By the time you read this, the first wave of reviews for Black Myth: Wukong will be online. You'll also have noticed we haven't got a full review of the action RPG ourselves yet, and there's a pretty good reason: PS5 codes have yet to be distributed.
Yes, if you're looking for an assessment of the PS5 version in particular, you'll unfortunately have to wait until we've been able to put in sufficient time with it. At the time of writing, we've not received the game on PS5, but are expecting it in the coming days. It may be a little while before we're ready to deliver our proper verdict.
In the meantime, though, we have been able to put in some time with the PC version. You can read our up-to-date hands on impressions through the link, or revisit our first thoughts when we played Wukong back at Summer Game Fest.
We'll provide our full thoughts on the PS5 version of Black Myth: Wukong in due course. Until then, how are you feeling about the game now some outlets have given their reviews? Are you excited to play Wukong when it launches next week? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 40
If nothing else, the lack of PS5 codes should prove that Sony doesn't have an exclusive deal with this game.
@Frmknst I do, that's why I read the article. What else are you wrong about? 😄👍
FYI @Sammy, the “hands on impressions” link in the article does not appear to be working for me.
Alot of "major" content creators haven't code, not sure if they are being picky with their codes, or people were too late asking for one
Already seeing massive technical issues with this game. And these are from people using fully kitted rig PC’s that could handle anything.
Very excited for this game but I think it’s safe to say this is likely a cyberpunk situation, wait a few months before purchasing.
@koverby Thanks for pointing that out, we've fixed it!
@riceNpea if you read their comments, turns out the answer is "a lot."
Not at all shocked. I hope it puts people off, as it should do. Let someone else beta test the PS5 version before committing to months of potential frustration.
This is usually the story any time a GPU manufacturer "sponsors" a game. It ends up being a 2-fold problem. The first is the obvious one, the GPU MFR isn't pumping money and resources into someone's game out of charity, they're doing it to put the GPU they're marketing in the best possible light by creating a showcase of it's capabilities. That means everything else including their own older products necessarily end up in a bad light, as the game is built around their top marketed product or better. So this game, Nvidia, means if you're not rocking at least a 4070, the game isn't built for you, NV's money sees to that. Same with AMD and Starfield, Nvidia and CP2077, the list goes on and on.
The other is that so much of the developers attention needs to be spent on minutia that only people using those particular GPUs can be wowed by, as per the funding, that many much more important things get left behind and the thing ends up a broken mess even if you DO have the sponsored GPU.
I get why devs take the money, and I'm sure it's a lot of money, But I see little good in the process for anyone but the GPU mfr's marketing department. The games usually end up a technical trainwreck that get talked about because they're pretty, and then get relegated as a tech demo.
This was an enlightening comment. At least for me. Thanks!
I was going to ask if the review wasn’t going to happen due to the dev’s comments about female gamers, I’ve seen some female games journalists taking that stance. Then I realised there isn’t a single woman on staff at this website. Eesh.
As I said on the other similar thread today, if i had pre ordered this, I would have cancelled as I think another 'train wreck' is coming. I hope I am wrong but alarm bells are ringing with the lack of PS5 code, and what you have just said makes me think that this will be a disaster.
Thankfully, whilst i used to pre order over half my games, i stopped pre ordering anything that isnt 1st party Sony last year after certain games did not acheive solid 60fps at launch.
@riceNpea where do we start ?
I'll be buying the game but not on launch day ad I have too much on the go already. I'm also expecting pushsquare to give this either a 6 or a 7 seeing as they have concerns over the ps5 version..
@nessisonett Well technically they do have a woman doing community service work, DreamlandGem or some such, and a few contributors, but yeah for the most part here and NL have been sausage fests for most of their existence. I don't know about PureXbox but I can't imagine why any woman would want to work there. 😂 Every once in a while a woman will get a prominent role, Kate Gray at NL recently, and there have been at least 2 woman here I recall writing mostly about obscure JRPG which is mostly Shogun's domain now, but that's about it.
In fairness to both NL and PS everyone seems pretty cool and I can't imagine they are purposely not hiring females and it is mostly a lack of qualified applicants. Of course I have to think that or I'd have to leave, but I do. 😁
Just watched the full PC ign review.
So it’s a tough game at times, so sort souls like there.
Seems to be a good list of bugs in the game overall but reviewer did enjoy the game and gave a 8/10.
Why release with bugs included freezing and restarting I will never know.
Will be interesting to see how the PS5 does bugs wise and performance wise.
I'll get it on steam, benchmark results were fine.
@rjejr I do miss Kate over on NL, there’s a certain charm missing from the site now!
Glad I’m waiting till there’s physical versions with actual discs.
It’s Game Science’s first proper game outside of mobile games, it’s obviously difficult for them to manage to get everything ready.
I’m pretty sure it’s more to do with Sony not giving codes for games for people to play and review the game early though and not to do with Game Science themselves
@Dragoon1994 Stellar Blade was also the first console game for Shift Up, and it ended being the most finished game this year.
I’m still looking forward to the game
True but Stellar Blade is a PS exclusive at the moment.
Black Myth is being released on PC and PS the same day, would also have been out on Xbox as well if the Series S didn’t make them delay the Xbox release.
Shift Up only had one platform to make the game for and have playable codes ready for people to play and review
@Colour Where are you seeing that? We'll see with player reviews anyway. I've only heard of a few bugs mentioned in the PC version. I doubt it'll be as bad as Cyberpunk either technically or gameplay wise.
Truth is, the PS5 and Xbox Series X are probably already outdated for many Unreal Engine 5 titles which is why they can only use 4k at 30fps.
Sad that as next gen truly starts, it seems consoles will now struggle. Glad I went back to PC gaming.
@Ravix Are you really saying that after being a beta tester for Dragon's Dogma 2, a game that still isn't fixed?
@nessisonett " there’s a certain charm missing from the site now! "
I think that's partly Kate leaving but also people waiting on Switch Pro for like 5 years and Switch 2 for another couple. Sure Switch still has a lot of games coming but people cheer up around new console launches. Surely Nintendo will tell us something in the next 6 months, then good times. 😁
@TruestoryYep yep, I read the reviews and made a decision to buy it as I didn't think any potential frame rate stuff would bother me with VRR as the other stuff included in the review would easily make up for it. Cheers.
For this, it is a completely different situation as there is no console reviews available and thus we CANNOT MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION as to whether it is worth a punt or not. Is that not reasonable? 🫨
P.S Thanks to @ShogunRok for that DD2 review, as I had a bunch of fun with that game after making my informed decision to buy it at release 😁
@Ravix I'm glad you enjoyed it. DD2's turned out to be a lot more divisive than I thought it'd be, but I obviously loved playing it as well. Still hoping it gets an expansion and some updates — I need an excuse to go back to it.
I do think it's another huge performance related red flag that the embargo for talking about/playing the Ps5 version is the day before it releases, and is yet far sooner for the pc version. They are basically saying without saying that performance and/or visuals are drastically hindered to get it to run on PS5.
Definitely not good. Also happy to hear the bosses are fun, but pretty letdown to hear the level design is basic, sterile and don't offer much of a reason or ability to explore much unless you want to find the invisible wall barrier surrounding it all in every single area.
Bummer, the previews and showcases really Made it look they may have gone all out in world design.
Not really interested in just a pretty boss rush action game for full price, especially one that likely runs like garbage on console.
Definitely a wait situation and likely a wait for sale situation if it's doesn't get fixed.
Sounds like even on PC it's janky at times and full of bugs.
This sounds like it could be really bad. Also as an aside, the ps5 version has no disc. This is something that has not been properly communicated by most vendors, as it’s a download code only. Source: my buddy runs a game shop and his distributor notified him prior to shipping.
Kinda off topic:
Anyone read this game review by Screen Rant? It's a big fkin joke that they reduced a couple of points and gave it a 6/10 just because the game doesn't have "diversity and inclusity" and include the fake report from IGN which has nothing to do with the game.
On topic:
I hope PS staff write a fair and square review for this game.
@PuppetMaster Screen rant is a big joke, frankly.
@dskatter Yup they are a big joke as well many, not all, of western game journalist. I don't trust them since they lost a lot of their credibility as a "game journalist" after God Hand and Haunting Ground got undeserved bad scores. After that, these game journalist got worst and worst really fast with gamergate and a lot of embarassing stuff that makes me question are they even loves and enjoyed games or they're just doing this to spread their political agenda.
@PuppetMaster It's a Chinese game About one of the most famous Chinese folktales there is and they're complaining about there only being Chinese people in the game? A Chinese studio sharing their own culture with the world is somehow a problem? How is this not incredibly racist? I'm getting really tired of so called "progressive people" being incredibly racist and xenophobic towards East Asian countries for simply having their own cultures and way of life. I mean saying your culture doesn't align with mine and you must change to reflect our way of life and beliefs IS LITERALLY COLONISING!!!! So much for actually being "progressive" and for wanting "Diversity and inclusion" erasing other cultures and people from representation is really on the money 🙄
A good decision! You guys deserve a mental highfive.
It’s simple.
Just bring on Astro Bot, and get us back to true AAA quality on release from Sony Studios.
I so miss their big AAA first party games.
Hopefully more to come in 2025.
@Keyblade-Dan Ikr. Now Screen Rant removed the reviewer name and replaced with "Screen Rant team" cause they claim she's getting bullied / attacked. Turns out, she's also working on DEI company similar to SBI. I swear, these western game journalist are political activist, not gamers.
@ShogunRok dd2 is one of my fave ps5 games and I thought the review was spot on. It had a few little issues (well little to me anyway) but it is an awesome game. I had pre ordered as soon as it was available so I wish I could say your review swayed me but it didn't.. but would have if I'd already not pre ordered it 👍
@WhiteRabbit let's just not give them any attention unless necessary.
Again, makes me wonder what they’re hiding
Can anyone confirm the ps5 rumble? Used effectively?
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