We're quite literally drowning in games. There are several huge releases available on PS5 now, with more to come throughout February. Here's everything keeping us busy this weekend.
Aaron Bayne
After ringing out the campaign, I'm digging into some more endgame content in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Despite the news surrounding it, this is a fun game to play with friends!
Jamie O'Neill
This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace games that I'm playing, with the second being Star Wars Episode I: Racer.
Liam Croft
I'm going to be playing more Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, and I've got a LEGO set to build.
Robert Ramsey
Having just reviewed three big games in a row, I'm tempted to avoid gaming altogether this weekend, but I'll probably end up doing some online quest grinding in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. I might wind down with some casual Tekken 8 matches as well.
Scott McCrae
I'm still plodding my way through Persona 3 Reload, and will probably play some Tekken 8 over the weekend, too!
Stephen Tailby
It's the calm before the big February storm, so I won't be starting up anything big right now. I may just keep on playing Burnout 3: Takedown through the weekend — anything to help that Burnout rumour turn true.
There's so much to choose from this weekend, we're expecting a lot of variety in the comments. But what are you playing? Let us know below.
Comments 111
I’ve been trying to play a bit of Star Rail but after an hour or so I am close to giving up as I don’t have a clue what’s going on! I just got on the train?!
Persona 3 Reload 💙
Really enjoying it so far and seeing my favourite persona cast of S.E.E.S once again!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
TLoU Part II - No Return
Synapse (PSVR2)
Granblue Fantasy Relink
Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy, Tekken 8, Super Mario Wonder, and One Peace Odyssey. Trying to squeeze in all of that.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: Been wanting to play this ever since it was announced, and so far it does not disappoint. The graphics, the facial animations, the world and lore, fast traveling (I know this is more of a "D'oh!" but it wasn't in its predecessor), the new abilities and stances... it all meshes together wonderfully in a cohesive whole, with an appropriately epic (and somber) story to match.
Cal and BD, here's to many more hours with you.
Just finished my last playthrough of the last of us part 2 so will check out no return and the lost levels today. Then I’m either going to start ghostwire Tokyo or plague tale requiem
The last of us part 2. Forgot how brilliant it is.
Maybe also a bit of Prince of Persia but find it's very buggy. Loads of times it's just stopped me moving after accepting side quests and one time locked in a boss arena after beating them. Very frustrating
I'm nursing a mild whiskey hangover after the rugby last night.
Sitting in bed playing TLoU Part 2 on my portal atm. I just finished the last of the challenges in No Return mode. Some of them were tricky but they were all fun to do.
Going to try finish the campaign again this morning, then I'll be jumping back in to Granblue Fantasy for the long weekend. I'm looking forward to that.
Ps5 Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth played about 10 hours so far. On game pass Im starting Persona 3 Reload
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk I'm loving playing TLOU2 again. Slowly getting through it.
I've finished both ghost wire and Requiem. Requiem is the better game but I'd recommend playing ghost wire next just to vary the style. TLOU2 and Requiem are both dark journeys across a country stealthing past different factions.
Ghost wire would be a different take and I think it's an underrated experience. Just my recommendation if you were unsure which one to go to next
@trymer89 it disappointed me a bit when I played it. Preferred fallen order. Still a great game though
Actually giving the PS5 version of Uncharted 4 a go, completed the game 3-4 times before but love going back to it and it's still clearly the best Uncharted game.
If I find time I'll crack on with Cyberpunk too, still enjoying that.
This weekend I am playing Resident Evil 2 Remake again as I am waiting for the classic version to be delivered.
I will play Final Fantasy I from the FF collection.
And a weekend is not good without some Castlevania
Some classic turn based RPGness in the glorious and ridiculous Infinite Wealth and the superb Baldur's Gate 3
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razers Edge. I play at least 1 of the NG games every year, because they have the best combat in any game ever.
My Yakuza franchise rampage continues! I started Yakuza 6 yesterday and so far I am deeply worried for Haruka, I just hope they don't give her the Yumi treatment and bring her back at the end of the game to just kill off...
If I finish it I'll be jumping back on Avatar
Forget Wolverine, I'm already playing that with +8HookClaws in Elden Ring. Just found out the first ending I got - Lord of the Frenzied Flame - is actually the toughest ending to get. Didn't realize it being tough, I just tried to do everything. Even still I'm finding new corners I've never been in this my current run.
Just like last weekend I'm going to spend the whole weekend glued to Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Infinite wealth and Tekken for me on PS5, and will start dabbling into P3 on Xbox
Tekken 8 - it's gorgeous.
I’m going to try to finish horizon call of the mountain before granblue fantasy relink shows up on Sunday.
@Korra it’s ‘cuz of that &^#$# “pizza” that people underneath are sufferin’!
Classic tomb raider games, same as last weekend. Currently on tr3. Modern gaming blows chunks, much prefer the old stuff
I've just got the platinum for Robocop Rogue City was much better than i expected. I should probably play something from my backlog but I'm considering buying Avatar instead lol. On Xbox I've been playing through the Telltale Walking Dead games.
Will be playing Persona 3 Reload on PS5. Absolutely loving it so far. Not to mention that it plays like a dream on the Portal.
Tekken 8 and Infinite Wealth mostly. I completed TLOU2 for the first time last night after being reinvigorated by the remaster. Emotional to say the least but now that is done I will dip into No Return.
Tekken 8. Have a great weekend folks!
Done with Granblue Fantasy: Relink for now, so moving to Persona 3 Reload.
Some gt7 daily races and some single player on gt7 as well and maybe some rdr2 and resident evil 4 remake ,happy gaming
I'm on chapter 8 of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, and playing it at any spare minute!
Today im gonna finish last of us part 2 third time
Should be clearing up Lords Of The Fallen in the next few days, providing the end game bosses don’t provide too much of a challenge 😂
All while dipping into Vertigo 2 which is a lot of fun!
I am playing gran blue fantasy relink and I'm enjoying it a lot. Really out of my comfort zone as I don't ever play jrpg's but I like it...a lot. I am not keen on the camera though and I don't like that you can't remap the buttons but apart from those 2 blips everything's very good. Have a great weekend folks 👍
Assassins Creed 3: Remastered - started it this morning and… so far, so AC (which is fine by me tbh). Cool intro and lead up to the opening credits… looking forward to delving deeper.
@DonkeyFantasy I really liked Code Vein, had a way better time with it than I thought I would. Just brace yourself for Cannoneer & Blade Bearer. Even though they’re very similar to a certain Dark Souls boss… I still had to put the game down for a day or two and come back to them less angry. Haha
Very close to the end of Final Fantasy XVI now. Gonna kick some ancient/templar butts in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, jost a few territories in the main quest to conquer (but still a lot of DLC to do as well). If I find the disposition, some Yakuza Kiwami 2 or Uncharted 1 Rem.. I was on vacation so traveled a lot, and found a new girl hehe So gaming took a little backseat this year. But we love this activity, so game on!!
It’s been a fun week in work (code for non stop disaster), so I’m relaxing with some Apollo justice Ace attorney whilst waiting for Rugby.
Trying Ark:Survival Evolved again. Punching a tree and dying repeatedly does get annoying but slowly getting there. Level 12 and still on the beach.
Happy gaming everyone!
@DonkeyFantasy I’m sure you’ll be fine, I have faith! Haha. From what I can remember I didn’t struggle too much until they popped up, and they’re very much in the late game, but they can be beat!
Still would like a sequel to Code Vein, but can’t see it happening unfortunately.
I’m at a crossroads with games. I’ve played several and nothing seems to stick for very long.
I’ve been playing:
GunGrave Gore
Crisis Core Reunion
Forgive me Father
But I’m actually really interested in
Dark Light
trinity Fusion
GranBlue Fantasy Relink
So I’m all over the place. Maybe I’ll just pick up Suicide Squad instead lol.
Well, I’ve managed to finish both Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered and Super Mario Bros Wonder in the last week, so I’m now thinking about what to start next. I’ll either go straight to Spider-Man 2 or, in preparation for FFVII Rebirth, maybe I’ll finally start Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion. Either way, it’s nice to chalk a couple games off the old backlog.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Series X: Baldurs Gate 3, just got to act 2, hope the story picks up, game is a bit of a drag imo.
PS5: Nothing, waiting for supposed the ff7r demo.
Switch: Nothing.
Recently finished: Tekken 8, got the platinum in one sitting which was a first for me as far as trophies goes. Loved the story mode, best one yet. Fighting is awesome but a bit too easy tbh.
@colonelkilgore A very underrated entry. Sure Connor isn't as charismatic as Ezio, but the combat is arguably the best of the series. It's brutal, and Connor is a beast. Plus, Haytham Kenway adds a whole other level of cool factor.
Im playing the incredible divinity original sin 2 definitive edition.and the excellent octopath traveler 2.i will be watching my boston Celtics 💚🖤 play.and i will be watching legendary sitcoms tv 📺 shows in good times. martin. and saved by the bell.word up son
Almost the same games as the last couple of weeks
FF 16 - nearing the end of my ng+ playthrough. Final Fantasy difficulty isnt that hard thankfully, just makes the fights take longer. Playing the main story and focusing on that makes a great game even better imo
Vertigo 2 - So I’ve hit a gamebreaking bug where the game doesnt let me continue meaning I would have to replay the last chapter and hope I dont run on to the same bug, ***** that though, I’ll wait for a patch or five and return to the game then. Shame, its a fun game but some bugs are a pain.
Arizona Sunshine 2 - picked this up in the sale to play instead of Vertigo 2. I’ve played about an hour so far and its really fun, lots of humor and satisfying gameplay. So awesome to whack a zombie in the head with a machete and having to rip it loose after, or dualwield pistols when there are lots fin zombie brains to splatter.
Ori and the blind forest - Felt the need to play something on my series S, so Im replying this awesome game. Love it!
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 - enjoying it despite it being pretty much more of the same from the first game. I only play short sessions which I think helps a lot, it would get very repetetive very quickly otherwise.
A bit of Hades and I'm about to start either Nights of Azure 2 or Ys Lacrimosa of Dana. Have a good weekend all!
@kyleforrester87 - I'm 350 hours into Star Rail and still have no idea what's going on! There's some really good world building and character missions once you get on the train but the main storyline isn't even close to being finished so just go with the flow.
Finished FF16 last night after completing the hunt board still didn’t get me to Level 50 I decided to wrap things up. Enjoyed the ending but overall the highs of the game while high were too few and far between for me to place in that top tier.
Like others I’ll be starting Jedi Survivor which I’m really excited for. Liked but didn’t love the original so I’m glad to hear this apparently improves on many of the weak points.
Football on the TV all day tomorrow. David Moyes Derby, Arsenal v Liverpool, Madrid Derby, and the big Juve v Inter match in Serie A.
Have a great weekend everyone 😊
@mac_da_man @dschons How is synapse? And how is Arizona Sunshine 2? I bought the walking dead but I just hate how weapons don’t seem to connect with the zombies..
PSVR2: Light brigade ❤️ really enjoying it while dying like 50 times already. The enemy hits hard.
Tekken 8, potentially Palworld with friends, and I might start Like a Dragon and I might not. I just haven’t gotten any time to game since I beat Prince of Persia, so I’m trying to be realistic on what time I may have available before Final Fantasy 7 drops.
@Loamy its a great ending, very much worth it. Its really in the last part of the game it all makes sense 🙂
@Sanquine Arizona Sunshine 2 is very fun, feels great when popping zombie heads 🙂plus you can dual wield 🤓
I'm playing through Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Sea of Stars mainly. If I have extra time I'll dip into Mario Wonder, Gran Turismo 7 and Street Fighter 6. Unlikely I will have extra time with the football on this weekend. Hopefully Luton wins again
I'm definitely spending what game-time I have playing Granblue Fantasy Relink on PS5 the story is typical but pretty good so far and the characters arent as annoying as I first suspected.
I still have sone trophies to clean up before I start the Epilogue of Octopath Traveler 2 but who knows when I'll actually get to it.
Enjoy your games people!
ESO and Horizon: Forbidden West. 2 amazing games!
Genshin 4.4, maybe some MP this evening if everyone can agree on what to play
@ErrantRob Definitely try to demo for Granblue Fantasy Relink if you havent already. The actual game is paced differently but the demo does a good job of condensing the experience and giving you a taste of the full game.
@Sanquine I haven't played Arizona yet, but Synapse is fantastic and a must play imo.
Played FFVII Remake Intergrade late into the night last night. So i'm mostly going to be playing that
Oh, and also the final boss section on FFXVI, I guess. Like a lot of other people here, within touching distance of the finale.
First time in weeks I actually have a weekend off so I’ll be finishing up Farm Sim 22 platinum and hopefully starting God Of War Ragnarok at some point. Have a good one girls 👍
Think I'll finally fire up A Plague Tale: Requiem as there's only a couple of days left to get the 50 Stars points for it, and then I'll immediately jump back to the delightful Sea Of Stars
@Northern_munkey yeah the camera is a little funny especially if you have a Big character in your party. I was going for a FOV slider but alas. I'm getting used to it.
Just started Chapter 14 (the finale) of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Pretty pumped to see how the story unfolds!! It’s been one wild and amazing ride
@3Above the demo is what has me highly interested. I just was hoping to avoid adding to the backlog by finishing a few first, but I like what I played and want more of it.
I'll be finishing the GT7 weekly games, the maybe some AC Mirage
Started Mafia: Definitive Edition a few days ago. About a third of the way through the main story missions.
@Loamy Gungrave is awesome for short bursts between other games. I’ll do a level or two, wear out my fingers on the triggers and come back later after playing something else. Overall I love that I don’t have to worry about hidden paths, collectibles, or missing side quests. Just shoot and kill lol
Prince of Persia then some BF2042.
@Shigurui haha thanks
Mainly I'm playing Persona 3 Reload as well as some Trails in the Sky this weekend.
However, I may jump back into some Super Mario Bros. Wonder when I need a change from turn-based combat.
I really wanted to replay FFVII Remake again before Rebirth drops but I doubt I will be able to squeeze it in with both Persona 3 & Trials in the Sky being 40+ hours
Just continuing to play Infinite Wealth with some Honkai on the side.
I can't stop playing GT7 in VR. Just phenomenal. When I do take a break the boy and I have been playing Halo 3 campaign on MCC. And he loves what he refers to as "the fast kicking game" AKA River City Ransom on my Retron2 lol
Some path of neo on ps2 and rogue squadron 2 on gamecube 👍
This weekend I’m playing Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown exclusively on my PlayStation Portal. I don’t typically like Metroidvania’s but this one surprised me quite a bit due to its QoL implementations. I have a lot of to say about this gem.
Graphically, harkens back to the PoP of old, before it went to the 3D realm. I’m a big fan of the side-scrolling adventures, and with the nature of the game(s) featuring challenging platforming sections, intricate traps and puzzles, and a fantastical setting, the Metroidvania genre seems to be a perfect culmination. I’m surprised it wasn’t done before.
In terms of the overall world - the map is huge, but also not too deliberately overwhelming for the sake of being so. Thankfully, there are QoL touches that separate it from other Metroidvania’s, and in a positive way too. To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of this genre due to constantly getting lost. With PoP, there’s a remedy for that, in a small but impactful way.
There are accessibility options you can choose from: Exploration and Guided mode. If you choose exploration, purists of the Metroidvania genre have the option to play that way. Guided mode is great because there will be a marker on the map telling you, “This is your objective”, but in typical fashion of the genre it’s up to you to discover how to get there, ultimately staying true to its roots.
This leads me to the exploration. It’s always rewarding going off the beaten path. You’ll never know if you’re going to come across upgrades, shortcuts, side quests, or even optional boss fights — there is always something waiting for you. And there are a diverse amount of biomes to uncover with unique characteristics and enemies.
Unlike a lot of Metroidvania’s that I’ve played, which generally relies on gameplay, PoP has a middling story, but features environmental story telling that draws you deep into its world. There are murals and notes to read that explain its setting, why there are traps and who built them, characters to talk to that give you more of an idea of what transpired in each biome, and side quests that will allow you to get a better understanding of the world.
The combat is also a highlight for me. If you take the time to do the training you’ll come to find that there is a plethora of actions you can perform. That’s not including the myriad of abilities you begin to unlock that elevates the experience.
To add to the combat, there is an amulet system — similar to Hollow Knight — where you can customize your play style in various ways. It’s tough to choose which ones you want to equip because they are all genuinely beneficial. Sometimes, a quick change between amulets is all you need to have a different result when it comes to boss fights. Speaking of, the best thing about the boss fights is that if you die you immediately respawn in the fight; there is no backtracking and going through a tedious grind to get back to the same spot.
I know some people might scoff at this, but Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown might go down in my top 10 or 20 games of all time. It brings back great memories of old Prince of Persia, all the while carving a new path. And when a game subverts my expectations and has me captivated in a genre that I don’t typically gel with then I consider it very special.
Currently playing Jedi Survivor and doing a Godzilla movie marathon with some friends.
@rusty82 I was leaning towards ghostwire thanks for the heads up
I'll be getting started with Granblue Fantasy Relink. I have next week off work and I'll be spending most of that playing it too.
@ErrantRob Ah I see. The backlog battle is an arduous one. If it's any consolation the story in GBF Relink isnt a 40hr epic so it wont take up too much time. The rest of the game is kinda addicting tho.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) - Descended into the giant hole in the ground.
Daxter (PSP) - I forgot how decent how decent this was. I'm glad to have it.
Lode Runner Classic (Windows Phone) - I'm just starting on this, having wrapped up Angry Birds Rio.
Oof, 87 replies so far and no Suicide Squad players. One person said they might pick it up. Not a good sign, lol.
Me, I'm playing Granblue Fantasy Relink all weekend.
Some more yakuza 7 hopefully (I'm weirdly into the business management game!) and hopefully a bit more plague tail innocence. Have a good one folks
Gonna finish Danganronpa V3 today. I've absolutely loved it so far. It's a tie between it and 2 as for which is my favorite in the series
I'm curious how exactly it gets to the infamous ending that people dislike so much when so far its been great
Taking a break from gaming been watching lord of the rings trilogy, geez how far things have fallen since then unskilled trying to make films TV shows now games haven't a clue what their making ignore the source material nonsense soon as the people who know what their making things will be successful again.
Will be split between Cyberpunk and Rogue Trader.
Octopath Traveler II, The Quarry and PGA 2k23.
Finally decided to give disco elysium a go and I'm loving it so far. Some pretty incredible writing here.
Just started It Takes Two with my wife. Just beaten the first boss. Seems great so far!
For PS5:
Persona 3 Reload
Sonic Superstars
TMNT Shredder’s Revenge
God of War Ragnarok
Star Ocean Second Story R
For PS4:
Star Wars Republic Commando
Days Gone
What I plan on playing over the weekend not sure if I’ll get the chance to play them all over the weekend though
Replaying the PS5 version of Spider-Man 1, looks gorgeous! Finally finished Miles Morales, so I might grab Spider-Man 2 next, while still trying to finish LOTF and Prince of Persia (took a couple of hours to get into it, but loving it now).
Have a good weekend folks!
Granblue Fantasy Relink on PS5, it’s my first Granblue game but I’m loving what I played so far. Also, I’m nearing the end of Sea of Stars on Steam Deck.
Hoping to finish up my hard mode playthrough of FF7R, on chapter 16. I love that if you go into a battle with the wrong build you can just exit out and spec correctly. Hopefully I’ll get the platinum next week but I’ll def have it done before Rebirth.
After very busy week with almost no time left for gaming, I hope to get back to Bloodborne ng+ this weekend...I have 2 bosses left in DLC, then main game finale. After that I plan big break from souls/borne after 5 months
Beside gaming I want to watch some football matches, darts, NHL all-stars probably, some NBA hopefully.
Have a nice weekend!
Scrap my plans, I downloaded day of reckoning 2 for the gamecube and its amazing. I'm telling you people retro is the future...you can keep your live service etc while I'm playing games from 10 years plus ago in 4k 😀
Tekken 8 (PS5). That's going to be the game I play the most for quite a while, I enjoy it that much. If I get a chance, I'll also try to complete my first playthrough of Metroid Fusion on Nintendo Switch.
As a primarily Xbox player last few years (and Nintendo before that) I’m catching up on some old PlayStation hits. Started the first uncharted and rift in time. I’m also, finally, on the last boss of baldurs gate 3
As much as I want to get back to Granblue Fantasy Relink, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Alan Wake 2 and Prince of Persia. I know I will not get my hands off of Suicide Squad. Loving the game so much.
Final Fantasy X Remaster
I’m trying to 100% WoLong having got the dlc in the sale. Suddenly it’s decided to be challenging whereas the base game was ridiculously easy. It’s a poor mans Sekiro considering how easy it is to parry. The end of game content is non existent compared to Nioh 2.
The Finals, I’m still playing but I’ve maxed out the season pass and player level so I am starting to think about uninstalling for a month. I really hope there’s more than one map with S2 because I really don’t like this spoon feeding from studios with their online game services. I miss the days of say a BF4 where you would get four maps bundled together.
Started playing Overwatch 2, it’s not bad. I was going to uninstall but I quite enjoy the no recoil shooting and kill streaks.
Next week, Helldivers 2 take over !
I am casually alternating between The Witcher 3 DLC Blood and Wine and Cyberpunk 2077.
CP 2077 has proven to be an amazing achievement. This weekend I decided to just seek out every NCPD Scanner mission and do them. I won't succeed since there are Legion, but each is different and some lead to extended treasure hunting. There's story and unique characters, and the setting of them are the most impressive. Every location is unique and beautifully built. And this is the lowest-tier activity available!!!
I also am playing Blood and Wine again taking more care to clear out side content than what I managed to do last time around. The scope of The Witcher 3 (DLC included) is so vast it boggles the mind and fully equals the entire trilogy and DLC of Mass Effect.
When I can (no kids around) I try and push on in my PSVR2 playthrough of Resident Evil 4. Never finished 8, but I put my character in a nice reading chair in the castle so he should be fine.
Persona 3 Reload and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. I might dip into FF7 Remake too as it would like to complete it ahead of the launch of Rebirth.
Im about to platnium Pince of Persia this morning. Although I’ll have to start a new game to get the final trophy because there is a bug preventing me from getting 20 parry kills. I’m gonna play Tekken 8 after and play that all week until Helldivers drop.
Lost Judgement before i start FFVII Rebirth later this month and then straight into the new LaD!
I stopped playing Sea of Stars, somehow I find it boring, started Final Fantasy I Pixel Remaster instead. It's nice to go back in time.
Been on a resident evil streak, finished 4 remake and separate ways DLC, 3 remake, and now playing 7 for the first time!
Suicide squad till rebirth comes out. Rocksteady has made a entertaining game , king shark is my favourite to play atm!
This may be a pretty simple WAYP this week ahahaha. Mainly being that on the Switch I’m really only planning on one game for the foreseeable future and that’s Trails Of Cold Steel IV. I dropped off it about 3 years ago and I was really dragging my feet on going back to it but I did so last night and it wasn’t as bad as I felt it would be so I think similarly to how I did Trails To Azure last year ima just hunker down and slam it out this month and maybe next month. Then I can enjoy Reverie and hopefully have both done by the time Daybreak comes out and hey then I can maybe have a trails game on my GOTY list for once hahaha. Tho seeing as how my day off is slightly changed this week I think I’ll finally maybe go back to Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed. Over on the PS5 it’ll be a simple rotation of the new darlings really. Tekken 8, Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth and Granblue Fantasy Relink. All absolutely excellent and beautiful games. Of course I have plans to snag a copy of Persona 3 Reload this month at some point but this all leads up to the end of the week when Saturday the 10th I head back to Endwalker in Final Fantasy XIV thanks to my dear best friend helping me out with a month of subscription paid for after the website just refused to let me. So yeah I would mainly say that’s the two big focuses of the week. Carving out a crap ton of Cold Steel IV and Endwalker hahaha. As for anime of the week the strong shoutouts continue with The Witch and The Beast, Mashle, Urusei Yatsura and of course my absolutely strong Sunday lineup of Solo Leveling, Shangri La Frontier and Undead Unluck. As for the podcasts of the week well you know it’s the usual. Castle Superbeast, Big Think Dimension, RPGsites Tetracast, Into The Aether, Minnmax, Remap Radio, Sacred Symbols and Summon Sign from Last Stand Media, Windbreaker and Firelink from Second Wind and Nextlander. All seriously excellent. As always gotta give a shout-out to a lovely friend as always to my friend over at twitch.tv/akibread with their excellent streams as always. And take care of yourselves folks, be excellent to each other, stay safe and have a excellent weekend. And happy gaming.
I looked up the ending of the Suicide Squad so I don't have to buy it im only interested in the story nothing else.
I busy with Control I really like the PS5 version a lot.
I've been playing inscryption and granblue fantasy relink this weekend. Having a blast with those.
Working my way through A Plague Tale: Requiem and MGS1 in the master collection. It's so satisfying hearing that trophy pop in Metal Gear Solid 1.
Ff7 remake+yuffie dlc+crisis core
Only had a few hours to game this weekend but enjoyed what I could with Granblue Fantasy; lovely game so far.
Livin' it up in Hawaii with Itchy Balls Kasuga.
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