that plagued the comments section in 2021.
Those above not worth your £40 (honestly if you’re paying more than £32 then you’re an idiot) then you don’t deserve any video games at all.
Countless examples above of top level games that have hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay and replayability with countless memories to be had.
If you can honestly say that this has been a bad year for PSPlus as you’ve insisted every month then everyone word i’ve said all year, and here in this very message is ever more true.
Thank you good sirs, madams and others. May 2022 be filled with more excellent titles for PSPlus, and less crying from entitled cry babies 🙌🏻
I've added some interesting details to the article.
From June 2021 to December 2021, every month of PS Plus was rated 'crap' by Push Square readers.
That's some run!
Jan was the best month.
Maneater was the only one I've actually played (That I didn't own before it came to +) and it was brilliant.
First half of the year was great, second half not so much. A Plague Tale: Innocence was the last PS+ game from last year that I enjoyed and finished.
Well worth it for the £29.99 I paid. Though it did tail off as the year went on.
Besides the included PS+ games I likely saved more than £29.99 in the PS+ sales. Here's to another year.
In retrospective, it was a really good year.
Highlights to me were
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Control Ultimate Edition
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Battlefield V
A Plaque Tale Innocence
Hitman 2
Mortal Shell
Let's hope this year will be at least as good as last year.
@ShogunRok Control and FF7R are just that good to offset the rest of the months.
It was actually pretty great up to July, and then it had some weaker months. I voted good overall.
This was the year I didn't renew my PS+ sub, haven't missed it.
I only actually played control. So pretty easy for me to decide on best month. I'd play more there are some good games given out, but I struggle with time for the games I buy myself.
The offered games went from great to poor from the start towards the end of the year.
Culminating with the crap they pulled by offering a limited game, instead of a full game (Godfall: Challenger Edition).
Each and every one of the titles are more or less "free" (you do have to pay for the subscription to receive games or to play them). But that doesn't mean they should start including fractions instead of full titles...
Control was the only PS Plus game that I played through last year that I didn't already own. So, not a great showing for me personally.
I’m still cranking away at a lot of the PS5 Plus Collection for the first time so it’s hard for me to complain (just beat Arkham Knight last night, onto TLoU 1 now). March probably takes the cake with FFVII for me though. Nevertheless I’m still all in for a PS Plus/Now overhaul!
Weird year I would say, it was my first year of PS+ since the PS3. I bought 2 year worth of subscription at the end of February as the service seemed on fire with games that interest me (TomB Raider, Control and FFVII where all on my wish list although I missed tomb raider).
Then it when downhill and haven’t got a game that I was looking for until Hitman and overcooked in September. Following recommandation I also ended up playing A Plague Tale which was ok.
The worst part for me was that not even 45 days in I was already getting repeats from the PS Plus collection which was a bummer as it was like lost main event game… Hopefully not many more games from the PS Plus Collection in the future…
Pretty poor, too many multiplayer games and I had ps+ since day 1 and not stopped and godfall dlc was a bad move. Also not allowing certain ps+ games to be upgraded to ps5. Then made a 360 on ff7 allowed to be upgraded just at the end of the year there
I have been a Plus subscriber for a long time, and this was the worst year in all of that time for me personally. Most of the games that were featured on the service were either of little interest to me or I already had. And I thought the discounts (and really, the PS Store sales in general) were pretty poor last year.
I am well aware that it is not up to Plus to cater to my gaming whims, and that some years will be better than others for every individual person. All I can give is my personal perspective, and that is that other than my sporadic online play, Plus was of very little benefit to me in 2021.
Was ok
April best month
First half of the year was great. Days Gone was a massive surprise and turned into one of my favorite all-time PS4 games. Fell off pretty hard from there, but I liked a handful of others anyway - enough to justify the price for sure.
Out of the list, there is 16 that I either downloaded to play or would consider doing so.
This includes 5 that I probably would if didn't have elsewhere (usually from Epic freebies).
Other than that, no good for me. Though I can certainly see the value in some months just not my personal tastes.
I'd say they need to scrap paying for online multiplayer hopefully Xbox does it & playstation follows
It started really good at the beginning of the year, and ended up good with FF7 remake ps5 upgrade... But the middle of the year really sucked
Definitely March was the strongest month. They gave away Final Fantasy VII Remake. That was insane. The game was gimped for PS5 owners, but that has since been rectified. The game wasn't that old, either.
I'm judging it as a whole. It does what it sets out to do. A yearly fee to play online, cloud storage, free* games. I'll give it an B. Could be better, glad it's not worse.
Only 2 months were truly "crap" for me as a ps4/psvr user. Those being July and October where I added nothing (Actually I did add Plague Tale for a later date). I have to also mention Battlefield V's month as being crap because currently Battlefield V is missing from my library for some reason, other than that I always added at least one game and will play them at some point. I think it was a pretty great year and we have a great start to the new one.
@ShogunRok I was thinking the same thing. This was a pretty good year for Plus. Folks got very high expectations to have stellar games every month. The majority of last year was filled with good games. I'm clearly in the minority judging from the polls.
The worst thing about plus this year was listening to the sad little ***** in these comment sections call everyone 'entitled' anytime they weren't happy with the selections.
FF7 Remake alone was worth the yearly sub for me.
@HotGoomba Hey, I actually quite enjoy playing WWE 2K Battlegrounds with some friends. It's definitely not the greatest game in existence but it's pretty fun.
I've got some many hours playing PGA Tour 2K21 with friends. And I don't even like golf.
I probably got less out of it than I did in any other year, but then I also have the biggest backlog I've ever had. Also they trimmed the number of games down. Or did they do that the year before. I don't know.
Voted March as, although I already had Remnant from the Ashes… the fact it was on PS+ meant that my best mate had it too and playing through it together was an absolute joy!
@Deljo Not sure how you get there, most people are either complaining are saying it was just OK but you keep chopping at that strawman.
After being a PS+ subscriber for several years I cancelled it around August of 2021, and as yet haven’t had a reason to renew it. Tbh the only game I played online over the last year or so was RDR2, but even that got boring with Rockstar too busy looking after their GTAV cash cow.
Got my money back in the first 2 months so yeah it was great.
I'd give it a B-. The first three months were straight As, and then we got a mixture of low C's and Ds. I don't think I'd give anything an F, although December might have been an E.
Overall those initial months gave enough value for the subscription fee, but honestly I would have preferred that every month were a B or a C, just to get some consistency.
Last year I had a fresh backlog courtesy of the Plus Collection. This year my backlog is considerably smaller, even if I did grab Guardians and Disco in the sale. I'm hoping this year works out a bit more consistent so I've got something to play in between the games I'm looking forward to.
@tselliot ?
May 2022 will be filled with excellent games?
Good to know, I might resubscribe then.
There were some Bangers in there, but what a let down some of those months were. It was 110% February, March. -50% others.
I'm not saying we deserve the latest and greatest every month, but seriously Sony's competition with Game Pass is embarrassing. Every month is literally the latest and greatest games, sure at a higher premium.
It looks like they'll be a well deserved shake up this year on Sony's part, hopefully put in place by the years end.
@feral1975 good reading pal 👍🏻
As I have Plus with a discount I call this a good year. It started very strong and ended very weak with too much multiplayer crap imho.
@D3adP00L - "I'm not saying we deserve the latest and greatest every month, but seriously Sony's competition with Game Pass is embarrassing"
To be fair, both are completely different services, that serve different ends. PS+ is about selling online multiplayer (like Nintendo's NSO), with the games and deals included as a bonus, not the main feature. GamePass, on the other hand, is more akin to Netflix, in that it's a big rental service where the games are the focus, not add-ons. A better comparison would be with PS Now, as that's the service Playstation offers that's actually similar to what GamePass is doing, though you'd be forgiven for forgetting it even exists given it isn't available in most regions.
It was decent. To me, this service was always about getting a collection of games you'd otherwise never buy, but might enjoy, for a heavy discount (paying less than the price for a full game for a collection of 36 games) and I'd say it delivered on that, with a couple of gems like Control and Hitman 2 added for good measure.
I certainly don't think it was as 'crap' as some of the monthly polls suggested (seriously, the month that gave out Hitman 2 and both Overcooked games(+DLC) was voted crap?) but then, so does the yearly poll, so *shrugs *.
I think this year was ok. I started strong, got really bland, and then petered out completely by the end of the year. I was happy to have Knockout City. The first few months though, PlayStation made a case that it could potentially compete with Gamepass on value with Plus, but by December, it’s hard to argue that Gamepass hasn’t walked miles past the draw Plus had earlier in the year.
Games I played from PS+: A Plague’s Tale, Maneater, Concrete Genie, Hitman 2, Wreckfest (tried it once but I hated the camera options. It always messed me up).
Games I played that I already owned before PS+: FF7 Remake, Control, Days Gone, MKX.
I was pretty disappointed overall. I may try some of them later on but most of them will just chill in my library. January 2022 is solid but I already have P5 Strikers. Fantastic game though. I wish they personally called me every month to ask what to put on. It’d make my life easier
First 3 months were sick , then it went to average or below sometimes
There was an arguably strong title each month, unfortunately, I can only say it was an okay year due to the lack of Knack 2.
Every month since August was really bad. I think December and August are tied for the worst months this year. It's interesting because this year with Plus started off really strong.
Totally agree with your second paragraph there man. People should be more greatful for what they get.
However, game pass IS doing everything ps plus is doing, and then some. It IS the monthly offerings, it's online services and discounts. All for an extra tenner a year?
Mate anyway you slice it, gamepass is the only reason Xbox servived last year. They got Sony pretty good.
@B-I-G-DEVIL I mean if you they have given you 11 games you want to play, average of £40 each that's £440 worth for £60. Sounds like a good deal to me.
@Chaosbros oh yes not knocking it at all. It was probably just £30 tbh I’ve never spent over £40 on Plus I buy it in deals on bulk. I’m been harsh just because I haven’t played them yet, that only reason said it’s okay.
Started out really good with Control being the highlight for me, I was pleased with some of the VR titles too . If you offered me all of those games on a disc for £30 - £50 I would bite your hand off.
I counted 12 games that i'm interested in, which is good value.
Although i can't play a bunch yet until i get a PS5.
It would have been great if overcooked had been PS4 too, but i had to go out and buy it.
My favourite game from last year was actually subnautica, which they gave away free to everyone, ha.
A year so good I didn't renew my subscription! I would say after April it went off a cliff.
@ShogunRok lol, so true, although memories always seem more golden than the present
Overcooked, Control, FF7, Tango...
40 games for under £34? Including some absolute bangers. How the hell can people complain!!!?
For me the best month was November.
Wreckfest not being 'free' to PS4 owners in May as well as Overcooked: All You Can eat in September was a serious kick in the teeth to PS4 owners, especially given the crap that the 4 got in May.
Overall, it has been poor - thankfully I only paid about £29 for the year and even at that price, I'd say the value was borderline.
It was a good year but this month beats every month of last year.
it was great. ff7 remake, shadow of the tomb raider, control ultimate edition and day's gone alone made the subscription worthwhile. that is essentially what i expect from ps+ (4 - 6 AAA games a year that i want to play).
The whole year, there wasn't a single game that I was interested in but didn't already own until November. (there were 3 that I owned and enjoyed). So for me personally, it fell far below 2020, when there were games at least every other month that I was interested in and checked out. But 2022 has already started with two games I liked, so its moving in the right direction.
@Emperor_Rusty Also very true.
I think I downloaded 3 PS+ games throughout the year, didn't play any of them though.
I have no interest in online multiplayer games, and there were LOTS of them in 2021.
Why can't Sony simply open the back catalog of PS+ games (while adding a couple of new ones each month) and say, pick 2 or 3 from that list. There will be many subscribers (myself included) that have missed out on earlier PS+ games that won't/can't come around again. If I don't want the latest monthly game(s), let me pick 1 from before I subscribed.
Well worth the $40-45 as it is every year. Never expect to be blown away every mo th but certainly always get my money's worth
Half my PS5 library right now was through plus. Maneater, Control, Oddworld, A Plague Tale, Hell Let Loose, so yeah it was a pretty good year for me.
I quit subscribing mid-year - just couldn't find the value that other services offered. Not saying ps+ was bad, just saying it-who-must-not-be-named offered an incredible value for my gaming dollars
As Ps4 player, only FF7R and Concrete Genie were enjoyable to me. And maybe I'll give Control another shot. Most was just not my cup of tea.
I’d say April but I already beat days gone on the ps5 with the included ps plus collection. I guess the month with hitman 2 and overcooked got the most play in my household
Days Gone was the highlight for me, I sank hours into that, I wouldn't have considered buying it before, but it was great.
PS Plus in 2021 was amazing! 2022 has a good start with Deep Rock Galactic! 😊
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