The first State of Play livestream of the year from Sony is now over, having provided us with a fairly decent glimpse at what 2025 has in store for PS5 owners. In the leadup to these showcases, it's always difficult to properly align your expectations as the State of Play branding can be so unpredictable. As such, we want to know your thoughts on the digital show for February 2025, taking into account what you expected to see.
The main highlights included Days Gone Remastered, a new Housemarque game called Saros, and Lies of P DLC.
In addition to the big hitters, the leaked Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater trailer and release date were made official, and so too was the suggested September 2025 launch timing for Hell Is Us. For a list of What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for February 2025, click the link.
With that recap out of the way, what did you think of Sony's latest State of Play livestream for September 2025? Place a vote in our latest Poll and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
How would you rate Sony's latest State of Play livestream? (5,825 votes)
- Excellent
- Very good
- Good
- Okay
- Poor
- Very poor
- I didn't watch
Comments 243
That was….. I don’t even want to say the word.
Nintendo own 2025. That was not good.
This state of play was awful
There were quite a few eye-catching games in there! New Housemarque stuff is a blessing 😌
Edit: sorry, I meant it was awful. So bad. The baddest there ever was. I watched it and said: "wow, look how bad it was". I hate games 👎 am I doing it right?
People don't seem to understand the difference between State of Play and a Playstation Showcase 🤔
This state of play was very meh!
Damn, that was rough...
Garbage. Not even trying to troll either. So boring. Nothing at all was noteworthy. Zzz
It was quite alright, there is no pleasing you guys!
Really good showing
We knew Death Stranding 2 news wasn't happening here because Kojima is doing something for SXSW btw
Onimusha remaster and brand new game? 11/10
Wait until Nintendo switch 2 drops there showcase. Internet will go crazy. A shame they didn’t put Forza Horizon or Halo on here. Think that would have made a good impression!
Pretty decent showing considering only one first party shown, a solid 8/10 from me. A lot to look forward to this year and for Third Party content it was the best State of Play so far.
There were some interesting games but nothing from Sony.
That trials of destiny game looks really cool!
Edit: I meant Tides of Annihilation, jesus!
Very good, nothing crazy overall but a solid presentation. NExt few months filling out nicely
It was ok. Although don’t know why I bothered to watch it live tbh.
April can't come soon enough.
Garbage is better
I must be mental going by these comments cause it had alot of games I want to play.
I'm just happy we're finally getting days gone remastered... hopefully if it shows Sony we want another thay may green light no2
It was good. Not much too big or wow but I came in with low expectations and they exceeded them. Over 30 announcements and I was interested in around half of them. That will do. Standouts for me included
And more
Poor, the only thing that saved it from being an utter disaster was Housemarque’s new game.
Seriously, just 1 PS Studio announcement plus yet another unnecessary remaster (not the one we all wanted) is so disappointing.
@MKD88 Housemarque?
@Nei I guess people wanted a bunch of first party news. I couldn't care less personally, games are games.
Here come the haters with their "mid" comments, Honestly it was a B+,
Edit: turns out Sony does have games....
In terms of showing a bunch of games to play, this was absolutely stacked. There was TONS of really interesting stuff.
Of course, I understand people tune in for first-party games, and Sony just doesn't really show them anymore.
There seems to be a disconnect between the kind of shows Sony's producing and what the audience watching them actually wants to see.
But you're not going to be starved of content on PS5. There's almost TOO much to play!
Lots of games. Some great ones in between, great ending. But still a bit disappointed about the lack of first party info. It was a 7/10 before Housemarquee bumped it up to an 8/10
I would have to rate this State of Play a B+ or an A-. It completely subverted all of my expectations. I fully expected Death Stranding 2 and Ghost of Yotei to be the primary focus at the end, but instead we were treated to a ton of new games. And cmon, anything from Housemarque is a blessing.
Let’s also keep in mind one thing: these showcases aren’t meant to tailor to a certain type of audience - they are meant to present a plethora of games, from all different genres. And on that front it delivered. I thought it was wonderful.
Highlights for me: Shinobi, Lies of P DLC, and Saros.
It was decent. Nothing too special but we getting classic Armored Core games from PS1 which I'm excited for
the new game Tides of Annihilation took my interest the most in terms of new game.
We already knew about Onimusha, MH Wilds and Lost Soul Aside but it's nice to see more
Lies of P finally gets a DLC but I sill need to finish the base game
Overall a decent show but nothing too special
I won’t say it was bad but I have to ask, can we finally admit that Soulslikes are a problem?
@Nei Judging by certain people's other comments on here it wouldn't matter what Sony showed tonight, it was still going to be a bad show.
It was alright.
No Ghost of Yotei, Judas, or Resident Evil was odd in my opinion.
Feels like years of wasted dev time on liveslop is coming home to roost
A couple of interesting single player games I hadn’t heard of, so it was OK. Not much announced for VR, so could have been a lot better, but Sony aren’t great at marketing that.
Fast paced and had alot in it. Nothing that good though certainly nothing worth full price apart from shinobi and split fiction.
Bloody awful. One new 1st party reveal granted a nice one but that's it from Sony unless you count a Days Gone remaster. Honestly i zoned out half way, the 3rd person action games all blended together, too many quirky Indies and too many trailers for games we know a lot about all ready. Lies of P DLC was nice though and i'm excited for Digimon but this was an awful SoP.
Cue 300 comments of people saying it was *****…
I think it was pretty good. Lots of interesting games. Only time I reached for my phone was when we had yet another FNAF game.
@themightyant I agree it was pretty solid. Wasn't exactly blown away (as per), but that was quite a bit of stuff shown that interested me. Particularly Tides of Annihilation, Stellar Blade DLC, Darwin's Paradox, and finally a release date for Lost Soul Aside.
Im biased, been waiting for Digimon forever; so i thought it was phenomenal 😂 With that being said, said it in chat, im concerned for the state of gaming with the amount of complaints about it being a bad showing.
There were a TON of games, tons of gameplay, and most, if not all of them, had a 2025 release. I wasnt interested in all of them, but it's fine. Im genuinely confused about the dissatisfaction. Someone else made a good point about the amount of content out there creating dissatisfied feelings.
Not spectacular, but lots of nice things in there all the same.
Really really poor, 40 mins with no more than maybe 5 good showings.
Not even a tease of anything first party other than the Returnal spin off thing is poor
Returnal is the best game on PS5 so the stream at least ended on a promising note!
@UltimateOtaku91 Kept seeing people asking for GTA6 lol. That game is big enough to not need to show up for any of these showcases. They'll do their own thing.
PS5 really has no games. Wtf was that … depressing
Damn, what do yall people want!
Possibly the worst state of play I’ve ever seen, not even a new Astrobot game could of saved this colossal waste of my time
So happy for Days Gone Remastered and Lies of P DLC look epic!
@get2sammyb It's kind of worrying/frustrating because it just seems like Sony is barely making any 1st party games this gen. At least there was tons of good first party stuff.
Also absolutely hilarious that they’re selling an “enhanced photo mode” as one of the main reasons to buy ANOTHER remaster.
By some distance the worst SoP I’ve ever seen
The only thing that interested me was another Stellar Blade update but even then it's dlc with that gooner shooter game.
No Astro Bot dlc, no fighting games, no Final Fantasy, I mean I wasn't expecting Persona 6 or Bloodborne or anything but jeez it was kind of just nothing.
They quite literally gave me another reason not to buy a PS5 lol
Really looking forward to play Stellar Blade <3
But yeah, that was dire. Sony's so lucky their direct competition is so incompetent.
Tons of really cool-looking stuff. I'm excited!
The highlight for me was a new arcade horde mode for a £10 upgrade remaster. MGS Delta release date was nice but that was leaked. Says it all really
Edit. Seeing more of the new Onimusha was nice and Onimusha 2 remastered. Voted for okay overall SoP wise. The Returnal type sequel Saros don't seem like it be my cup of tea?
@Orpheus79V Exactly, people need to realise these State of Plays are primarily for third party games and smaller games that find it hard to get a platform to show their content. Games like GTA don't need Playstation or Xbox to help promote their game.
Very poor show in general. Plenty of games but not a lot that interest me.
3 games shown that I was interested in. Borderlands, MGS and Days Gone Remastered.
Even though I watched it, I cannot remember half the games that were shown 🥲
Seems my connection went when Bloodborne 2 was announced, did any catch the release date?
"iT wAs BAd cAusE ThE gAme I wANteD wAsnt tHeRE!"
I'm looking forward to Days Gone Remastered.
Thought it was very good. I don't care about whether games are first party. I just want great games and there was a lot of promising looking games there. The first party games will come. Xbox studio games will come. But having loads of third party games to come and not from the usual suspects. Look at the variety of new games from last year. It's never a better time to be a gamer.
Couldn't even muster a God Of War collection for the series 20th birthday pitiful
@yazzika they just had 40 mins of games , i guess you didn't watch it
My take is simple. I was here for first party games and the selection was slim (although Housemarque are amazing).
There are third party games and some of them look good, but its not really why I tuned in. And we knew about most of them already. It was disappointing. Its not about being a load of games, its about presenting the games that the studio is working on.
If Nintendo was to do a direct with only one first party game, it would be just as big of a disaster.
Again people come into these things expecting just 1st party stuff so are only really bringing onto themselves. If you couldn't find one or two things interesting here, then maybe your taste in games need broadening.
Opening was meh with cheesy farez game, wrestling, fnaf and borderlands4... but them the show picked up.
Yeah, it didn't have a long awaited sequel, remake etc newly announced, we already are served there with onimusha and mgsdelta, but it rather had a bunch of brand new games, so that's good!
People with first party only obsession just demand to be sour by default.
Nice to see Days Gone get some love!
That being said, it looks like all it’s getting is PC version’s improvements and some DLC.
Given that the PC version is only getting DLC, I’d say there isn’t anything on the PS5 version that would be different than what’s already available.
Only 1 first party game shown?! Seriously Sony what the hell are all your studios doing?! They have so many these days with all the acquisitions they made all those years ago. I absolutely refuse to believe the live service decision has taken up all of these studios focus and time. I love my PS5 but this is without a shadow of a doubt the most underwhelming 1st party line up of any generation, ever, and it’s not even close.
Super underwhelming but my wallet is happy at least.
I'm surprised there's not more reaction to Mindseye. The Benz was the key part of so many Rockstar games and it's fascinating to see this game, which is apparently built in Everywhere.
Of course, also very hyped to see Housemarques new game announced and can't wait to jump back into lies of P in a few months, the greats non-from soulslike ever made
@get2sammyb And that's without the onslaught of Xbox games that are coming over, Playstation 5 is definitely not starved for games and like you say there may be too much to play for 2025 and backlogs are going to fill up fast 😩.
Nothing to get me hyped for the future of Playstation tbh. As I said in the chat, I dont think these shows are for me any more and I might skip the next one. Sony has trained me this generation to have low expectations going into State of Play and only once or twice have they exceeded them over the last couple of years. I'm very pleased for those that enjoyed the show though.
I think I am just moving past this type of delivery. On balance, this wasn't a bad show and there were a few interesting games in there. But so many looked generic or are not doing anything new. To the point I can't remember the names of half of what was shown. At least Shinobi and the midnight walk did something to differentiate themselves with the art style
I'll probably upgrade days gone because although I have the game on PS4 i never got around to playing it. And I'll be getting MGS Delta and Onimusha.
Good to learn about the Yakuza demo and the Dave the Diver dlc, and I did think Sonic racing looked fun. Also the supermassive game looks like they might have cracked the formula they have been so close to achieving with their last few releases.
Interested in the Housemarque game, but no gameplay to show - they said that is coming later in the year so hopefully Sony shows up with a showcase to show off some more heavy hitters.
Mindseye is one is really will be keeping an eye on. I'm fascinated to see how this creative shake out from Rockstar turns out over the next few years - including any impact the departures have had on GTA 6
Hopefully Square Enix turn up at that Nintendo direct in April with Final Fantasy IX remake as the wait for that announcement is getting long
Presentation spot on. Game after game after game. Personally enjoyed it, lots of release dates and new titles.
@JSnow2 lost soul aside is ps5 console exclusive
A few nice surprises, some slop, and half the stuff we've already seen before or knew about already. Opening with Monster Hunter Wilds just set the tone lol 🙈 Returnal 2 was the only real exciting announcement 🙌🏻
@3Above I swear that most of the commenters on this site turn on their PS5s, stare at a blank library for hours, and then post here about how upset and depressed they are.
Thought it was OK. Not the best, but not the worst.
@tanaka2687 Nintendo can do that because they often make smaller and cheaper games. PlayStation's audience expect story driven game with high quality graphics which take much longer.
The Digimon game was the highlight for me. They could have ended after that and I would've been happy lol. That's a day one purchase for me. I thought the showcase was good.
I legit think I felt asleep for about 5-10 minutes right before Returnal 2.
I'm looking forward to Sonic Racing, looks fun, as I'm sure MH, MGS, Yakuza Pirates & Onimusha will be too.
I did like the look of that Octopus game too. Playstation studios need to pull their finger out though, a Days Gone remaster? C'mon guys.
People are allowed to have opinions, be disappointed in things. If you have a problem with that just keep scrolling and don't take it to heart. We're all different after all.
They really should get Asobi to animate Astro as the host introducing all these games. That way I would stay awake due to his jovial chirping.
At least Housemarque haven't been tasked with a rubbish GaaS title and are bringing their bullet hell expertise back to salvage a very thin first party line up.
There are games on the PS5… I just don’t want to play most of them.
Sony have put all their eggs in one basket for this generation with a certain type of game and have lost the interest of so many other genre fans. Bland and not fun.
As a presentation, it was a case of too much too quickly for me. But as for games, there were a couple of games that look amazing. Shinobi and Onimusha are back! If you are a fan of blisteringly fast hack em ups, then I reckon you are spoilt for choice. New perspective on Musou could be good (and I don't like Musou games lol) and that art direction on Midnight Walk was just gorgeous (not sure how it plays mind.) Begs the question...what exactly are Sony up to? There wasn't much that captured my imagination, but I think the sheer amount of stuff was overwhelming lol.
I seriously cannot understand what everyone was expecting. Didn’t we mourn the first party when they canceled 600 live service titles? It’s going to be a long long time before we see anything new and I’m sure we’ll get dedicated shows for Ghost and the like.
That was pretty good. Stoked about Saros. You’ll never please the Debbie Downers and Negative Nancy’s though.
I voted good b/c it had a lot of games, some of them new, a few talking heads to break up the trailers, a demo for Friday, a game released today, and for the most part it flowed.
So that’s my objective score.
Subjectively, well, I guess I was expecting something bigger at the end than not-Death Stranding. And either Ghost or Wolverine. I think I read somewhere on this site Ghost was supposed to be releasing this year in 2025, and there at least 2 but maybe 3 2026 games in here, so, I have to wonder why no Ghost?
I’ll play Split Faction with my wife some day and maybe Sonic Racing depending on when Mario Kart 8 Complete or Mario Kart 9 release. Timing is everything, just ask Horizon.
Still centered around 3rd party titles instead of Sony's own IP's...
No live service games, no long trailer of Death Stranding 2, and Sony showed a new single player IP from Housemarque. But some people still moaning like it's the end of the world. Yeesshh.
Anyway...I thought it's pretty good SoP. Games that got my attention:
Pretty stacked list for me.
For me that was great. So many games coming.
I honestly don't understand why people were saying it was awful. What is it the moaners and doom and gloom people are really wanting.
Seriously someone tell me. I honestly think these people don't play any games because nothing is ever good enough for them in the first place.
Did they really think it was going to be 40 minutes of pure playstation studio after playstation study? Get a grip. 🙄
Which one, exactly, is the "one we all wanted?" Are you telling me we ALL are pulling for an InFamous remake, like I am? Cool!!
@Shinnok789 State of Plays are mostly for 3rd party titles. A PS Showcase is for first party titles.
@Colour Goldfish memory from some.
@Ralizah my ps5 just collects dust really disappointed with Sony this gen.
I want a LITTLE more PSVR2 games. It doesn’t have to be made by a PS Studio, Sony can just pay for them. Please!
Poor feeling like I wasted 45 mins who else was hoping for a Gow Greek saga Collection trailer ? 20 th anniversary guess they don't care.
Shinobi was good. But I thought it was okay. I don't know why people are mad about this.
@Max_the_German There was at least one, maybe two, PSVR2 games in that show.
Poor/okay. Expected 3rd parties/1 1st party at end, obvious. Fine 3rd party Indies/fair AAA. Eh PS+ lineup. Knew was an update/few other new show.
Days Gone... Enhancements via update.. no. PC release (happened already?) so banking on people that love it to rebuy? Casuals news cycle/audience awareness? Resistance/Killzone, MotorStorm, Twisted Metal, old GOW, Ratchet PS2-3 era for 2016/RA audience. It's pathetic. XD
Midnight Walk was good the gun portion was strange.
Split Fiction still good, Blue Prince looks good.
Brief but good Octopus game.
Fair Onimusha remaster/new one again.
Major 3rd parties had IPs that work for PS audience. Not my thing.
Hell Is Us I saw literally 2 days ago & this trailer didn't help me tell what it is. XD It's flashy, but forgettable. Also like Hell Let Loose or War Thunder/others with close names I forget them.
Borderlands I do play but this looks so generic &ba 3.5 or nothing special, momentum/launching yourself is fine but also whatever. It looks like Borderlands. Tiny Tina looked or acted different enough & what they needed to mix things up. This looks like it could be any. 3 was a bit eh & dialogue was garbage. Gameplay was ok, map verticality was confusing.
Refinements are fine but this Borderlands game looks who cares. It needs to boost it up 'just that bit more'.
Lies of Pi DLC is cool, not my thing. Lost Soul no idea. Flashy particles on with guns seems like Unfinished Swan kind of game but different.... Looked ok kind of confusing what it's going for.
Tides of Annihilation (only one cared about, besides South of Midnight at Xbox) looks cool but if like Stellar Blade which was cool but was character play feel/elements not into (still great game) then pass.
Bayo 3, DMC5 had both 2-3 characters & control badly as it's 1 character controls with slight other things it doesn't work. I hated both for that reason.
Bayonetta Origins solved it one way of 1 character per side of the controller, Brothers Tale of Two Sons too. So why hack n slashes with 2 characters can't offer another solution/what those games did to solve it is beyond me. I don't hate the mechanic, I hate the execution being terrible.
Astral Chain balanced it, while Bayonetta 3 made it worse.
Sonic Transformed 2 I mean Crossworlds is cool, I wish we got arcade racers like this like Behaviour Entertainment had concept art but nope. Racing games are just repetitive nowadays. This does look a bit bland too, still cool. I need to play more Transformed.
New Shinobi is cool I didn't mind 3DS one but it was too awkward with doors I got sick of that level. Difficulty was tough but understandable & true to series.
Sonas by Housemarque has impression of good but if similar to Returnal why? They shouldn't discount their past games they were still good just because Returnal they had more budget/more to work with & lift themselves up. Also gun/powerful being, Too early/vague.. Like modern box art hilariously.
Most here were 'cool'/repetitive bore fests of generic trailers.
Warriors with roguelike is fine, suits well, also trend following hilarious 'out of ideas'. I can't stop laughing at the industry.
Ok shooter, but also looks kind of lacking or too focused on other things.
PSVR2 support for some is great. 3rd parties that care will and that's fine but it's just Vita support feeding all over again, great to see but still. So much Meta support the odd PSVR2 support is great to see though.
This was ok, about a 3-5-7/10.
I'm usually on the positive side but this was disappointing(poor). I didn't expect big game announcements but wanted more of a path to see what gaming on PlayStation would look like for 2025. I was hoping for maybe more info about Naughty Dog's game, maybe a Sony Studio announcement of a game to release at the end of the year. Much of this felt more like announcements for beyond 2026 or more gameplay on games we have already decided to get for the first half of 2026.
Did I watch something completely different to everyone else? It was great, lots of cool and interesting games on the horizon.
New IP, too! That alone is something to celebrate.
Honestly I'm VERY underwhelmed. Only excited for Housemarque's game, but that's only coming in 2026.
It was alright; good, even. There were some cracking looking games there. I do have some key takeaways though:
1. From the monologue in the trailer, Saros sure does just sound like it'll be Returnal 2 in all but name.
2. Randy Pitchford. Ew.
3. Randy Pitchford's mate Randy. Double Ew.
4. Woo! Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds. I'm so in.
5. Days Gone Remastered, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
6. No sign of Ghost of Yotei was disappointing.
7. There's no way that Fairgamedollarsign hasn't been cancelled at this point, right?
8. It wouldn't surprise me if Marathon gets cancelled.
9. Nor would it surprise me if that Gummy Bears project gets cancelled as well.
10. Wow, Sony's got bugger all going on right now, huh?
edit: Oh, and Mindseye looks like the most boring run of the mill thing ever.
Does Sony even make new games anymore? What has happened to their first party output? The showcase seemed fine, but what is Sony doing?
It was good.word up son
Man, PlayStation needs to do a better job about setting expectations for their SoPs. They need to clearly communicate whether it's a first party or third party focused show. There were good third party games here, but when there's no clarity for the type of games they're promoting it's frustrating.
Depressing. Hand the reigns back over to Japan.
@MKD88 housemarque is a 1st party studio of Sony’s now
No Ghost of Yotei, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined! Wasn't a fan of Returnal and with the setting of the new game seeming to be similar, I'll be giving it a miss.
@Bigmanfan Here are the first-party developed and published games in the oven:
Sony is just not bringing the heat. All the great announcements were from third parties. The only stuff Sony had were a meh PS+ lineup, another useless remaster, and a CG trailer of another Returnal style game (I really love Returnal but I don’t want 20% of the PS5’s exclusive first party library to just be games like Returnal)
@RobN I know, and for The Midnight Walk it was announced in the last show. But just a bit more! Astro Bot Rescue Mission Remastered would be cool, Asobi tech devs should have some time now to do this.
It was fine. Not too much for me tho. The best announcements for me were shinobi art of Vengeance, Saros, and that incredible looking Tides of annihilation. Nothing else besides that. Seems like it was more of an update show.
It was boring. The only interesting things were Split Fiction, and I guess Sonic Racing CrossWorld. (But that's a whole separate topic)
Also, why did they end with a new IP with no gameplay and instead a CG trailer of a generic guy with a gun looking at an enemy? That's not exciting at all and mind as well not include it in the show.
Overall, it was poor. But that's already expected for most State of Play presentations. 5/10
I'm glad we can all play what we like, because I thought that was the best SoP in ages.
A Returnal spiritual successor, slightly more info on Hell is Us + release date, Borderlands 4 release date + its own SoP, Mindseye, Metal Eden... I'm stoked as hell. But I guess you can't please everyone. [Shrug]
@Olliemar28 they saw too many fake rumors and believed it , like they always do when none of those rumors were false and made up , they get upset.
@Matej the trailer was made for the event but leaked out so they released it early.
State of Play? More like State of Third Party.
One of the worse shows ever. Pretty close to being done with PlayStation.
@ButterySmooth30FPS i don't think venom is a real game , no one ever really confirmed it , im guessing it was a concept game , but the voice actor is also dead
I knew people were gonna complain but I thought it was good. Obviously a spiritual successor to returnal will peak interest, but also really stoked for the Onimusha games. Oh and shout out to that metal eden game. Don’t see a lot of people talking about it but I really liked the aesthetic.
@twitchtvpat I have a gut feeling it's real. Will be a few years, but I think it'll happen!
To be honest it was a blur, too many games seemed similar to the last so they all kind of blended into each other but not in a good way. MGS and the Lies of Pi DLC both stood out. I pretty much only watched it for some Death Stranding 2 and that didn't happen. The Tim Burton looking one also looked interesting, not day one interesting but definitely something I'll eventually try. If it wasn't for live chat I'd probably have stopped watching, thanks for hosting that.
Good stuff.
Lies of P Overture looks amazing. A longer ways off than I’d hoped, but it’ll be worth the long wait I’m sure. This was the highlight for me.
The Split Fiction trailer was great, very excited for that game.
Good to have a release date for Borderlands 4, though the trailer wasn’t all that interesting to be honest.
It was whatever. Same problem these things nearly always have - people want to see big PlayStation games being announced. Seeing a bunch of things we already knew about and a couple of announcements just doesn't seem to float people's boats, particularly when it's been so long since one of those classic banger after banger showcases. The hype just goes up every time they don't deliver making it even harder for the next one to deliver.
Still, another almost Returnal sounds good to me, and I was expecting nothing so it exceeded my expectations.
@Max_the_German I never had the PSVR, so I never got to play Astrobot Rescue Mission. I'd love to see it ported to PSVR2 - I'm honestly confused why they didn't have it ready for day 1 (though I got mine this Christmas with the sales they had everywhere), it seems like a natural.
@twitchtvpat I haven't seen many fake rumours myself, so I don't know if that's necessarily the issue.
I think folks are just too caught up in what Sony itself is doing these days. People may disagree with me, but the PS2 didn't become such a beloved console because of Sony's first-party line-up. It was the third-party games, and a lot of them were new IP.
People need to give these games a chance, or we'll be stuck with nothing but Horizon, Marvel games, and God of War for the next decade.
my expectations were low but holy moley im disappointed.
is wolverine cancelled?
Overall I thought the show was great! Plenty of neat reveals or updates for games that I am really excited for, and some games that intrigued me enough to do some more research!
New Shinobi might be the standout; but it's got stiff competition from Lies of P Overture, Tides of Annihilation, Hell is Us, Borderlands 4, Sonic Racing, and Onimusha.
So much good stuff that I am definitely going to forget a game or two, I'll have to go wishlist or write things down now to not lose anything.
Some decent looking games in that one, happy with £10 Days Gone update also, love that game 😀
Edit - Is entitlement a valid stereotype to levy at "hardcore" gamers (scours this thread, hmmm)
@Deoxyr1bose it was a State of Play, which are primarily for 3rd party titles. The PS Showcase is likely what you want
A few interesting looking games but no real "wow" moments. It feels like they thought that Saros trailer at the end was a real mic drop moment but it was far too vague for it to be exciting at all. The continued silence on Wolverine is getting a bit annoying now it's been like 4 years since it was announced and we've heard virtually nothing since
It was terrible. None of the new announcements actually looked like fun to play video games.
And 2026 games already? We're two months into 2025 I don't want to hear crap about 2026 yet.
Seriously id give that State Of Play a 2/10. Genuinely full of stuff that didn't look remotely fun to play. Not one new reveal gave me a "I can't wait for that!" feeling.
@twitchtvpat Unless they recorded all of Tony's dialogue ahead of schedule, or just recast, I can see it not happening.
This was stacked! Good showcase!
Pretty terrible for first party lineups. And not good in general. Just not good at all. I guess the live service push really messed things up. Good thing Xbox is porting games over now with an incredible lineup along with 3rd party games..
It was a rough State of Play overall though there were still some really cool announcements. My favourite was the Sonic Racing trailer, it was nice to see mechanics from Transformed and crossover courses return.
Removed - inappropriate
I voted ok. I did find it quite tedious.
I don’t think that’s because there wasn’t a loaded variety of games shown. I mostly felt like a lot of the games seemed to roll into one. There’s a LOT of fantasy games or games about people who are half robot kinda thing. (There’s a term for that, isn’t there? It’s late!)
I really don’t care whether they’re first party or not - as many others have said. But the fact I can’t really remember which game was called what isn’t a great sign for my personal interest levels in what they decided to showcase.
Partly also I do wonder what gets into some people’s heads to give them the idea that some of these ‘filler’ games need to be made. Like something about a camouflaged octopus escaping from a factory and saving the world from aliens. Literally who became convinced that idea should become an actual game???
I thought it was pretty good!
Tides of Annihilation, Shinobi, and Saros were all great new reveals. Onimusha showed off some strong gameplay. The Midnight Walk looked shockingly good an had some insane Tim Burton-esque enemy design. Hell is Us continues to looked solid as well.
Kinda shocked people aren't that high on the showing. Feel like it's just because we didn't see one of PlayStaion studio's famous AAA cinematic experiences. But everything still looked good.
@cburg From an xbox fan boy that means nothing lol
The reality is this was A fine enough mix of games shown, Yet an awful Playstation showcase.
State of plays have largely been Sony honoring 3rd party marketing deals and nothing more. This is hands down the worst playstation generation in their history from a first party and fan forward front. Greed has ensured Sony will have very little to show this year aside from more unnecessary remasterake cash grabs, price gouging, and needless hardware peddling.
Some of the games shown looked interesting. However this SOP did not rejuvenate fan sentiment toward Sony, nor inspire confidence that they have learned anything from their billion dollar mistakes and waning fan centric optics.
No Ghost of Yotei, No Death Stranding 2, Plenty of games coming to the PS4 or in 2026. Pretty poor is an understatement. Mindseye was the only one that caught my attention.
My impression - Fairgame$ and Marathon are DOA.
It was not bad. It was not awesome. It was ok.
Missed the showcase unfortunately so I have no impressions but it seems like a decent showing to me. As a massive Shinobi fan I’m obviously over the moon with that announcement!
@PeakUnagi I agree but I also already had 3rd party expectations and 1 1st party reveal. I was right and it wasn't hard for me to guess. I don't care for 1st party anymore (even those would be like Adtro/Sackboy/Ratchet/GT as they just aren't going directions I care for compared to 3rd parties or Nintendo niche IPs not mainstream ones) but I still keep track of them out of curiosity/know people into them still.
Even South of Midnight for Xbox/Compulsion looks good to me like Kena Bridge of Spirits was during it's PS period before Xbox release.
My expectations are low after all the other ones and what games players or developers want to offer (let alone other showcase events to showcase third parties and most games i don't care about, trends are clear at this point, IPs with bad marketing to get new audiences like Greedfall 2's bad marketing last year if they wanted to engage a new audience and so on, so I find whatever suits me but still watch anyway for the Indies not just for oh this is what game developers think people want but also don't and make them anyway).
As if inspirations of Indies/big AAA aren't clear to me and why I go ok this appeal, this nostalgia, this inspiration, etc. At least for me when I look at games/studios.
That and articles Push Square have put of status of the 1st party studios besides when people talk about 1st party status.
When Insomniac/Obsidian put out games every 3 years or so and balance projects I'm like ok it's pretty fair for them. The rest seem to take 4-5 to even longer time nowadays. Other studios/publishers vary
Update trailers don't always help things either. Good to let us know but sometimes we forget the games or we go wait when was the last one when time passes.
The other studios status was already clear to me. I didn't expect Housemarque but it made sense with how Bend/Bluepoint are. We saw Naughty Dog's at the Game Awards and Wolverine it is odd it's still not been shown in a while.
That aside besides the live services in their pacing of things, yeah no Yotei was odd and however far out that is. But it was shown last time too at another event.
Among others.
God of War is still a ways off I assume after Ragnarok.
Horizon 3 who knows still far out I assume or the online live service one.
My expectations were 3rd parties and 1 1st party, I already knew what to expect other than the reveals themselves still being unclear till viewing.
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1st party Sony is absolute garbage. These SOP just keep confirming that, save for the odd time we get a Ghost of Yotei, they are few and far between. PS5 is the most disappoitning generation of PS for me by far. It'll be a long wait for the next meaningful 1st party release.
@Loamy I mean the last State of Play revealed Ghost of Yotei. This one had another first party reveal. I remember state of plays in 2019 with multiple first party announcements. State of Plays can definitely have interesting first party announcements.
@Deoxyr1bose Definitely! It's just not the primary focus - usually just the one announcement. At least we got some tasty Housemarque stuff 😁
@Orpheus79V i agree , which is why i don't see a full game towards venom happening
@Darylb88 death stranding 2 is getting its own thing in march at south by southwest
I didn't watch it as I knew I will never like any games shown from state of play.
But, I still on the fence with Sonic Racing Cross Worlds.
I have to know all the playable characters and the places.
Mid asf. Whole first half was full of sh#t I could careless about. I was hitting that 10 sec fast forward button a lot!
That octopus game looked fun. It was like a bright little candle, one of a precious few I'd say, riding an endless flood of murky sewage water ...in my own very personal opinion.
Wow an actual decent show! It had something for everyone, and showcased third party devs and lesser known Sony studios. A few games piqued my interest for sure, story driven single player games. That last game could be interesting and the Directive 8020 looked good. Tides Of Annihilation also looked interesting.
Lies of P Overture looks ace and I'm a bit excited about a new Shinobi. It was alright, better than usual but still not enough from first party devs.
I wonder if they tempered this SoP, knowing that Nintendo are going to have a big year?
Nothing really for me to get excited about
I thought it was pretty good. Tides of Annihilation looks awesome, and same with the new Onimusha and Saros. Mindseye looks like it has potential, and I'm very happy to finally be getting Stellar Blade on PC. Blue Prince and Hell is Us have been on my Steam wishlist since they got announced. If Borderlands 4 is made in Unreal Engine I will likely get it to play in UEVR at some point.
I thought it was terrible. But Warriors Abyss looks cool, glad it’s on Xbox (and £20!).
@Loamy Don’t you remember where Ghost of Yotei was announced? At State of Play.
Where did Sony debut gameplay for God of War Ragnarok, Helldivers 2 and even Concord? At State of Play.
In 2020-2021 the distinction existed but it’s been a long time since first-party games do show up more often than not in State of Play, plus we haven’t got a good showcase since freaking 2021! Stop excusing this embarrassment.
I didn't even know there was a State of Play thingy or whatever and looking at what was shown, the only comment I even have is basically "Oh...uhh...ok...why?".
@IOI what? I'm not excusing anything 😂 I'm just saying to people who were expecting several first party announcements that a SoP isn't the event you're waiting for. There was one first party announcement, as is the norm.
There were loads of good games in there for me 😁 although I am genuinely sorry you have nothing to look forward to from this 😞 it's sad. I hope there's more coming this year that piques your interest!
Really weird to see some people keeps mentioning Fairgame$ and Marathon as if they really hype for both games. I thought you guys hate live service games and don't want to see Sony spending a lot of time showing live service games like they did with Concord and Suicide Squad?
I also saw some who mention the lack of Death Stranding 2 and Ghost of Yotei. DS2 will have it's own presentation next month at SXSW which i'm sure we will get tons of info from that event. It's a good decision it doesn't take 10-20 minutes of SoP or some of you will complaining "ewwww Kojima it's boringggg" 🙄
And Ghost of Yotei is likely will get its own State of Play / gameplay showcase, just like Ghost of Tsushima back in 2020.
@ButterySmooth30FPS I did not realize Soros was first party lol. But ignoring that, who knows when half of those are coming out? Wolverine and intergalactic definitely aren't releasing until AT LEAST 2026, and Venom likely wouldn't be until after wolverine. And c'mon, DS2 doesn't count. That's only published by Sony not developed. I don't know, it sure looks like Sony's development pipeline got screwed up thanks to all of Jim Ryan's live service blunders. Hopefully that can get back on track soon.
It was aight. New Housemarque really has me excited, though.
I usually think these state of plays are boring but this was the first one in a while that I thought was really good. Lots of exciting games to look forward to. Those of you complaining or saying it was awful are just impossible to please.
I thought it was excellent. There were half a dozen games I'm jazzed about, and even the ones I'm not looked pretty decent.
My highlights were Housemarque, Hell is Us, Tides of Annihilation, Lost Records on Plus and SHINOBI.
If I may ask anyone more familiar with these, this was my first State of Play, I just recently got a PS5, and the PS2 was the only other Sony machine I had before that: do they usually show more gameplay in these, or do they normally lean into cutscenes and other graphical showpieces like this? Because I genuinely had no idea what to think for most of the games here: I saw a lot of near-photorealistic people in apocalyptic settings, and for all I know I'd love every single one of them or alternatively find them thoroughly unengaging, but I couldn't tell how they would play or even whether they were RPGs or shooters or beat em ups, so I have no idea what to think. Roughly what fraction of the big ones are from established series and so most of the viewers wouldn't need them explained (I of course recognized some of them, like MGS, Onimusha, etc.)?
I will say though that I am curious about Blue Prince.
@MFTWrecks I really thought it was good as well. I think they need to get better at spacing them out though. 40 minutes of b2b games is a lot. It is a similar issue I have with Nintendo Directs.
I see a lot of games to play and not enough time to play them all. Don't know how the comments section is so negative.
It was.. OK.
Lies of P DLC, Lost Soul Aside, Onimusha (new), Mindseye, and Saros - all seemed interesting.
At this stage though, they really need to split up into 2 different show types, each with different names:
I wanted to see what their 1st party studios were up to, so left quite disappointed, as did others - a complete split would help this and manage expectations.
This State of Play was the definition of Okay. Not great but not bad either just OK. I mean, we've had (WAY) worse.
It had some welcome surprises, we got to find out that Housemarque is working on something new, we got some release dates.
BUT we still need to hear from Sony and what the first party studios are working on now that, apparently, the live service efforts are not the focus anymore. (just 3-4 years down the drain X..D)
@Bigmanfan I guess you're right. Ignore the stuff that PS Studios is actually working on and they really don't have anything in the pipeline!
There was actually a lot it's just that alot of it was stuff we already knew about. So that was disappointing. As hyped as I am for mh wilds and the onimusha comebacks, I don't need yet more trailers for them when Capcom literally just had its own presentation a little while ago with them. Or split fiction, or mgs remake, or lost soul aside, etc. There should be more new reveals than there are trailers for games we already know about or are just getting updates of whatever kind. So the highlights for me were Digimon story and that one game with the female protagonist towards the end
The only thing I think was missing was a new Ghost of Yotei trailer and maybe a Convallaria update, although it's been...quite awhile. IMO, it was obvious DS2 wasn't gonna be here given the upcoming PlayStation Presents event with Kojima.
Some highlights of mine:
If some of you can't see the pattern by now, I'm sorry. It really is a great feeling. Some of you seem to crave this burst of short term excitement that you'll realize down the road was a waste of energy.
Lost Records being on PS+ was the highlight for me.
Buying MGS Delta and Split Fiction… and probably Kingdom Come Deliverance, Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and Nightreign. Sad to say, but the State of Play sold me on games that weren’t featured.
Shinobi was an early highlight, but I didn’t expect it to be one of my favorites. The PixelJunk game was my favorite new title announced by a wide, wide margin.
Still no idea how to feel about Hell is Us. It looks like a crossroads between Death Stranding and Resident Evil and a few other things, and I’m not quite sure if it looks unique or derivative.
Saros looks visually impressive, but I feel like we need to know more about 2025 than 2026 right now, as the last two years have cast uncertainty toward Sony being able to release a first party line-up.
Bummed out that there was no Ghost of Yotei. At least I can hope for a Death Stranding 2 release date at SXSW. Is it weird if I expected new levels for Astro Bot and would’ve preferred a new level in that game over 90% of the announcements?
Hate to be negative, but Xbox and Nintendo definitely have better momentum at the moment. It certainly feels like Sony is out of touch with their fanbase and that’s the biggest problem.
@Hapless Agree : 1st of April ? This show was a joke , still there are no PS5 breathtaking games .
I think my problem with the show was that some of the best announcements were for games we already knew about. It also felt disproportionately filled with third-person action games. They all kind of blend together for me. I will say, Shinobi looked good.
Oh wow, I only just now realized that Tides of Annihilation and Lost Soul Aside are two different games. 🤣🤣🤣
Want Now:
Monster Hunter Wilds(i dunno if im going to commit to it day 1 though in terms of playing it because these type of games are time consuming)
Shinobi Art of Vengeance
Lost Soul Aside
Split Fiction
Onimusha: Way of the Sword
Stellar Blade DLC
Saros(I know I know, there was no gameplay but this is Housemarque, i'm making an exception for them)
Hell is Us
Tides of Annihilation
Borderlands 4
Sonic Racing Cross Worlds
Lower interest:
Dreams of Another(im more interested because of who the devs are and I played their games in the past, mainly the PixelJunk games)
Directive 8020
Grade overall: okay
In terms of 1st Party, it is what it is. You should know why things are the way they are by now. Hella excited for Saros though.😎😍🤩🤘🏽
@arsmolinarc "BUT we still need to hear from Sony and what the first party studios are working on now that"
That left Bend Studio, Bluepoint, Media Molecule, and Firespite.
I think it was a relatively solid showing - however, I don't think that's enough for Sony after the constant problems they have had with first party live service games. I think they needed to knock it out the park, and I don't think it did that.
To be honest, if I reflect on all the XBox showings in the last few years, I would say they have been so many that were SUPER impressive (they may not have delivered on their promise, but they did inspire). That's what spending 100B will do ... and while XB has become the definition of a 3rd party publisher - Sony are very rapidly turning the PlayStation into a 3rd party platform.
I didn't watch it but just looked up what was announced and watched the trailers I cared about. Seemed like it was an okay event. Not great but no bad. I'm personally very excited for Sonic Racing Crossworlds and the Metal Gear remake.
Darwin's Paradox, Sonic, Lost Soul Aside, Shinobi, Onimusha Way of the Sword. Some of the other games look and feel so alike. And not one RPG.
@PuppetMaster given the number of cancellations in Sony over the last 2 years, you stating a list of names doesn't really inspire much confidence that they will ever be seen this generation. Of all of these, I think that Yotei is the only Sony game we're likely to see in the next 12 months. Sony have more or less said that 1 major game a year is their internal target in their investor information. If we're lucky we might get Intergalactic AND Saros next year.
BTW - given that Wolverine recently lost their game director (replaced by the creative director of Ratchet and Clank) ... I wouldn't advise holding your breath. Then again - it IS Insomniac, so who can tell.
It sort of confirmed my perception that PlayStation might not be for me anymore. Every game looks and plays the same. It’s not surprising that companies are seeking their own big live service game, they forgot how to make games. I’ve playing Nintendo a lot more just because I can have fun, look at different art styles in the games and enjoy multiple genres (plus it really helps that most games are not story-heavy, so I can resume after a few days without feeling lost).
For those still enjoying the ultra realistic open-world story-driven action RPG games it was probably a very good State of Play though.
Hmm. Im expecting more. No Judas,yotei,resident evil 9,little devil inside etc2?
Lost soul aside is the most one that intrigued me
@ButterySmooth30FPS Not really sure what I ignored? Care to enlighten?
State of play???.... Just plain old state!
Absolutely dire, nothing but garbage on show with some cringe worthy intros... A mid-50's random guy with somethingto do with borderlands introduced himself by saying "Sup", really!?!?!
Sony, as shown just last week, clearly don't give a ***** about quality or consumers, bottom line profit is all that matters.
Housemarq was a nice surprise, but I was hoping for a couple of PS Studios announcements. I'm glad for more of and dates for Midnight Walk and Borderlands 4. Borderlands I need to see some story for, because a little UI tweak aside, it mostly seems the same. A couple other things alright and the MGS Delta trailer showing a few days ago was still cool.
No Resident Evil 9. 0/10.
Sonic Crossworlds and that Digimon JRPG have me excited.
Glad they still have Snake vs Monkey in Metal Gear 3 Remake I hope they someday port Ape Escape 3 to modern consoles Ps2 copies are real expensive
Although I have critiques of PlayStation's messaging regarding their shows, there are plenty of games I'm looking forward to. A Midnight Walk looks dark, twisted and gorgeous. Darwin's Paradox looks to be an unexpectedly vibrant and neat platformer from Konami of all devs. Lost Soul Aside looks badass. Tides of Annihilation seems epic with insane visuals. Shinobi: Art of Vengeance has a slick hand drawn art style with cool combat. Saros was a nice surprise that I didn't expect in this particular show. Good stuff all around, just hope they have a showcase or a stronger first party SoP later this year with the games that are currently slated for 2025.
expecting more first party reveals, so pretty poor. Just a generic road map, for 2025.
I really just don't know what people are looking for anymore. This was a great show. Plenty of interesting looking titles here. I honestly struggle to pick a favorite.
My Year
PGA 2K25
Assassins Creed Shadows
Split Fiction
Mafia Old Country
Death Stranding 2
Ghost of Yotei
Where were they?
I will give them Split Fiction - good.
I am very happy with Days Gone
Anyone seriously saying that was boring or "bad" is either a troll, or just doesn't know games and should probably stop playing, or stick to Fortnite, or cod, or whatever crap they're used to.
Idk what you people expect, the majority of you are such disgraceful know nothing casuals you're not happy unless it's Bloodborne, which most of you never even finished you just pretend you played it just like Hollow Knight:Silksong, which I guarantee 99% of you scrubs in these comments couldn't even sniff the final 3rd of the game, let alone the Pantheons.
There were some great games announced, the audience is just a bunch of ungrateful non-gamers that know nothing of the industry & instead are only happy if a new GTA game comes out, not that they can even buy it themselves anyways, smh.
Onimusha is a big win for us.
I think the first party thing…I don’t know how many of you have been playing games on PlayStation since the 90s but as someone who has…
They don’t always emphasise first party historically. That’s not a constant. PS4 era, they really went for that but before…it’s very much about third party releases. Their aim is to be the platform for everything in gaming so that is why first party is not always the emphasis in SoP. If you are expecting Sony to match Microsoft or Nintendo in that way, it’s not going to work like that. First party is there to sell the consoles and ecosystem, as much as games.
And guess what, it has totally worked, hence PS5 sales increasing the way they have.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare they have always been a third party platform. Their success is rooted in that.
@add286 I agree - people misunderstand how little of their revenue comes from first party games.... however, their reputation is almost exclusively driven by first party game success.
It's pretty good, a 8/10 show for me 😃
@danzoEX great? Yeah, it was really good.
I didn't watch the presentation, only checked the news afterwards. Going by them I would say it was okay. Shinobi, Tides of Annihilation and Darwin's Paradox were the highlights for me. Sonic Racing Crossworlds and the Lies of P dlc looks also cool.
I thought it was pretty cool, not the best but certainly not the worst.
Reveals I'm hyped for: Digimon Story: Time Stranger, Days Gone Remastered, Tides of Annihilation, and Saros.
Games with dates I am tracking: Lost Soul Aside, Split Fiction, Hell Is Us, MindsEye.
I'm also excited that Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Episode 1 is "free" with PS+ Extra/Premium.
Monster Hunter, Lies of P, Onimusha... And that London game also looks cool as hell.
You bet I liked the state of play.
Thoroughly enjoyed it. If you didn't see at least two games you want to play from that lot, you shouldn't be playing games.
I voted excellent. There was a lot of good games in there! Deffo one of the better SoP's in a long time.
It was just a boring show, Sony really struggle to put on a show these days. The first 20minutes were unbelievably bad
99% was sequels, rehashed ideas and just plain boring imho.
Saros was the only thing that caught my attention for real. And I will buy the 10$ upgrade for Days Gone Remastered so we might finally get a Days Gone 2!!
Game studios need to stop copy eachother to death and start making innovative fun games again in my opinion.
Lies Of P: Overture could be a hit too, but I need to see more before I make up my mind.
I thought it was really great, started slow.
I don’t know what the people in comments expect? They are clearly pivoting after the live service gamble did not pay off. Lots of new IP and partner content on show - kudos for not more sequels.
Days gone getting a deserved second shot with a remaster
Some of the amazing creative efforts on show and people are here saying “‘mid” “boring” you guys need to play better games and mix it up.
Very good SOP in my opinion, and tbh I much prefer these things when they focus on the games that can slip under the radar rather than the big games where we already know about them.
Shinobi looks fantastic, it took me right back to my megadrive days.
Lost Soul Aside also interested me, but I was questioning the bland VA which seems to be the protagonists sidekick soul.
Directive 8020 looks right up my street and really want to see more on that as it looks a bit more high brow scifi than just kill all the aliens.
The Midnight Walk is probably the most creative game I have seen in a long time, It looks incredible and if the VR version holds up it should be great fun to play.
Hell is Us is still holding my interest as it looks crazy, just need to see more.
Blue Prince This caught my eye way more than I would have expected, partly because the room tiles gave me a board game feel. Will check it out when it lands on game collection Day 1
Tides of Annihilation Again just another action game that looked great so will be interested to hear more along the way.
Easily an 8/10 showing for myself
@add286 Yes mate. I've seen all the gens and sony was always the place where you went to play great games, but they were not often 1st party titles, with many machines launching with Namco exclusives for instance.
Fortunately the type of negative posturing that has become so prevalent on sites like this is not at all reflective of the actual market and represent a real malaise with online communication and entitlement rather than an issue with anything the target is doing.
There were more exciting titles I want to play shown last night than any recent showing from any other platform. Why would I care what logo is shown on start up?
I'm sorry you only play 1st party games, but that's your look out.
The rest of us, who genuinely want to play actual games, will not give a stuff about the opening logo.
It didn't have anything particularly exciting for me personally. I made notes as we went along about anything that I was even slightly interested in, which was:
Lost Souls Aside
Split Fiction
Onimusha 2
Onimusha Way of the Sword
Hell is Us
Days Gone Remastered
Tides of Annihilation
None of them grabbed my attention enough for me to consider spending money on at this point, apart from Onimusha Way of the Sword which is still a long way off and we already knew about and I was already going to buy anyway.
Anyone else notice that it seems to be the same people that complain after every state of play and showcase? Surely can’t be a coincidence 🤣
I put good as there was nothing there personally for me. I can see there's plenty of stuff for others though.
As stated before, patapon 3 is more my jam... and sonic racing is more my speed of game lately due to getting old 🤣🤣🤣
edit borderlands 4 also, but I'm on the fence.
One thing that did irk me was one London accent in that London based game though... I think it was a child voice over- reminded me very much of dick van dyke in Mary Poppins 🤣
@Loamy Lately both show types are centered around 3rd parties, that's the problem.
As in the last few years Sony was so obsessed with chasing GaaS unicorns, they ignored development on other non-GaaS games. Now that that's more or less busted, they are left with very little to show for than expected, and are just slowly starting to "pull up their pants" as it were...
This is all on Sony's mismanagement, and the state of both shows lately indicates precisely the reality they're in.
Guess they'll start picking up the pace in the 2nd half of 2025, but until then...
With only 2 first-party games revealed, those being Days Gone Remastered and Saros, it's become very evident the consequence of putting so many of your studios on the live-service trend only to cancel a majority of them. I bet that Bluepoint would've already had a new game by now if they weren't being forced to make a GoW live service game (still dumbfounded that idea even existed). Though i am a bit surprised that they couldn't show anything Fairgame$ related considering that game was announced back in 2023. Guess after the massive flop that was Concord it must've caused them to go back to the drawing board. Won't be surprised if they just quietly cancel it.
I will say, I am glad that Housemarque's next game is gonna be more like Returnal, unironically one of the best PS5 games to date. And more Onimusha is always nice.
@rjejr Ghost will get its own SoP, we're only half way through Feb as well so there is a lot of this year left.
@Titntin absolutely, and if you have been from the early days, it all seems ridiculous.
In my opinion the SOP was really good.
I did not expect anything, and there were a few surprises like "dreams of another", or this squid game Darwin's paradox.
Then there are all the block buster games which look pretty much all fantastic in the trailers, albeit the trailers seem to be all a bit too similar, or too similar to old already shown trailers. They all kind of blend together in my head. Maybe, because there is nothing really standing out, or because there were just too many in the SOP.
Maybe more frequent 20min SOPs with fewer games is a better choice ? On the other hand if there are two many SOPs people are even less excited about them as they are already. I guess there is no good solution to present such a huge number of games, and create excitement for many of them.
Wasn't in the mood to watch it yesterday. Too busy with other stuff and wanted to relax a little with gaming instead of watching a stream.
@UltimateOtaku91 Not an Xbox fanboy. I like all the consoles and have all of them. Try again.
@cburg I also had all platforms but gave my Xbox series s away as wasn’t a fan
Just getting to work and scrolling through the comments here. Jesus, the entire internet needs a liberal prescription of Lexapro. That State of Play was really good! New 1st party announcement, tons of awesome action games, new Shinobi, Lies of P DLC, updated on a China Hero Project, and I can go on.
Were y'all expecting them to announce PS6 or something?? It's a State of freaking Play. What's wrong with everyone?
The first 3/4 of the SOP was really underwhelming. The last ten minutes lifted it a bit between the new Housemarque game and a couple others.
Overall I'd give it a D+, not totally awful but also not really exciting. It felt like they did it more out of obligation than having a lot of cool stuff to show.
@Artois2 I like MS first party games and I love the X and it's features. I think Gamepass is amazing. With that being said, I love Sony's first party output as well. Same goes for Nintendo. I just love playing games on every console as each one offers something different. I am lucky to have all three.
@wildcat_kickz Not "what's wrong with everyone" considering the majority voted the SoP was okay to excellent.
Pretty bad honestly. The only stuff that really interested me was stuff we already knew about that just got new trailers.
@PuppetMaster I was speaking more of the comments, rather than the vote. Obviously, comments always slant negative, but when people say the SoP was "terrible" or "bad," I just don't know what universe they're living in.
I totally agree with you, but I don't think Showcase exists anymore. I could be wrong, but it's been four years since we've had a Showcase, so I don't think it exists anymore it's just State of Play now.
Honestly, it was kinda dull.
Idk if I'm just getting older or what, but everything shown in that show started to look all the same and absolutely 0 announced that triggers any hypes within me whatsoever.
@SuperSilverback for me 9 games
@Styledvinny79 it was only alloted 40 minutes.
They couldn't have fit all the xbox games coming to ps5 in there 😉
I still haven't gotten around to watching it but perused the list. It's definitely going to be a year for 3rd person action games.
Shinobi looks very nice.
when you have lowered your expectations as much as i have over the years, you are able to walk away from these state of plays with a feeling that is "passable". there were some genuine surprises here such as tides of annihilation and shinobi gameplay (from the same devs as streets of rage 4, sign me up). onimusha 2 and lost souls aside gameplay looked quite good and elevated the show. these kinds of announcements are enough to make these shows watchable. anticipating new, sweeping 1st party IP from sony is a setup for disappointment so its best to move on from that way of thinking. sony only has a handful of single player games on the horizon... i count no more than 4 or 5 at most for the remainder of the ps5 gen. one or two releases per year if we are lucky... they will be saved for game awards and other prominant shows and not wasted on a state of play.
@kingtoten Yeah, since COVID Sony have fallen really far behind with their first part studios along with all the live service cancellations it's left the slate a bit bare. Even now I doubt they have enough to show for a full showcase (I mean of actual substance/gameplay).
Although I can't say I'm all gloom and doom about the future though. There's enough first and third party content for me personally. I'm kind of lucky in that I appreciate a wide variety of genres I guess, but I do understand the frustration at the lack of updates on the big titles.
Since we're not getting any showcase anymore I'm afraid, I can't blame gamers expect more 1st party in SoP's now. So absolutely understand they are dissapointed and share it in the comments.
For me this SoP was just okay. Would love to see lot more I'm petsonally interested in (Bloodborne ps5 native version in the 1st place), but as someone who had huge backlog of older titles, I take it as it is.
One thing that was really dissapointing though is no RE announcement - I honestly expected RE9 or new remake to be shown here, hope Capcom will bring it soon
It had one game I was interested in, which was Sonic Racing. I'm probably not playing it though, so this is why I never bought a PS5.
I went in expecting nothing, but got a Days Gone Remaster. So I got less than nothing.
I voted 'OK' for reference which is the majority opinion.
The state of play-mentality needs to die. I really hope that PlayStation has been well paid for all the mediocre SOPs it has delivered, because they've devalued their own promotional strength through this. Nothing was presented in a way that felt particularly good.
On top of this, 1st party studio management has failed. Most PlayStation studios has been mismanaged for years. A symptom of this is the mediocre commercial spot that is State of Play.
I've been vocal about negativity too, but I think this is overall a fair evaluation of the format. 'OK', I feel, is not good enough in a saturated market.
However, if you added Microsoft's games in this showcase (they're coming after all) it would be overwhelmingly cool (think if they started with showing Indiana Jones), but that wouldn't be possible in the business model that is SOP.
@Mintie " Ghost will get its own SoP, we're only half way through Feb as well so there is a lot of this year left. "
Yes, it probably will. But the SoP wasn't "first half of 2025" or something like that, at least 2 games were in 2026. And if we believe them that Ghost is coming out in 2025, well, why not make the fanbase a little less disgruntled and include it? Unless you think it would have somehow made the fan reaction to the SoP worse by including it? 🤷♂️
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