Despite never having played any of FromSoftware’s previous releases, the presentation of Bloodborne was too intriguing for me to pass up at launch. I played for a few hours, beat a couple of bosses, and I didn’t like it. Fast forward to 2022. Elden Ring launches, and all my friends excitedly talk about their experiences any time we’re in a party. This gets me antsy to give Bloodborne another shot. So after seven years, I pick it up again and I love it. Something clicks this time, and the horrific, gothic realm of Yharnam transports me away to gaming paradise. This extreme shift in opinion allowed me to convince myself that I should try Elden Ring, too. And after putting an immense amount of time into Elden Ring, wanting so badly to like it as much as I liked Bloodborne, it just didn’t happen.
The FromSoftware gameplay loop is an interesting one. Gaining XP, with the chance of losing it from some careless misstep or trying to take on too many combatants is a great way to teach caution. But, unlike the mazelike closed-off spaces of Bloodborne, the open world nature of Elden Ring rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t much care for open world titles, and during the early game, I never felt confident that I was heading in the right direction. I felt aimless and settled for exploring the beautiful environments at random. This was perfectly pleasant for a time, as the world FromSoftware presented was densely packed with intriguing possibilities. But eventually, I wanted to start making some meaningful forward momentum in the game, which meant tackling the biggest hurdle I had with enjoying the game: boss encounters.

I did not like most of the boss fights in Elden Ring. Given how I felt about the bosses in Bloodborne, this becoming an obstacle came as something of a surprise. So many of those fights were unique and memorable, as well as gratifying to win. Defeating those horrific creatures left me with a mixture of immense satisfaction and a hammering heartbeat thanks to the intensity of the fight. And the fights that weren’t challenging, found other ways to be interesting, like the encounter with Mikolash. I had assumed I would come away with that same feeling in regards to Elden Ring.
But when I think back on boss fights in Elden Ring, the first emotion that rises up in me is irritation. Most of my memories of fights from the game are ones of annoyance. Enemies had attacks that felt undodgeable or unblockable. Others had combos that ran for far too long. Still more were so aggressive, that healing became nigh impossible. Some were a combination of all the above. It became a distraction, something at the forefront of my mind. It made it harder to enjoy the artistry and craftsmanship that went into all of these encounters. The catacombs exacerbated this problem. While at a glance, these were a great way to add more content to the game, they also repeated bosses with some regularity. And the more I saw enemies I already knew I didn’t like facing, the less excited I grew to see what would come next.

The enemies I ended up not liking grew to an immense number: Crucible Knights, Ulcerated Tree Spirits, Black Knife Assassins, the list goes on and on. It would even come to include many regular enemy types, Perfumers and the like. By game’s end, there were more enemies I disliked encountering than ones I enjoyed. And this came to a head when finally, at Crumbling Farum Azula, I nearly uninstalled the game. I had had enough. Why was I even still playing, what was I trying to prove to myself?
But knowing I was so close to the end, I stuck it out. When the credits rolled, I wasn’t satisfied or overjoyed: I was relieved. Free from my stubbornness that kept me coming back, even though I knew I wasn’t having a good time. I was so close to loving this game I could almost taste it. But when I looked at it from a distance, I saw how far I had yet to go. There were moments. Glimpses. The art direction was impeccable, the music immaculate. Raya Lucaria was great. I subsisted off fleeting moments, convinced that the game would grow into the expectations I had for it. This next encounter. This next region. This will do it.

But it never did. I kept going, kept playing, kept waiting. Did I hate it? No, there were too many positives to objectively say that. Well, in that case, did I enjoy it? Again, no. I spent more time waiting to enjoy myself than I did actually enjoying it. So while I may be able to say that I beat Elden Ring, it’d be a lie to say that I enjoyed it. And playing so much of it, that’s truly disappointing.
Did you struggle to enjoy Elden Ring as well, or do you think it's a masterpiece? What are your impressions of the FromSoftware open world outing now that you've had time to properly digest it? Get good in the comments section below.
Comments 176
That happens. I’m the opposite in that I can’t get into Demon’s Souls at all after Elden Ring.
I struggle with open world games where you lack a sense of direction to move forward, reminded me of Xenoblade's awful navigation which makes tens of thousands of people search up quest locations on youtube
I loved the game, but I did feel relieved when I finished it. I don't really have any desire to replay it to be honest.
It's a great game but the praise it gets is very overblown. It's BOTW all over again where the reputation of the IP/developer and the fact it's seen as not a typical open world game gives it an automatic pass in the eyes of a lot of critics.
I got a bit bored of Elden Ring. Unpopular opinion maybe, but I think the open-world adds nothing besides more travel time between the levels. It's still a good game though because the core combat is solid and there is an insane amount of possible builds.
Bloodborne is more focused and I think the areas and bosses were a lot more memorable. Overall I think Bloodborne is easily the better game and arguably still From Software's best
You have nailed my experience with it too. It’s clearly an excellent game but it does have some overlooked flaws (and the soulsborne community don’t care for them, if I’m honest. It kinda feels like it is not allowed to be critiqued at times). I felt the imbalance in terms of the difficulty made things frustrating at times; there is a lot of trading in the boss encounters (even soulsborne vets were saying that combo’s take too long and some of the boss AI just can’t deal with magic builds). The thing that stopped me playing were repeated enemies (and repeated boss encounters - I would be happy to never see one of those stone cat things or tree monster types ever again).
It is brilliant though - they nailed the exploration and there so many fun builds to play with. But it was not quite the revolutionary game it will now be painted as. In terms of sparse open worlders like this: it owes a lot to both Shadow of the Colossus and BOTW. In terms of Soulsborne: I think Sekiro, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 all nail the ‘Metroidvania Zelda’ vibe much more: they are more cohesive and focused than Elden Ring (I also think ER is overly big: hence repetitive enemies and bosses).
I think Bloodborne is a masterpiece, man. It has it all: brooding atmosphere, enemy variety and combat, pace and balance, absorbing and meaningful story telling and the best boss battles they have ever done. It is unlikely they will ever do anything as good in my view.
What makes Bloodborne special is the theme. What makes Elden Ring special is the open world to me. God how extremely repetitive it was trying to level up in that short distance from the clinic you wake up to Cleric Beast or Father Gascoigne. In ER, you can just forget Margit and roam about anywhere to level up and have your own fun. I just love the freedom of ER and the sense of discovery. After RDR2, this the second open world that tells you not to assume the wilderness is just an empty backdrop and you're compelled to explore every nook and cranny. In the end, both BB & ER are masterpieces, with the latter being different from all other FROM games and that's what makes it special.
I tried to enjoy Demon Souls Remake but couldn’t. Found it much too difficult compared to Elden Ring. Whenever I got stuck in Elden Ring, I just wondered to either a new spot or somewhere I hadn’t finished. I also constantly use summons, which isn’t really an option in other souls-born games. To some that may belittle the experience but I still enjoy the game. I like the Elden Ring because it my opinion it’s one of few games actually worth the price tag nowadays. When I’m 60 hours in and not even halfway that’s pretty exciting to me.
I've never uninstalled a game I "enjoyed" so fast after platinuming it. I had a similar sense of deteriorating enjoyment. Just grew to irritate me.
Its absolutely incredible your loss
I have to admit I feel much the same way. I haven't finished Elden Ring, I'm maybe half-way through, if that. I can't quite recall what brick wall I came up against, but I realised that I just wasn't having fun anymore. The game had beaten it out of me. I think there are many things to commend about Elden Ring, but personally speaking, none of it is enough of a draw for me to see it through to the end.
I'm still very high on Elden Ring. I honestly don't think From could have done any better than they did with it. It's a toss up between Elden Ring and Bloodborne as my favorite From game with Demons Souls taking a close 3rd. Dark Souls 1 and 3 didn't click with me for some reason though. Never tried 2.
Even though they all have similarities there are major differences in each of them that set them apart from each other. Bloodborne in particular plays very differently from the rest with the emphasis on aggressive play.
It's okay not to like absolutely everything from a great developer. I generally love every 3D Mario game but genuinely disliked Mario Odyssey compared to the rest that came before it. It didn't have many memorable levels ouside of New Donk City. That's just the way opinions work!
Oh yeah and Crucible Knights will go down in history as some of the most annoying enemies of all time! The thing about repeated bosses is there are a lot in BB as well, only hidden in optional dungeons. ER on the other hand put them out in the open and in catacombs or caves that didn't need any special Chalices to access, so it's easy to see too many of them.
I got the plat and put 120 hours into it and I’ll never play it again. The bosses were the worst in a fromsoftware game with only like a handful that I would consider good,the camera is horrible,the repeatable content got old real fast “oh another underground ruin,mine or cave with almost the exact same layout and with the same boss as the last one except this time there’s two awesome,” I really don’t believe GRRM did much because the lore and story is absolutely generic and nowhere near as cool as Dark Souls or Bloodborne and the biggest thing was the combat isn’t deep enough or fun enough for a game this long at the fifty hour mark I was exhausted and still had another 70 to go. Bloodborne is still Froms best game a true masterpiece 10/10 game while Elden I would give an 8 maybe 8.5 but no higher def nowhere near the ridiculous 97 on meta it has lol.
I haven't finished Elden Ring, but my favourite aspect about the game is the tactical and strategy component of the game.
Tactics in the context of ER is the act of fighting. You find a dungeon, you go through the level, you fight the boss. Each attack, each tactical decision, makes up the "tactical component" of Elden Ring.
In contrast, yet complimentary component, is strategy. In the context of ER, strategy is asking yourself: "okay, do I jump into the main quest boss right away, or do I explore a bit more of the map to find hidden loot/weapons?"; "Okay, now that I have gained this many levels - am I ready to fight the boss yet"? "Okay - I just found out that the boss I fought, was too difficult, I need to fall back and decide on whether I should continue, or look for other treasures to make the boss fight more manageable".
This level of decision making was never present in the past souls games. It's always - you made it to the end of the dungeon: kill the boss. If you can't well, tough luck. Either summon friends, or go on for HOURS trying to kill the boss. In ER, because there are so many options, you can go back and rethink your tactics and strategy. And it's always viable to explore and see what's out there to obtain hidden loot.
Granted, IDK how much of the "Tactics/strategy" component is present in the end game. But I loved every bit of this in the opening to mid part of Elden Ring.
I really like Elden Ring, but Bloodborne is my favourite. Next year I'll try Demon's Souls. For now I need a break from the FromSoftware formula.
I played the game. Solid 8/10 the whole way.... But then came the end game.
God i hated the end game.
Melania was so bloody cheap, build that took me through 80% of the game wasnt viable anymore, and the end bosses were annoying as funk.
The final boss with a melle build? Good luck running after him when he decides to run to the other side. And when you got there he would run to the other aide again. Rince repeat.
God i bloody hate the end game.
When i finally platted it trough sheer force of will instead of joy, i was so glad to uninstall it.
I will never play it again.
Totally understandable. It's Dark Souls with some classic Open World features, good and bad. For example it has huge unique and beautiful areas, but some repetitive content like the catacombs.
It's my favourite Souls game and one of my favourite games of all time, but it's definitely not for everyone and it has its flaws.
Loved it, have been soaking up lore ever since. But! I actually feel they could have told the story better which would have added dramatic tension to some of the boss fights. I'm not talking quest logs or a lot of exposition – just a short scene to put the fight and stakes into context (as seen with Radahn).
Elden ring is a good game but not more than that.
No one will remember any bosses in a year, but in other FromSoftware games we still talk about boss fights.
If they make another open world I dont think I will play it.
My first souls game was Bloodborne. It took me a couple of attempts with it, but it finally bit, and I absolutely loved it. I then tried demon's souls on PS5 and on the whole I loved it. Then I played dark souls remastered and I have to say it has moments that are mind blowing brilliant, a lot of moments.
Where I am now is; I think I hate dark souls and demon souls because they are way to heavy and dark mentally. I need a break of about 5 years to recover. As for Elden Ring, it'll be fairly discounted when the time comes, that I would want to put myself through the torture all over again.
I enjoyed the game but I would prefer they return to the level design of previous games. Maybe a compromise of sorts between the open world nature of Elden Ring and the tight level design of previous games will be awesome. The other issue to me is that due to the amount of content in the world, I felt overpowered by endgame. Granted, you don't have to try and explore everywhere but can be hard to ignore things. Still probably my goty but not on my podium of fromsoft games.
Played twice, got the platinum on both trophy sets, only time I didn't enjoy it was at the beginning of my first play though, it took a while to get used to the open world.
I don't like any of these souls games: I feel they are unpolished. Controlling characters on them makes me feel like it is all made of carboard. cluttered menus and ui...it is just not for me.
I bought on the premise that it would be more approachable than Demon Souls etc. Turned out that was a lie
I just found the game to be incredibly frustrating in a way that seemed to punish you for playing. Plus I couldn't get away from how bland and washed out the world was. It just had zero appeal from an exploring point of view, plus that would also end in death if you tried.
First game I have ever uninstalled on day one and sold on. Should be a trophy for that!
You should let me post an article every time I try a game and don't like it.
Just don’t say this on Twitter because they’ll treat it like you said you enjoy kicking babies.
For me it was simply just good and far from the must play most are saying.
I found myself playing Triangle Strategy on Switch way more at the time.
I loved it and still do, but I do feel it was made out to be the almost perfect game when it's definitely not.
It's clunky in places and the dungeon system felt like a step backwards from the Chalice Dungeons. I was hoping for a step forwards in that regard.
Saying that, I did love the boss fights. Some of them were incredibly tense.
The lore was compelling, combat was serious fun, and some of the settings were stunning. Every frame of the open world when I was exploring felt like the cover of an 80s fantasy novel.
I'll play it again, but in a few months or when an expansion comes along.
First I want to play FF VII Remake and Forbidden West again.
I always read your name as Graham Bananas and I love it.
Great read and as someone who has loved From since kings field I totally get it. You’re either pulled in by the oddities and the gameplay loop or you aren’t. I found Elden Ring to be really easy but I also punish myself with these games constantly so Elden Ring giving you so many outs as far as build and leveling made this a little pedantic. IMO Bloodborne is a very different and much better game, but that’s purely a matter of taste.
I also have to say the open world nature of this game was really very strange to me. I felt like it wanted me to explore but more often than not I either found absolutely nothing or a copy pasted boss with a spell I didn’t even have to stats to use. Still loved it but definitely felt a little stunted in that way.
Played the original Demon's Souls on PS3.
Hated it. Random irritating deaths and then having to try and go through it all again? Not tried anything from From Software since.
@AdamNovice I tried BOTW and I honestly could not get into it. Between weapons constantly breaking and extremely overpowered robot enemies dotting the landscape, I lost interest after a few hours
@MrXstomping is spot on. I can absolutely assure you I will never forget finally defeating Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Masterpiece, 100% in love with the game. But absolutely no judgement for those that don’t enjoy it!
I believe in Bloodborne supremacy.
Fully valid opinion to have. They are definitely not for everyone.
I'm busy playing Demon's Souls on PS++ for the first time since 2010. It's wonderful, would love to see Bloodborne to the same standard!
I'm sure I'd have played this to death years ago, back in the days when I spent hours and hours just learning the unblockable combos for all the characters on the early Tekken games, for example.
But I'm 51 now, I don't want to 'git gud' at the expense of more relaxing experiences elsewhere in my games library. Doubtless more a reflection of my state of mind than Elden Ring itself, but it's why these kind of games are not for me.
From Software games are hit and miss for me too. Loved the Demon’s Souls remake, but hated it the first time around. Loved Elden Ring, but hated Sekiro. Bloodborne I’m lukewarm on, never finished, but might give it another try. Follow your tastes! Not everyone has to like the same game.
I’ve never really got on with FromSoftware games (too hard) but despite this I still ended up buying Elden Ring anyway 🤪 I got into it for a few weeks, and even beat a few early bosses, but eventually the constant beatings I was taking wore me down and I inevitably gave up. I got about 20 hours play out of it so it wasn’t a complete waste of my time or money.
I have beaten this game 3 times, platinumed it, seen basically everything there is to see, spent over 300 hours playing and enjoying it, and would gladly jump in again for co-op. I'm eagerly waiting for an expansion too!
I can totally see how this game wouldn't really click with a lot of people though. I think a lot of it is personal mindset, I'm going through it now with Horizon Forbidden West.
I am...straight up bored most of the time playing it. Especially after the LOOOOONG intro with the most boring cutscenes in the universe that I totally didn't skip... I'm waiting for it to get good, but maybe I should come back to it a little later when I'm in a different mood. Because I know it's a good game, I know what a bad game is. HFW is far far from that, but I'm just not enjoying it, and I'm trying to force myself to enjoy it.
I definitely understand the mindset of this article though! It's a good read.
I still haven't finished it yet, but I'll give it a 9 out of 10 so far. I'm roughly 2/3 through. Fantastic. For those that see the repetitive dungeons, I see the reason why in the world they are so. Take for example what ever race built them, it makes sense to have simular layouts, like a neighborhood with simular houses. For the same reason the choice of enemies in said dungeons would be simular like the gargoyles and cat statues. At least I craft this narrative in my head.
No bosses have frustrated me enough yet to quit and I am a below avg. Player at best, using my moon sword. I did put the game down for awhile, but this discussion is making me want to jump back in. As for is this the best Fromsoftware game, it is close. I might have to give DS3 the edge over ER, but that could be due it being my first souls experience and giving me many wow moments at its formula.
Haven't played it yet
You don't have to like every game that's popular. Imo it's a waste of time trying to force yourself to like something everyone else does. That time is better spent on games you could actually enjoy and there are far too many great games out there to even have time to play everything so stick with the ones you want the most
The same thing happened to me with Control. The gameplay was excellent but I thought the story was stupid and the characters were so dull I was falling asleep just listening to them. I nearly uninstalled that game and just like you I was wondering why was I still playing. The answer was because I thought it would start to get good soon and then I was so close to the end. I was relieved when it finally ended and the first thing that came to my mind was thinking that was an absolute waste of time I won't repeat again. lol
I feel like I am on a similar journey with Returnal at the moment. Went from really enjoying the first hour to absolutely hating it the next 6 hours and now after defeating the first boss I am back to enjoying it but also dreading whats to come.
The fact that you feel a need to explain yourself thoroughly about why you didn't like it, and that many people are reluctant to criticize this game, goes to show how overblown and overhyped this game actually is.
Trained myself with the Demon's Souls remake and found Elden Ring to be much easier. I see Sekiro is on sale. How is that one?
@EverydayRobot it keeps getting better, Returnal was my game of the year. Elden Ring is leading the way so far for that this year, but nothing was close to how much I enjoyed Returnal.
Also is Elden Ring like Bloodborne were if you happen to use all your health potions and items and die on a boss fight when you go back to your last saveall your resources are gone? Would like to give Elden Ring a try but that really annoyed me in Bloodborne.
@AstraeaV For me Sekiro was the hardest Fromsoftware game. The reason is I am player that doesn't get gud. I over level things to beat them. Sekiro doesn't let you do that. It is still lots of fun, just be prepared going in.
@Elodin I really want to stick with it because the highs are massive but the lows are awful. I think I wil need to have another game on the go at the same time to break up the repition.
@EverydayRobot no your health or magic flasks reset every death or campfire save
As you unlock more and upgrade the weapons in Returnal it gets even better and a bit more diverse in choice
Tried a hacked version on PC for an hour. Plays fine, but I don't think that I'll like this game either. I like to cheese games, just for the story, and I know that this game won't take my BS. But I'm willing to try when the base game is about €15.
Over rated and overhyped pain of a game. Not enjoyable to play. Frustratingly difficult and not much fun for the most part. Totally agree with the article.
@Elodin That's good to know, I'll get round to playing Elden Ring eventually then.
I'll jump back into Reutnal tonight and try make a bit more progress!
I agree with a lot of the comments.
The first 60 hours or so I would have given it a solid 10/10 but as it dragged on I slowly enjoyed less and less. The end game somebody mentioned started to become tedious with constant frustrating boss fights one after another.
I ended up summoning in a co-op player to help me with the end boss for the first time in a Souls game just because I just couldn’t be bothered with it anymore.
I still gave it a solid 9/10 though but I was rarely blown away like I was playing Sekiro.
Beat it, got the plat, loved it!
As I began to feel a slight tedium, 3/4s through, I actually made a new character, with a new approach and smashed (literally, with a hammer) through it to catch up with my other file in about 1/3rd the time, which totally revitalised my enjoyment. (Pro tip: stay aggressive and utilise staggering!)
My 1st run I was going for a completionist run, doing every dungeon etc. whereas I didn't do this for the 2nd, and actually, realised that I didn't even need the extra 50 levels to advance in the game! There's so much choice and freedom, that it can be a little overwhelming, but you only have to do as much as you really want (depending on how good you are), so I can understand why there's repeated bosses- but you don't technically have to fight a lot of them.
After spending about 200 hours (most of any game I've played), I'm still happy to jump back in and finish off my 2nd playthrough, and may even do a third on new game plus!
On the other hand, I really could not get into Sekiro, despite its somewhat open setting, because of its less flexible approach to combat, that I enjoyed so much in ER.
Git gud, noob(newb?). Im old I don't know lingo. Also just kidding. Different strokes, for different folks, etc. No point of forcing yourself to enjoy a game, everyone seems to love. Life is too short, play what you want.
I really like Elden Ring but by the end of it I was kind of over the whole thing. Loved the open world, loved the NPCs, loved the lore of the dysfunctional demi god family. For me it was the bosses that dragged it down. WAY too much boss repetition. Looking through the trophy list there are very few unique boss encounters and that really bums me out. That some bosses seemed designed around using a summon (ganks, fast combos, and/or AOE attacks) really irked me too since I was stubbornly trying to fight each one solo. After awhile I realized I wasnt having much fun that way and started using summons and it actually made the experience better. I think Elden Ring will go down as one of the more divisive Fromsoft games.
Brave article, I wonder how long it will be up before it is removed.
I thought Elden Ring was alright. I enjoyed Sekiro and Bloodborne way more.
You can play most of the map and no bosses until the capital but not everyone knows that. Areas beyond the capital are designed to be challenges where strategy is more important than brute force.
I played Bloodborne for the first time after elden ring and agree the mechanics and boss encounters had more uniqueness.
Elden Ring allows for flexibility and map traversal without as many boss gates, so for people like me who like riding around on the horse exploring areas it is pretty fun.
I didn’t like it either. Then again I’ve not liked anything Fromsoft has done
If you don't like the open ended exploration (in gorgeous environments, I might add) I can see why you probably wouldn't enjoy the game since other aspects of it can be a bit weak.
Elden ring is a masterpiece.you sound like a hater to get click.wtf.elden ring is one of the best games ever made.word up son
It took me about 3 hours to realize I hated the open world format and another 3 to finally stop forcing myself to play. Letting me decide when to fight a boss completely takes away the appeal of beating bosses in Souls games. Beating bosses in ER doesn't make me feel accomplished it just makes me feel like well I guess I grinded enough to be able to beat that one. Cool I guess. I need these games to be linear so that I know I am fighting the boss at the intended difficulty otherwise what is the point. I don't understand how it's fun to win via grinding. Yay you wasted your life fighting easy enemies until the boss became an easy enemy!
I agree that Elden Ring can be very frustrating.
Many praise its combat, but I found it laggy, eg You have to press the roll button way before an incoming attack. This is also the same for regular attacks, especially jumping strong attacks - you have to press the buttons a lot earlier than when you see the enemy is vulnerable. The worst is when you’re on horseback, when you quickly tap the fast attack button, it takes over a second to come out! I think the heavy attack (even if u just tap it) on horse takes about 3secs!
Because of the laggy controls, I couldn’t just play the game, I would have to learn how enemies attacked, etc, so I could press the roll button/attack buttons earlier than I would normally. Also, I feel a lot of the bosses are artificially difficult. Ie, you have to hit them dozens of times more to kill them, whereas they can often 1shot you. They also have insane range, & are quicker - I’ve lost count of the number of times I made a boss miss, go in to attack, only to have them jump 20ft back!
I remember reading somewhere, someone saying that the bosses get all the cool moves & get to have all the fun, whereas the player is slow & has to rely on rolling & jump strong attacks. Obviously, rolling & jump attacks don’t look anywhere near as cool as what the bosses do..
Hst, I love the atmosphere of ER. I haven’t heard anyone say this, but I think it has some of the best skyboxes in any game I’ve played so far. A lot of the bosses are incredible visually, & move v.fluidly, & there are soo many! I really appreciate the work it took to make this game, & with a few refinements, I think it would be a classic - mainly in making the controls more responsive, giving players more moves other than rolling+jump attacks, & making the bosses fairer.
I'm glad people enjoy it, it seems to be something that a lot of work into and it certainly makes a lot of people happy.
I think it looks like muddled gray and brown vomit and is difficult only for the sake of it, but to each his/her/their own.
Elden Ring really worked for me in a way that From Software games didn't. But I'm also a sucker for exploration-focused open world experiences.
I'll try Bloodborne again at some point, but I'll probably never understand the acclaim it receives from some people: one of my least favorite PS4 games to date, alongside The Last of Us, Journey, and Abzu.
I cannot express enough how in sync our views are, I expressed the same almost word for word in an 'Elden Ring was a Dissappointment' video.
I have consumed every dark rpg Fromsoftware game they've ever made in the last 7 years, Bloodborne being the catalyst. And Elden Ring is the first time its fallen flat. I wont articulate any further as you've pretty much captured my thoughts on the game.
It is sprawling... jeebus so many open world installed I'm getting that point of late I almost need on rails rollercoaster ride to stop me going well; off the rails.
@add286 I’d agree with almost all you said, but would add that spend enough time in the ER Reddit and you’ll see plenty of people pick apart the game. At one point there was a thread about how it stacked against other Souls games and Bloodborne and DS3 were often mentioned as just better designed. I think my issue with ER is that they took on a massive project and needed another year. There’s so much cut content that has been found because they clearly wanted to get this out. But yeah BB is peak FS design in many ways. Sekiro too.
Never played a FROM game before, save for about 10 minutes of Bloodborne. Don't intend to. Not enough time to get stressed out and beaten up by a video game.
The boss fights were godawful and in my opinion the world was actually barren rather than riddled with things to do. Instead we got copy and pasted cave and dungeon assets and random groupings of enemies.
The big shame aside from the lackluster and cheap boss fights, we're the terrible legacy dungeons of which there were just a few. Lucaria and Volcano manor were the only two even remotely designed well and even those were a step below most in bloodborne or dark souls. I truly expected massive mazelike installations in these considering the opposite existing as the open world. Especially with how few of these larger installations there were.
I completely agree with the feeling of relief after finishing all there was to finish in Elden ring, as well as having no desire to boot the game up again until the inevitable dlc that somehow takes Fromsoft 2 years to release as unoptimized as the game that took 7.
Having played every Fromsoft game with this formula, I actually think Sekiro was the only true venture into an evolution of that formula. Everything else has pretty been just a completely copy and pasted format with different character models and item names.
To see however now that Fromsoft in elden ring not only did much of the same retreading, but also copy and pasted boss movement and attack pattern from previous titles, it's getting dull and their over hype easier to ignore. Especially when their arrogance refuses to address the poor technical performance of their decades old and barely Improved engine.
Sadly though people will buy on name alone and with elden ring the sales only condone their complacency and lack of evolution. Just as we see with naughty dog and Santa Monica. Same gameplay over and over
@cuttlefishjones "First game I have ever uninstalled on day one and sold on. Should be a trophy for that!
You didn't even play it so how do you know the world is washed out? the world is full of hidden content , I still think Bloodborne is the best From game but Elden is great.
I didn’t even buy it, because I knew I wouldn’t like it. I tried my best to like FromSoftware games but they are just not for me. And I am not spending money on a game that I probably won’t play out of frustration. But I do believe they are great games just not for me.
Dark Souls was pretty good. Demon' s Souls was just to punishing. Haven't played the rest (I do own Dark Souls II but just haven't bothered with it).
To me that was the best part of the game.
On my last BOTW run I did a low health run. Basically just three hearts. And I was killing the ancient machines at the very beginning of the game.
The way you do it is to reflect their beam back at them with the shield. The timing is tight. But once you get it down you’ve got it. They’re easy to kill after that.
The real struggle are Gold Lynels. Mainly because they take ten years to kill.
Adored it. First fromsoft title ive played to completion and played through three times for my platinum.
You need to adopt a certain mindset to treat each death as another lesson, but once thats accepted I think its astonishing how they have so many systems and play style's working and balanced.
It will be game of the year, and deservedly so imo.
I cant wait to get some dlc and add to the 240 hours ive enjoyed already, bring it on!
"I played for a few hours, beat a couple of bosses...", Bloodborne, really?! It took me a few hours to get the hang out of defeating the weakest of enemies. I actually hated the first hours of Bloodborne, didn't return the game because it was a holiday and the store was closed. It turned out to be my favorite game of all time.
Yeah, not for me either. As cool as these game worlds look, I can't stand games that are hard just to be hard. I'll never touch a souls game. Any game that proclaims that its "souls-like" is an immediate pass for me.
I've tried numerous times to get into the Soulsborne games - when Elden Ring was released to seemingly unanimous praise, I fired up Dark Souls Remastered one more time to see if I'd overlooked anything. They're just not for me — ended up dumping 1, 2 and Bloodborne on eBay the following week — better that they go to a home that'll appreciate them better than I!
Honestly, I wish there were FEWER build options and items, as the amount of unnecessary stuff you encounter in a run is just endless. I tend to play slowly with a completionist mindset - I want to see everything, explore all the nooks and crannies, find all the cool loot - and there's just too much of it. I know this leads to endless replayability, and once you've done a completionist run there's certainly no reason to play that way again, but I find it makes the experience a bit bloated. That's just my take, and how I tend to enjoy games, though. I genuinely preferred the tighter focus of Bloodborne - far fewer weapons, but all of them were excellent and viable (and much more creative with the "trick" modes); less bloat; tighter narrative. Elden Ring has all the trappings of a brilliant game, but it doesn't quite come together as neatly in the overall experience. That said, some of the legacy dungeon designs are excellent, and I appreciate the creativity with SOME of the bosses. All the repeated bosses definitely become a slog, though, and I'm only 2/3 of the way through (around 125 hours in).
One thing to keep in mind is that this game seems to heavily favor magic builds. As someone who generally enjoys melee combat a lot more than spell juggling and FP management, I'm sure I'm limiting my enjoyment somewhat by running a pure Dex build. I get the sense this is a completely different game for folks with different builds. Such is life.
Big fan of these kinds of articles, that are well written, and at the same time encourage you to reflect upon your own experience with a monumental game like ER.
The cherry on top is reading the comments from fellow gamers!
Oh and btw, I'm still shell shocked from my encouter with dark souls III, where I rage quit the first boss, I'm not even considering playing Bloodborne...all though I did recently install the game...sigh
@ErrantRob oh really? I’ll check out the Reddit page dude. It is cool to see some balance re: Elden Ring (and I’m talking about the critical consensus, I guess?). It is a great game though; I kinda see it like From Softwares equivalent of a ‘double’ album.
It is full of brilliant and interesting things but very bloated. And I think yeah, more time would have helped. You can see that from the cut NPC quest lines and just the extent of the bosses that have needed tweaking after release (quite seriously at times). More time could have meant some better bosses later on too, I think.
This is a fun but surprising article. The internet easily makes it seem like EVERYONE thinks these are the best games ever. I still have yet to find the "hook" in Fromsoft games. I buy them all, haven't bought ER yet, but someday will when it's cheap. But all the others, I try it hoping this will be the one, and it never is. Maybe ER will be it, but I still don't get the hype of Fromsoft's empty games otherwise. I do understand there's a certain niche who truly enjoys the overwhelming challenge of them, but I feel like that's less than half the fanbase, and for the rest it's purely a bragging rights thing, and getting sucked into the communal hype more than actually enjoying the game. People seem to enjoy being able to brag about being part of the group more than they actually enjoy the experience of playing the game. Not all, some very much enjoy it, but it always feels that way from listening to "fans" talk about the games.
Personally I think From has the chops to make a much richer game than endlessly churning out this fan-cult clone product over and over again. I'd like to see them branch away from "Soulseborne" games "for Soulsborne fans", though the success of ER makes that ever less likely.
If the game was "overblown" why does a tread like this exist?
I don't go around "trying to like something" I ignore it and find something I like.That goes for everything in life.
@add286 The repeated bosses for sure were a problem for me too! I understand why they did it, but it definitely sped up the rate at which playing through the game would start to get on my nerves! Definitely agreed on build flexibility. It's such an impressively malleable game for just how many ways you can approach a given situation!
@Kanji-Tatsumi Definitely agreed about Bloodborne! I loved practically everything about it to a much greater degree
@BeerIsAwesome More often than not games with reputations like that for me usually do live up to the hype, but I know that feeling of disappointment too for sure. It can be so disheartening! Like, "what am I not seeing that absolutely everyone else is?"
@PenguinLtd For real! Without summons for the majority of the boss fights...hoo boy. Things would have been so much worse haha. Thankfully they're integrated so well into the game!
With you. Only Souls games I've ever truly loved and played all the way through is Demon's Souls & Bloodborne. I describe them in a weird way, those two feel more like PlayStation games as opposed to the "torture chamber" games like Dark Souls & Elden Ring.
@CynicalGamer There were moments within Elden Ring that felt that way too, which was the stuff I liked most. Raya Lucaria just basically felt like a chunk of Bloodborne plopped into the middle of the ER. More vertical, claustrophobic, and self-contained. And it was easily my favorite part of the game haha. There were spots of the game here and there that felt like that, but the open-world areas in between all of those I wasn't in love with.
@Gloamin Nah, they have to make Déraciné 2 first! Thennnn they can make Armored Core! 🤣
@TheArt Yeah, the chalice dungeons do definitely lean into that repetition factor! They annoyed me less there when I saw a boss pop up an extra time, probably just because the chalice dungeons weren't something you could just stumble upon while exploring the world. You had to make a conscious decision to visit them, so I think that brought with it an awareness that I could see a boss I'd fought previously. As opposed to just stumbling up a cave while wandering and then finding that the "reward" at the end is just a boss I'd killed 8 times previously in other caves.
@TallBlondeTexan Definitely agreed on the pricepoint haha. Definitely hard to argue the game doesn't give you your money's worth. So so so much to explore and find across that massive map. A lot of it really interesting no less!
@Shepherd_Tallon I didn't dislike every boss fight, but I liked so many fewer of them than I was expecting. I did LOVE the Astel fight though! Probably gonna remember that one in the same breath as many of the Bloodborne bosses years from now!
@HeeHo So you're specifically saying I should go to Twitter right now, and just shout about Elden Ring?! Okay, it's bold and I wouldn't think to do that, but let's try it!
@johncalmc The floor is yours. Let's get spicy!
@cuttlefishjones Approachability was part of why I opted for this after Bloodborne instead of going to one of the Souls' games. Figured it would be a better-optimized version of the older games, taking lessons they had learned from all those prior design experiences! After beating it though, I'm thinking I might have been better off going to one of the older ones first haha.
I really like bloodborne but i cant stand the god awful frame rate issues and that chromatic abhoration effect..migrane inducing and thats the only negative i have with the game..elden ring for me was almost perfect..it would be too easy to go all rabid fanboy and say its the best game ever but i have to be honest and admit it has a few very minor flaws but i do love it..i've taken a hiatus from it and returned to asassins creed origins and then i'll mop up valhalla..did i find elden ring too hard? Not really but it was certainly more user friendly than previous games..heres to some tasty dlc and a patch for the frame rate...
@gbanas92 i thought raya lucaria was more like the dukes archives from dark souls to be honest..there wasnt really anything in elden ring that made me think about bloodborne at all apart from the dungeons/caves that you encounter..
@gbanas92 okay lemme tell you about a little game called Alan Wake
@johncalmc okay, the floor is closed 🤣
@Northern_munkey that could just stem from my lack of experience with the rest of their stuff, Bloodborne's the only other one I put enough time into to use as a comparison, so something that might more overtly feel like a Souls' game just wound up feeling like Bloodborne to me!
@NEStalgia maybe they should make a 2D platformer instead.
I do think there's some truth in what you said, lots of gamers are genuine fans of FromSoft games, but there does seem to be an element of 'bragging' rights about playing and being able to finish their games.
@gbanas92 fair enough..reflecting back on my run through there was an area that does actually make me think of the latter stages of bloodborne and thats the underground areas that you access via the wells...i'm getting the itch again just talking about this game but i really have to finish those damn assassins creed games off first..
I love Sekiro, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls but can't get into Dark Souls 1-3 or Elden Ring. So, I can relate but I don't know why I feel that way honestly.
I think its game of the year for sure and after beating Elder Ring and safely say I am never going back to those type of games. I have great memories of the game and I want to leave it at that.
@BeerIsAwesome Did you actually like the movie "Citizen Kane"? I watched it... It felt like just any really old movie.
@Vriess Honestly, I don't think I've ever had to cheese things in a game as much as I have with Elden Ring haha. It's surprisingly open to exploit in that respect. Not everything of course, but there were quite a few moments where I just looked up cheeses to see if there were any, and almost every time there sure were haha
@EverydayRobot Mercifully no, I think Bloodborne might have been the only FromSoft game that handled health potions like that. One of the worst elements of that whole game!
@Teddie-bear Funnily, I actually love Control haha. One of my favorite games of the last gen! Can absolutely understand that sentiment and feeling of disappointment though!
@Constable_What Hmmm, curious how you felt about the first Horizon? I never picked up Forbidden West, but I felt the way you feel about the second one with the first one haha. Did you really enjoy the first one?
@SplooshDmg I think I'd tend to agree with you! Liurnia was definitely the peak of my enjoyment, especially Raya Lucaria!
@pyrrhic_victory Weapon degradation, I'm out!
@Colour I can't tell you the number of times people have told me that at this point haha. I should legally just change my name to that! Definitely agreed that Bloodborne is very different though! From's games get compared to one another in a way a lot of other developers don't really get, and sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't, but yeah, definitely different experience with those two for sure!
The thought of being mildly to moderately annoyed for over 100 hours has stopped me from playing it every time I think about pulling it out of my backlog
@gdog989 I can't even being to count the number of times I got 1-shot out of nowhere, sometimes ever from attacks that I had already taken with little to no trouble sometimes within the same encounter haha. Absolute madness! Also agreed on the skyboxes, the underground areas especially, the cosmic skybox on the cave ceiling, in particular, is one of the prettiest I think I've ever seen!
@kyleforrester87 Yes, definitely gorgeous! The art direction is incredible. That riverbed area, with the stars on the cave ceiling area? Absolute perfection!
@TeapotBuddha Yeah I started the game with a brutish strength build, stick to a similar vibe to how I played Bloodborne, and shifted away from that to Dex and Magic pretty early into the game though. Things got much easier, though the fun factor never really changed haha.
All anyone has to say is "dark souls like" and that's all the info I require not to waste my time.
@Col_McCafferty That's what Hollow Knight is for....
@Andee I let 7 years pass in between Bloodborne attempts. Just let an entire console generation pass in between trying it! haha
@berte Haha yeah! I wasn't really struggling to play the game the first time I picked it up so much as just not really enjoying it. I fully expected when I put it down that first time, I would never be playing it ever again. All it took was to wait almost a decade before trying again to enjoy it haha.
@ErrantRob Hmmm, would adding more content to it make it a better game though? I don't know that I think it would. Caelid felt like a choppy mess, but everything else in the game felt complete to me. I think I would have wanted less of the game to like it more if anything, not more! Not to say that was necessarily your opinion since you were mentioning the Subreddit, but still!
@Shakybeeves Hahaha, glad you got enjoyment from their other stuff at least! Even if we appear to have had identical thoughts on Elden Ring. Send me the link to the vid! I wanna watch!
@Ralizah Hahaha, Journey Abzu, and The Last Of Us represent some of my favorites funnily enough! And Bloodborne now I think, and then I also felt the opposite with Elden Ring. We might be polar opposites with games I think haha!
That's exactly my experiance with ER. Limgrave and liurnia (even altus Plateau) where so much fun + nokron, ainsel, siofra and even caelid. But the Capital City and the Ende Game where a pain in the a***. Enjoying it anyway but Overall, the best Game i wont Play again.
@JSnow2 torture chamber games hahahahaha
@NEStalgia For me, I was hoping Elden Ring was gonna be the one to make me interested in playing all of FromSoft's stuff, and it just didn't really happen. It cooled my interest in going back to their other stuff if anything. Bloodborne might wind up being a fluke for me in just how much I loved it!
@Ramb I was actually dreading the comments section to this initially, but everything's been surprisingly engaging. Lots of civil disagreement, which is exactly why I would have wanted to write something like this in the first place. It's always fun to engage with dissenting opinions, just so long as they're not mean-spirited haha. Plus what would be the fun in everyone just having an identical opinion!
It sounds to me like you ARE considering giving Bloodborne a go! I support you! Go for it haha. No harm in trying if you actually wanna do it! Plus, if you don't like it as quickly as DSIII, then you won't lose much time from doing it either!
@gbanas92 I guess everyone has to have someone out there who represents the inverse of themselves. If that's really the case, I bet you'll love the Souls games. Dark Souls III is probably the most similar to Bloodborne in terms of how the combat feels, so if you play another one of their games, that might be the one to go to.
Not that I disagree with your assessment entirely. Caelid is, in fact, an underdeveloped mess of a region. The game does have multiple enemies that were profoundly irritating to try and fight (as someone who sucks at parrying, Crucible Knight remained more difficult than most of the bosses in the game for me!). And, IMO, the way stat building and resetting works discourages experimenting with the numerous in-game weapons (I hate that aspect of it about as much as other people seem to hate BotW's glass weapons, which I never had much of an issue with).
Running soapboxes like this is also good, since the gaming community can be SO hivemindy, and it's easy for people to feel isolated when they find they don't like whatever the latest "Greatest Game Ever" happens to be.
@SplooshDmg Yeah the interconnectedness is just so interesting. WHich, sure, Elden Ring does that still, both in the smaller self-contained areas, and with gaining access to new areas in the open world, but yeah, most of my favorite elements from this wouldn't have been out of place in their older games from a level design standpoint!
@Northern_munkey It's still insane to me that the game's gone this long without a 60 FPS upgrade, at this are they just gonna wait until doing a full remake of it? Not that I really think it needs one, but I mean, I would definitely play it haha. And for sure, those lower areas gave me some Bloodborne vibes. Some of the boss fights down there did too!
@Ralizah When I first started Elden Ring, I had planned on going back to the rest of their stuff, but I think I might've scared myself out of doing it now, even though I could wind up liking DSIII so much. Especially because I stubbornly wouldn't let myself play it without DS1 and 2 first and I do noooooot wanna do that haha.
Yeah, Caelid, I just....one enemy to the next was a coin toss if you were gonna be way over-leveled or be so underpowered it'd take ages to kill anything. The entire region was just so bizarre as far as figuring out the point in the game they wanted you to be there. I did quite like the way statting and upgrading weapons worked. I found it a lot easier to upgrade many weapons instead of feeling like i had to hoard everything until I knew I wanted to upgrade a specific weapon like in Bloodborne. The open-world meant you could get your hands on a lot more material, so that's one thing I did appreciate at least.
It's a good game but it's not ground breaking like BOTW in terms of gameplay or like RDR2 in narrative. It's just more dark souls 3 which I'd already put 100 hours into. I've beaten Elden Ring 3 times and it was like eating a big bag of doritos where the further you get down the bag the sicker you feel. Good first From Software game to get into though.
Completely not my style of games. So every single dark souls like is automatically hard pass in my book.
@gbanas92 Yeah it felt like such a strange design choice in a game where you have to face the same boss countless times to learn patterns and weaknesses. Just left no room for experimentation.
@77dreams I also did a dex build; started with a bow and the bloodhound fang sword. By mid game, I'd dropped the bow, got a ranged arcane spell and blood flame incantation for my sword, and it became an immediately more viable build! By 2/3rds, I dropped my shield, was 2 handing the same sword I'd started with, and taking advantage of the bleed proc, jump attacks, rolling attacks and dodges, and it carried me to the end!
It's worth seeing which talismans will help your playstyle and going for ones that add to your damage output- jump attack, charge attacks, or whatever you utilise most, and again, buffing bleed damage on dex weapons and putting points into arcane (you'll also discover more weapons and armour!) It can be pretty powerful, after all!+
@gbanas92 Glad you enjoyed it! Quite a good lot of my friends enjoyed it too and said the same thing. It's in no way a bad game. Just different strokes for different folks. lol
It's similar to my case.
The first Soulsborne game for me was Dark Souls III, which I played at launch and quit after 1 hour.
The end of 2018 brought a discount on Bloodborne GOTY. I just came from finishing Darksiders III (which launched with it's version of punishing combat), so I though what the hell, let's give From's games another go.
Bloodborne was my true first From game. The first game I won the Platinum in (I'm not much of a Platinum trophy guy, I like thme to be there, but I don't usually care if I win all of them or not. But BB I liked so much that I wanted to win each and every one of them. I enjoy everything about it, from the art to the atmosphere to the enemies and the combat. Poured over 600h into it (in a period of 3 years).
In the interim I also finished all other Souls games, and Elden Ring.
But none of them came even close to dethroning Bloodborne from the top spot for me.
I too was relieved when i finished Elden Ring. It was good in the first 20-30 hours, interesting, lots of discovering to do.
But the closer I got to the end, the more tedious it got, the more I wanted to be done with it and never look back.
And I don't think I'll play it again.
Bloodborne on the other hand... I started going for the second Platinum (new character on a new account) right after finishing Elden Ring. It felt so good to be playing it again that I didn't stop until I got the last trophy, and reached a character level of around 300 (all builds into one is the most fun way to play).
Here's hoping it will finally get the upgrade it deserves, both in the form of a good Remaster, and of an epic sequel.
I don’t think people explore the game enough. As a Melee game it can be tough but simple tweaks like bloodhound step can turn the game on its head.
demon souls on ps3 did me for these type of games. i prefer elder Scrolls.
@gbanas92 I really enjoyed the first Horizon, but that was a time before Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Odyssey. I have completely burnt myself out of that specific formula.
I enjoyed Elden Ring because it doesn't guide you at the same level as most open world games, and after playing Elden Ring it is really hard to sink my teeth into other open world games and enjoy them.
@nessisonett yeah I’ve made this mistake by playing Elden first now demon souls is so easy and sucks ass in comparison even though it’s a good game lol I like to think even people who don’t like this style if they played Elden as much as this writer did they would have learned it’s mechanics and the pattern of it’s gameplay, but to get no joy like this guy sheesh I can imagine that his taste in anything is below par
Ha yeah, don't dare ever criticise Elden Ring. Some people really don't like that!
I'm sure it's a very good game BUT I'm positive the hype was over the top (hailing it as the Greatest of All Time!).
Anyway, I'll never play it even if it ends up on Extra. No point as I wouldn't be able to finish it. Not saying I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of it, for a few hours at least, but I think it's too hard and I'm too impatient lol.
@Crumbytweak asinine comment about someone's taste because it differs from yours.
Welcome to the club.
There are 2 types of games that are popular and i just don't enjoy (well aside First person games cause they are physically uncomfortable for me).
These are Souls like games and hunting games.
I tried, especially with hunting games, but they are just boring and a waste of time for me.
Hunting games are repetitive and the mission structure, the game loop itself is horrible. Picking dots from the ground, killing the same monsters over and over for random drops with a slow ass clunky combat is just frustrating.
I find Souls games share some of these. The high difficulty leads to cheap deaths and repetition while the combat is once again slow and clunky.
I know the combat on these games is intentional, but i just don't enjoy it, and if i am not enjoying the combat, i am not gonna enjoy the repetition.
So, i have skipped on monster hunter rise, god eater 3 and all newest hunting titles and i have skipped on the bloodbornes and Elden rings.
Any souls like or hunting like game is an immediate pass for me.
It's just not for me, and that is ok. I got plenty of other games to play.
@Constable_What Definitely agreed on being burnt out on that kind of open-world formula. THe first one felt serviceable, but a little out of date when it came out, but the second seems like it might not have really changed much up, so it's just more egregiously dated haha. I might try it if it winds up a PS+ game at some point, but I'm not in a hurry. I did appreciate that Elden Ring wasn't a game about just blindly following an objective marker for 200 hours, definitely agreed! Even if at times I felt completely lost as far as where they actually wanted me to be heading. Between the two, I think I'd pick the looser guidelines haha
@Shinnok789 Woahhhhhh, 600 hours?!?!?! Geeez, that is an impressive amount of time put into Bloodborne! Deserving of every second of it though!
@Teddie-bear Oh for sure! Did you like Remedy's games prior to Control, or was that their first game that you were curious about? Every played Alan Wake, Max Payne, etc?
@EverydayRobot Especially since it's clearly a consideration made in the other games they made where they decided it would be replenished automatically. So odd!
@gbanas92 I definitely think melee in Horizon FW is A LOT better. It's very satisfying, flashy, and actually useful. There's also an ultimate type ability that buff Aloy, so...
Yeah, it's progressed but it's mostly stuff AC has already done before! Haha
@pharos_haven don’t be a drama queen 👸
@AdamNovice not very clear how it “gets a pass”.
It’s an outstanding game regardless of whether one likes it or not. There is very little to criticize about it aside from personal preference over some aspects, some repetitive content which is quite frankly minor when compared with every single other game of this size out there, and some bugs.
@Nem if combat in soulslike games is “not good” according to you; could you kindly make an example of a good system? Souls games are highly regarded specifically for their combat system and imho second only to the Sekiro system because of its higher speed and sophistication.
But please share
@add286 every community has radicals that don’t accept critiques and get very defensive about it.
However I must point out that what you single out as issues are not issues, it’s by design and deliberate.
What you described is simply the souls formula and reason why many of us play it.
Don’t get me wrong, you are not “wrong” for not liking it, that is strictly personal, however both your post and OP’s article read quite simply like people that still suck at souls games and hence get too frustrated to enjoy the playthrough.
I don’t say it as a “git gud” kind of argument. You either are the kind of player that enjoys tough challenges, or you’re not. If you are not then Fromsoft’s games are simply a bad choice for your taste.
Having played all their titles, I don’t think ER is cheap in the slightest, and it’s not even close to being the hardest out of the series.
The cheapest is surely bloodborne’s DLC, and the hardest learning curve is probably Sekiro (although it becomes very easy once you understand the system).
Imho ER has issues with the amount of material which was unnecessary and some bugs due to the size. Aside from that, it’s a gem of a game. Don’t understand how one can argue the opposite.
I hated RDR2, so boring and repetitive I had to drag myself through it, and yet one can’t say that it’s a bad game.
Gamers need to understand the difference between “bad” and “not for me”
@rykofant For me, the combat in games like Devil may cry and Bayonetta is the most fun.
It's fast paced, flashy, its responsive, easy to pick up, but has depth to it. It's very satisfying for me.
I had to double check. I didn't say the combat "isn't good". I said i find it slow and clunky and i don't like it.
Whether it's good or bad is open to interpretation.
@Crumbytweak Lol and yet you took time to comment about someone having poor taste that wasn't in agreement with yours....sounds logical
@Nem you are right, but it isn’t clunky either. It’s a fairly accurate adjective and I don’t think ER’s combat fits it. DS1 is clunky, uncharted are clunky, last of us is clunky….ER flows very well imho.
Funnily enough, I was just wondering what combat system is on par with souls and the only thing I came up with are GOW and DMC.
Quite opposite to you though, I find dmc a beautiful exercise in style over substance. There is no challenge whatsoever in playing through DMC even at higher difficulties and the only real difficulty is pushing yourself to SSS every combo you attempt. Once you know the formula to get there, it’s pretty much a done deal. There’s nothing that is going to pose a threat anymore.
Surely it’s faster, but that’s because it’s a hack and slash system (oranges to apples) and being responsive is a different thing; I’d argue that actually ER is considerably more responsive that DMC. The chances of a combo not playing out as designed because of unregistered commands in DMC is quite high, in ER you’d be hardstrapped to find many circumstances when you do something and the outcome isn’t as predicted.
But hey, to each their own.
@nessisonett I played Demon Souls on PS3 and i still love it to death. But i really love to see a Demon Souls 2 with some small quality of life changes a respec option like in Dark Souls 2, jump, changes to change world tendency maybe with some NPC quests.
Elden Ring is the best video game ever made period
@Mad001 I’m the exact opposite - I tried Fallout and Elder scrolls and put them all down in less than 5 hours. In my opinion, they just aren’t enjoyable in any facet.
Got Demon Souls on my PS3 at put well over 100 hours into, damaging the CPU in the process.
@ReadySlayerOne we are all different, ive friend that only plays football games and nothing else.
We're gamers all the same enjoy 🙂👍
I’m saying it with respect and tolerance. Some people love some games and some people don’t like the same games. There’s no truth about any given games. It’s all personal perspective and that’s why review scores are meaningless. You are only one of millions who find out they don’t like a game other people love. Well that’s too bad 🤷🏼♂️
This story could be posted about any game.
I think you should have played Dark Soul series before because ER is more alike and Bloodborne is too different (and less rpg style).
Yea I think that’s what I really like in it. In my view it’s really RPG in that extending in the way you play just how you like it. Not like so called rpg that force you to a given play style or poor combat (TW3) and a given character.
So it’s possible that you may not have approached the game in the way that would have made it the most enjoyable for yourself.
@rykofant see: this is exactly it. This over defensive mentality about ER. I have completed Bloodborne and Dark Souls; Salt and Sacrifice etc. I just don’t think ER is quite as good as others (I’ve already said why and I’m not really making arguments about difficulty). It is not that; I think ER simply isn’t as good as other Soulsborne game. I even go out my way to make it clear it has brilliant things about it but some of the design choices don’t work as well (namely, by going open world, it loses some of that focus that other Soulsborne games have).
And who are you to say whether these games are for anyone or not? Lol; I adore soulsborne games but this one disappointed me a little. Lol ‘suck at Soulsborne games’: the (op and I) has likely played all the others. Arrogance of some gamers man; you don’t get to say my experience is invalid because you disagree with it.
Some people simply need to be respectful of others that have different views.
@gbanas92 Well, easy come easy go.
@gbanas92 https://youtu.be/p5aIh-YzyWw
Thanks man
This is a really good article that is balanced and explains why some one does not like a game (that other players have liked). It is respectful, logical and generally pointing out things about ER that have been a little overlooked. Many agree with it whilst others see it differently. It is also respectful of ER and the people who like it.
First 100 posts: nice chat; people being cool and respectful.
100+ we start getting people twisting arguments and saying people are upset about difficulty (which no one is talking about. The op is making a comparison to Bloodborne: which is a harder game in some ways because you have to master weapons and styles early on. ER allows magic builds to dominate too easily in my view). Whilst others say: ‘well, you didn’t approach it in the right way, that’s why ER wasn’t right for you’
😂 what? People can have a different take on a game with reasonable points about why they didn’t like it. It doesn’t impact your enjoyment nor change your experience. Even Soulsborne veterans have pointed out minor problems with ER. It’s okay; no one is taking your favourite game from you, chill.
Morning man. I hope your comment wasn’t meant for me because (in my intent anyway) I was meant to be very respectful. It is true that the game may be approached in different ways that can be more or less impactful to personal enjoyment but that only concerns (said for) the player for their own good. 😅
But by that same argument: no game can be poor or criticised because it becomes a case of those subjective approaches (and it’s invalidates someone else’ perspective when they are just saying: I didn’t like this thing about this other thing). People critique games all the time - and they are allowed to do the same about soulsborne as they do any other game (but obviously, respectfully). By saying: you didn’t approach it right, it comes off more personal and it’s someone’s fault they didn’t enjoy the game.
Nah it’s fine, I don’t mean to be awkward or have a go at you. It is more just; this year: all I’ve heard is how good ER is: and I didn’t find that at all. People are allowed to articulate that without being told they are wrong for having that view, I guess? The real soulsborne community is pretty chill and helpful; and are prepared to critique the games without worrying too much, y’know?
‘So it’s possible that you may not have…’
You definitely read my comment wrong. (It was more trying to help btw)
I’m not against criticism either as long as people are allowed to express their opinion freely too (with all due respect of course)
Anyway have a lovely day 😅
I'm around 90 hours in after falling off a few times, and about to head to Mountaintops of the Giants. I already know that, if I make it to the point in the game when you can branch to the multiple endings, I will be save scumming to get the platinum - I'm already too fatigued to go through NG+ etc.
It's a game with brilliant moments and that BOTW 'just around the corner' sense of adventure/freedom, fascinating character builds (I love the weapon variety in particular) and multiple threads of lore that keep me engaged. I really enjoy the rhythm of combat, though not necessarily the enemies themselves.
It's also a game with repetitive assets, less than stellar graphical performance, bosses you can cheese and bosses that repeatedly cheese you, uninspiring side content and a baffling lack of a simple quest log (I am tired of using a notebook and the internet to progress storylines). And on a lighter note, please give me an option to hide my helm...
Right now it's a solid 8/10 for me, but it is flawed enough that I just don't understand the sentiment that GOTY for 2022 has been a closed case since it released.
I am not a blanket Souls fan. Struggled with Demon and Dark Souls but Bloodborne is possibly one of my favourite games ever. Elden Ring is up there with the best Open World games I have ever played. That comes with pros and cons. The difficulty and quest for gear and levelling up made exploration feel more meaningful. At the same time, it couldn't escape the lack of narrative drive and repeated enemies etc. that are a staple of open world games.
I think it is a very good (I scored it a 9) but I have played through Bloodborne multiple times and I'm not sure I want to plug another 90+ hours into Elden Ring.
It's definitely not for everyone. Personally, I've always loved open worlds. Elden Ring was my first FS game, probably because of the open world. I enjoy getting lost exploring a new world to the point that I will willfully and joyfully abandon the main quest for days, weeks, or longer. While I generally enjoyed the combat in Elden Ring (in spite of some moments of great frustration), I do think it has one of the best open worlds ever made - there is so much to explore, and almost none of it felt like empty space to me, some thing that pretty much all open worlds, even great ones (Skyrim, BotW, AC Valhalla) have been guilty of. The Lands Between felt dense with encounters and new locations to explore, and I rarely ever felt a desire to just rush through on horseback to get to the next place. Still, given that open worlds with hours of deviation from the plot aren't your thing, I can definitely understand your opinion.
@gbanas92 Played Quantum Break and loved that one. Great story and characters. Mainly because of Shawn Ashmore and Aidan Gillen. The gameplay was good there too, just not as good as Control. Would love to see a sequel for that with Control's gameplay, physics and destruction. That's pretty much the reason why I took interest in Control in the first place and being able to play it on PS4
I am reading a lot of enabling behavior of mediocrity here in these comments and the op of the article from those who can't understand this games greatness... ops words : "Enemies had attacks that felt undodgeable or unblockable. Others had combos that ran for far too long. Still more were so aggressive, that healing became nigh impossible. Some were a combination of all the above. It became a distraction," when I read s*** like this I just disregard the whole thing that I'm reading... Don't let your inner bitch conquer you try a different build I am not the best player but I understand there are those who are better and figure it out and I do the same. You don't even mention the fire giant... You don't talk about any bosses by name... I don't even know that you played the game under a healthy mindset by this limited information... If that image from your character with the plus 1 jelly fighting the red fox with limited health pool shield and rapier is any indication of the skill or lack there of...(shield players) just stay silent this a loveletter to the fans this game. Just mentioning "Mid-Bosses" I'll call you Mid-Boss now.
@GusBH this is funny because these points are why the game is praised as well 🤣🤣 simple not a bunch of cluttering ui like Ubisoft games... You like assassin's Creed a lot huh 🤣
I bought it a couple of months, dipped in for probably on a few hours total, which is probably not the way to get into fromsoft games... from what I've read you really need to immerse yourself.
In all honesty didn't appeal to me that much due to fromsoft rep of making purposefully tough games, but got caught up in in the hype.
I found a yiutube video series that apparently teaches you fiundations of these games, rsther than purely levelling up to make an overpowered build, so will give that a go.
Kind of intrigued by it and the high marks, but can't say it's grabbed me so far, but need to give it a proper go before writing it off.
Gt7 has got its hooks, so I've been playing that when I have the odd hour or 2 free for games.
Good morning. It’s funny because I got GT7 at launch but I got hooked by ER so it was the reverse for me. Now I’m hooked on GT7 though.
When I played DS series I checked fightingCowboy the YouTuber. He’s cool at explaining the basic if you need.
Otherwise it’s fine every game and everyone is different. It’s all matter of personal tastes.
@get2sammyb Exactly how I felt after Horizon Zero Dawn & AC Origins. Just too bloated to enjoy after a certain amount of time
I bought Sekiro on sale yesterday. I’m new to from soft games since buying a PS5 and getting demon souls remake (absolutely loved it as really didn’t know if it would be too hard for me/it wasn’t)
Bought Elden ring and have played around 40hrs but got distracted by HFW. Was enjoying it and will definitely go back to it.
Sekiro is very different. I’m played maybe 5 hours. It’s all about parrying and countering (and picking off enemies so you don’t get overwhelmed as far as I can see.
I’m really enjoying it and with my very small experience of it so far I would recommend but I have read many times how hard it gets so I have no idea if I’ll be able up complete the game.
Time will tell.
If you like from soft games then I’d say it’s definitely worth a punt at the lower price but just be aware the combat is different to other titles they make. Very satisfying though…
Hope that helps a bit.
@add286 see, this is exactly it. You didn’t care to actually process what I wrote, and instead went for a strawman argument against me saying something not true at all:
That I disrespected you or didn’t understand your comment and that I was arrogant about it, while none of these things are true at all.
Maybe you should have another go at reading my comment, because there is nothing disrespectful about it.
I went out of my way to clarify that your preferences and opinion have nothing condemnable about them; but that’s just what they are: opinions.
The fact that you “didn’t mention difficulty” is a moot and frankly dim argument.
Your opening statement is:
“You nailed my experience with it too” referring to OP’s article.
Half of said article is registered as a complaint about fights/combos being too long, cheap, undodgeable, unfair etc etc.
I quote: “Most of my memories of fights from the game are ones of annoyance. Enemies had attacks that felt undodgeable or unblockable. Others had combos that ran for far too long. Still more were so aggressive, that healing became nigh impossible. Some were a combination of all the above. It became a distraction, something at the forefront of my mind. It made it harder to enjoy the artistry and craftsmanship that went into all of these encounters.“
By your own definition, since he “nailed it” you must be in agreement with this or you are the one that presented his view poorly.
Also, you implied the soulsborne community agrees combos are too long. I’m part of the soulsborne community and have been for years and I don’t know anyone that thinks that. I have read a couple comments about i, but it’s hardly a mainstream idea. By far and wide the soulsborne community loved the game and majority of the more experienced players found it actually TOO EASY.
Finally, I never said I can determine who should play a game, do as you absolutely please!
Nonetheless, it sounds logical to me that if you are the type of player that “ when I think back on boss fights in Elden Ring, the first emotion that rises up in me is irritation” or “ The enemies I ended up not liking grew to an immense number: Crucible Knights, Ulcerated Tree Spirits, Black Knife Assassins, the list goes on and on. It would even come to include many regular enemy types, Perfumers and the like. By game’s end, there were more enemies I disliked encountering than ones I enjoyed. And this came to a head when finally, at Crumbling Farum Azula, I nearly uninstalled the game. I had had enough. Why was I even still playing, what was I trying to prove to myself?” then you are probably not the player this game was designed for.
Through the years I’ve seen oceans of people rage-quitting souls games and then having a rant on Reddit over how unfair, cheap, and ***** the games are but the reality of said opinions is but one:
These players are NOT the target audience for the game and quite evidently do not enjoy the challenge; it does not make the game bad, because the same design choice is what makes other people think it’s great.
I see one person here invalidating others and that is you. I never called you arrogant or suggested you didn’t finish other souls games, I frankly don’t much care. I just said that if you agree with OP view perhaps there is a chance these ain’t the games for you. It’s a fairly neutral and respectful thing to say, if you can’t take it maybe don’t engage in commenting.
I wanted to really like it. Completed it cause of my OCD. But I prefer Demon Soul. I just feel like like ER being opened world was bit much for me sometimes I had to go to YouTube just to make sure I was going in the right direction at some points. Especially for a certain witch quest. Which not knowing where to go at points made it really not that enjoyable. Don't get me wrong I don't want my hand to be hand held but damn that just made things hard. Now that I have completed it will not be playing it it a second time. Also I still don't understand the main story of the game.
Tried Bloodborne as first FromSoftware experience, had to give up.....now having played through Elden Ring...Will revisit with different mindet and expectations. Bring it on!
@rykofant That's fair. I don't find that when enemy attacks take half my health in order to have me repeat the content ad nauseum until i memorise the pattern to be fun myself.
Games like DMC have dodge mechanics that are quite rewarding too, slowing down time. So, reactions get rewarded and it's not just a pattern recognition contest.
But hey, as you say, to each their own. Different people find entertainment in different things.
No game is interesting after Bloodborne. I struggled similarly after it.
My advise is to retry it later. It really is a great game.
You gave the game a fair shake and it wasn't for you. Fair play for that. I tried persona 4 and just couldn't get into it, and most people love it.
Not everyone loves everything, and that's fine.
If not for the falling star jaw and mimic tear I would've either returned the game or snapped it in half
The best game I've ever played, period. It's not for everyone, but those that enjoy exploration, intense combat, and amazing quest lines, you'll love it.
@Johnnycide Your profile pic is awesome!
I think Elden Ring is a great game but not one of the best of all time. Ive still not finished it, I’m about 100 hours in and now it’s struggling to keep my interest. I kinda wish I’d just gone straight through the ‘main story’ without exploring.
Bloodborne is still Froms greatest imo.
Just say that your to bad and your too impatient to learn the bosses attacks. There's not a single attack that you can't avoid, you just have to learn there attack patterns and timings. How can hitless runs exist if there are undogable attacks? Eldin Ring is on of my favorite games of all time. It's meant to be challenging, you have to put time into beating. My first casual took 100 hours to beat. Its a game for dedicated gamers
@BeerIsAwesome For sure! Yeah, my favorite games wouldn't really top a list like that either, even if I do like a lot of the "classics" too. Heck one of my favorite games is Alan Wake, which I think a certain @johncalmc might have some thoughts on!
@Shakybeeves That was a good watch! Well articulated reasons for what you did (and didn't) get out playing the game! Thanks for sending the link over!
I'm finding it hard to imagine going back to the other games. They may have better lore (debatable), or better level design, but I just think Elden Ring really brings everything so well together. The open world is also great as well.
@Rambolike thanks buddy! Glad you like it.
It's a decent game but I stopped playing at about three quarters through the game as too many brick walls with regards to progress. Slowly it drained my enthusiasm to continue.
The technical issue are unacceptable in this day and age though...
I stopped playing about 50 hours in. I just lost interest, it started to feel very repetitive and there was another game I wanted to play more. I didn't finish it and I doubt I'll pick it up again.
@gbanas92 Thanks for giving it a watch! 😎👍
@Shakybeeves Of course! i was happy to!
@get2sammyb this is me, I loved ER but felt exhausted by end, and I agree that it felt rinse/repeat with some bosses I genuinely hated. I think wide-linear is the best type of genre for FROM, some of the magic was lost in this giant open world. No desire to get the Plat or return, but I put in over 100 hours, so its still a classic in the end, just not my favorite FROM game.
@Gitgudgaming Oh yeah, I do like assassins creed and finished every single entry since assassins creed 3 hahahaha
I have nearly zero interest in any Fromsoft games. I tried Bloodborne because the setting seemed interesting, but that lasted all of a couple hours.
I tried Elden Ring, and I fell off that even quicker than Bloodborne. I get why people like it, but I feel it's the new overrated "best game of all time!" Basically, it's the new BotW. 🙄
I will say, I gave Sekiro a try and I actually had a blast playing it, a huge shock to me as I dont like soulslike games, but there was just something about it that was much better than the rest.
Ultimately I gave up as well due to the difficulty. A games difficulty doesn't make it a better game, and I'm getting too old to put in the time to "Git Gud!" anyway. I no longer play games for a challenge, I play them for stress relief and just pure enjoyment.
Just recently rolled credits on Elden Ring as well. I loved most of it, but there were a few infuriating things that kept it back from being in the realms of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro.
One was the repetition - the fact that some encounters were recycled and a lot of the smaller dungeons were basically the same made those elements a bit of a slog.
Second, I felt the endgame dragged out a bit and lost momentum. I didn't care about the final encounters and didn't really feel a sense of accomplishment after beating them. The mid-late game where you're taking on stuff like Radahn was so much more exciting.
And lastly, the build metagame being so heavily focused towards bleed stopped me from wanting to replay any sections of the game. Other stuff is viable but when one style of play so comprehensively overpowers the rest, it takes a toll.
I'm still curious to see if any expansions or DLC arrive but for the time being I've uninstalled and don't intend to go back. Still enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it's not going to get into my "greatest of all time" list like some of its predecessors.
It's no 10/10, not with the technical issues it has (framerate drops are sometimes embarassing), but it is pretty damn close to it. I think it's the best From Software game, in particular for people like me that aren't good at those types of game. You can always grind levels anywhere on the map and make everything easier for you.
Had a blast! Hopefully their next game is similar but I'm tired of the non-existant story and all the characters talking like they're in a movie about royalty or something lol
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