I imagine everyone at PlayStation is proud of how it’s navigated the pandemic, but there must be a degree of disappointment within top brass walls. Sony planned for this generation probably better than any before it, and it had talked about transitioning players at record pace. The fact that it rounded out the PS4 on a high, with games like The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, and then immediately segued into the likes of Demon’s Souls and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is impressive.
But clearly, I think it intended to release more in the PS5’s first year. There’s no doubt in my mind that, at one point, written on a whiteboard, it had Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, and Gran Turismo 7 all slated to deploy in 2021. Those are three of PlayStation’s biggest brands, and to have them all launch within 12 months of the console itself would have been a difference maker. Yes, all three of these games can also be played on the PS4, but Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales has proven that the majority of people are preferring to play these cross-gen titles on new hardware where possible. If we assume the stock situation would have also improved without the pandemic, I think we’d almost certainly be talking about the fastest-selling format of all time by some margin right now.

But coronavirus did occur and the company has had to pivot. That’s resulted in delays to pretty much every major game, including the trio mentioned above. All three titles will now launch in 2022, with both Horizon Forbidden West and Gran Turismo 7 dropping in the first quarter of the year, suggesting how agonisingly close they were to making Christmas. There’s also the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves in January, of course, which should do well launching alongside the upcoming movie.
I expect God of War: Ragnarok to drop towards the beginning of the summer, which basically leaves the entire second half of the year unannounced. We know that the likes of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Marvel’s Wolverine are probably still a little way away, so it’s interesting to consider how Sony might fill the holiday season. We know Naughty Dog is hard at work on what’s beginning to sound like a major multiplayer adaptation of The Last of Us, and we can’t imagine that’ll be spending too much more time in the oven.
But it has a lot of other studios to lean on these days: new first-party team Firesprite, for example, hasn’t released a game since The Persistence and has grown dramatically over the past few years. Bluepoint Studios has been silent since Demon’s Souls, and it has operated on a two year cycle in the past. Then you’ve got old favourites, like London Studio, who’s been working on a project shrouded in secrecy ever since Blood & Truth, as well as Asobi Team presumably deep into development on whatever will follow Astro’s Playroom.

Presumably the company will have a number of first-party teams devoted to its next-gen PSVR headset, which makes sense. There’s still obviously some debate about whether the accessory will make its 2022 release date, with the pandemic affecting more than just game development, but also manufacturing and underlying install bases. It has so many teams in its arsenal these days, though, that it should be able to comfortably divide its time between virtual reality games and traditional titles.
And honestly, that’s the one major advantage to the cloak and daggers approach that Sony’s embraced of late: you never know what’s coming. The cynics among you may point to the current holiday season, which has been largely devoid of PS5 exclusives. But I don’t think that’s down to a lack of projects in the pipeline; I think the pandemic just caught Sony, like virtually everyone else, flat-footed. It’s had a ton of time to pivot and adjust schedules, and I’d expect normal service to resume in 2022.
The lineup’s already looking strong as it is: Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, and Gran Turismo 7 will all be there or thereabouts when it comes to voting on 2022’s Game of the Year. What I’m excited to see is how Sony expands on that trio, and what it’s got cooking behind-the-scenes. There’s frustration among fans that the Japanese giant is keeping too much content close to its chest – I somewhat agree. But it does make things all the more exciting when the announcements finally do drop.
Bring on the New Year, and another exciting slate of fantastic first-party games.
How do you feel Sony’s 2022 first-party lineup is shaping up? What announcements would you like to see added to the schedule as the year matures? Let us know how you’re feeling about the PS5’s future as a new year awaits in the comments section below.
Comments 113
If all goes well, 2022 will be a HUGE year for Sony exclusives. I don't know about 2020 huge, but definitely much more exciting than 2021.
Can't wait for Horizon 2 and GoW Ragnarok. Total shame they made GT7 so online required. Would have been a no-brainer day 1 purchase otherwise.
Sony's strong start to the year will easily carry them over to the summer and beyond, to when Sifu and Forsaken are out, and to when they make further announcements. Sony don't tend to release games for Christmas but I'll predict that PSVR2 will be released around that time alongside some quality PSVR 1st party titles.
I would bet on GoW2 at the end of the year and these are the 3 first party games we get for 2022, along with some major 3rd party stuff like Forespoken and FF16 sprinkled in between.
I'm interested in knowing what we have regarding the other studios though, because apart from Insomniac we have no information whatsoever.
Let’s hope there are no more delays 🤞
2022 has major releases from multiple publishers coming up, it'll be a busy year. Hopefully Hogwarts Legacy makes it!
I don't know how but, God willing, I managed to snap a PS5 off Walmart last week and it arrived on Christmas Eve.
I've enjoyed playing R&C so far and I'm extremely pumped for Horizon II.
On the 3rd party front, I'm especially excited for the Calisto Protocol.
If we get Horizon 2 + GT7 + GOW:R all in 2022 then it's got to be one of the best years ever surely??? Well...saying that...All Microsoft has to do next year to 'WIN' again(as 'The Internet' and most gaming media say/think) is bring out a low quality game(with Bugs. Probably 'BUGfield' then) and they have won the year again. I don't know why SONY bother making AMAZING 'AAA' games each year then(keep doing so tho SONY as I am happy playing the best games on the planet)
@jFug have you played Astro’s Playroom? It was a huge surprise for me (and is my favourite PS5 game so far). It felt like a celebration of everything PlayStation, from PS1 to PS5. Loved every second of it.
Agree with most of the article but GOW2 end of 2022 for a big end of year release and hopefully PS5 on the shop shelves easy for general public to pick up.
Astro is a great game and introduction to the dual sense.
How’s is Ratchet & Clank going?
Owning all three consoles and what is looking to be released in 2022 I put the consoles in the below order.
But we know how funny game realises can be of late.
Switch, only if BOTW2 makes it.
Series x
Sony has definitely done a great output so far, but they desperately need PS5 only games. All the cross gen titles are annoying tbh. Even though I'm looking forward to all three of em. I really want to see another Playstation 5 only game like Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Returnal or Demon's Souls. If these cross gen titles is all they have, then I'd see it as a failure and a big middle finger for all early adopters.
I hope they have some announcements up there sleeves that nobody would see coming.
I honestly think tlou 2 multiplayer is the only thing they haven't announced for 2022.
2021 is better than 2014
2022 is better than 2015
That's due the fact they didn't come from a losing generation (money wise).
Keep it up sony.
@JAMes-BroWWWn idk about that one chief.
In the first two years, we have demon souls, ratchet, miles, returnal, gow, horizon and gran turismo.
In the first two years of ps4 we got....
You know, I really hate this nonsense of just assuming that games will be good. Let’s face it, they probably will be good but weirder stuff has happened. Imagine if all these games were crap?
@nessisonett after so many god of war games , its pretty safe to say it will be good
For my ps5 I’m looking forward to sifu and Elden ring. Horizon and gran turismo aren’t for me personally. God of war could be a buy if it launches.
I’m looking forward to naughty dog going all in on a multiplayer experience (so long as it’s not a repeat of uncharted 4’s multiplayer). It’ll be nice to see them put their full attention on something a little bit different that their norm. I also hope it’s free to play so I don’t need ps plus but if it isn’t I might still go for it.
Also really hope media molecule has another game in the works, even if it’s a very small scale game. After Tearaway I’d love to see what they could do with the dual sense (I also just miss their games, dreams was cool but didn’t feel like an actual game).
i'm pretty excited for those games , but also hopefully we'll get to see what the other studios are working on. a lot of rumors out there in what the new studios are working on. new uncharted? new infamous? new series? what is naughty dog working on. the future of ps5 looks pretty good and they need to show off some of whats coming.
I'm not actually interested in any of these.
Could not stand HZD, found it boring as
Not a fan of GOW
I prefer arcade racers to just throw on and have a few races so GT is out for me
Sure there will still be plenty to pick up.
@nessisonett Horizon if its more of the same im good and its better looking with refined gameplay and more different machines. God of War will be fantastic im certain of that.
@JAMes-BroWWWn I never understood why people feel that way. Horizon looks fantastic, GOW already looked fantastic on a PS4. Its gonna look even better on PS5 with a better framerate, faster loading, awsome controller. Plus why spend a 100 million on a game for what is it now 10 million games when you can get maybe then times the sales with the previous gen.
Between the already known 1st party 2022 titles and 3rd party exclusives for 2022, Sony has definitely set themselves up that they could approach announcing stuff in a number of very different ways for next year. All the way from a big State of Play in February announcing new 1st party titles to staying silent until summer.
I imagine in terms of announcements, at the least before June we'll get a State of Play which among other things gives a release date for Ghostwire Tokyo and an event which reveals the PSVR 2.
Sound like you need a series x Forza Horizon 5
For starters.
If you own a PS5 then what’s the point if you don’t like Sonys big exclusives unless you like their other ones or you have friends you play online fifa with etc.
I'm glad a lot of the games are coming to the ps4. Gow: rag, hfw, sifu. But I do agree, generation exclusives need to happen sooner, rather than later. But I also understand the other side, as well. Not enough consoles(ps5), too many ps4s to leave behind, etc.
@Dezzy70 plenty other games that Sony have released that I like.
Don't have to like all their exclusives to have a PS5 🤷
@Flaming_Kaiser because the PS4 is holding the PS5 games back from having checks notes flying mounts.
Dont forget Sony also has year long exclusivity on Ghostwire Tokyo that is shaping up to be a fun release for the autumn. Sifu looks decent, and project eve could sneak into the second half of the year. Stray looks great too
Along with Forspoken, and hopefully Final Fantasy 16 plus the aforementioned forst party titles like Horizon and God of War, we will be spoilt for choice again this year!
Then lets see what Atlus drop. Even if its Persona 4 Golden, i'll be very happy!
Yeah, those three games feel like they should have been out this year, but let's not forget on Team Green that Halo Infinite should have been out 12 months earlier, so their 21 lineup was significantly bolstered by that. I think 22 will be Sonys year and there may be a big unnanounced release planned for Fall 2022, as well as a PS+ Game Pass thing. Whatever happens, I am pretty glad I have both consoles ( as well as a pretty decent laptop for the odd strategy game),
2022 is looking absolutely stacked from playstation, nintendo and third party games
That is true, just got curious that’s all.
Looking good is 2022 but even extra special if BOTW2 makes its.
Think we only have a few third party confirmed dates and of course HZD and GT7
All else is just maybe who knows 2022.
I'm definitely looking forward to 2022,this was a dry Christmas when it came to new games, i have mainly been playing kingdom of amalur and guardians of the galaxy. But I am ready for some God of War and stray alongside saints row 5
God of war another masterpiece incoming.Bend studio and bluepoint games is going to be exciting .the mystery and unknown but both will be single player games.excited.word up son
There’s not been a lot on PS5 so far but we’ve certainly had quality with the games they have released. Astro, Demon Souls and Returnal have all been absolutely amazing.
I’m hoping 2022 can match that but with quantity!
@Dudditz09. You make no sense at all.why dont you get a x box or Nintendo.nobody in this agree to what you say.so stop the lie.you just want people vto agree with you.and like biggie smalls says you dead wrong.word up son
@Dezzy70 The are fun arcade races like dangerous driving on PS4. I do like GT to. But it’s a game where you need to break and go at appropriate speed rather than continuously accelerating and drifting round corners.
I'm pretty excited for Horizon Forbidden West, which looks like it builds nicely on the foundations of the original game. 2017 had both Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn, so that still wins out for me overall, but even one exciting game is enough for me.
@nessisonett I don't really see a scenario where these games aren't good. GoW Ragnarok is pretty similar to the 2018 game, which a lot of people seemed to love, and we've seen enough of HFW to know it should be fantastic.
Sony's major studios have pretty good quality control, too. They don't really put out actively bad games. Controversial, sure, but almost always polished.
I remember for Horizon forbidden west was supposed to be a launch window game. I have a feeling that if I needed to shift PS5 systems some of those cross gen games would The PS5 exclusives. Gran Turismo seven was plan to be PS5 exclusive before they realised they didn’t need it to be.
This is what I've been thinking. People have been talking the big game with Xbox and singing it's high praises but I'd imagine that once all these exclusives start dropping on PlayStation, they'll quiet down and will be talking about PlayStation instead.
While I am excited for Sony exclusives in 2022, I am kind of worried what will happen AFTER 2022.
I mean, ALL of the exclusives coming in 2022 so far are cross-gen titles. Sure, they will look and play best on PS5; but after these heavy-hitters release, how far off are the first-party PS5-only titles?
@playstation1995 wtf 😂
Had previous gen Xboxes, may well pick up the X at some point.
We have a Switch, a PS4, a PS3, a PC. I'm well covered thanks.
Couldn't care less who agrees with me because I dislike 3 franchises out of multiple exclusives.
My body is ready. Especially for God of War!
The Guardian newspaper had a preview of the 10 most anticipated games next year, several PS5 exclusives and only one Xbox (Starfield).
It’s gonna be a good year.
@RevGaming you're forgetting Killzone shadow fall, knack and infamous second son all were pretty much launch games
@MB81 and that's if starfield launches next year as so far all they are showing is concept art. At this very moment 2022 is Sony's and Nintendo's year
@UltimateOtaku91 not on the quality of the games I mentioned.
@MB81 will Starfield release in 2022?
If it gets delay, is it just Redfall as a first party game to cover the whole year? Forza motorsport is kind of redundant with horizon already on the horizon. Stalker 2 is timed so I'll wait for that on ps5. I don't want Starfield to be rushed either because of that. I count on getting an Xbox for that.
It's weird for me. Why is xbox not putting pressure on Sony?
Nintendo has splatoon 3, legend of arceus, bayonetta 3, kirby and botw2.
@RevGaming not disputing that lol though infamous second son wasn't bad
@UltimateOtaku91 I gave it like a 75 or something like that personally
@twitchtvpat still doesn’t hurt to be careful.
@Dudditz09 I honestly respect that.
@RevGaming oh yeah Nintendo has a bunch of stuff next year and who knows what else they will have next year.
@MB81 correction: mostly Playstation exclusives/console exclusive not PS5 exclusive.
Like Nintendo the games Sony put out sell and sell well, i think this is why Sony won't ever put 1st party games on a Gamepass like service day 1 because unlike Xbox the games Sony do make massive numbers.
@JAMes-BroWWWn Going by what's being shown Horizon 2 while a cross gen game will look a lot better on PS5, i think its using tech the PS4 version lacks and overall will look night and day with the PS4 version, gameplay will of course be the same but visually the difference will be huge and won't like Spider-Man MM where the PS5 version just looks a little bit better.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's not about the better graphics, it's about how the game is designed. If you listend to Mark Cerny talk abuot the PS5, he talked about how rubble and elvators were there to hide the slower loading speeds of the HDDs and that how open and big areas in games could be were still restricted by (I know open world games exist, but it's different each game is still part of game design) it. The SSD and other advances in the PS5 fix that. I want to GoW to be PS5 only so it's a better game that doesn't have technology restricting it. Generational advances are about so much more than a resolution and framerate increase, and I wish people realized that, but it's harder to see things that aren't easily visible.
2022 - the year of next gen being held back again by last gen as HFW, GT7 and U:LoT basically just PS4 games on PS5. If GT7 matches GTS in visuals on PS4 that's good enough 4 me. BORING!! PS5 is a bust for me.
I love that part of the article where it was stated that the PS4 was rounded out on a high…..
The PS4 is still going strong. It’s the PS5 that’s struggling for actual games. The PS5 is basically a PS4 Pro 2 and it’s a BC machine mostly and will be for the foreseeable future. PS4 games as far as the eye can see.
I wouldn't bet the farm on it but it would not shock me at all if Horizon is the only one out of the 'big 3' with God of War and Gran Turismo that launches in 2022 which makes it even more annoying that GoW and GT are cross generation games considering they won't be out until after the PS5 has been on the market for over 2 years. Hopefully some of these third party games Sony has exclusive deals for will deliver.
@Flaming_Kaiser It’s because we didn’t buy a PS5 to play PS4 games. Whooptie-dang-doo in regard to higher frames, ray tracing and controller haptics.
Horizon2 , GT and GoW 2 are PS4 games at their core.
Ratchet and Clank is Sony’s last PS5 game for a while.
@Cycologist The PS5 is basically the PS4 Pro 2 as it is a BC machine mostly.
@MB81 What we’re the PS5 exclusives? I’m not aware of any PS5 exclusives. Maybe Forspoken.
@Rural-Bandit I don't think so. At least for xbox.
They have the least favorable year out of the three. I just can't seem to believe they wouldn't already said something else is coming in 2022.
Looking at reports from the development of these studios they are being slow, and idiotically letting some of these devs that aren't that big, making more than one game.
I just think they don't care honestly. As long as the second half of the gen they have a massive catalog of new games.
@Rural-Bandit I can tell you right now Hellblade 2 isn't hitting in 2022. It's built on Unreal Engine 5 which is still not fully available. I said this back in 2019 when it was revealed and I'll say it again you won't be playing it until at least 2023. Microsoft 2022 is going to be Redfall, Forza, and Starfield (if it doesn't get delayed.) Outside that you might get that new smaller project from inXile and some third party exclusives like As Dusk Falls. Everything else is 2023 or later at this point.
Sony is going to have a monster 2022. Horizon and God of War Ragnarok are GOTY shoe ins. Then you got GT7. The exciting thing is that with those 3 games out soon we're about to learn about the next wave of games coming in 2023. We could also see TLOU Remake or Factions in 2022 if they want to launch it around the HBO show.
@RevGaming Exactly. Idiots here don't seem to realize that exclusives don't just get announced and released. Microsoft has nothing for the entire first half of 2022 otherwise it would've been announced by now. They are going to rely on indies and such hitting Game Pass day 1. The second half of the year will be Redfall, Forza, and Starfield (assuming that doesn't get delayed). Maybe you get that rumored smaller game from inXile but otherwise 2022 is going to be a quieter year for Microsoft's teams. You'll have idiots thinking Hellblade 2 is coming but they are the same ones who thought that game was a 2020 or 2021 game. Still can't help but laugh at those fools. They didn't understand how early that game was especially being made on Unreal Engine 5
@Rural-Bandit That's a lot of ifs and the games that are for 2022 haven't shown gameplay.
Yes. I think 2023 is when I get an xsx.
@Rural-Bandit LOL you think they haven't announced all their 2022 games yet? You don't pay attention to how they announce and release stuff do you? Tell me how many games did their studios announce and release in 2021? or 2020? Forza Horizon 5 was the only one. Everything else we knew was releasing that year prior to the year starting. The same will go for 2022. You'll get a confirmed date for Forza Motorsport but again we already know that's coming. The only new one you may get is inXile's smaller game and that's because it's a smaller project like Grounded was. Microsoft isn't one to just announce a game and drop it a couple months later. Their the type to announce their games LONG in advance and then have you waiting years to play them (Hellblade 2, Everwild, Avowed, Outer Wilds 2, etc)
@PSfan4Life22 I wouldn't call them idiots. They're just hopeful.
That gamepass thing doesn't hype me at all. It doesn't make me get a console. If I had to choose between gamepass and just elder scrolls 6, I would choose the latter.
@RevGaming Well history and paying attention would teach them to be more realistic with their hopes. It's always easy for me to predict when games are coming because I pay attention to all those things. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone thought Hellblade 2 would've been out a year or two ago when they said from the start it was an UE5 game and that engine isn't going to be fully available until 2022. That alone told me it was years away.
@GamingFan4Lyf No reason to worry. Again look at history. Back in 2020 we had no idea what was coming after TLOU2 and Ghost. Then that June and Sept, Sony announced Returnal, Ratchet, GT7, Horizon 2, God of War Ragnarok, Miles Morales, Astro, Demon's Souls, Destruction All Stars etc. The last of those games is about to be released which means Sony will be revealing the next wave of titles very soon. We know Spider-Man 2 is 2023 and PS5 only and you can bet they have other teams ready to show stuff. Naughty Dog should be showing Factions and TLOU Remake soon, Guerrilla has been working on a 2nd project, Cory Barlog has been working on his game, Pixelopus has been working, Firesprite has been working, London Studio has been working, Team Asobi has been quick with the Astro games so they could have another ready for 2023. The only ones I wouldn't expect something soon from is Bend and Sucker Punch.
@Rural-Bandit Yes but Microsoft has been far worse about it than Sony in recent years. Sony has been getting stuff out within a year or two of announcement lately. Microsoft has been announcing games left and right that take 3 years or more to release and that goes back years. Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves took forever, Then you had the Scalebound debacle. Hellblade 2, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Avowed, Everwild, Outer Worlds 2, etc will all be 3 years or more from announcement before they release. Heck I think Everwild is already at that point and from the sounds of it they still don't know what the game actually is
@OmegaStriver My bad, PlayStation exclusives
Can't wait for Ragnarok.
Totally agree, Sony and Nintendo seem to be bringing some big exclusives 2022 if all goes to plan.
Microsoft could have a quiet year AAA exclusive wise
And really on gamepass old games.
Really excited for all 3 , don't usually preorder but I know they are going to bring the quality and be brilliant games. Looking forward to sinking hours into gt7's campaign.
First half of the year is stacked, Sifu, ghostwire tokyo, forspoken, stray, little devil inside 🤞. I honestly think gowr will drop in the summer.
And with Sony saying they have 25 unannounced games in production I reckon the second half of 2022 and into 2023 are going to be impressive. Then add psvr2 and the games they will launch with that and Sony's going to be flying.
@OmegaStriver the same can be said about xbox as it also doesn't have any true series X games as Halo and forza are also on the Xbox one, heck even the Nintendo switch is a WiiU pro with the amount of ported wii/wiiu games on it.
People get it wrong and think that these games are were being made for ps5 then sony wanted them on ps4 for more money but Its pretty clear these games such as god of war and horizon forbidden West were planned to be ps4 games from the start but because they were taking long to develop they are on ps5 as well.
@Dezzy70 that's my problem with gamepass it's just old games getting added or indies galore at the moment, and then all these studios Microsoft own have games that are still years away and everyone seems to be relying on starfield releasing next year.
Again, another thread ruined by talk about the competition. Sigh.
Anyway, Horizon Forbidden West is a Day One purchase, as is GoW Ragnarok and these two titles will play best (until they're eventually released on PC of course!) on PS5. Not just in terms of framerate and loading times but also because of the damn fans!
I'm currently replaying The Last of Us Part 2 on PS5 and it's quiet as a mouse compared to my experience on PS4. Had to turn up the volume real loud in order to hear dialogue, clickers, anything really.
I may even buy GT7, not a fan of racing games but it would be good to have a copy when friends come round. Maybe with time I'll get into it myself.
Add all the third party games and 2022 promises to be a banger!
@UltimateOtaku91 You can correct me if I am wrong but didn’t Sony promote many of these games as being PS5 exclusives in the build up to the console launch in 2020?
Awesome line up of exclusives, I can't wait for all 3, GoW or GT7 are my most eagerly awaited. GT7 with the return of the used garages is just going to eat my time away!
@playstation1995 I am really looking forward to Bend's next game, Days Gone was great fun and well worthy of a sequel so I am all in what ever they come up with next!
@OmegaStriver I think as a PS5 there is not much to cry about. You got more true PS5 games then with other Gen upgrades.
Also al lot of people moaned about playing there older console games what did you that expect that would happen.
For me your rant is bull the games look Epic already on PS4 on PS5 they will look even better and play even better. Its all about the gameplay will faster loading, more FPS and even better looking.
The reason i own a Playstation is because of the exclusive Firstparty titles you act like games look and play bad such bitching.
We are in a epidemic there are not enough consoles to go around what do you expect make a loss of the games to please you.
naughty dog isnt working on faction 2.0 its been almost 18 months (6/2020) and not ONE inkling of news about Factions 2.0.. How anyone can have hope that this will come out, is beyond me...
@Mostik. I agree with you days gone was and still is a really good game.whenever bend studio next game is its gonna be fun.word up son
GOW Ragnarok in 2022? You've written it as certainty, but what proof do you have of that?
Because as I see it, all current info points to a 2023 release date :
IMO: they will push at least 2 dud release dates in 2022. They will delay it 2 times for whatever reason (pandemic, polish time etc). And will go for the final launch in Spring 2023.
@Jaz007 Well what did see in Horizon that said wow we are playing a previous gen game in design? No serious everything is expanded on and looks better.
GoW what mayor gameplay change should be implemented there nothing in these games that make me think wow this it a lesser game.
My favorite Souls game Demon Souls got some gameplay improvements and polish but i cant play it yet because i dont a PS5 yet cant find one yet. If i get a PS5 im playing it day one i get the chance.
Lets be honest how long is there a change in games besides better graphics and we did not complain. The controller alone can be a game changer if implemented in the right way.
There are worse things in life you get a massive library day one with BC everything looks better, plays better, loads faster. You get some exclusive games now and then why bitch and moan.
The console isnt two years old yet we are in a epidemic, games are getting more and more expensive to make a €10 increase in price caused a meltdown in games that dont have monetization. People expect free upgrades what do you want? Im sorry i think people are bitching way to much.
@Shinnok789 I like your insight dude, you pretty much backed up all of your theories with sound evidence, now if most gamers were like this the world would be a better place!!
Correct and Starfield is like November if releases ok.
They have all these studios but I’m not even sure they manage them correctly look at Halo Infinite, not the big amazing game, environmental and graphically it should have been. Also I think Rares game is in a bit of bother.
Whatever Xbox is doing in the UK the series x seems to be selling very well, they had masses of stock before Christmas that all sold and restocked after Christmas which seems to be virtually all sold out by today yet again.
Not to say the PS5 has not sold out, but it’s not all one way traffic this generation for sure.
Time will tell next year 2022. But series x shifted some serious stock just before and after Christmas.
Switch OLED seems to have slowed after Christmas now a bit, but stock selling slowly but surely.
Having HFW, GoW and (to a lesser extent mind) GT7 out in 2022 is truly exiting as a PS fan - but as a gaming fan having Starfield and BOTW2 it feels like it could potentially be one of the best years in gaming ever..
@Flaming_Kaiser You say there isn’t enough consoles to go around, yet the PS5 has already outsold the PS4 in its time span. So, that is not reason enough to shaft PS5 owners. Also, there are far more advancements that can be made to improve games that don’t include higher fps and faster load times. World building can be improved, graphic density can be improved, animation and AI can be improved and I’m sure there are other things that can be improved. I don’t understand people like you that want to impede progress overall but love to scream about higher frames and resolution, ray tracing and faster load times acting like those few improvements are good enough.
I love when technology moves forward and it blows my mind when peoples way of thinking is so, backwards.
@PSfan4Life22 what do you want them to do? Not announce all those games when they had a severe backlash from x1 gen? They had to reveal all of those to make a promise to xbox gamers that they are making games (finally after 3 gens of halo, gears and forza).
@Rural-Bandit that's xbox problem if they changed the arquitecture later than sony.
@OmegaStriver only gt7 was mentioned to be next gen only.
@Rural-Bandit It's a long game, but once all your friends have a ps5 then it's harder to convince them... Even with exclusives as casuals don't care as much.
@Rural-Bandit I think the hardware is irrelevant at this point. Xbox is no longer promoting the xbox as the strongest since ps5 has a very big amount of games that run better on ps5. So you can't go wrong with any.
I disagree personally. The xbox controller feels very cheap for me compared the dualshock 4 and the dualsense is even better than both.
I buy all my third parties on ps because of trophies and potential more people to play with. And now I guess the dualsense is an added bonus.
@Flaming_Kaiser Horizon? Horizon is too under the hood for me to really say, but for God of War, I think I described pretty well how the game design with the constant rubble is a huge indicator.
"Lets be honest how long is there a change in games besides better graphics and we did not complain. The controller alone can be a game changer if implemented in the right way."
Say what? There have been plenty of games that did more than just change graphics? I don't understand the question. Do you really think that Horizon's complex animal behavior would work on a PS3? You seem to like Horizon, and that game thrives off of using technology that wouldn't be possible in previous gens. We are getting non-graphics improvements.
And yes, the dualsense is amazing and an amazing part of the PS5, but doesn't affect other upgrades that we are talking about.
And for the rest of your comment, I don't understand how it relates to what I said.
@Jaz007 Regardless of gow and hfw being crossgen, I have seen various gameplay improvements in both. At least we have that to look forward too.
@Rural-Bandit idk what info you're getting but I've seen more ps5 getting the advantage.
Plus first party games are also beating them (ratchet, demon souls, miles, returnal vs horizon and halo).
I don't care about the dev kits being handed later. That's xbox's problem. The math doesn't matter if it's not proving it constantly.
Why do we need a ps5 pro? Serious question. Diminishing returns are clear and a 120fps mode on some games is not needed imo.
Yeah, it's all preference but the dualsense is the only next gen thing about both of them.
happy new years for you man.
@Rural-Bandit exactly this , its like saying why upgrade your pc when it runs the same game. but its not the same game, clearly a pc with better specs will run the game better right? the ps5 version of any game will always be better then the ps4 version.
@Rural-Bandit what about ac valhalla, bf2042, control is actually better on ps5 unless there was update after december 2. Cold war, dirt4, greedfall, immortal fenyx, scarlet nexus, shadow of the tomb raider, elder scrolls 5 funnily enough etc. Etc. All say they run better on ps5.
Halo Infinite isn't graphically impressive. Horizon 5 is tho.
More native 4k games? Provide me with a link. Are you sure you aren't being manipulated by social media buzz words?
@Rural-Bandit how is quick resume better than the dualsense features? Who plays more than 1 game at the time? Games boot up so fast it's useless. I get that you can get cramps for it. That's fine. What wide gap? I'm starting to think you have been social media manipulated into thinking this way. Ps5 are running some games better and like... A game will be a average game regardless of that. Do you give a game 1 point out 10 because it runs 1fps in some cases? That's weird for me.
It's normal to start on the next console after the first one, mid gen refresh or not so that doesn't say much. This was said by Shawn Layden and Phil (I think). I think only the japanese care about having a slim version.
@Rural-Bandit Really? You think there's no xbox propaganda being push just as much? Interesting.
Nobody will care about the minuscule gap. How much is the gap for hitman? Is that something to be worried about or affects sales? The digital ps5 is $100 cheaper too.
@Rural-Bandit I don't even look at the console when I play.
Guess 1 fps more is technically "more powerful".
Not everybody gets cramps like you dude. I understand your situation but you're neglecting that the majority isn't affected.
Exactly. Pc always had "quick resume", so it's not a next gen thing.
Almost nobody plays like that. That seems like ADHD problem.
Not trying to be disrespectful but I just don't get it. Hell. If anything, it bumps my playtime for 3 games at the same time and I'll seem more like addict than what I am already are lol.
I'll give you that. Smart delivery and upgrades are better on xbox, but that's not next gen either. That existed on ps2, pc, wii, nintendo DS etc.
Question? Does quick resume work when you turn off the console? I really don't know.
Also. Game saves were very easy to me via ps plus cloud.
@Rural-Bandit Ok. Fine. You don't like how it looks. I just don't get how that affects god of war or returnal.
Damage control? Where? Seriously?
You can't physically play more than one game at a time and games have various saving options and boot up fast as hell. Yeah it's LIKE adhd because you have to have two games open even if you're playing one. It's useless. It's why David Jaffe (great guy) loves it. You can ask him. What time are you saving? A few seconds?
That's a speculation and also a lie. You don't know how much it will be supported and it's waaay more supported than the touch pad so it's not even an equivalent. How do you know it's not even supported by third party if you said you buy third party games on xbox? Buy them in ps5 and found out yourself. Re8, tales, control, plague tale etc. Have them.
It's nice that even if you turn it off, it works.
You're the one damage controlling for a few seconds and fps. Not me.
Ok. I get the cod part, but that still doesn't explain why a few extra seconds saved is better than having that option in other games besides competitive multiplayer.
Hey! Lets see it then. Lets hope xbox actually delivers on the beast that eats monster fro breakfast. Don't put me in that bunch. Ps4 was better because of games. Not power, unless it's $100 cheaper and even then I would choose games over that.
Lol. Microsoft said this, the tools they said... Yeah you're definetely have been manipulated by media. Prove it. Idc about the speculation. How about we talk in December 2023 about this again? Happy new year.
@Rural-Bandit "and how the ps5 looks doesn't effect the games at all."
Ok bro. You saved a few seconds. Good for you. Maybe at the end of 2023 you'll save 30 minutes!!!
We discussed everything else. No need for repeats.
@Rural-Bandit Just saw unreal engine 5 matrix demo runs 20% better on ps5.
I still don't know how you think there will be a wide gap in the lead for xbox sx that will make ps make a new ps5 just because of it.
@OmegaStriver What are you being shafted on? If its so terrible just sell your console.
@Rural-Bandit Im just happy the PS5 has great games it runs nice and quiet it loads fast. Plus atleast not all their firstparty games are life service. 🤪
And with the PS4 Pro versus the Xbox One X i choose the right console more games versus more powerfull console. Look at the Switch it destroys the Xbox more games and its more original hardware.
@Flaming_Kaiser Great response lol. I give many examples of how games can improve and your response is just sell my system if I’m not happy……smh.
@Rural-Bandit you mean that old game? Aren't you a graphics guy?
@BritneyfR_ee Haven't yet, but I will definitely make sure to try it out soon. Thanks!
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