As you may have already read, we were not sent early review code for Forspoken. This means that we won't have a full review for you to read in time for the game's launch on the 24th January. However, having spent most of the day with the PS5 action RPG, we wanted to write up some first impressions, which will hopefully help inform you on the imminent release.
The headline says it all, really. We're about six hours in, and Forspoken has been an odd experience. It's too early to say whether it's good or bad or somewhere in between, but we've at least caught glimpses of the title's potential in these early moments.
Things start off shaky, though. The opening 45 minutes or so see main character Frey coming to terms with her increasingly dire situation here in the real world. New York City has chewed her up and it's about to spit her out, as the jobless 20-year-old faces extensive jail time for a third-strike crime. She's given one last chance by a surprisingly benevolent judge, and then she's attacked by gang members on her way home. Then the building she's squatting in burns down, along with all of the money she's been saving. It's going great.
This introductory sequence is plodding, but we did find ourselves sympathising with Frey. We've all been at the end of our tether at one point or another, and she's at rock bottom. Fortunately for Frey (and for us), she stumbles across a magical cuff — it's just sitting on a desk in an abandoned house — that transports her to another world. Finally, we're into the actual game.
All of that meme-worthy dialogue that you've seen doing the rounds online happens within the next half an hour, as Frey tries to wrap her head around events. She converses with her magical cuff — now seemingly stuck to her right forearm — and the banter is questionable at best. The writing isn't quite as egregious in-game because there's at least some kind of context to it, but it still feels like it's trying far too hard to be cool, for lack of a better word. The dialogue desperately wants to sound natural, but no one outside of an especially obnoxious teen drama would ever talk like this.
Forspoken's grounded opening is asking you to take Frey's plight seriously, but then an hour later, she's fighting a dragon while screaming "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck! F*cking f*ck!", and it's just a bit jarring. Maybe that's the point, though. In a way, the game does a good job of throwing you into something completely different and alien, and perhaps that wouldn't be possible without the initial dreariness.
As you might imagine, it's not long until you're being bombarded with combat tutorials. Frey is capable of slinging elemental spells from a distance, and the first foes that you face will try to close that distance. It's immediately clear that Forspoken is basically a third-person shooter with very pretty particle effects, and popping off attacks does feel quite fun.
We've killed plenty of enemies since, and again, we can see the potential. Frey's arsenal starts out fairly limited, but a quick dive into the skill tree shows how things could evolve. Combat is clearly going to be a core part of the adventure, so we're hoping that it'll eventually branch beyond sitting at a safe distance and slapping baddies with magically-charged bits of rock. The recent demo would suggest that this is indeed the case, but it does feel like we'll need a steady influx of new skills and abilities to stay fully engaged.
Our only immediate issue with the combat is the lack of impact. Outside of the damage numbers that pop up whenever your spells hit home, there's not a lot of visual feedback. The foes we've fought so far just kind of charge about, barely reacting to the blows until their health bars are empty — although we're well aware that we're still working with the most basic of attacks.
The controls might need a bit of tweaking as well. Forspoken has an inherent floatiness to it, which can be difficult to get used to. It's not like the game is unresponsive, but some of Frey's animations, and that way that she interacts with the environment when moving at speed, can make the action feel a touch unwieldy.
Indeed, traversal plays a huge role in what is a huge open world, but we've already found ourselves getting caught on jagged parts of terrain, which can really damage the intended fluidity of Frey's movements. What's more, the camera has a frustrating habit of getting snagged on scenery when exploring enclosed environments, like ruined buildings. This might not be a big deal given that the vast expanses of the open world are where you'll no doubt be spending most of your time, but it almost reminds us of something like Sonic Frontiers, where any desire for delicate control goes out of the window when your character has a tendency to move so quickly.
Moving on, we have no choice but to bring up the visuals, which, to be frank, have been the biggest disappointment so far. If you cast your mind back to when Forspoken was first announced (as Project Athia), the feeling at the time was that it would end up being a PS5 showpiece. Here we are over two years later, and the finished product looks nowhere near as impressive. The world's lighting is shockingly flat, the colours look mismatched in places, and the environmental detail is seriously lacking.

Outside of the aforementioned particle effects, it's honestly a rough release to look at. Obviously projects get scaled back and altered during the development cycle, but Forspoken wouldn't look at all out of place on PS4.
And unfortunately, this line of criticism extends to the game's technical performance. Its dedicated performance mode targets 60 frames-per-second, but it feels like it's dropping a small amount of frames all the time, and what we assume is a dynamic resolution seems to noticeably dip whenever things get hectic. It's not a complete trainwreck, but it's far from selling the PS5's power.
Forspoken has flaws, that's for damn sure, but we have been enjoying bouts of exploration and combat. We can't say much on the story yet, and the writing will really have to step up its game if it wants us to take it seriously, but there's...something here that works. Whether that'll be enough to sway us over the rest of Frey's journey, it's hard to say, but we should have a full review for you to read in the near future.
How are you feeling about Forspoken? Are you tempted to take a look for yourself, or are you holding back for now? Give us some magic in the comments section below.
Comments 91
If all goes to plan, we'll have a full review by the end of the week.
Obviously still early, but I really don't know what to make of this one. Will try to answer questions if anyone's got any — just let me know.
Disappointing, this is yet another game I was looking forward to buying that has turned into a complete pass. At least I’ve cleared my backlog.
I am saddened to hear that the magical cuff banter is questionable at best. I was expecting a higher level of magical cuff banter from a triple-A release.
@BeerIsAwesome Fairly sure Forspoken was written and performed in English as its foundation. I don't think it's a Japanese script that's been localised.
@Gremio108 This industry has hit rock bottom.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
Several of the reviews i've read seem to suggest that if you can persevere then there is a good arc and pay off. It's just there is a lot of sub-optimal stuff in the middle and especially at the beginning. Shame.
I might get to this one day, but at the moment it goes to the bottom of the "over 20 hour AAA games I kinda want to play that I probably never will" list along with titles like Days Gone.
@InternetUser what haha
well, maybe if it had some “tAcKeD oN”multiplayer , but this is what people wanted
For it to be a tech demo it should be able to run higher than 720p on performance mode am I right?
Floaty, attacks lack impact, questionable and rather generic story…sounds like Halo, lol.
Nothing wrong with that, looking forward to giving it a go.
@BeerIsAwesome Yeah, localised dialogue can be awkward as well, so I definitely get it.
Tbh, I'd pencil this game as one of those that I will try in the future when I can get it cheap enough. Some enjoyment can be dictated on how much you spend on the game (as it's always in the back of your mind) if it's a 6/10 and I've only paid £20 for it and enjoyed it to a degree, I don't mind. Similar thing happened with GW Tokyo
@IOI You are, that's why it's a 'weird' tech demo. So far it almost feels like a concept for a game (like a tech demo) rather than a fully realised release, if that makes sense.
I just read this article with my freaking eyes!
@ShogunRok Yeah, seeing it as a concept (or demo) rather than a full game definitely makes more sense, it’s so weird that Sony has cared enough to pay for 2 years of exclusivity and marketing when the game seems to be from average to just bad.
The demo was more than enough for me, looked interesting but felt very disjointed. I'm sure i'll give the release a full go if it ever comes to plus.
I'm a magic lover and a gamer who skims through the story these days (Unless they're cinematic showpieces like God of War), so as long as the combat's fun and the magic is varied, I'm sold. I'm one of the few who really enjoyed the demo. My only criticism at the time was that traversing up walls was clunky. Which does break the flow
@KaijuKaiser Don't worry, the way this game's going we won't be writing about it much longer.
Why playing mediocre games while there are hundreds of great games out there and on the piles?
"Forspoken on PS5 Feels Like a Weird Tech Demo"
After playing the demo it felt like a bad game.
I really hope Square scraps the Luminous Engine after this. It's like the antithesis of Capcom's RE Engine.
Too many potentially great games coming up to waste time and $70 on a below average game that should have stayed in the oven for a few more months.
Probably by the time I buy it in a few months it will be less than half off and be fully patched, so those of us that wait will have the cheapest and best experience.
@RBMango Does feel like Forspoken was a kind of last-chance attempt at justifying the Luminous Engine on some level. But with the FF7 projects and FF16 all being developed on Unreal after FF15, you knew something was up.
Be very interesting to see how the PC version is.
how many times is push square going to tell us they didn't receive a review copy?
Yeah I’ll be snagging this when it’s $30 or less. Heck, I’m more excited for the Final Fantasy rhythm game than whatever this is.
"What a mediocre game this turns out to be... Maybe gonna play it once if I get it at a heavy discount - definitely not worth 70$, not buying it at launch"
That was my take away from the Demo... Then I decided to wait for the reviews before making up my mind.... aaaand I'm glad i did.
From the reviews already out there this is a 6 rated game, that, as it turns out, fits perfectly with the impression the Demo left me.
Also waiting to see reviews on Atomic Heart and Wo Long. The former strikes me as a "rating 6-7" and the latter as a "7-8"... curious to see if I'm right
For now I'm gonna buy the only 2 games that left me with good "hunches" : Dead Space Remake, the improvement of a game I already know and like... and Hogwarts Legacy, who's trailers and gameplay videos express a lot of care and attention to detail given by the devs. Very hyped for those 2, can't wait to dig in!
I can’t wait to boot this game up tomorrow. Everyone can hate train all they want. The divisiveness of the reviews has me even more curious.
Looks to me like a solid 6/10 game.
The question is, does this game justify its £65 price tag? Going by the reviews, I’d say no.
When you say the enemies don't react to you hitting them, is it as if weak enemies don't fall back when using a powerful attack or you need to hit them multiple times for a reaction in game out of them?
How did te transition from NYC to a fantasy land go? Is it that abrupt?
Are getting collectibles/side missions done a nuisance and worth it for upgrading the skill tree and progressing the story?
That preview sounds accurate sadly, based on what I've seen on YouTube.
Well...f*ck ...
@somnambulance Let's play a game. You open this tomorrow, I'll open my Edge controller Thursday and we'll take notes and compare who's more disappointed and feels robbed and personally violated by Jim Ryan?
@BeerIsAwesome Yeah I thought the same at first until remembering it's a roster of American and British writers, namely Gary Whitta (Rogue One) and Amy Henning (Uncharted series.). The snarky dialogue is probably Amy but idk what happened... The writer of Chloe can not possibly be behind this drivel....
@ShogunRok " It's not a complete trainwreck" had better be the subtitle on the review
Is xvi Unreal? I thought so too, but we were talking in the other thread and it seems like it might be a modified luminous instead... With dmc combat... 😬
3..2...1.... "Tencent should buy Square!"
Imagine if it have been the new infamous.
Just to comment on the graphics section of this article. I honestly believe this entire generation will be a disappointment in that regard. Over two years in and no one including Sony has put out anything that's much better than what we got on PS4. I feel the game industry has topped out on how to make these games look better. Maybe a game or two will surprise us at the end of this gen, but so far it feels like a glorified PS4 Pro so far.
@NEStalgia Ah that's my mistake, we don't actually know what FF16 is using. Speculation said it was Unreal, but then people also think it might be a modified version of the engine that FF14 uses (which would make sense considering the development team).
Guess we'll find out soon enough!
@NEStalgia Don’t have to open it. It’s pre-installed already. Lol. I’ll be taking notes for sure. You’re not the only one eagerly awaiting my opinion on this one!
This has $20 by Black Friday written all over it for me.
2023 is stumbling out of the gate.
Is it possible that Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor, Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and Final Fantasy 16 will disappoint this badly?
My only issue with it so far is I can't find the option to disable subtitles...
We are in the era of diminishing returns.
And it’s not just the hardware.
It’s the time and the budgets required. And aiming for performance.
I was always skeptical about the graphical claims made about the 9th generation. For me, the focus is on improving performance and the SSD load speeds, which the generation has accomplished so far. I always felt like we wouldn’t see a big graphical jump. Mainly because the hardware available that is affordable wouldn’t allow for all aspect Ray Tracing, which is the next big thing.
I think the next Gen is where we will see all aspect Ray tracing at a minimum of 60FPS in rasterized visuals. Which is what the new RTX4090 provides right now. But PC games are ultimately dependent on console games for the building block, since 90% of all games are built on the console hardware as a base. And the RTX4090 is anything but affordable and was in the development phase when these consoles released. As such, it’s not even being taken advantage of and won’t be for a long time.
The PS4 and Xbone needed to be replaced. But it had nothing to do with visual fidelity. It was the need for high bandwidth, faster loading, and improved performance.
@Th3solution If they do this'll go down as one of the most disappointing years in gaming history.
(There's no way that RE4 isn't good though, in Capgod we trust.)
@Shepherd_Tallon Subtitle options are in the accessibility menu settings, I think. I assume there is a way to turn them off, but I'm not 100% sure. I definitely removed the subtitle background, but maybe that's all there is.
The team that made Forspoken previously made FFXV.
I never had high hopes for it. And I actually liked FFXV for the most part. But it was a huge disappointment overall.
These other games are from far more competent teams.
Based on my time playing and completing the updated demo, I agree with everything said here. PS4 game. Yep.
@ShogunRok That's exactly where it is!
Accessibility > Scroll to the bottom.
So much for Square Enix supposedly giving smaller streamers a Forspoken review code. I applied and wasn't successful.
I guess my reason for requesting the game, which is to give feedback on what feels fun and good and what doesn't, isn't good enough.
Imagine that!
Pretty sure this game was just an example of misplaced priorities...
Looks like waiting for when it drops into PS Plus monthly free game is fair enough.
To be fair, if I found myself fighting a dragon, F*ck, f*ck, f* cing, f*uck would probably be my go to!
As an aside.
U. Add it to make a... Word. Rude but, hey the world keeps ***** turning
I’m still waiting for my download to complete. Had some extra cash and I liked the demo so I preordered just over a week ago. Really hope it’s not as bad as it seems.
@Max_the_German very few let you use magic like Forspoken does.
I was hoping this game would silence the nay sayers but it looks as though thats going to be left to hogwarts. This game looks interesting enough for me when it drops in price in a few months. I have more than enough to be getting along with..
Screams “buy it when it’s under £20” to me.
Very happy that the high price point turned me off pre-ordering this. Smells like a train wreck for a supposed ps5 showcase.
£60 for a tech demo. Lol.
i hope this does well, but ill be swapping my pre-order of this for star wars.. sorry SE.
tbh I'm usually in mind made up territory well before the 6 hour mark. The fact that it hasn't swayed you enough by that point certainly sways it for me. Shame as we could do with a tentpole to get the games year going.
Looking forward to DS though, just hope EA haven't managed to turn gold in to cabbage.
@NEStalgia With respect to writers and former staff, it's never quite as simple as a single individual being responsible for the whole. Callisto Protocol was tragic, Dangerous Driving was a weird mess (although entertaining in its own right), Death Stranding was kinda dull (it depends on opinion though, of course).
The lesson I learned from all of these examples is that a single individual is never solely responsible for a product, or even a component of a product. This is something that I hope the industry, and the audience, starts to consider lest they get burned again by a meaningless name drop.
@Th3solution no chance, they are gonna be some of the best games this year I think, RE4 is gonna be king !! Or dead space or diablo 4 or wild hearts or ff16 or Wo long, Forspoken flopped and will be forgotten about quickly and 2023's little early stumble will be forgotten don't worry
@Mythologue But Balan Wonderworld turned out so well!
Actually....Balan Wonderworld's demo was more entertaining than Forspoken's. I'm not sure what to make of that, but there it is... If they were both $15 on a sale, I'd be more likely to take a gamble on Balan honestly.
@BeerIsAwesome That's a good thought, although I don't know about "considered a weaker entry", personally I thought 3 was very solid, and I never had any issues with the writing or noticed any "change" in the series quality. I actually liked 3 as a total package more than 2, though 2 is the "iconic" game. I think it comes down more to if you like the whole Lawrence of Arabia pastiche. I liked it, but I think some found it less interesting than Nepal. I think gameplay was more solid in 3 than 1 and 2 by miles and miles. Has nothing to do with writing, but I never felt the writing, or Nate or Chloe's characters namely dropped in quality of dialogue.
True that Neil and Josh were also on 2 but not 3, and they did 4 but not 3 which probably does have the best writing of the series, but IDK, Henning did 3 which I thought was fine, was on 2, she also did Leagacy of Kain which is classic.
At least going by the credits she wasn't a writer, or primary writer on Hardline, she's only credited as "Additional direction" under story, not listed as a writer specifically, so I'm not sure that one gets pinned on her. Though personally I never found the writing in Hardline terrible either way. It's not Guardians of the Galaxy or GoW, but it's serviceable. It's not the dumpster fire that Forspoken is.
And maybe she's not the dialogue writer in Forspoken, I assumed that since she did a lot of character writing in Uncharted and it has the same kind of snarky writing, but, since you pointed out the change in Uncharted, and she wasn't on Uncharted 4 that doubled down on snark, Uncharted's snark may be more Neil and less Amy, and maybe Forspoken's is not her either. Forspoken has a LOT of writers credited. Uncharted 4 has 2. Uncharted 2 has 3. GoW18 has 3. Forspoken has 6. And 2 of them are actors that moonlight as writers. With all those writers and so little quality writing, you really do have to wonder who wrote what.
@themightyant Days Gone is so much fun, put it wayyyy higher on that list than this mess
Never expected anything good to come out of this, to be honest.
It always looked and sounded like a terrible, soulless mishmash of uninspired choices.
How early did it become clear that it's been really half arsed in every single aspect? 😅
I have watched 4 minutes of a YouTube playthrough, and within 2 minutes it presents itself as just total nonsense. The judge says that perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with your criminal past. And then they show you documents of a high school diploma and a random photograph of you as a very young child reading books like a good little clever girl. And then a photo of you as a baby and a news article about how you were found in a tunnel. Seriously? Did no one red flag how this makes literally no sense in the writing room?
"Happy almost birthday" - The judge
the initial sound of her walking into the courtroom where all you hear is really clicky fake footsteps and nothing else, is totally jarring, it sounds like something from PS2 era sound design 😅
And then outside the courthouse someone walks by apparently texting by tapping their fingers on thin air because there is no phone in her hand? Okay... And then they somehow drop that phone which just materialises, all without them noticing, just so you can give it back to them like a good citizen 😭🤣
It's one of the worst games I've ever played. The main character is beyond unlikeable
@NotSoNigerian you must like anything the game is awful
Omg the dramatic music that kicks in midway through a threatening sentence in the opening "drama" on the streets of New York. Before the top quality fight and escape animation takes over 😁😁
It's like the game was made by literal 6 year olds who get to just try stuff out at random under mild supervision from the Devs 😁😁😁😁
This is so bad it's good. I'm definitely going to watch other people play this game 🤣
I've never seen anything quite like it, it's genuinely amazing to see it in action 🤣
@Ravix Yeah that opening is rough, certainly doesn't give a good first impression. I think the game does get better as you become familiar with the fantasy world, but the game should arguably give you full control a lot earlier. It's very tutorial-ised and slow in the initial hours.
@ShogunRok I don't mind slow. In fact, I like a slow build up. But this is just noticeably bad in every way. It's like there is little love or effort involved in making it. But on the other hand, it's hilarious. The amount of janky animations, bugs, bad sound design, bad writing, clumsy gameplay all in just a few minutes of a games opening is shocking 😵
But it makes me want to see more, I want it to be the worst AAA game ever made now, one so bad that it starts to do well on a cult level 😁
@Ravix Hahaha, unfortunately I don't think it's quite that bad based on what I've played, but I can absolutely see why some people might really dislike it.
Again, the game does definitely get better, but it's still a bit...it's hard to describe. It's not especially janky, it's just awkward and weird at times, especially in its direction and storytelling. It does make me wonder how much of it was cut and then stitched back together during development.
I went from being really excited for this game to being cautiously optimistic after the first trailers to being glad I didn't pre-order after playing the demo. The reviews have been pretty rough across the board. It's a real shame because I love seeing new IPs.
@themightyant you must have a hefty long list if Days Gone is still on there.
@ShogunRok I mean, the vibes I'm getting are that Frey has a serious head injury, plus a boat load of emotional trauma and is maybe just about to lose her s*** completely, and the game feels like that's how it's been made too, so it kind of fits in a weird way. Maybe it's going to be the most meta game ever made or something.
It also might be a game best played whilst moderately inebriated, not that Push Square could rightly recommend such a thing, but I can 😁 that is how I feel people will get the best out of it, anyway.
But, if the game finishes and it turns out that Frey had just been running around New York throwing bagels and cool-aid at taxis and confused bystanders, talking to her handcuffs and putting on a funny voice for the responses, before finally being committed, it could turn out to be my game of the year 😁
@NojahZA Over 2,200 hours of backlog gaming according to my spreadsheet 😂... and new games added every month.
@Ravix I will say, during that opening, Frey makes one of the stupidest decisions I've seen in a game in a long time. When her home is on fire, she outright refuses to pick up the bag full of the money she's saved until she's found her cat.
It's literally a bag, and the house is on fire. Just put it over your shoulder while you look for the cat! What's wrong with you?! Then when you find the cat, she goes back for the money and of course it's on fire with everything else.
So, so dumb. The prior cutscene had established that the money is her only way out. And she leaves it there on the floor of a burning building while she does something else. Just thinking about it makes me lose my mind.
@ShogunRok Would be a cool cross-over if it turns out her cat she saved is the cat that ends up as the protagonist in Stray.
Already bought it so I'm good to go.
@BeerIsAwesome This is no excuse though. A good translator can turn awkward dialogue in one language into smooth, natural dialogue in another. If the dialogue in Forspoken was translated, then it was translated badly.
@ShogunRok yeah, I think when she got jumped she suffered severe head trauma, and then she's gone on to inhale smoke and suffer a lack of oxygen to the brain. Curiouser and curiouser.
I definitely want the fantasy to be pulled back and to see her hurling bagels at NY taxis, that'd be some game right there. Better than her throwing rocks at rock monsters or whatever 😁
I was completely put off from the game after I saw that first hour leak video. We have a black female lead and someone thought it was a good idea to have her start off in a court case (not her first time either) and then we also find out she has no parents? Come on man, do better.
Man I hate it when corporate suits create teenaged/young adult characters who just swear all the time or crack edgelord jokes. It’s like being in a room full of Incels.
And some people out there still pre order games. I have to wonder where education systems went so very very wrong....
@ShogunRok She looked at her preorder numbers and then saw better sales potential when she looked at Stray. The cat's worth much more for PS exclusives. She did the right thing.
@Doctor-Moo There's no translation, it's an English script US/UK writers. The Japanese version is the translation. I hope they fixed it.
@Ravix LOL, now I need the inevitable Forspoken/Spiderman crossover DLC where Frey is running around Manhattan throwing bagels at Peter screaming about "freakin' dragons" and talking to her wristwatch.
@BeerIsAwesome That's definitely what happened here I think. Plus Whitta and Henning are the only two with a solid writing pedigree (questionable in Whitta's case, but I digress...) The rest seem like fly by night non-writers that somehow are involved in the writing. And it shows.
Early in the game and while it leaves some things to be desired, I'm having a good time with it. Also I'm able to run it at at 120 FPS pretty flawlessly. Again, I'm still pretty early in the game, but so far nothing has really turned me off of keeping with it.
@Juanalf second that!
@themightyant lol brother you're sorted for a very long time!
@themightyant spreadsheet listing... Must be an accountant 😂🤣
@NojahZA LMAO. No! 🤣
But I got the idea after watching this video and finally putting my backlog down on 'paper' made it SEEM much more manageable and less of a weight. Not least I immediately eliminated a bunch of games I was never feasibly going to get round to. (It started at over 3,500 hours)
To be honest if nothing released for the next 3 years I might just about manage to get to Forspoken. As it stands it's off the list 🤣
It's good Game and it's fun with plenty stuff to do and we'll hidden mature dilemmas through the game which is full of magic and Waves of enemies from Zombies to A witch and there is politics in this vitual world and it's like meeting new culture . 30fps is OK because it's large game with impossible on previous gen. And Performance scaling is surprisingly good or to be clear it's not bad as it seems first time you switch to Performance. This is good game and it is something different in Artistic presentation, i would recommend Forspoken to everyone who thinks to play Redfall for sure.
@Arnna just go to options and change that. It's that simple.
@Doctor-Moo dialogue between her and bracelets is for help to players as reminder but it can be reduced and changed in options.
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