After honing its craft across the Ninja Gaiden series, two Nioh games, and the recent Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you can hardly call Rise of the Ronin a coming-out party for Team Ninja. This is a vastly experienced developer that knows what it's doing, and has done so to good success for almost 30 years. The studio is a household name amongst enthusiasts, but what if it did make a grab for the mainstream audience? Bankrolled by Sony, its new title Rise of the Ronin feels like exactly that. The hardcore don't need to worry, though: Rise of the Ronin is still a Team Ninja game through and through.
It's just quite a bit more accessible and approachable than past efforts. With three difficulty options to pick from, a lot of checkpointing, and clear tutorialisation, we died just once during the first four hours this preview allows us to discuss. It feels like a Team Ninja experience in essentially every facet — just with the difficulty scaled down.
With a vast, colourful, and historical open world alongside it, Rise of the Ronin is also far bigger than anything the studio out of Tokyo has done in the past. A linear tutorial sets up your two custom characters and introduces the streamlined combat system, then you're able to explore a gigantic land mass packed full of the typical activities you'd expect of an open world game. Off the back of its many mission-based titles, though, this is a notable step forward for Team Ninja.
And, based on what we have played so far, these tweaks to the outfit's formula have paid off for a mostly more enjoyable experience. Those returning from past titles like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will find a familiar combat system to master while newcomers will be charmed by the big open world and its clash of east and western cultures. It's been an experience that's grown on us the more we played; every session has been better than the last... for the most part.
What's been most intriguing is seeing how Team Ninja has adapted its combat system for a less masochistic audience while still incorporating some light Dark Souls features. On the standard difficulty, combat is — on the whole — quite a bit easier compared to the studio's past games. Your protagonist has more health and stamina while normal enemies have less. You have access to additional tools like a grappling hook and expanded traversal options while common foes keep their feet firmly planted on the ground. You have a clear advantage this time around, which moves the experience more towards a usual action-adventure title rather than an Elden Ring.
Still, you'll continue to feel that FromSoftware inspiration at select points. Veiled Edge Banners are effectively Bonfires, restoring your health and items while respawning select enemy types. However, since standard checkpoints are a thing in Rise of the Ronin, you won't always pick the action back up from one of them if you die. They're just an option this time around. Then, enemy encounters generally feel like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice — again, though, with the difficulty turned down.
Combat is just as much about clearing an enemy's HP bar as it is taking away all their stamina, which is known as Ki in-game. Through well-timed parries and deflections, you can leave an enemy open for a killer blow as their stamina gauge drops to nought. The good thing, though, is this tactic is just one option: you could also time your dodges correctly and land critical hits or simply brute force an encounter through blocks and retaliations. It's not a complete walk in the park; you still need to keep your wits about you to a good degree. However, after two generations of brutal FromSoftware and Team Ninja titles — and all of the copycats in between — Rise of the Ronin feels quite comfortably the most accessible of the lot.
The open world appears mostly straightforward also, though there is some amount of depth to it. In the early hours, you have to work to increase a Bond Level for each individual area, which reveals new icons and activities in that region after ranking up. With rewards to accrue, you're incentivised to invest in every area so you can reveal and then tick off all of its quests and optional pursuits. There are cats to find, photographs to take, shrines to pray at, and fugitives to kill in the first handful of districts. They're the sort of side tasks typical of an open world game, but have proved enjoyable distractions to the boilerplate main missions so far.
Interestingly, that concept of a Bond Level in each area of the game carries over into some of the characters you meet and converse with. It appears you'll be able to develop relationships with the people you meet and nurture them into companions or love interests, with rewards to be had when your bond levels up. Having unlocked a home base in Yokohama, you're able to converse with them and give them gifts in order to boost the connection you share. Since we are only a handful of hours into the game at the time of writing, we haven't seen any proper relationships blossom yet, but we're eager to experiment more with the feature and see its possibilities flourish.
What was clear from the off, though, is how Sony's involvement has lent the experience a presentational shine not seen in past Team Ninja titles. From the flashy, big-budget opening movie to the story cutscenes complete with letterboxed black borders, Rise of the Ronin is a step above anything the developer has done before from a visual perspective. The trade-off is it makes the moments the game isn't at its graphical best all the more glaring: texture pop-in out in the open world is a constant and the larger locations like Yokohama appear almost desolate, with few NPCs roaming the streets.
We wish there were more because the few you run past in the built-up cities hint at the clash between Eastern and Western cultures Rise of the Ronin is all about. Ambient dialogue speaks of the tension in the air while buildings can go from distinctly Japanese to of blatant American origin. It makes exploring these places so much more fascinating, as you go from one street your custom protagonist could call home to another where they feel almost alien. Given there are quite a few more cities for us to visit throughout the game, we're excited to see the experience explore this culture clash more.
Compared to Team Ninja's past titles, Rise of the Ronin feels bigger, grander, deeper. But is it actually better? At the moment, it's difficult to say. The experience has proved consistently decent to good in its opening couple of hours, but it's yet to really knock our socks off with an impressive mission or exhilarating sequence that showcases why Sony decided to take the game under its wing. While some elements certainly show promise, the four hours of play this preview affords us to discuss publicly aren't hitting on the same level as other PS5 exclusives. Right now, Rise of the Ronin is good. But it isn't great.
Rise of the Ronin launches for PS5 on 22nd March 2024, so check back with us before then for a full review. Have our impressions heightened your excitement for the game or not? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 50
One step closer to a day one purchase for me, then. Is the combat less floaty than nioh or wolong?
Interesting — everything mentioned in this write-up sounds great to me rather than “good”. It’s nice to see Team Ninja try and expand on their formula and do new things within their games. Whether that’s a hit or a miss, we will find out, but I appreciate it nonetheless. I’ll definitely be picking this up.
I hope we get a demo with the Stellar Blade demo soon. I love hearing this is more accessible, and I love the music from the game so far too.
However, Team Ninja’s games have never really blown me away and I suspect I may feel the same with this one, given the preview. It’s competing against Dragon’s Dogma, after all. If it’s not incredibly solid, I know what I’ll be playing… without splitting time.
I agree with pretty much everything Liam's written here. Been playing the game myself and although it's yet to really wow me — the open world stuff feels very by-the-numbers — I am enjoying it.
Removed - unconstructive feedback; user is banned
@DeathlySW One step farther from me. I've learned if you starting getting meh vibes before a review is even posted, you might want to listen. This could be someone's cup of tea but I'm more into beer.
@ShogunRok Did you try the game on different difficulties, and if you did how did it feel on higher difficulties?
I am not really concerned with them lowering the difficulty of their game, aslong as the difficulty us long time fans of Team Ninja want is still there as an option. Ninja Gaiden has difficulty options which are a master stroke to introduce new players to the game mechanics as an example.
@ShogunRok did u try the game in co op
Still sounds like I’ll enjoy it.
Reads like a solid 7/10. Maybe an 8.
I can’t help but think it’s just a stop-gap until Ghost of Tsushima 2 (or Ghost of Koshikishima, or whatever island we go to next)
What might keep me from playing this, is because I'm totally burned out on open worlds.
I hope we get a demo.
This has got me excited as well as team ninjas in depth production video. I'll definitely play it.
This is going to struggle to sell copies.
Hearing it’s more accessible than previous team ninja games is music to my ears. Will probably pick this up sometime, but like others I think I’ll be playing DD2 for a while…
The plot seems original and engaging, but the open-world aspects are more a deal breaker for me than anything else. Plus the outdated graphics, it's not helping.
I love a good challenge in video games, I beat Sekiro and all of the souls like titles but I'm happy that they're approaching it this way now. From the first reveal, it was clear that this would be a story-heavy game, so a "brutal difficulty only" would have just scared people away from it.
I'm going to be honest I'm just not interested in this game, it looks boring I dunno gotta pass on this one
@B0udoir yea man I feel the same I can't get into this game I don't like the graphics at all I dunno I gotta pass on this
From the video, for the build that's presented at least, the graphic quality is kind of low, and the world seems empty. There are some activities besides doing quests, and mechanics like the grappling hook that tend to add diversity... but i don't know.. It leaves a feeling of "wish there was more to it"... especially considering it's an open world game, which take usually longer to finish - the lack of overall "proper entertainment" will exact a heavy toll.
It'd be best to wait for the full review to see more.
For now at least it seams like it's gonna be a 6 maybe 7 score game.
But are enemies still Gear Pinata's when you kill them?
I hated the "looter slasher" aspect of Nioh and Wo Long.
Really not interested in Team Ninja going open world. I'm not a huge fan of theirs to begin with, although I've played all the modern Ninja Gaiden games, but I shudder to think about their open world activities.
Sounds like a solid experience. I'm interested in playing it... but I just don't have the space in my backlog at this point. It's going to have to wait a bit.
As mentioned above, it's sounding like a solid 7 or 8 out of 10.
It looks like something I would have picked up and loved during the summer on PS2. I'll definitely give it a go, but it will have to wait until after FF VII and Dragon's Dogma. And Unicorn Overlord. And Bulwark.
Helldivers 2...
I was going to player fewer games this year.
Gameplay looks fantastic, Team Ninja doesn’t miss in that department. I’m not crazy about the move to open world though and heavier story, but they’re such fantastic developers, willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. That said, I just don’t have time to play this right now…
Two of the four hours were spent in the menus changing gear since you’ll probably get new weapons every time you defeat an enemy. In all seriousness I hope Team Ninja moved on from this.
It was this or Dragons Dogma 2 for me this month and i picked DD2.
@MichaelMashpotato Well Nioh and Wo Long were looters so loot is kinda expected.
Rise of the roning looks excellent.word up son
I don’t really like the idea of difficulty levels for Team Ninja games… Or the idea of it being less difficult overall than other TN games. I play their games for the challenge and ummmm.. masochism.
@jt887 TBH I’ve found almost all PS exclusives for PS5 very meh and not my thing. I expect this game will change that.
Team Ninja should go back to Dead or Alive
I know graphics are not everything, but if you said this was coming out on ps3, I would believe you.
The game still looks like it will be good. I hope it has scores that will make it feel like authentic Japan. The question I would have though ultimately, is should I wait to see if it will have a price drop. $69.99 might be a little steep for this one.
@Elitepatriot what? Ps3? Should have gone to spec savers..
I like they have made it more accessible to casual gamers by offering difficulty settings and I'm sure it's going to generate more sales for them. Game looks great to me and I'll be purchasing it but not until dragons dogma 2 is done and dusted. Heck I'm not even starting any games from my backlog until dd2 is done with.
How is the gameplay compared to Ghost of Tsushima? Is this much more actiony or is it as deliberate?
I'm so happy to hear the difficulty can be scaled down. Wo-Long defeated me way too early. Lol.
The fact its easier than previous games does appeal my worry is that it will come across as a sub standard Ghosts Of Tsushima as iv only quite recently played and been impressed by that.
Looks OK bad release window may be swallowed by bigger games I already feel like DD2 is gonna be popular with lots of buzz through YouTube and streamer's.
As a Nioh Enjoyer I do worry the simplified combat even on the harder difficulties will disappoint. I think I'll go for Dragon's Dogma 2 and wait for reviews from other Nioh Enjoyers...
Another article to lower PS5 fans expectations. I see a trend. Spiderman 2 in my opinion is a 10 but for some reason a lot of gaming sites make sure to they put some negativity in their preview so games sell less than they should. I think they are trying to keep a balance between all consoles. For example, there is no way that Super Mario Wonder is better than Hogwarts legacy but it got nominated for game of the year. All I know is that I know that I'll enjoy this game a lot.
Team Ninja is the prime example of a studio that puts all its eggs in one basket: combat because they absolutely suck at everything else.
Remember all the crying about Sony no longer concentrating on Japan-centric games? Well here is a full blown Japanese developed game focused on gameplay over visuals and presentation. Let's see just how well this game sells because it will finally expose all those whiners who claim that Sony needs to go back to its Japanese roots if they actually put their money where their mouth is.
Nice preview! Sounds like a game that’s hard to fully peg down in its early hours. It’s clearly a step in a more accessible direction from the hardcore gauntlet of their previous games and as a first open world effort, I’m expecting a fairly standard approach to its structure.
Seems like this will live or die by its atmospheric and narrative ambitions, which feels like a strange thing to say for a Team Ninja game but as a very systems driven developer, I’m excited to see what kind of depth, if any, they can bring to the well established formula. If the game allows me to feel like a wandering ronin forging relationships and drifting on the winds of change in a truly politically and economically tumultuous time in modern Japanese history, with a solid combat system and rewarding sense of adventure, I will see it as a great success for Team Ninja. Not long to wait!
In other words, wait for a Black Friday deep discount.
I'm looking forward to this one. Team Ninja games are usually just a little too tough for me (old man reaction times), so its nice to find there's some options to tailor this.
Having read previews elsewhere too (I don't trust most reviewers on this site), I also like that the mood is not so 'dry' and the characters are a little more bombastic and fun.
Many previews have expressed they had a lot of fun with the preview and I hope that translates well to the full game and all the systems, I guess we will see.
Another game I've got to try and fit in! Nice problem to have
Difficulty levels are a plus - I bounced off of Nioh- but "standard open world" is a big big minus, I can already feel the repetitive tedium.
@ShogunRok have you seen any of the decisions and elements that will "shape a dynamic story" so far? This is something that could make or break it, for me.
The store page mentions "choosing different allies, whether to help or assassinate certain historical figures, and critical mission decisions. All to see the story unfold in different ways"
Which seems pretty in depth and interesting, and maybe a step up from something like an AC where you do as you're told 99% of the time.
It does kind of make me wonder if the story will be on the shorter side, if they've had to write multiple pathways, too.
@SgtTruth As a huge Soulsborne fan, I also love the idea of accessibility while keeping the brutal option. I would love a slightly easier Soulslike game option that has crazy, cool fantasy lore that’s not a complete riddle with killer boss fights and eerie, majestic gothic or medieval atmosphere. Combat should still require intentionality, just not so punishing. As much as I love a challenge, sometimes you want a similar experiences that feels breezier as a palette cleanser. It does feel like that’s the general idea for this game, but open-world and realism is not as appealing, at least for me. Linearity with some branching options is fine. Not interested in filler side quests and boring NPCs giving me menial tasks. Hopefully the boss fights are dope.
I guess, if you're wanting a rip off of GoT, Nioh/2, Sekuro, and play style like Souls game, this is your cup of tea...
I forsee this having low sales. It's just another, "lets" borrow from blah blah, yada yada, so on so forth, toss it together and give it a new name with a couple of fancy new moves and hope it sells....
Trite I tell ya, it's TRITE...
@ShogunRok how does it feel coming to this from Rebirth? because that game utterly burn me out on Open World contents.
Also "Custom Character", do you create your own Ronin in this game?
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