Sony's latest State of Play aired earlier this week, and to almost everyone's surprise, it was actually quite well received. The 33-minute presentation offered updates on a large number of PS5 games, while also providing a handful of fresh announcements.
Now, obviously, Ghost of Yotei is the big one — and rightly so — but what else piqued your interest? That's what we're here to find out.
But before we head on down to the public poll, the Push Square editorial team have gathered to highlight some of their favourite showings from the event...
Aaron Bayne, Video Producer

Just about the only proper big PSVR2 release of this year, it was great to see some more of Metro Awakening. We know Vertigo Games can do satisfying VR shooting thanks to last year's Arizona Sunshine 2, but this will test whether it can nail that the dark atmosphere of the Metro series.
I don't think anything in particular in the trailer blew me away, but there certainly seems to be a graphical shine along with plenty of gameplay variety, and honestly I'm just excited to see that someone is out fighting the good PSVR2 fight.
Liam Croft, Assistant Editor

And now for the new PS5 game everyone is actually the most excited about, but for the sake of article variety, kindly selected something else to write about: Ghost of Yotei. After properly proving itself in Ghost of Tsushima, first-party developer Sucker Punch Productions has the chance to expand on its open world ideas, features, and functions to deliver the premiere PS5 experience hardcore fans have been crying out for. By setting the sequel 300 years later, it can also expand and introduce further fresh mechanics, items, and weapons to allow the story of Atsu to fully stand on its own, away from the adventures of Jin Sakai.
After what's felt like a heavy drought — Astro Bot aside — PlayStation fans finally have a big-budget, single player title from PlayStation Studios to get behind. Based on the studio's track record, it'll almost certainly deliver next year.
Robert Ramsey, Assistant Editor

Look, Ghost of Yotei was the standout reveal from State of Play — you'd be mad to suggest otherwise — but I think right here, right now, it's Monster Hunter Wilds that gets my vote. This is purely because we now have a release date, and that makes a huge difference when it comes to getting sufficiently hyped.
Don't get me wrong, I was stupidly excited for Wilds anyway (Monster Hunter World remains one of my favourite ever PS4 games), but I audibly cheered when that date appeared on screen. I absolutely cannot wait.
Sammy Barker, Editor

Stellar Blade is one of my favourites from 2024 so far, and while its collaboration with NieR: Automata is predictable, I’m still excited to see how Yoko Taro’s world will be integrated into Shift Up’s console debut. If nothing else it means we’ll be getting some awesome new outfits for Eve, and with that slick looking Photo Mode on the way, another 100 hours of gameplay await me.
Stephen Tailby, Assistant Editor

I feel like everybody is sleeping on LEGO Horizon Adventures. Having played it back at Summer Game Fest, I think this will be a really solid action platformer, and another great addition to PS5's small pool of all-ages games.
With its new November release date confirmed, this is going to be a perfect Christmas title for families, but most importantly, it's a legitimately fun spin on Horizon, with simplified combat, tongue-in-cheek delivery, and a genuinely gorgeous aesthetic. Anyone who's enjoyed a LEGO game in the past should definitely have this on their radar.
So, now that we've had our say, what was your favourite showing from September's State of Play broadcast? Drop a vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
What were your favourite games from the latest State of Play? (You can vote for up to three games) (2,455 votes)
- ArcheAge Chronicles
- Astro Bot (DLC)
- Dragon Age: The Veilguard
- Dynasty Warriors Origins
- Fantasian Neo Dimension
- Fear the Spotlight0.6%
- Ghost of Yotei
- Hell Is Us
- Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered
- LEGO Horizon Adventures
- Lunar Remastered Collection
- Metro Awakening
- Monster Hunter Wilds
- Palworld
- Sonic X Shadow Generations
- Stellar Blade (DLC)
- The Midnight Walk
- TMNT: Shredder's Revenge (DLC)0.5%
Comments 65
Ghost of Yotei, Monster Hunter Wilds and Lego Horizon Adventures for me.
Ghost,Monster Hunter and Astro Bot DLC.
Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remastered - I played these back when they were first released! Pity its not a full remake though (+ SR2 ends on a To be Continued).
Dynasty Warriors Origins looks very interesting providing solid 60fps.
Astro bot - cant get enough (more levels please).
PlayStation is my exclusives box so most of the mutiplats I buy elsewhere but series like Ghost and Horizon keep me buying a system for like 5 games lol.
Ghost, Stellar Blade dlc collab and a tie between Monster Hunter Wilds and the Soul Reaver remaster.
Lunar, by a very wide margin.
Monster Hunter also looks great.
Both Horizons.
None of these. Hitman World of Assassination will be killer.
PSVR2 is kept alive by third parties, therefore my support for Metro, Midnight Walk and Hitman. And Ghost 2 looks brilliant! Where can I get permission for four checks?
Metro Awakening
Dragon Age if it doesn't suck. Waiting for player reviews on that one
The Midnight Walk and Lego Horizon Adventures, my partner is also adding Horizon Remaster to the list because of never previously playing that.
She’s never played Last of Us or Horizon, or anything really Sony for that matter ever.
So yes, those three for now I’d say!
Ghost and ESPECIALLY Soul Reaver Remastered collection
Ghost and soul reaver for me. Would have voted for VR Hitman. After the poor Quest port of Hitman 3, Im excited for a hitman VR game on PSVR2
LUNAR REMASTERED COLLECTION for me stole the show, it’s my favorite turn based JRPG ever
Lunar, MH Wilds, and Stellar Blade DLC were my 3 picks, but Astro Bot DLC and oddly Dynasty Warriors also looked really great
Lunar Remastered will be a day 1 for me, been a big fan since I picked up the PS1 versions about 15 years ago. Can’t wait!
Yotei looked fantastic, maybe it’s time I finally play Ghosts of Tsushima…
Ghost of Yotei, Hell is Us and Soul Reaver. But there were a couple of other good ones as well.
@danzoEX So happy they're sticking with the Working Designs lyrics for the songs and not insulting me with the Silver Star Harmony ones.
I may know about it and be excited for it, but knowing the MHWilds date was awesome. Plus it looks amazing.
Then yotei.
Also interested in lunar, hell is us, HZD, dragon age (want to see reviews as may wait for sale) Lego to name a few. And I would like to see more about archeage.
Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster and the Stellar Blade x Nier Automata colab announcement
Obvious answer aside, Hell is US looks right up my alley. Also glad to hear Dynasty Warriors Origins isn't to far away.
Great to see people mention Hitman PSVR2, that was also my standout from the show and I jumped up in delight when that was shown.
Midnight Walk was also a standout, I really enjoyed Lost in Random so I expect Midnight walk will be great with bags of charm.
Metro looked great as well although it wasn't a surprise and I'm trying to avoid seeing too much footage.
Ghost of Y was the obvious flat highlight.
I was going nuts for Soul Reaver when it popped up lol
I guess Dragon Age and Sonic Generations? But they were already confirmed to be coming and I'm 100 % buying them both so...
In which case: None of the other titles mentioned
There are some obvious ones (Ghost, Soul Reaver Remasters etc.) but I also really liked the look of Hell is Us, which doesn’t seem to be getting much love.
Dynasty Warriors, Lunar and Lego =D
Can’t vote for Alan Wake dlc? That is my authentic second place
Ghost is the clear winner, and honestly nothing else comes close.
Astro Bot DLC in second for me on the list because I need more Astro Bot.
Dino Crisis would be next if it was an option, but I voted Soul Reaver since it was an option, and then I’m casually interested in the Lunar Remaster about as much as Soul Reaver. I voted Soul Reaver though because I hope sales could generate a new game. I’m honestly not interested in much else from the SoP.
Where's Hitman PSVR 2?
I am a simple man, i see Nier x Stellar Blade. I vote for that.
Monster Hunter is life.
Why wasnt Lake House DLC on the list? Anyways, for me it goes GoY, Stellar Blade DLC, Lakehouse DLC and as a bonus, Lego Horizon, Veilguard and MH Wilds. A good State of Play overall I think.
My votes went to The Midnight Walk, Hell is Us and Monster Hunter Wilds.
Yall didn't even list the best announcement. Dino Crisis and Blood Omen coming to Premium.
Dragon age the veilguard for me.that mage vs that dragon looks phenomenal.word up son
@NeonMullet Thanks, haven’t heard of Max Mustard, has decent reviews on Quest 3, I’m definitely interested.
Hitman looks like a lot of silly fun, with it’s sandbox mechanics and wild objects you can interact with.
@Ken_Kaniff I'm seriously considering getting Premium just for this.
1. Ghost of Yotei
2. Monster Hunter Wilds (release date!)
3. Hell is Us
Bonus: ArchAge Chronicles
Tbh this was a much better showing than I was expecting but I feel, after the Concordcide, that Sony needed a homerun and this was not it.
No Hitman Trilogy option 😪
Hello there fellow gamers;
For me, my favourite anounced games were:
And I agree with @colonelkilgore, Hell is Us looks super interesting and it may very well be a hidden gem.
That game is right up my alley. Can´t wait to see more of it.
Looking forward to all of these games.
There´s just not enough time during the day to play them all 😜
Not a bad State of Play in my book.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming to us all
More Astro, Soul Reaver, and Lunar! Lunar was such an incredible surprise. With that said, this was a great SoP for me, there was so much I’m interested in.
Ghost of Yotei easily takes this for me, but revisiting Nosgoth is something I'm looking forward to!!
I really need to get back into GOT. Played about 20 hours but Elden Ring DLC took up too much of my time this summer.
I would also vote for Midnight Walk and Fantasian if i can vote for 5 games.
@Ralizah I’m still trying to wake myself up thinking Lunar Remastered is just me dreaming loool
@danzoEX Genuinely took me out when it popped up. This sort of thing is why I like watching SoPs, Nintendo Directs, etc. You get those rare moments that hit you out of nowhere and take the air out of your lungs.
I'm so happy with this announcement. Although a little worried if LRG announces a limited edition version of the physical. I really don't need more junk taking up space, but if they do a set with the sort of extras we got in the 90s, I might be tempted.
For myself nothing. For others the Lost in Random/Fe Indie dev's new game Midnight Walk looks cool. More Metro VR sure very good to see. Otherwise most of it was forgettable/not my thing or just fair sequels, eh remasters and stuff other people would like that good for them but yeah nothing for me really. Most times it's nothing for me. The ones in presentations aren't for me. The stuff outside them is. XD
Ok crossovers but really don't care. Fair remasters of Lunar/Kain and such. The rest are fair to be a thing just not my type of things i care to experience but for those that are enjoy when they do come out.
I mean like Legacy of Kain remasters are cool but from the CD survey I was like they either doing this or they aren't sure they are busy, Aspyr doing it sure. I'm interested in them as never played them but it wasn't showcase I wouldn't hear about this otherwise type of thing surprising really. Like other games are in these showcases/state of plays, etc.
Not even a case of oh wasn't scary or cool enough as can tell by my 3 picks here it's just they were the most interesting. Everything else didn't stick out to me gameplay wise to be exciting as Metro I already know what it is and think is a great shooter and atmosphere. Kain I know are classics of the era and Midnight Walk just has great personality and creativity to it and Lost in Random was cool even if didn't play it.
Lego Horizon to me wanted to be very 'fun' but to me I was like even for being Horizon it felt more Lego fun and using characters/words from the series then communicating it well. I get the fun factor they are going for it's just weird to me for some reason when I saw it. Also the IP reusing thing I get young audiences want to play games older ones do, companies struggle with IPs for family friendly audiences selling so reuse the other IP instead, they can play the other one when of age and so on but it's just so annoying I prefer original IPs not reusing them for younger audiences it just feels cheap to me. It's Lego so the personality is there but even still.
Ghost of Yotei, Kain 1+2 and Lunar remastered. I rarely pre-order games but will be doing so when the Lunar physical edition is announced. I've never had a chance to play Lunar and have heard nothing but great things.
@Rich33 Umm... SR2 does not end in a to be continued. Don't spread false stuff like that. The first game ended in to be continued, but not the second. The story arc was concluded. The story of the soul reaver was revealed.
What comes after is a new chapter taking that knowledge into account and takes place centuries after the conclusion of SR2. It's an actual sequel. Even if for Kain it was just a time jump. A lot of time takes place between the end of SR2 and the start of defiance.
Lunar and MW. Nothing else really.
I hope the Soul Reaver remake does well so the possibility of a 3rd game to wrap it up happens, a fools hope but one nonetheless.
Hitman was the biggest surprise. Also midnight walk looks very interesting.
Where’s Hitman VR?!? Feels like PSVR2 is starting to get some love, even if it is just from third parties!
Ghost of Yotei looks awesome! I just hope that the game will tell a somewhat realistic story and not include any woke ideas. The actress portraying the protagonist is known for her VERY strong activism. I just want to play good games and not be propagandized.
Soul Reaver remasters look great too. I hope that they updated the control scheme a bit, because these are very wonky for today's standards.
Yes, I'm hoping for a remaster of Defiance too.
Metro awakening will give me a reason to dust off the oculus quest 2. Of course Ghost and Soul Reaver remake(already ordered on steam)
Lunar, Fantasian, and Ghost of Yotei have my vote
"Dont spread false stuff"
Just because it doesnt write "to be continued" on the screen, doesnt mean that my opinion is wrong, let alone "spread(ing) false stuff".
My opinion has always been that SR2 was mearly a somewhat large opening chapter / prologue of LOKD.
SR1 felt like a complete game that told the 1st part of a much larger story.
SR2 on the other hand always felt to me (and a lot of people I discussed it with at the time, and over the years), like it ended very abruptly. A game which only really set up the main story of defiance, but was seperated from defiance because they needed Raziel to take the lead for a bit before they started jumping between the 2 in defiance.
Pity we never got the end to the larger story, but maybe if the remaster goes well they may think about a sequel to defiance, but that may well depend on a remaster of defiance doing well.
For how long are we going to fund Jade Raymond and Haven Studios employees' lifestyles without a shred of evidence that they are actually producing something worthwhile? If they had made anything close to the quality Newsk and company made in Concord, they'd be shouting it from the roof tops.
Ghost sequel and it wasn't even close.
@Rich33 No, the thing is Soul reaver 1 was incomplete. The vision was for a bigger game but due to time constraints and technical limitations they had to cut stuff from it. But the story was always meant to go into the past in the original game. SR2 was the direct continuation of what was cut from SR1. It takes place immediately after.
SR2 has an ending and defiance takes place centuries after. It's not something that happens immediately after and was planned and cut from the previous game. SR2 had hardly anything cut from it.
Yes, we can but hope for a continuation of the series.
Wasn't part of the survey but seeing Dino Crisis was up there for me along with ghosts, lunar, soul reaver, and fear the spotlight. Overall I really enjoyed the state of play.
Definitely the Ghost of Yōtei announcement at the end. I'm not a really big Monster Hunter fan so the new trailer for Wilds didn't really get me hyped. I think most of the State of Play stuff was meh until the last part.
Always monster hunter. Everything else is secondary. Nothing comes close to that replay value.
Please give some love to Stellar Blade.
I voted for Ghost of Yotei only - I really want more 1st party games from Sony. Glad to see DLC content for Astrobot and Stellar Blade because I plan to buy them later
Well, didn't 'fear the spotlight' do well, lol
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