Indiana Jones and the Great Circle won't launch on PS5 for roughly another six months, but we can get a good sense of its overall quality now as the Xbox Series X|S, PC versions release. The review embargo has lifted, revealing a Metacritc rating of 86. Below you'll find a selection of scores and conclusions from respected media outlets who have had access to the game for the past few days. Once the PS5 version arrives, you will find a full Push Square review on the site.
Eurogamer - 5/5
Smart, fun and so very Indiana Jones, The Great Circle is a stealth action tour de force that marks a bold new era for MachineGames.
VGC - 5/5
We had a smile on our face from beginning to end while playing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. As close as games can come to a genuine old-fashioned Hollywood blockbuster, it's also an incredibly rich adventure game stuffed to the gills with secrets to find.
GameSpot - 9/10
Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is the quintessential Indiana Jones game. It captures the look, sound, and spirit of the movies, presenting a riveting story with an unexpected focus on stealth and freeform exploration that satisfies even when certain aspects of its design are slightly underwhelming. More than anything, MachineGames has successfully designed a game around its protagonist; its mix of improvisational stealth and combat feels distinct by adopting a fast and loose style that echoes Indy's scrappy persistence. It might not be quite as accomplished in all areas as the studio's Wolfenstein games, but Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is still a frequent delight.
IGN - 9/10
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle nails nearly everything about the best parts of the storied franchise upon which it’s based, from the title card and location fonts to Harrison Ford’s finger waggle, but its successes go way beyond its faithfulness to the finer points of the films. With a host of gorgeous and lavishly detailed levels, satisfying combat hinged on jawbreaking haymakers, and a focus on slow-paced exploration, platforming, and puzzle solving (interspersed with a handful of high-voltage action scenes), The Great Circle is an irresistible and immersive global treasure hunt for Indy fans who’ve felt underserved by the likes of The Dial of Destiny and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Moreover, it sets itself apart from this decade’s increasingly homogenised third-person action games by opting for a classic first-person perspective inspired by the likes of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. If you butt your head against its generally basic stealth systems, cracks will show – but when played as intended, The Great Circle immediately ranks amongst the best Indiana Jones games ever and its story is closer to Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade than anything that’s come after. Some pundits may claim it belongs in a museum, but museums are for dusty old relics you shouldn’t ever touch. The Great Circle doesn’t belong in a museum; it belongs on your hard drive where you can play the heck out of it.
Noisy Pixel - 7/10
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle captures the spirit of adventure with nostalgic puzzles, richly detailed environments, and thrilling set pieces. While it stumbles with lackluster AI and clunky item management, its charm and sense of discovery make it a rewarding journey for fans of the iconic archaeologist.
TheGamer - 3.5/5
Unless you’re the type that gets a lot of satisfaction from checklist-style open-world games, I highly recommend you ignore everything that isn’t on the critical path in Great Circle. If you focus solely on the main story I think you’ll get a lot out of the experience. It’s a fun story with some decent gameplay variety that’s authentically Indy. You won’t miss much by strictly sticking to the main quest, and in fact, your experience will be better for it. It’s a shame the rest of it falls so flat.
Pure Xbox - 6/10
Ever since we caught wind of MachineGames making an Indiana Jones title, we've been very excited by the prospect, but ultimately, we're a little disappointed in the final product. The overall experience isn't bad, and it successfully sells the Indiana Jones fantasy, but the gameplay elements here just don't match up to the vibe of a fun-time Indy adventure. The pacing is all out-of-whack, the open stealth-driven levels don't work in the context of an Indiana Jones romp, and the game just feels at odds with itself overall. We're always up for trying something different and for teams breaking genre tropes, but in the end, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is at its most fun in fleeting moments - which is a shame considering the amount of care and attention that's been put into adapting this famous old franchise.
Do these reviews convince you the wait for the PS5 version of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be worth the wait? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 141
I’m pleased - it looked decent in the trailers but they can be deceiving. Will probably pick it up when it comes to the PlayStation.
"adapting this famous old franchise."
Something about that annoys me. I mean, it's a newer franchise than Star Wars, slightly, and I don't think anyone referred to Outlaws as "adapting this famous old franchise".
Pure Xbox: "We're not sinking... we're crashing!!!"
@Matroska I mean, they're both old franchises. From around the time Hollywood really started doing franchises, even. It's certainly fair to call Indy old without reference.
As for why no one's actively calling Star Wars old, it just feels more current. Star Wars has mostly stayed in popular zeitgeist since its inception and has had several recent releases to revitalize it as a modern franchise.
I do find it a bit strange that the reviews barely mention any action set-pieces considering the IP, seems like most of game is stealth and puzzle solving.
@MeanBeanEgg seriously that comment section is screaming that they have xbox in their name and they should fall in line and give it a 10 lol
Amazing Xbox release!
GamePass here we go!
Mostly positive reviews, great to see. I have Gamepass but I hardly use it any more. Probably a stronger chance of me playing this on playstation in a years time or so.
And this is why I'm going to wait for actual player reviews, this to me is Dragon age all over again...
Good to see Xbox finally get a win, but I'm not interested in the franchise at all, so no interest in getting it once it comes to PlayStation.
@Americansamurai1 Is it really a win if it costs you 7 billion dollars and you have to share it?
I'll be waiting for the PS5 release but I think it's a good idea to keep low expectations with this one.
Well, I guess the naysayers can shut up now.
Good. This is the single game they showed at the last big showcase that I cared about, and I am eagerly awaiting it’s Spring release on PlayStation (and hopefully the Pro patch won’t be garbage). I don’t know Machine Games’ track record as far as curating the achievement lists in their games. Are they alright, or are they typically glutted with difficulty related achievements, multiplayer/online-server-dependent achievements, or any other offensive trash like tacked on low effort wave survival modes?
It'll be interesting to see how it does cos Xbox have barely marketed the game, which seems to be par for the course with their game pass titles.
@RagnarLothbrok a review is an opinion piece, nothing more. People like different things, I struggle to understand why any adult wouldn’t be able to accept that. The pure Xbox review score seems to be a bit of an outlier but that doesn’t make it any more or less valid as it’s the personal perspective of the person playing.
I’ve never cared for the FIFA franchise (to the point where I don’t even remember what it’s been rebranded to after losing the license). I’d probably give those games a 3. Millions of people love the game, and it’s arguably the best football video game available. For those people it’s probably a solid 8 at worst. My 3 is pretty irrelevant to their 8, and likewise their 8 is irrelevant to my 3.
I like everything I’ve seen of the gameplay and puzzle elements including the slower pace of the great circle. I know what I’m getting and I’m looking forward to playing it on Monday. I also have no problem with anyone that doesn’t like the look of it, or has tried it and didn’t enjoy any part of it.
@Balaam_ I remember the NEW COLLOSSUS being a bitch for trophies. ULTRA HARD mode completion, kill enemies in certain ways etc.
@Enuo I mean we gotta give them something. It's been so long for them I kinda feel bad lol
They are positive from the usual sellouts, but not the others, which makes me think it's not that great.
Fair play to PureXbox for being honest and not giving it a 9/10 just because MS published the game. All that said the majority seem to agree its around 8/10 what's great though i still don't care for the game even if i can try it for "free" on Gamepass.
First person = wrong game design decision. They gave it to the wrong studio. How hard was it make it 3rd person like all the games it inspired. I would have rather them remake the Emperors Tomb instead.
I'm watching Jeff Gerstmann play it. I don't always agree with him, but he's making some good points. I lean towards being a scoundrel in my stealth games. I think Indy has enough of that dark side.
It's funny that the YouTubers/vloggers I enjoy the most used to be journalists. There's this constant argument about whether one should trust "influencers," or the games press. That's mostly moot when the influencers just read whatever the games press has on the front page. I'm old. I miss magazines, and a lot of those were about as corrupt as they could get in this space.
@MeanBeanEgg how about remain skeptical until you have evidence to suggest otherwise. No one has EVER said "you should trust critics," to me. In fact, it's usually the exact opposite, lol.
Is this game really that good? The gameplay trailer doesn't looks that convincing to me.
@Nem So you go to MetaCritic and sort the 44 Xbox reviews by score. There’s only three out of 44 that gave below an 8. So you’re saying over 90% of the critics are sell outs? I suppose the same must be true for every Sony game that’s ever gotten good reviews?
Some people will really will stretch their imagination just to fit their own agenda.
@awp69 I was talking about the ones in this article...
Seems i touched a nerve or something.
The sister site of push square gave it a 6. I took a look at the review and saw why.
No need to spin a narrative. I don't care enough about it to go read every review out there.
I know not to trust most of them and the truth comes out later.
Like for example with Spiderman 2. Now it's not the darling it was when reviews came out. 🤷 No use getting defensive. The truth comes out, one way or another.
If it's a great game, you got nothing to worry about.
@awp69 don’t bring sense and logic into it!!!
Removed - trolling/baiting
It’s a damning reflection of game reviews today that I read each one as if it were a political op-ed during election season. I find myself trying to filter through the left-leaning and right-leaning takes, hoping to land somewhere in the middle—on a review written by a gamer, for gamers. A review where graphics, sound, and storytelling take centre stage.
These particular reviews feel refreshingly balanced for once. But that doesn’t erase the creeping sense of mistrust that’s become the norm. It lingers like a bad aftertaste, born from the recent shenanigans of big gaming publishers and content platforms. Trust, once eroded, leaves scars. And these days, I fear, famous old gamers like me bear them.
@BushSwan The Overton Window sort of renders that entire philosophy moot. You can only lean centre in reference to what’s currently being offered in terms of ‘left’ and ‘right’.
(On topic, this game looks great and there only seem to be a couple outliers that aren’t as big on it, means consensus is generally positive)
Not an Indiana Jones fan and it looks a little too slow for my MachineGames-work taste but it's great news for them.
From all the half industry MS has bought the studios I actually care about are MachineGames, inXile and Obsidian.
@GymratAmarillo ID, Obsidian (I'm mixed but I like their writing), Doublefine and MG are the ones I like.
@breakneck id and doublefine are cool but i have never connected with their work.
@nessisonett On topic: love Indy. Can’t wait.
pure xbox gave it a 6 score.. meh. to get a 6 score from a homer site like pure xbox means the game is not great..
@awp69 many xbox review high scores are clearly bought..
Beautiful, well written and directed cutscenes, a meaningful open world, the big orchestra, AND fine and varied gameplay, which tries things other than the Ubi formula.
Finally AAA gaming is back, baby!
I think for most of us that haven't played the game - let's all just hit pause. There can be a divergence of opinion, and also there can be positive endorsement of a game - without there being some underlying conspiracy. I hope it's a good game - every game by people that do their best deserve a fair-shake... whether that ends up being positive in the end or not. Well done MachineGames. It seems today putting anygame out that isn't cancelled before launch is a bit of a modern-career highlight... instead of being laid off.
@LikelySatan maybe (and this isn't me having a go) spend less time thinking what "influencers" do... they are inherently driven by what influence they have - which includes pushing specific 'narratives'.
My favourite youtubers for games are people that have less than 10k subscribers... once they hit 10k, I think things often start changing. Consciously or not. It's fun to see someone's take, when they're not worried about losing subs.
@Matroska The difference is, we get plenty of Star Wars media all the time. Indiana Jones feels much older because we barely get anything Indy related these days.
@AdamNovice Micro$oft don't need to advertise the game - until it comes to other platforms. Being a GP game doesn't automatically mean it's crap - it doesn't. But the problem M$ have is they don't really have a strong public view on ''ownership" vs subscription - even though they're always pushing subscription with the 'best deal in gaming' line.
I liked it when games weren't couched in 'it's free to try'... I think this game is trying to compete on it's own. So we should be thankful for that... and encourage best effort. For both XBox and PlayStation.
@BushSwan @Nem Just, like, read reviews as the opinions of specific reviewers — bias and all. All reviews have always been that; even Roger Ebert had what some would consider bad takes. Because there is no objective reviewer, and one's experience with an art piece is always influenced by external factors outside of their — and the art's — control.
This mistrust of reviews always irks me. Stop taking reviews so seriously. They are just tools for you to use to gauge your interest in something. At most, they're media consumption taken to an academic level. But it ain't deeper than that. Find some voices you think generally empathize with your feelings, look to them for advice, and only engage with other opinions if you care to "peer-review' — in a sense.
@Lavishturtle I think first-person makes sense and I'm wholeheartedly into it. I also think, given the narrative-heavy, cinematic nature I would presume of an Indy video game, MachineGames is an excellent choice.
It's fine if you don't agree. But understand that these are subjective opinions you're expressing and not objective truth.
With tango gone machine gun games is probably the most distinct of all of Bethesda's lineup. Looking forward to playing it.
@MeanBeanEgg I didn't get that. The odd comment along that line sure. Most comments were about the discrepancy between Pure Xbox score and most others. Which I understand.
@Oram77 These are actual player reviews... If were talking user vs. professional, I'm sure the user reviews will be just as varied yet far less nuanced.
This is why scores don't matter. Everybody keeps saying "but other sites gave it a 9". The important thing is what they say. What pure Xbox said about the game makes me understand why they didnt enjoy it. I can understand debating the reason for the score but only fools debate the actual scores.
@blockfight think it's only 3 month later for playstation btw unless ya waiting for sale
Funny part is, if the overwhelming 8/10 - 10/10 Reviews are to be believed, then the Xbox crowd that loves to crap over PlayStation games for their length/amount of cutscenes/pacing etc. are gonna be praising and defending a game that seems to be a very "PlayStation" type experience overall 🤷♂️ 😅
I dunno if I can be bothered but I DO have Game Pass Ultimate till the end of the month... Maybe I'll Pre-Download it now and run through it just to keep up with things? I dunno 🤔
I know it suits the character, but I’m just not into stealth, and this is apparently very stealth heavy. Oh well.
Looks like a fun playthrough for the story, as soon as it drops to around $30 I'll definitely pick it up.
Finally a good reviewing game for us on Xbox 🤣 probs try it out although still got nine sols to play and Bo path of the real lotus is on sale so buying that tonight
I have so much nostalgia with the good movies of this series as well As The Fate of Atlantis pc game, that this is a no Brainer buy for me when it comes our way, despite it's potential flaws.
Looking forward to it. Glad for Xbox to have a solid hit day and date release on its admittedly far superior sub svc, and also glad it's releasing on Ps5.
So it's good but nothing spectacular, I might give it a go once it hits playstation plus extra.
Should be good fun, I’ll definitely check it out, we don’t get to lunch enough Nazis in games so that’s always a bonus!
I think that the lower scoring reviews expected a wolvenstein type game (shooting nazis) instead of typical Indy game
@Hyena_socks New Sniper Elite coming start of next year too! Big time for virtual Nazi hunting really. There’s absolutely zero political link to anything else happening in January at all.
The Pure Xbox review reads more positive than its score of 6.
@MeanBeanEgg its not just this game though pure xbox always give xbox the lowest review scores
@Matroska to me at least, Indiana Jones is a nostalgic or “old” franchise. Attempts at modern instalments are few and far between and don’t have a fraction of the impact of the 80s ones. Ghostbusters is another one. There are new ones but no one’s going to put those when asked to describe a Ghostbusters movie. Star Wars is as relevant as it ever was.
The great thing about gamepass is i dont need to see reviews i can just try it myself
@MeanBeanEgg Well, if there's a general consensus that a game is good, that's usually a good sign. But obviously you have to take that in conjunction with what you know your own tastes to be.
It helps if you know there's a critic or two whose tastes tends to align with your own. Then you can trust the critics you trust...
But yeah, gamers confuse the heck out of me as well. There's been so much condemnation of this game based on some limited previews and the fact it's 1st person. Certain people seem happy to vilify a game based on their own expectations of what it should be, having not played a second of it, rather than keeping an open mind and approaching it with the intention of being entertained. Which when you're speaking about an entertainment product, kind of baffles me.
By all means, condemn a game after you've played it, if it disappoints you and that's your honest opinion...
Anyway, rant over. Personally I think this looks like an interesting take and I'm looking forward to giving it a go, at some point.
Is there no other way to stealth that isn't crawling around at knee-height? Not a fan of that aspect, doesn't seem very Indy.
Love that access media!!!
AdamNovice wrote:
That’s really not true at all. It’s every third advert on YouTube for me, have seen it advertised during football on TV, and have seen print ads in mags and on the tube.
In New York, London and Sydney they’ve had pop-up escape room like puzzles to win a limited edition Indy branded Series X.
They had a whole Formula 1 livery and accompanying social media video series about that reveal in an Indy global exploration style.
In Germany they had an Indy branded blimp in the sky with an Indiana Jones silhouette figure hanging below it from a whip. I’m sure there’s more I didn’t see or discover in ten seconds of searching Google.
It’s by FAR the most advertising I’ve seen on Xbox in a while.
If eurogamer and ign give something a high score I'm instantly suspicious. Same if they give something a low score. They've been at it for years.
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare yeah there's a reason I used quotes too, and said they just parrot the dreaded journalists.
Can't wait to play this after our Xbox friends have bug tested it for us
PS PRO best place to play?
So what happened to the supposed "Xbox tax"? I was told no Xbox first-party game would ever get high review scores because of a worldwide conspiracy against the Xbox brand.
Honestly reading all the reviews. I actually think that pure xbox score reflects what is written.
Lackluster AI, another game what makes you use stealth when they haven't bothered to create a smart ai system for stealth.
I may give it a go one day but from what I've seen, the 3rd person perspective looked better than the first person gameplay.
I saw MKiceandfire last night playing it.... gorgeous game
Ignoring the first set of 'reviews', I'll wait for the ones coming in the following weeks. From people reviewing the game who don't care about upsetting publishers and getting pushed to the back of the queue for review copies.
I get a feeling Pure Xbox isn't as much of an outlier as just an honest viewpoint and review.
Don't care what score it got, if it plays the theme tune,and I get to punch nazis in the face,ill be there on gamepass on Monday ,with my whip and hat 😁
@JustCameHereToSay I think of games like Star Wars Outlaws and the Assassins Creed series, which I don’t play.
@themightyant so... I think that might be the algorithm working (re: advertising). I've not seen a single ad on YouTube... and living in Melbourne (not Sydney) I've not seen a single pop-up or PR thing. Nor have I heard anyone else comment on it. It's possible they've been there - but I think that says more about how to waste money on poor marketing than it does about anything else. The fact that you seem to know all about the Xbox marketing suggests you're spending too much time being marketted too - or are working for XBox's PR team.
For me - I've never seen any Microsoft marketting on YT - period. So I guess the algorithm figured me out too.
Indiana Jones is like Star Wars to me: a 'meh' and pass.
Pd. Throw Marvel in there too.
Waiting for mine on Series X.
I prefer Playstation, so if it's a great game I will get it on PS5 when the time comes
@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare The YouTube and social media is definitely the algorithm... and sensible business, it's much smarter to advertise to people you know have a higher percentage of being interested in gaming and xbox.
But magazine ads, tv ads, public transport ads are not targeted. I've seen all those personally too. It seems high profile.
The other events i've either seen publicised or read about online like on PureXbox. They did a bit on Formula One when the Alpine team branded their car as Indiana Jones and the Great Circle a race or two ago, which won't have come cheap. (FYI Metaphor Re:Fantasio did similar with Hulkenberg's car as that is one of their characters' names, but Indy got mentioned more.)
I agree we will all see what we see, that is subjective, but even a little googling would show they are doing a lot of different events and PR.
Microsoft's strategy is quite fair, GamePass subscribers get to play it on Day 1 for a fraction of the price while PlayStation gamers get to play it as well but 6 months later at full price.
Being a GamePass member truly has its benefits.
Those last 3 reviews don't inspire much confidence. Sounds like a game you buy deeply discounted just so you can knock out the main story once and never touch it again. Personally don't feel Machine Games was the developer to go to on this but it is what it is.
@Major_Player until the costs outweigh those benefits at the MS end. After Call Of Duty they will be racking that price up again
@nessisonett absolutely no link at all. I can’t wait to shoot fascists and not miss, truly something to be celebrated.
@Major_Player Agree with this except we DON'T get to play it day 1 with Game Pass. Day 1 is today, ready for the weekend, we get to play it Day 4 on Game Pass. I mean who "releases" a game on a Monday?
But I agree Game Pass is generally great, even if this pay extra for the "advanced access" FOMO edition sucks balls.
Also agree a 6ish month wait to release on other platforms seems sensible on paper... but we will have to see whether that actually converts to a lot of sales or whether being later and outside the hype cycle will hurt it's sales. Only time will tell... or it would if Microsoft actually release any useful numbers.
@themightyant : Ever heard of a V.I.P pass? When you go to the concert you only get the best possible options if you pay more, so if you pay more you can play the game quicker...the system is fair even if we don't agree with it.
And about if PlayStation gamers would buy the game 6 months later then that would tell Microsoft it's not worth putting games on PlayStation moving forward.
I love the comments on Pure Xbox that say “IGN gave it a 9!” Bro? So you all trust IGN but only when they agree with you? lol madness!
@themightyant I don't disagree that they've done it - I just think (and this is true for most advertising campaigns) they inject 'feed' for others to post about - so if you're not likely to be influenced by those posts, as you said, then you most likely won't see the advertising. That's modern marketing - let your friends/influencers market material for you - even if it's through re-posts. Just means they're likely targetting a very specific market.
It's just me - I'm kinda immune to most advertising (I say as I crack a Coke, drop a BigMac, and jumps in my new Jaguar which is towing my old Tesla). Just joking - I would never own a Tesla. It's just interesting to see how marketting filters through social media - directly or indirectly.
@Major_Player I'm well aware you can pay more for preferential treatment throughout life. But they should not be able to market is as "Play Day 1 with Game Pass", it's false advertising. But "Play Day 4 with Game Pass" doesn't have the same ring to it. Regulators need to step in and hold them accountable here.
re: 6 months. It depends how much the sales dip. It might also tell them they need to put them on sooner, even Day 1. We will see.
The two companies are in different positions due to market share. Xbox increases their next-gen player base by a whopping 210% if they put a game on PS5 whereas Sony 'only' increases theirs by around 47% on Xbox. Plus Sony have to deal with the Series S which will increase their dev costs versus the other way around. When you factor in the brand damage you do by putting it on the competing platform it is FAR easier for Sony to say no. Whereas Xbox now with a massive number of studios to fund due to Bethesda and ABK need to see big returns and have less choice if they want to stay profitable.
Tough position to be in, will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years.
@themightyant Microsoft don't care about game sales, their main priority is GamePass subscribers...the longer the game stays on GamePass the longer other people would be likely join....they already know GamePass subscribers are not meant to buy games.
The only question here is, play it on GamePass for a fraction of the price or wait 6 more months at full price.
@Major_Player they don’t care about game sales because they gave up on that one . Why do you think gamepass exists? It wasn’t done out of the goodness of their hearts to the community, it was born from the fact of desperation
@Mikey856 : Gamepass exist for the same reason Netflix, AmazonVideo, DisneyPlus exist.... Subscriptions bring more money than selling you the item.
GamePass is their present and future they are not going back on just selling you a game.
Microsoft's ultimately will stop selling games and only have them available through GamePass...they are making sure they get enough people on the PlayStation side loving the Xbox games.
@Major_Player Microsoft cares about money and their bottom line, how their stock price is trending. Yes they would prefer that to be coming from Game Pass subscribers but the reality is that number has at best slowed to a crawl, at worst stagnated or regressed. With the purchase of Zenimax and ABK that simply isn't good enough, hence they need money from elsewhere.
I have all the consoles so will play it on Game Pass, but if I only had a PlayStation I'd happily buy it, either at full price or for a fraction of that a few months down the line when prices drop.
@Major_Player no mate it exists because Xbox couldn’t sell hardware or software. Simple as
@themightyant :
Of course Microsoft needs money coming from else where, that elsewhere is the competition the more they release at full price on playstation the more it will sustain GamePass subscribers.
Microsoft's priority is not to sell Xbox games but eventually turn everyone into a subscriber.
Very smart strategy that will take years but it will eventually come through.as more people keep choosing digital over physical gaming.
Some have been a bit more mixed: Gene Park of the WaPo seems to like but not love it
Rolling Stones critic severely dislikes it but will have the review on monday
Jeff Grubb seems to also be mixed on it
Polygon is mixed on it
TheVerge hated it
Also, don't like that American critics got the game during the Thanksgiving weekend meaning they only had 4 days to play the game and review it.
I think it will drop a bit more to an 83-84 but still higher than I expected and worth a month of Gamepass.
@Mikey856 : If you don't believe me go ahead and check Netflix stock value from when they used to rent you a game vs just subscriptions.
Gaming Subscriptions are the future and all thanks to people preferring digital over physical games.
@AhmadSumadi Dude they did that for EG giving it a 5/5 after constantly shouting about how "woke" they are for giving Veilguard the same score. Fans will always support the critic that agrees with their score otherwise "they're doing it for clicks"
Only one question remains....
Play it on GamePass for a fraction of the price or wait 6 more months and pay full price.
@themightyant The whole £35.99 to play 3 days early is the scummiest thing about this generation and I agree it needs regulators to step in and stop it. When its a lower price buy in for 2-3 months of extra access / beta then I understand it, as you are gving players a discount for them helping to test a product they will own. But 2-3 days for 50% of the cost, when you still own nothing, is just predatory fomo on a par with loot boxes.
@Major_Player you were complaining about fanboys on Pure only to make a bunch of fanboy comments here.
Are you that lacking in self awareness?
@Llamageddon :
This is an article about an Xbox game and its high reviews in most websites.
I'm only stating the facts.
Eurogamer also gave Dragon Age a 5/5...just saying.
I'd say it looks like a 7 or 8 max, stealth looks poorly done and unarmed combat looks like it's straight from Skyrim. Hopefully I'm wrong when I get to play it next year
Removed - disrespecting others
@Major_Player it reads as you extolling the benefits of gamepass on a playstation centric website just for the hell of it.
Feel free to pretend you're not fanboying though.
You and I are in agreement about Obsidian and Machine Games, but I'd take id Software over inXile.
@Major_Player The whole "gamepass is the future" thing had a strong argument when there appeared to be lots of growth left in the market and numbers of subs approaching 100m were possible by the end of the gen. However the market didn't exist and the reality is that Gamepass still generates less revenue than PS Plus(which costs was less to support) and first party software sales have completely catered already because of its existence. Indy's "early access" numbers on steam point to another hellblade2/Forza motorsports like performance(both sold around 100k lifetime on Steam) so the subscriber growth has to be happening right now or MS are just hemorrhaging money in both directions.
@Major_Player It is the sensible strategy for Microsoft, considering their current position in the market. But make no mistake, it wasn't their first choice. They would far rather be in Sony's position, dominating market share and being able to get the opposition to put games on their platform.
Considering where they are it is the smartest play available to them. But as I said Game Pass subscribers are not growing as they want them to and currently they are angering a lot of Xbox fans who are talking about jumping ship.
That's why I like Game Pass. I can play for 'free' and judge the game on my own rather than having to bother with reviews at all (I still like the ones here at PushSquare as 99% of the time, they deliver what you described in your comment). If I enjoy the game like I did Starfield and Black Ops 6, I'll go out and buy physical versions afterwards, if not, just delete the game off the system memory once I'm done playing. I kind of wish Sony had a similar service for PlayStation but I also understand why it doesn't.
@Ilyn While I don't like it, if Microsoft (or anyone) wants to charge more for advanced/early access that is their right, and can do it if they want, but consumers will decide if this is worthwhile to them.
However what they shouldn't be able to do is say "Play Day 1 with Game Pass" anymore, as it's not true we get it Day 4. It's false advertising and wanting to have their cake and eat it too.
I watched Jake Baldino's "Before You Buy" and he was generally positive about his experience. There were lots of fisticuffs instead of gunplay, some cool puzzles, and it leans more toward Indy's intellectual side instead of the crazy blockbuster movie Indy. There is also a certain symbol that has not been censored that makes beating up the bad guys feel extra satisfying. I will probably give this a go on GamePass. Oh ya, Troy Baker also pulls off a voice-acting miracle it would seem.
@Decimateh-xblz for a lot of games I wait for a sale. I'm about 3 years behind most release dates of games I play. Usually make some allowances, like this year I played Astro Bot and Tekken 8. But most other games I played this year released a few years back.
@blockfight no probs pal just wernt sure if thought it was gna b a year for ya on ps or waiting sale. I do same tbh🤣for alot of games put em on wishlist for sale for most games if not sure about em or think may be interested in tbh got about 127 games at probs like 3 to 7 grand worth games in wishlist 🤣don't have money to buy every game I want 😭 plus got plenty on gamepass to play like and there's games games i buy day one what I want like January ender Lillie's and tails of iron 2 ioll buy straight away.
I think players should try it on Gamepass before making any kind of judgement. It's very cheap the get the $1, £1 trial and then stream it off PC or phone if you don't own a Xbox. If you don't like Indy it's probably best to look at other games though. I think Pure Xbox's review score is low because they get a low clickthrough rate and an outlier score drives engagement. It's all about ad revenue these days.
Thanks for the roundup. I'll try to start it next week on Series X (using Game Pass Ultimate) and looking forward to it! It seems a very solid one even though like any other video game (including games rated 10/10), it won't appeal to everyone.
Completely free, you say?! Explain.
@themightyant : I'm old-school , I'm all about physical games and hardware exclusivity, but even PlayStation's all mighty Shawn Layden have recognized that hardware sales and exclusivities won't mean nothing at the rate the market is shifting.
Make no mistake Microsoft is already preparing for that future, and so far PlayStation now releasing games for the Switch is a strong indication of the inevitable....multiplatform games all across is their only way to be truly profitable.
That's great to hear. Nice job to Machine Games!
@ChrisDeku : Look all around you, most companies that used to sell you something are only now selling you a subscription...we can like it or not but since gamers are now chosing digital over physical games that only makes subscriptions even more appealing.
Heck Sony is the first ones pushing for LIVE-SERVICE games more than anybody because they realized that selling you a game it doesn't make enough money for them...it's just a matter of time until they enclose those games on a subscription only tier.
@Major_Player I agree there will be MORE multiplatform games in the future, but the key question is how many. MOst will be live services. I believe Sony will keep most of their core single player franchises on PlayStation (and PC) whereas I think Microsoft will make most multiplatform.
That makes PlayStation look very attractive to a lot of players. Whereas Xbox will be the "value" offering with Game Pass. "play anywhere" won't matter too much as it's all headed that way already.
The best move Microsoft can do is somehow merging PC and Xbox so that they get more PlayStation games on Xbox too, that would really test Sony's resolve.
I watched a stream of the game last night and it looks like a really fun time. Very video game-y which is definitely not a bad thing. I'll definitely get the game.
@themightyant : Remember when people used to say:
"PlayStation wouldn't charge for online gaming...guess what happened"
Then people said:
"PlayStation would never bring their games on PC"
Not soon after, that's exactly what happened.
Then again people said:
"PlayStation wouldn't release their games on PC on day 1"...only for Sony start doing it with Helldivers 2.
And yet again people said:
"PlayStation wouldn't release games on other consoles"...then we see Lego Horizon on the Switch... on Day 1 to make matters worst.
So have you noticed how people keep moving the goal pole further and further with every playstation shifting.
And that won't stop there as in reality Sony already knows that offline single player games are only stealing away profits....the shift will happen is just a matter of time.
You’re living in an alternate reality, those games have made sony giant stacks of money. GoW, Spider-man, Last of US, Uncharted 4, Horizon: ZD etc. all 20m+ units sold. GoW: Ragnarok was 15m units in 12 months. Spider-man 2 sold 11m in 6 months. Even a new IP like Ghost of Tsushima sold 14m already.
Some basic maths will show how much money these games make. 15m units of Ragnarok even at a conservative $40 Net Revenue per unit is $600m, at $50 Net per unit it’s $750m.
They then get to make money from these games again by selling them on PC and by putting them on PS+, which generates around $1.1B a quarter(Gamepass is almost $1b a quarter).
Playstation has never been making more money than now. They are on course to make around $3b in Operating Income(profit) this Financial Year, which I believe is the second highest in the history of Playstation, the record year was also during the PS5 generation. The PS5 generation has already registered $10B in operating income, the highest of any PlayStation generation ever(even after accounting for inflation). Profit went down for a little bit, due to difficult global conditions but that period has already passed, operating Income was up 184% last Quarter compared to the same quarter from 12 months ago.
Sony aren’t putting the games on other devices because they’re struggling for money, it’s because they’re making more money than ever and they want to find an away of making even more. Their first party games have never been as profitibale as they are now, the best selling in their history, and network services is providing high stable revenue all generation around, unlike previous gens where they would lose early on and then hit a profit period later on.
Hardcore Xbox fans are the most paranoid people.
Star Wars has a new generation of actors playing a new generation of roles - multiple generations, actually. Harrison Ford isn't still showing up in all the Star Wars movies like he is for all the Indiana Jones movies.
Meanwhile, while this game uses someone else for the voice, it's still Ford's character all over again - which it SHOULD be. But it feels old because it's about one character set in one time, not about a universe with a wealth of characters spanning generations.
@MikeOrator yeah his before you buy was good
It’s Indy and fun. Not perfect but still fun
Big fan, but this game isn't it. This isn't Indy.
I feel like I'm going to be more on the 6/10 and 7/10 end just based on what the reviews are saying but I love Indiana Jones and a 6 or a 7 is fine so I'll definitely be playing it.
Ain't waiting 6 months, gonna get it on PC. The 68 quid thing for three days early access is absolutely scandalous though.
Too many critics are more interested in writing their own literature than doing their job. Give me what objective facts you can, then add a bit of window dressing to justify a lit degree if you want.
They all think they're Pauline Kael.
To be honest it's good it's got good scores it's a game I'm not interested in but even a 6/10 is a good score
Game of the Year indeed!
Sounds like it could be one of the Games of The Year! Sadly, the critics at Pure Xbox are some of the worst in the business!
@PuppetMaster Agreed. The graphics look nice but the gameplay looks dull!!
87 metacritic, judging from most of the comments the ps fanboys are not happy that the xbox finally got a seemingly decent release ("the lowest score must be the most accurate one")
@ReacH I don't really class these already in development before takeover games ,as xbox first party games, let's be honest most have already been developed or partly for ps , but the game is good, looks great , music is just like the movies, voice acting all good ,the AI is terrible though and stealth is pointless , its kind of like the outlaws stealth but without the instant fail , the game is at its best, when it does what indy does ,and investigates old tombs and ruins, anyone who's a big indy fan is gonna love it , iam so it's an 8/10.
Tomorrow Indiana Jones a.k.a King of Adventure is finally arriving in a game word of its name.
Couldn't wait so I got it for PC. The Reviewer at Pure Xbox clearly isn't a hardcore fan of these games which is fine. Having grown up with the games as well as the films I'm naturally going to get a lot of enjoyment out of this.
@thebizniznizbiz I see no scandal. I'd rather people with the spare cash pay for the extra 3 days than all of us have to pay more. Seems a decent way to make a bit of extra cash without impacting everyone.
@thebizniznizbiz That edition includes the DLC, it's not just early access.
@Rog-X They never said, everything else you said is rubbish too. There first party games sell 20m+ copies.They are making record profits across the board.
Call of Jones...no thanks
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