Immortals of Aveum PS5 PlayStation 1

Gamescom begins next week, and you better believe the release schedule is about to absolutely explode as well. The summer months may have been slow and dreary, but things are about to get busy, folks.

Aaron Bayne

I'm away on a trip with the lads this weekend, but you better believe that if I get a moment, it'll be spent on Elden Ring. This game is utterly consuming my free time at the moment.

Sammy Barker

For some reason I've been drafted to the Ravens in Madden NFL 24, so I'll be representing the fine city of Baltimore as I lead it to Super Bowl glory.

Simon Fitzgerald

After finishing up Blasphemous 2 for review I’ll be returning to Oxenfree II Lost Signals. I’m about half way through and should be able to wrap things up this weekend. Other than that I’ve got another Mini Review on the way for an upcoming story adventure game.

Stephen Tailby

I'm up to my neck in review games at the moment. First on the list is Immortals of Aveum, which I'll be playing as much as possible over the weekend. Look out for my thoughts on the site soon.

That's everything we're playing this weekend, then. Perhaps a slightly subdued week from our overworked team, but there's no shortage of variety. What's keeping you busy this weekend? Let us know in the comments section below.