By the end of this week, every mainline Grand Theft Auto game still worth a playthrough will be available on PlayStation 5 and PS4 — except for one. The badly named Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition remasters III, Vice City, and San Andreas for Sony's systems, meaning they join Grand Theft Auto V with native versions as part of their lineups. But there's something missing here: Grand Theft Auto IV. Niko Bellic is still stuck on PS3 — you cannot even stream the game through PS Now — and that needs to be rectified.
The Eastern European's pursuit of the American Dream was the first game in the series I properly played for myself, and as the last mainline GTA title since the franchise went 3D now without a PS5 or PS4 port, I don't want Rockstar to forget about it. Please don't let GTA 4 rot on PS3, Rockstar. I want to go bowling with Roman again.
It all starts with the theme song. This masterpiece of a tune captures the frighteningly sombre and foreboding vibes of the story unlike anything else does. I remember having it on repeat when the game first launched way back in April 2008 and I'm doing the very same thing as I write this piece. It's scarily good; to be honest I'd take this on PS5 alone and call it a day. God, give me a PS5 theme with this playing in the background.
Anyway, the open world experience itself: some love it and others not so much. Roman does indeed call you a little too much, but with so many more other activities to partake in, it's easy to ignore the story for a few hours and enjoy some dumb fun. Take a stroll along the coast and explore the theme park, go to the cabaret, drink yourself silly at the bar, or head to the strip club when the sun goes down. Sure, modern titles may do these optional activities a little better, but there's nothing quite like the serious tone of Liberty City. And if that mood becomes too much, hunt down one of the unmarked quests for some of the funnier side missions.
If GTA 4 were to come back on PS5 and PS4, it should probably be bundled with The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony expansions. I never had the chance to play the latter DLC, so there's some brand new content for me to experience should Rockstar ever decide to remaster the entire offering. And since this is Rockstar we're talking about, a re-release like this would probably come with a premium charge. I'll pay it, reluctantly.

I suppose the PS3 original is in the same sort of situation as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, in that they are both undisputed classics still stranded on original hardware. And that hardware just so happens to be the awkward Cell architecture of Sony's third home system. But smaller studios have successfully managed to port their PS3 games to modern hardware, and Rockstar is a behemoth in the industry. If anyone can do it, it's one of the world's biggest developers.
So, as the studio re-releases its PS2 classics and potentially sets its sights next on a remake of Red Dead Redemption, I hope Rockstar doesn't forget about the other PS3 game it released. Complete the package and remaster GTA 4 for PS5 and PS4 too. The game doesn't deserve to be left behind and eventually forgotten about. I'll have Roman give Sam Houser a call if my plea isn't met.
Do you too want Rockstar to give GTA 4 a remaster? Place your vote in our poll and expand on your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 82
Agreed, it'd be nice to have GTA 4 easily accessible on PlayStation again. I really enjoyed the core game, and loved Ballad of Gay Tony even more, but it'd be nice to have it at a higher resolution at 60fps.
It ran like garbage on the PS3!
This game nearly destroyed GTA for me. God I hated it haha
Still the best one in the series for me, and the best protagonist.
GTA 4 was a depressingly grey and mundane game, but there's no denying that it had a real atmosphere. Would probably play a remaster if the gameplay was tweaked a bit.
My personal favorite of the series storywise, it blew my mind back when I played it just like GTA 3 did. I would even accept a lazy port as long as it ran smoothly and all the music was intact (especially the Russian station!).
I loved the game, the story, how it felt and the city is amazing. What has surprised me is that Rockstar has never brought the city over to GTA online. No Niko or Roman. Maybe with the power of PS5 there could be a bridge linking the state and Liberty City together.
It’s the first GTA game I played and I definitely had a lot of fun with it. But with the trilogy of GTA III games about to drop… I’d rather them just hold off on more remasters and focus on getting GTA VI to us. It’ll come eventually… right? 😂
Bought it last week on xbox series x. It runs a lot smoother compared to my ps3 copy.
I read elsewhere that a definitive edition of gta iv, with all the gta stories included, coming 2023
No more remasters period!
It's far from my favourite but it'd be nice to have them all available in the same place
Bring the shooting controls and wallowing car physics upto at least GTA V standards, clean up the murky lighting and we're onto a winner.
I'd still prefer a Red Dead Redemption remaster in the RDR2 engine (at 60fps) first though.
Plus any game with walk-in stand up comedy is good in my book.
Other than the first two games, GTA IV is the only game in the entire series that I haven’t yet played. And seeing as I no longer own a PS3, I’d love to see it get remastered on PS5.
I’d also like to see Red Dead Redemption 2 receive a 60FPS patch for PS5 backwards compatibility. Given the money sitting in Rockstar’s coffers, that shouldn’t be too much to ask, right?
After the amazing map of San Andreas with 3 cities and everything in between Liberty City felt like a massive step down to me. I had a few other things I disliked as well but that was the main factor for me. I did play it a reasonable amount though but mainly because I didnt have much else to play at the time
IV has some really crap gameplay and annoying tendencies from the PS2 era (lack of checkpoints...), but I still love it to this day. The ambiance of NYC it creates is immaculate, and the writing and performances were spectacular. It's like playing a really epic crime movie. I'd love a remaster some day.
My favourite GTA by far. IV and SA are the top tier gtas imo.
It's not even just GTA IV though is it. Where's the original Red Dead Redemption? Liberty City/Vice City Stories? Max Payne 3??
Rockstar are leaving loads of money on the table by doing absolutely nothing with these games and they really couldn't care less
Most publishers would kill for a line up that they've just left to rot
Such a great game, with a proper grown up story. GTA V felt like it had been written by a teenager in comparison.
@RBMango grand theft auto with checkpoints? go back to CoD lol.
Never been huge into gta (red dead was always my rockstar game), I missed the ps2 era trilogy and v didn’t really do much for me, but 4 was my favourite by far. I liked the story more than v and the online was fun back then with friends. Don’t know if I’d replay it but I think it would be cool to give the game a second life.
it would be interesting if they could put all the dlc into the game like gta 5 , add some better effects ( lighting , shadows , reflections ) , and it would be worth it.
It's surprising to not see GTA4 on newer consoles especially when it's AAA and has been available on competitors console.
Out of all the GTA's IV is by far the version I'm least interested in ever playing again. Have never felt the desire to play it again since I beat the expansions.
I’d love to see this come to next gen but just remaster the story and forget about the online please 🙏
The online took so long to max rank 😅
Absolutely needs a remaster, criminally overlooked in best GTA conversations.
By far my least favorite GTA game. By a wide margin.
Haha I barely can remember the slow controls and the terrible framerate. But I had fun with it on the Xbox 360
Still remember that trailer, made you want to jump to next gen quick, no excuses. It was the first extra realistic GTA, bought it twice for PS3 and 360, beat it countless timeless. CJ had a phone but Niko could actually make calls and hangout with friends. Niko's sarcasm was hilarious. I liked the finding girlfriends on the internet and dating them. When you appreciate the crazy lines of programming code that goes into Rockstar's games it's easy to be a fanboy. Actually there's no GTA I don't like, still, don't know if I'd get this Trilogy though.
Yes but i would want a proper remaster what gives 60fps, sorts out the driving and adds mission checkpoints. Its a great game just not a great GTA game i feel, i am fan though and love its take on NYC.
The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC was excellent too.
The best GTA in my opinion. The only problem I had with it was the absurdity of gaining money where you couldn't actually spend it on anything but food or weapons. Nick actually haggles about his wage with some contractors, yet he has no real use of that money. Still, the story, the atmosphere, music and everything in this game suits me perfectly.
@Barryburton97 I liked the comedy show compared to V's awful movies at the theater. And Pool with Packie was so much fun, the golf and tennis in V...meh. At least the shows in RDRII are so uniquely good.
@get2sammyb I remember, I'd also heard the 360 version was better but tried it and the image quality was worst. It was PS3 with bad frame rate, or Xbox with bad image quality at the time.
Its weird GTA 4 is not on PS4, its weird the PS3 got a port of the mobile version of San Andreas. The PS2 emulation on PS4 was also pretty poor. Hoping these new versions are good.
I never had a ps3 i was a 360 gamer, but GTA 4 was brilliant. Needs to be remastered.
No thanks i rather see Manhunt or Bully.
While GTA V was undoubtedly the better game GTA IV by far had the better story and characters. On top of the open world city being a lot of fun to spark mayhem in. Such a well realized city blew my freaking mind as a teen.
Do you want Rockstar to remaster GTA 4?
Abso-@$5$#34-lutely! It's not perfect, but I'm all in for GTA. Just bring it on!
GTA IV was great. I still need to go back and play the two expansions.
Eins, zwei, drei, schicke-schicke schweine.
I dont know what so many people liked about this game, hated main character he dull and boring. The game overall was dull just grey and miserable, so couldn't care less if they remaster it. They will of course though if the trilogy is successful, then it will be gta4 remake full price 1 game thanks Rockstar
I'm down for it only because it looks absolutely disgusting on ps3
Yes definitely. I never finished it on ps3 as i saw my arse over the lack of content and options compared to san andreas. But now lazlow and dan howser are gone i think these five games will be the best of gta and need to be preserved.
I loved gta4. I would like it on PlayStation 4 or 5, would save me having to resort to playing it on a laptop screen. It was different to the usual rockstar. I’d even subscribe to psnow again if it came on but would prefer a proper remaster. I know people complain about remasters but I love them. Ever since tomb raider anniversary on ps3. Being able to bring modern standards to classic games is never a bad thing in my book.
can we not get the psp gta games remastered?
@LazyLombax I think I'd have to disagree with you about it being the "worst" game in the series. The majority thinks otherwise and actually loves it.
While I would enjoy a remaster of GTA4 I still think it's one of the worst GTA games, despite still being good. There were many things to like back in the day, but overall it wasn't that memorable.
I loved Niko and I really remember the hype when the game came out, I remember where I played it the first time, at what time etc...
GTA is something special, and that is why I am eagerly awaiting for the remaster of the og trilogy!
i have gta 4 on pc but it would be nice to have the game easily accessible on ps4 and ps5 too i guess
GTA 1, London, 2 and Chinatown Wars need a HD port on modern systems LONG before boring GTA 4. I'd be happy with never seeing GTA 4 on another system again lol.
GTA4 means a huge amount to me sentimentally, I'll always have vivid and comforting memories of just simply driving around Liberty City at night in the rain listening to 'flashing lights' on the radio. It just felt so alive to me at the time and simply being in the moment, felt great. For some reason GTAV never hit these high notes of immersion for me.
GTA4 is my least favorite GTA game from PS2 to present. Poor graphics on the PS3 and overall lacking and disappoining. A remaster of TBOGT with improved car and motorcycle handling and at 60fps is all i would care to replay.
Like with the coming Trilogy remaster i rather hear about and play something new. Like freaking GTA 666666666666666666!
Boohoo, it's Sony's fault here, not Rockstar, for not making BWC possible with PS3 games. GTA4 360 is compatible on XBone and Series X.
GTA 4 is fine, at least it's on PC. RDR however is not fine
This is the game that made me finally get a 360. I was still playing ps2 a lot and the wii had only been out a year but spring 2008 was a great time in my life and I still remember buying gta4 and halo 3, then virtua tennis 3 a week later, with the 360. Even on an sd TV, it didn't matter, but feb 09 when I bought my first ever HDTV though. It made this game even better.
It absolutely deserves another shot.
Consider it being Rockstar Games’ second game to use the studio's own engine RAGE, it was pretty impressive! It does have the best writing, and a fantastic art directon. A tone that really fits Rockstar.
If you’re bringing it back, it better have Vladivostok FM. It wins just for having Gruppa Krovi by Kino even if it’s the rubbish English version.
@Yamato01 really because every where I go people absolutely feel it’s the worst gta and was massively overrated at release
@dark_knightmare2 Well at least here most of the comments are showing love for 4 and 85% here want a remaster plus it has a 98% in metacritic 🤷
You can say it's overrated but there's also people saying Ocarina of time, San Andreas, Half-life 2, Red dead 2 and Super Mario bros. 3 are overrated. You can name any game and I can show you people calling that game overrated.
Best vehicle physics, feel, control in gta, much better than in 5.
I'd probably rather GTA LCS/VCS &/or PS4/5 owners have access to RDR 1/Undead Nightmare first but wouldn't begrudge anyone wanting this even if Nico's story didn't really draw me in.
Sadly much like a lot of the ps1/ps2 catalogue, certain ps3 games are locked behind the "b/c, too expensive!",PS executives firewall unless a publisher decides to remaster it!😕
This and GTA San andreas were my least favorite in the series.
I would love it but they would probably remove Kanye West’s Flashing Lights from the soundtrack which would make the game unplayable.
No wonder this company doesnt make new games.
Back in the day..when i turned to the dark side and had a xbox 360 i bought gta4 when it launched and i played it and i loved it...my xbox 360 red ringed me once to often so i returned to my roots..i bought a ps3 (the george foreman grill model) and i bought myself gta4...wtf happened there? I thought i'd gotten cataracts as the visuals were greasy,smeared and just plain crap..loading times were atrocious and the online play..well that was the best lobby screen i ever saw as thats about all you ever saw as it was easily one of the worst online experiences ever..hell quake 3 on the dreamcast via dial up was more stable..so yeah gimme a remake/remaster hell just a straight port of the xbox 360 version and i'd be very happy..
I probably wouldn't play it myself, but considering how many voted yes, along with the fact that it's the only mainline 3D title not available on current systems, it only seems fair to bring IV over as well.
GTA4 sucks. Hated it then and hate it now. No Roman I don't want to go bowling with your dumb a r s e ever again.
Microsoft does what Sony don't
Vocal, but noisy, minority of gamers: "Stop giving us remasters"
Gamers vote: 88% want a GTA IV remaster. lol
GTA IV is my least favourite of the series. With the move to heightened realism they lost so much of the fun of previous entries. Everything from the radio station banter to the characters seemed less interesting.
They also started, imho, concentrating on all the wrong things. Elements that just increase development time without really improving the game. Spreading themselves thin. Things like an in game stocks and shares system / economy that changes based on your actions. What use is this in the game. This has only gotten worse in subsequent R* games with things like weather dependant horse testicle sizes. They really need to reign themselves in and learn just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should!
That's not to say it was a bad game, no GTA's are, and it gained many things that were new and fresh. Episodes from Liberty City was brilliant, especially the Ballad of Gay Tony which returned closer to the original blueprint.
I didn't like GTA 4. In my opinion it was the weakest entry in the series since GTA3.
I don't need a Remaster. I'd prefer a Max Payne Remaster
A VR version of the game would be welcome. That would be a new way to explore Liberty City.
4K & 60 fps gta 4 with gta 5 controls improvement seems great, as long as the price isn't $60.
Just port it over and leave at that. I'd rather have a Red Dead Redemption Remaster.
I would love for the game to be remastered but honestly once they said they would work on it and should come out in 2023 they lost me. Because honestly they are more focused on GTAV for some reason when i play it on PS5 and it looks good still and they have bought it through 3 different console generations why not worry about older games first then the newer ones get the polish but we all know its based on money!
Removed - flaming/arguing
My second favorite GTA. I actually really loved the simulation route they went here. They put a LOT of detail into the pedestrians and city. Things were a bit unpredictable, peds could pull out guns, the cops actually arrested people and didn't just shoot them.
The firefights were very gritty and realistic, you would see street shootouts lead to glass breaking, people falling over with physic, just really cool hard hitting stuff.
GTA 5 dumbed most of that down.
Agreed I'd love to see GTA 4 brought over to PS4/PS5, here's hoping we get a Remaster before GTA 6...
Sorry Liam, can't hear you over the awesome sound of my XBSX running GTA IV.
Nah, just busting your balls, man, that game was drab. Maybe if they put it on game pass. It had good npc behaviour tho, better than 5.
Yes, think how incredible it could be after seeing the new DEFINITIVE editions
Sure, give RockStar ANOTHER reason to never get around to GTA 6. I didn't get to play GTA 4 when it was new. I recently picked it up for PS3 and will be playing it when I finish completing the trilogy. No, not the money grab "definitive edition", the ones that were on PS4 before this disaster - oven mitt hands and all. (I've completed 3 back in the day, but didn't get to finish VC and SA)
You do know the PS3 version hasn't gone anywhere. I think they should port it - not remaster... the remastering didn't go all that well for the definitive trilogy. However, if you want to go bowling again, boot up that PS3 and do it.
@themightyant I'd be fine with remasters... except the one we just got is a mess, and... We've had 3 PlayStations running GTA 5, but no GTA 6. They mentioned it once, but really just in passing.
@The_Pixel_King Keep your eye out at Goodwill. I had a used PS3 fat that I hadn't yet gotten around to cleaning (non backward compatible... my BC fat is still error light, no idea what's up) - and I spotted a Slim at Goodwill. $30. I figured, if I'm not running a backward compatible, why not go with the one that's easier to clean and maintain. Cleaned it well, slapped some good thermal paste on it.. There ya go. $30, and maybe $10 in materials. I can't believe it was just sitting there, in the pile, next to crappy less than 1MP cameras and The Clapper.
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