It’s been a long time coming, but the live-action adaptation of The Last of Us is finally here. After nearly a decade of reliving the adventure of Joel and Ellie in video game form, we now have a new cast, new medium, and a slightly altered take on this classic tale. Episode one of nine aired on HBO and Sky Atlantic last night, so we tuned in to see whether this highly anticipated retelling was worth all the buzz.
By now, every gamer out there knows of the pitch-perfect prologue, which drew us into Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us all those years ago. It was a big task to even muster up some of its magic in this new television format, but by god, director Craig Mazin and video game director Neil Druckmann managed it and then some.
Mazin and co have perfectly encapsulated the tone of The Last Of Us, whilst somehow making it entertaining for newbies and veterans alike. As you can imagine, we here at Push Square have played the Naughty Dog masterpiece a lot over the years, and we were pleasantly surprised to find that the show delicately balanced familiar moments from the game with new and interesting deviations.
One of said deviations was the far-expanded pre-apocalyptic prologue which follows Sarah, a young girl going about her last day of normalcy — albeit one laced with a growing sense of dread. It was great to see this segment of the premiere take its time, giving us the space to settle into the new version of this world and its characters.

However, once The Last Of Us has its introductions out of the way, it wastes no time shifting things into fifth gear. Despite knowing how this story goes, it was hard not to get swept up in the urgency and panic of episode one’s crescendo of chaos. It plays with your expectations too with a couple of neat fake-outs for video game fans, and there is no shortage of genuine “holy sh*t” moments. What we loved even more was how natural it all felt. There was no wink at the camera, easter eggs, or anything that would puzzle someone that hadn’t played the game. It’s really well done.
And then there is that scene. It is just as heartbreaking as you remember, with terrific turns from both Nico Parker as Sarah and Pedro Pascal as Joel. And we can’t move on without mentioning Gabriel Luna as Tommy, who slips into the role flawlessly despite having very little screen time.
Following in the footsteps of the game, we’re thrust two decades into the future before our eyes have even had the time to dry out. While this interpretation goes a little harder for the whole post-apocalyptic thing, with vine-wrapped road signs and crumbling skyscrapers from the get-go, it backs it up with a fantastically dark reintroduction to its world, and more specifically, Pascal’s Joel. Pascal excels here as he manages to capture the decades of torment without uttering a single word.

While we won’t spoil the narrative changes here, this feels like a far more streamlined take of the game’s set-up, but one that still manages to revel in the smaller moments. The details on display in the Boston Quarantine Zone really bring this world to life too. And while the opener is certainly less violently inclined than the game, you still get a sense of the capabilities of characters like Tess (Anna Torv), Marlene (Merle Dandridge), and especially Joel.
To briefly mention Bella Ramsey, who doesn’t get a whole lot of time as Ellie here, we aren’t entirely sold just yet on their performance as the foul-mouthed teen. However, as we get more time with Ellie as the series progresses, we suspect Ramsey will have plenty of opportunities to win us over.
Ultimately, this is an incredibly strong start to this long-awaited series. It feels faithful in all the right ways but still deviates enough to make it interesting for those familiar with the source material. Mazin and co have managed to perfectly capture the tone of the series and we can’t wait to relive this tale through their lens.
To find out when you can tune in for the next episode, click through to our Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show guide. Additionally, our Full Cast List provides more details about the actors and characters. Once you have watched the first episode yourself, place a vote in our poll and share your first impressions in the comments below.
Comments 67
Really looking forward to watching this every Sunday, especially after the scene at the beginning in 1969. I think it's really going to contextualize Joel and Ellie's journey going forward, and add to the already intense and hopeless atmosphere TLOU has in a good way.
Even if nothing is done after that, it's already added a significant amount of flavor to an already delicious stew in my opinion. Very happy with the first episode, and I hope the show keeps the momentum going, and I'm saying that as a fan of Ellie and Joel's (almost strictly Ellie and Joel mind) story in both games.
I hope that Abby makes a surprise appearance. Tackles Joel right before he kills her father and smashes his face in just like Kratos did to Hercules.
I have it recorded but gonna wait until this evening, as the missus and I both had early starts this morning. Can’t wait to watch it though.
4% terrible 😂 okay
TLoU's prologue featuring Joel and Sarah is almost as powerful as in the game. The extra immersion from having agency in the game, actually spending a reasonable amount of time time as Joel and Sarah, adds to the despair of what happens, and I was wondering if I'd feel as invested.
Sarah was very much the focus early on and she was played beautifully by the actress. I question whether if I hadn't previously played the game that I would've been quite as affected by the epilogue, but then I remember I wasn't expecting what happened so it's perhaps not fair for me to now compare the game with the show. I don't know if I had seen the show first if I would've felt so personally wounded by what happens to Sarah, such is the nature of the difference of spending half an hour watching a story to being part of it for a couple of hours, but the performances on screen from everyone were excellent and were enough to leak a few tears for this prologue yet again.
The game has translated across to live action effortlessly and the show is off to an excellent start. Anyone who's played the game will recognise many of the events and scenes on screen, which is pleasing, but if you're the type who has played the game many times the changes will be apparent as the premise is set-up to be suitable for the requirements of TV. Thankfully, so far it does so without changing it to much to be jarring. The next episode can't come soon enough!
I’m not usually one to comment on anything here, but thought I’d chime in and say I think it’s a great adaptation. I actually think the casting is spot on across the board - I wasn’t sold until I actually watched it, but the characters come alive on screen. I think Bella / Ellie was and will be great. She has the right energy and presence for the role, even if she looks different to the game character version. I’d take that over a facsimile look any day of the week.
@Boxmonkey we all know what they are
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I wonder what Pedro Pascals contract for season 2 is like...
@Futureshark That is absolutely brutal !
Going to give it a watch tonight can't wait. Going to watch the whole season before rdcommending to my bro as he doesnt watch much tv only if i tell him he will enjoy it lol.
Less action packed than the game kinda disappointed tbh.
Just a note, Craig Mazin is an Executive Producer, not a director on the show.
I thought the episode was well done and effective. Not having the agency of being a game made it feel even more bleak to me though. I hope they find the right balance of levity and horror going forward.
Episode 1 was so goooood!
In many ways I felt the characters even more well rounded, the tension/action/emotion still pulled no punches (unlike Joel omg amirite), and found the writing, acting, scenery, score, and directing all just flawless and 100% true to the games so far (even where the details deviated - and where they did, they did so expertly and appropriately for the medium). Can’t wait to see where they take the audience next.
And yes, I’m still so glad ND gave us this story as an interactive experience first (and foremost!), but for me this is absolutely pristine television and a brilliant way of opening these amazing characters up to an even wider audience. More like this, please. 😺
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Great to see it being adored everywhere, even from some that haven't played TLoU. Can't wait to watch all these episodes in proper 4K hopefully later this summer or in a few months
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@GreatAuk cuz ur a penguin lol
@WolfyTn It's an Auk! Lol
But seriously though I was heaping praise on the episode.
So Pushsquare ganna to spoil every episode? Ridiculous....
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Show is pretty good thus far. Hope everyone enjoys!
I really enjoyed it but the only thing I didn’t like was that the women were not muscular enough. They were way too small for the apocalypse 😏.
As someone who cared little for the game, I found the first episode to be strong. The set design is fantastic, and the tension was there throughout the episode.
Looking forward to watching this one every Sunday.
@Boxmonkey lol, right?!! I mean c’mon! Opinions are opinions but how?!
@djlard only if you decide to click on an article discussing the episode that you’ve yet to watch. I mean, just don’t click? 🤷🏾♂️
Also. So many moderated comments already. What gives?!
@AhmadSumadi I meant globally they will spam about it? Too much ado for nothing...
They've done a great job so far but it just made my want to play The Last of Us again lol
To bad the remaster on PS5 is still so expensive
It was fantastic. Like I was seriously shook by how much they got right.
It feels like the game. And that’s the main problem with video game adaptations; they never feel like the game. But this was different.
I would rate it excellent. I was shocked. I went in expecting something that was decent-good. But I ended the episode with my jaw on the floor.
It won't be in the first season but I really hope they will make that scene from part 2 where Ellie and Joel goes to the museum (???) and they play space launch I love that.
About the tv show. Please please don't hate me for saying this. but the first ~15 min was slow and maybe boring a little bit. But after that every minute is perfect 10/10.
@JaapV I don't get why people keep picking out Ellie as looking different than in the game I don't think any of them look like their in game counterparts , Sarah & Tommy's wife aren't even the same race so why everyone seems to only be concerned with Ellie's casting is baffling
I haven't played the games (my backlog is a sight to behold) but even if I did, I can't imagine thinking that that first episode wasn't absolutely brilliant. Also, "Kim, you don't have a f'ing ear on your f'ing head. Could you please?" literally lol'd 😂. Can't wait for next Sunday!
Joel is cast well, Ellie is cast well and she’s really captured the game characters attitude. No idea why they changed the race of Joel’s daughter? She’s only in it for 15 minutes. But so far it’s great, exactly like the game pretty much, not sure why I expected anything else lol. Looking forward to them killing off Joel… hate TLOU2, maybe I should play it again to see if I like it anymore? This she is going to make me want to play the first game again too haha. TLOU and Uncharted are the only reasons I have a PS.
Definitely a thoughtful adaptation but a bit too slow…I hope the suspense and action picks up in the next episodes.
Who would have thought a game that was overly cinematic would have a great screen adaptation
@InternetUser Thank Zeus you're not a video game developer, writer, or a writer in general.
@RudeAnimat0r What? He's literally credited as director of the first episode?!
@djlard Here's a thought: don't click on the article until you've watched the show? Crazy idea, I know!
@LN78 that's not how it works though...
@AhmadSumadi "What gives?" Perhaps they only want great comments?
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Very good enjoyed that, and well done so people that never played will enjoy it and then lots of little things that people that played the game will enjoy. Curtis and Viper did bring a smile to my face
Was so amazing and wow they stuck to the game 4 real! Animes and shows based on books should take notes and stick to manga or the source material.
Pretty much hate the cinematography but other than that it's pretty solid. And I definitely had my doubts. Even Ramsey seems fine in the role of Ellie. Not perfect, mind you, but not objectionable.
@InvaderJim also enjoyed the Curtis and Viper inclusion. Having a show definitely gives them a chance to more seamlessly weave in Part 2, which I look forward to.
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Watched the first episiode earlier and loved it really well made joel and ellie ar great, was a bit sceptical about ellie but actually she plays it really well.
I thought it was very good. (My opinion comes from the point of someone who has watched a good deal of the game, not actually played it, but this is making me want to finally play it myself even more 😵)
My only slight negative was the speed in which it jumps 20 years, as I was really loving the actual build up and falling apart of society in the pre "world has gone to even more s***' section. And I felt I maybe needed a bit longer for the devastation and brutality of it all to sink in after the fact. That said, it's possibly more because I like a really slow burn in my drama, and I'd have happily watched a 2 hour opening episode, building up to the bad thing, and then a further hour or two setting up the actual premise 😁
The show looks absolutely fantastic too. And I can't see any problems with any of the cast choices too, which is kind of what I expected as it's well cast, and now we can see it's also a well performed show, long may that continue.
Bah! The show only runs at 24fps, doesn't even have a performance mode 😉
Just watched it and was blown away all over again. Bella Ramsey was Ellie from her first lines.
What I really like is, so far, it doesn’t seem like a tots replacement for the game but an added layer of you have played it. A bit like seeing a great adaptation of a book, or seeing another production of a play with different actors and sets.
I had a couple of minor quibbles but not really worth airing. 80 mins vanished.
@Toypop ah yes, contemporary politics never made its way into some of the greatest science fiction, fantasy or hell, ART of any form throughout all of time, did it? 😂 People are very over sensitive about it these days, but come on, it's art 101. I will agree some writers these days are very ham fisted about it, and it can be awkward as heck, but that's more about s*** writing overall than the actual beliefs of the writers.
The main difference these days is there's also social media so people can go on about not liking it straight away. And the stuff from the past, well that's the past so it doesn't annoy people as much now, or they don't notice how nearly everything ever made contains the artist or creators own beliefs and politics 🤯
Whoever voted Terrible are trolls and didn't watch it.
It was excellent and I think the series will be excellent.
@Toypop if sky q you have to select to download the uhd HDR version, it's available soon as the 2am showing is complete.
The critics are saying the third episode is one of all time tv's best.
Watched it tonight. My wife isn't a gamer, so I feel like all of those people that read the books before Game of Thrones, but I've kept my mouth shut. Very faithful to games but feels like it might be moving a little fast. I'm sure that's because traditionally the HBO-type series last only ten episodes a season, a lot to get in.
I played the game several times. It’s my all time favorite game and I was very skeptical about Bella Ramsay playing Ellie and I am not sure what you saw, but I think she did a perfect job on playing Ellie. All characters with all their changes are well played. I am team Bella now. People should stop expecting perfect visual copies of the game characters. If the character of Ellie is only being reduced to her physical appearance I wonder if people even understood the game.
@InvaderJim I mean, that's a bit presumptuous. It might have been voted "terrible" by a bunch of spores, angered by their lack of representation in an adaptation of a story that heavily featured spores.
On a serious note though, I do agree that episode 1 was great!
I thought it was fantastic. The opening was amazing. I loved the scientist explaining how the Cordyceps works in such a clear way that anybody who hasn't played the games could understand it.
The opening was amazing and I think even improved the opening of the game in some ways. The planes falling out of the sky was a particularly great touch. I do think the choice to leave the spores out is a bit odd but hopefully it'll make sense in the long run. Even my GF and MIL thought it was great and they don't know anything about the games.
Although Bella doesn't look like Ellie she certainly sounds and acts like her and that's great. The pilot was pretty good so far (except for missing spores... and why was the car turned upside down?) The granny scene was most frightening..Yeah looking forward too see more of it
@ArashiKageTaro Crazy idea is that I'm not interested is in it at all. As same as I don't care about Uncharted movie, because I like game.
ive never seen soo many comments removed or redacted in my LIFE here on PUSHSQUARE!! what the hell?!! eheheh
@MakersMark careful - the bar for what is considered "discussing moderation" is pretty low, I think that might count!
@Toypop the first episode of TWD is near identical to the comic - in a similar fashion to the first episode of TLOU. There are some parts that match the comic word for word, and I think there are a couple of minor bits added in (e.g. I'm not sure if the random zombie woman without any legs, dragging herself around is in the comic. Not 100% sure though)
Enjoying it so far although I do wonder if I would enjoy it more if I hadnt played the game so much. Because its pretty much a carbon copy of the game in regards to main plot points (so far anyway) I don't really feel much tension, feels almost as if I had already watched the episode before because it felt so familiar. Not really a criticism but just my thoughts after finishing the first episode. Got to shout out the Set design and general ambience of the show though which absolutly nails the feel of the game.
Loved it; as per other comment Joel, Tommy, Marlene and Tess were spot on.
Ellie was completely wrong in the first hour though - in the game she's a scared girl next door to begin with, not some rabid dog.
I do like though that they chose an average Jo to play her and not your typical beauty queen - much more down to earth.
They got Ellie wrong? That scene where she flips off and cusses out the one guard was as pure Ellie as you can get.
I loved the first episode! Though it seems more like they stitched two episodes into one hmm.
Looking forward to continuing to watch the series weekly with my Mom.
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