Atlus revealed the opening for Persona 3 Reload earlier this week, and it's so good that it got us wondering: which Persona game has the best title sequence? In case you don't know, each game in the series typically introduces itself with an animated opening, featuring a unique song and some gorgeous artwork.
There's no doubt we've had some absolute bangers over the years, but again, we want to know which one's your favourite. Have you already fallen in love with Reload's eye-popping take on the original release? Or perhaps you have an inescapable nostalgia for Persona 4 Golden's jazzy intro? It's a tough one!

But before we get into the poll, let's just remind ourselves of Persona's many top tier openings... (although for the sake of this vote, we're going to stick to the main games, disregarding the dancing titles and other spinoffs.)
Revelations: Persona (PS1)
Persona (PSP)
Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PS1)
Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP)
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PS1)
Persona 3 (PS2)
Persona 3 FES (PS2)
Persona 3 Portable (PSP, PS4)
Persona 3 Reload (PS5, PS4)
Persona 4 (PS2)
Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita, PS4)
Persona 5 (PS3, PS4)
Persona 5 Royal (PS4, PS5)
So, now that our memories are refreshed (and numerous songs are stuck in our heads), it's time to pick the best opening. Cast your vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Which Persona game has the best opening? (815 votes)
- Revelations: Persona0.1%
- Persona0.5%
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PS1)0.3%
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP)
- Persona 2: Eternal Punishment0.5%
- Persona 3
- Persona 3 FES
- Persona 3 Portable
- Persona 3 Reload
- Persona 4
- Persona 4 Golden
- Persona 5
- Persona 5 Royal
Comments 31
Persona 4 Golden and Dancing are my favorites but absolutely love the P3 Reload one too!
Innocent Sin is just so catchy. Pretty hyped to play the remake of the game that started the persona obsession for me.
P4 golden is the one i let play everytime i started the game. It's a feast for the eyes and ears.
They're all pretty cool with funky funky beats but i've got a soft spot for P4G. It was one of the first games I played on my Vita.
Golden makes me the happiest, 5 original fits the narrative the best.
Aside: I ❤️ 5 Royal and it’s my fav way to play but the extra semester imo detracts from a perfect P5 ending.
My personal rankings
1. Persona 4
2. Persona 5
3. Persona 5: Royal
4. Persona 3 FES
5. Persona 3 Portable
6. Persona 3
7. Persona 3 Reload
I didn't include the openings from P1 or P2 as I don't know a lot about them. To this day I still consider vanilla P4's opening to be the best one.
Persona 4 Golden being that much higher than Persona 4 base is wild to me. The original is such an amazing vibe that Golden just tramples on.
No vote from me. Impossible poll. They're all amazing
I honestly don't think I could pick one. They are all so fantastic in their own ways!
Persona 3 FES
FES was my first and still my favorite!
P4G, definitely my most played vita game. I remember playing it when I was still studying. Played that game till 5am in the morning multiple times 😊
Recency bias (and the only one I’ve played) gives the vote to Persona 5.
P4G for me. P3’s original is second for me. I say this as someone who has never actually beaten a Persona game though.
I’ve got more hours in Persona the Animation than Persona the Game, sadly. Wish I would’ve known about the series in the PS2 era because I know I would’ve loved it then, but the length of these games always intimidates me.
Persona 4 Golden just has repeated animations, its so lazy.
Persona 3 Portable.
Two shocking revelations that blew my mind. 1. This opening is indeed sang in English. 😂
2. Turn the PSP the other way around and you can see FEMC's perspective🤯🤯🤯.
Soul phrase is the ultimate banger
Persona 3 portable is a very important game for me if I'm being honest. My first persona game, and the game that set me on the JRPG Weeb path😂.
@Deoxyr1bose Both persona 4 openings absolutely bang but I think I know the reason for why so many people gravitate towards golden.
Shadow world feels like a welcome back song. Like it's the embodiment of comfiness. The song playing is the game's way of greeting you or something like that😂. That's how it's always felt to me.
P4/G is such a cosy game ☺️
I always loved the Persona one, the one for the remake. The song is really catchy, I could listen to it for ages (On a side note, it's pretty much a perfect length to time how long to brush your teeth for, if you don't have a timer. Short and sweet). And I mean, it's just a really nice looking opening cinematic.
Golden is fantastic and holds on special place in my gaming life, it was so intimate to grab the vita, launch the game, listen to the song and re-enter the daily routine of a countryside japanese town, special memories.
But the electro-jazz vibe of vanilla P5 is simply over the top. The artistic value of those games is exceptional.
It could never be anything other than burn my dread, for me. Back in 2009, when I was 13, Persona 3 was the coolest thing I'd ever laid eyes on. Video games at the time (that I'd played) just didn't look like that. It was a bitch to get a hold of a copy back then though so I had to rely on youtube lets plays. simpler times!
I would have voted for the Original Persona Q, but since it's not an option would have to choose 4 golden
P4 Golden is one of my least favorite, because it just seems like TV show intro. All it does is introduce the main cast. Gives me Full House vibes.
Persona 3 Reload and 5 Royal look stunning visually and give a good feeling for the game they're covering.
Persona 5 (original) though, is just perfect. Great visuals, amazing theme song, and the choreography of it all just seals it. The characters sliding along makes it seem like the game is beckoning you to start playing. It says so much, without really giving anything away about the game.
All of them are marvelous but I really really love persona 5 vanilla song so much.
I have to go with Persona 3 FES because it is SO Persona. Love the original 4 and 5 intros as well!
Most of these are absolute bangers, but I voted for Persona 2: Eternal Punishment as that music feels so epic.
If we wanted to include spin-offs, then my absolute favourite Persona opening is for Persona 5 The Animation opening 1. An in terms of games, Persona 4 Arena is my favourite Persona game opening.
Persona 4 Golden is my favourite and seems to be a lot of people's favourite too. I prefer P5R game wise though despite the fact of P4G being an amazing game.
P4G is like distilled joy, I wish I could get my regular gaming chums into the Persona games but the required playtime is a big ask but boy do I think their lives would be 'bettered' from the addition.
That being said I am going to wait for the inevitable Golden/Royal/Extra edition of P3 Reload... I need but, but I also do not have time to play through two different versions of it - there are too many long-ass games to play currently.
5, 4, then 3 Reload.
Gotta make a poll for the spinoffs now (where P3 Dancing is objectively the best one, obviously)!
For this one though, I went with Innocent Sin PSP. I found the gameplay itself a bit antiquated for my liking (it was really the load times before and after every single random encounter that tested my patience a bit too much), but I love that opening!
Persona 4 and Persona 5 Strikers.
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