HBO's The Last of Us has passed the halfway mark of its epic retelling of the 2013 PlayStation classic, and it's yet to truly misstep. Trying to keep things interesting for new and old fans alike, episode 5 showcases another fine balance of iconic scenes from the game and bombastic deviations that will undoubtedly prove to be the highlight of the episode.
After taking things a little slower in episode 4, "Endure and Survive" amps up the tension as Joel and Ellie try to make their daring escape from the revolutionised Kansas City. With danger at every turn and an uneasy alliance, we were kept on the edge of our seat for the majority of this episode's one-hour runtime.

Without getting into specifics, we were reminded of the real danger of this outbreak, as the infected finally work their way back into the storyline. Fans that have been waiting for some more clicker action will be vastly rewarded here, and it serves as a strong reminder as to why we were so afraid of them when they made their debut in episode 2. Their inclusion at this part of the story felt needed, and it was dealt with in such a great way that we were left dying for more.
However, while that deviation is a great inclusion, Kansas City proved itself to be a bit of a downgrade over the game's setting of Pittsburgh. The streets were too clean, and it severely lacked the naturalistic beauty that can be found in the original. Sure, there may be narrative reasons for this, but ultimately we felt that Kansas City as a setting was far less memorable. There were seeds of greatness in the city's lore and the pacing kept us hooked, but we weren't really there long enough for it to overtake our love of the game.
Our time in the city is split between Joel and Ellie and then the resistance leader, Kathleen (Melanie Lynskey) and her right-hand man Perry (Jeffrey Pierce). Lynskey in particular is fantastic as a deceptive woman, who seems sweet from the outset yet has some delicious revenge on her mind. While performances kept us hooked in these scenes, we couldn't help but be let down by the new direction the show took here, as overall it doesn't really evoke the same level of fear the rumbling humvee from the game did.

On the other side of things though, Lamar Johnson and Keivonn Woodard excel as Henry and Sam, bringing every bit of fear, love, and charisma that you expected from these characters. As we noted in last week’s review, Bella Ramsey by this point in the story has sunk into the role wonderfully, and together with Pascal's Joel, they're beginning to feel like a real team.
We've still a while to go, but we were constantly reminded of the stellar job at hand when concerning Joel and Ellie's evolving alliance. Every step we take towards that inevitable father/daughter relationship has felt wholly earned and natural, and that only continues here.
Episode 5, then, is another solid addition. While we felt it lacked in some departments in comparison to the game, it also gave us entirely new and exciting story strands that are sure to be a highlight of the season for some. But more so than anything, we feel as though we're finally getting into the meat of The Last of Us, and we can't wait to see how it all plays out.
To find out when you can tune in for the next episode, click through to our Where to Watch The Last of Us TV Show guide. Additionally, our Full Cast List provides more details about the actors and characters. And of course, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 33
Yea that was a pretty good episode.
This show continues to be consistently fantastic
It’s very impressive production isn’t it. Good that they got the HDR grading right too this s**t needs to be seen
Solid episode, again. Happy they kept that heartbreaking ending. The only thing that didn't click with me in these two episodes was Kathleen. The actress is great we know her, but didn't fit the role. She was far from fear inducing. As hard as they tried to make her character look savage, the actress just spreads lovely vibes instead. Anyways, great chapter.
I get what they were going for with Kathleen, but I don't think Lynskey had the acting chops to consistently carry it. It's a shame we won't be seeing more of Jeffrey Pierce as I thought his stoic and subtle presence was quite interesting. He was far more menacing and nuanced than she was. I wish they had made his character the resistance leader hellbent on revenge and scrapped Kathleen entirely.
It's the one stumble in an otherwise very impressive episode.
I think the unsettling nature of Kathleen was actually a good tease for David.
She comes across harmless but has a really dark side.
We’ll get the same with David soon but much more brutal.
@Jacko11 from what I've heard they are less subtle with David's creepiness from the outset. Unfortunate if true.
Anyway, best episode yet imo. Even if Kathleen didn't work for me. And maybe the whole deaf+cancer was a little much too. Like pick one lol but really solid episode nonetheless.
I get your point and agree, but didn't think that was their point.
Kathleen is an unreasonable and thickheaded POS and that message was clear as day. Don't think they wanted her to be scary.
They even had that emotional scene with her, making us care about her, but nope. I was waiting for anyone to put a bullet through her lol.
Insanely good episode though. What a budget they have for this show jesus
Many of us will of saw that ending coming and no matter how many times we’ve seen it before in-game, it was still as gut-wrenching to watch in this episode 🥺
I can see what some people mean with Kathleen not seemingly fitting the role as a brutal resistance leader but she kind of reminded me of Negan from The Walking Dead (when he had Lucille) all calm and being evil with a smile on their face, characters like that can come across as unsettling.
I haven’t really been feeling Bella as Ellie but seeing her reaction to Henry shooting himself made me appreciate her a great deal more as an actor. That was very well done. The young kid who played Sam was excellent too.
@Controller-Drift yeah, she came across as an angry soccer mom. And they can be scary but it’s hard to believe that a bunch of gun-toting, neck-beards would follow the orders of a woman in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Especially someone like Kathleen. Maybe I’m not giving them enough credit but history has shown us that (some/most) men don’t accept women being in positions of power, sadly.
@ItsBritneyB_tch y'know I thought that exact same thing about Ramsey in that scene. She was good.
This was easily my personal favorite episode of the show so far honestly! 10/10 for me.
It’s been good so far but I don’t think it’s reached the highs of TWD yet. I often see TLoU compared TWD but it’s easy to forget that TWD had some incredible moments. It had some lows, sure, but it’s highs are still unmatched. Who can ever forget ‘Look at the flowers’ or Negan’s brutal introduction - which remains one of the most horrific episodes of tv to this day. Or the episode where Rick ripped out the throat of one of the ‘Claimers’ with his teeth. Pascal’s Joel feels relatively tame compared to Andrew Lincoln’s portrayal of Rick Grimes. TLoU is ok but TWD is still the ‘King of the apocalypse’.
Didn't like Kathleen at all. I find it hard to believe this big bad resistance would follow her. Nothing about her is inspiring, intelligent, threatening or menacing. Her voice is too calm and chill. Soccer mom was a good way to put it lol.
Maybe I'd like the show more if I didn't know the games so well? Hard to say.
It's weird, both me and the wife feel the same (which we almost never do, we're opposites on everything) how the show is right at the line of good enough to keep watching, but at a loss why it's so popular.
Strange because the original is a videogame versus tv, but we both thinking the acting is better in the game.
First time I could ever say that about something! And the actors in the game didn't have the human element to physically use, they had to do it all by voice.
Joel still feels miscast. It was always going to be hard to find someone to be able to convey anger, saddness and apathy all mixed together.
Joel's a complex role. Mandalorian isn't a good enough actor. Guy feels very safe life vibe, I don't buy him as someone who's lived with pain for a second, in his face, in his eyes.
It feels like he's doing a role, you know? Like he's never like good actors who because they're so good you forget about them acting and are into the world or character, going with it.
Maybe that won't sense to anyone but me.
Once again, the episode was fine. It wasn't some great, must see episode and it wasn't bad.
It just sort of is. Perfectly passable and forgettable within a week.
Yet I still watch, though I keep hoping for it to get a touch better each time than it is.
Are me and my wife really the only two underwhelmed?
Though I guess I should thank the show for unifying our opinions for once. 😄
At least others are enjoying it more. I didn't mention my problems with it to anger any fans, it's all opinions and I'm glad others love it.
It's more the article caught me at a moment with time to kill with thoughts that have bugged me how I feel a bit like the little girl who sees the emperor has no clothes and wondering why it feels like I'm seeing a different show than everyone when I see nonstop praise as though this were top level entertainment.
Someone used a Walking Dead comparison. That's a good example. Even if you didn't like certain times of the show, few could deny the quality of acting and production value.
That's where Last Of Us feels much more SyFy than Walking Dead.
Again, not comparing plots. Comparing production and quality of actors.
But The Last Of Us marches on. Still watching.
I think what a lot of you are missing here is that the resistance followed Kathleen because they all had the utmost respect for her brother, who Henry betrayed. I didn’t understand why they all followed her either but i started to buy it more when you learned who her brother was
My favorite episode; best one yet. The second they revealed Sam was deaf, I said they are definitely making this part of the story even more heartbreaking than the videogame. Loved it.
Loving the show. Episode 5 was the best yet imo, fantastic!!
The part with Kathleen didn't interest me one bit. All the rest was awesome!
It would have been better as an escape from FEDRE imo. Kathleen was so poorly written, the actor had nowhere to really go with it. She was too one dimensional, although, that said, as someone else said, it sets up the calm insanity of David up well.
Such a shame about her though, because I love Mazin's writing and that's the first thing I've disliked of his.
Walking Dead was crap as soon as they decided to deviate from the comics as much as they did, end of season two onwards were rubbish.
@SolaceCreed nah, TWD had its best run of episodes between 4.8 - 5.1 but season 2 is my favourite overall season (the one most people hated when it first aired because it was ‘too slow’). Some of the worst parts of the show were lifted right out of the comics, like the Kingdom / LARP community and the pet Tiger, which were ridiculously silly. What they did to Carl was unforgivable but seasons 1-7 were great.
@MrMeeeseeeks or the hatchet he put in that prisoners head. Or those bar dudes he straight blew away. Or the way he killed that cannibal leader. Or how he did Shane. Yeah Rick was gangsta. And you're absolutely right that Joel seems tame in comparison.
And Sofia. Can't forget that one.
@zupertramp so many great moments. People tend to write-off TWD because it wasn’t consistently good but when it was good, it was on whole other level.
Really appreciate the spoiler headline and image. This site is literally the only way I’ve had any of this show spoiled for me.
Good episode but not sure about the sink holes thing with hundreds of infected emerging.
Gave me Major gears of war vibes
I too didn’t really buy Kathleen as the leader. I understand why, but she didn’t exude any authority or threat at all. Just really bad casting imo.
The rest of the cast were great.
@PlatinumKing Leadership doesnt work like that.
Great episode; but crikey she did her best to spoil it.
Loved the episode, thought the adaptations, additions and changes really worked well.
Except Ellie hiding that Sam had a bite. That seemed out of character, considering she knows first hand what having a bite does (Riley etc). First minor mistep for me.
The actor can only do so much with such a poorly written part. I think she played it okay, just the part wasn't particularly well thought out
I think it was meant because they were forced underground by FEDRE. So, when the bulldozer went through the house and sank through the foundations, it gave them a way out. Rather than a Gears thing. But I get the comparison.
I was not expecting them to still have the kid killed on screen...despite having played thru the game a few times.
Otherwise great episode, definitely a strong 8.5/10
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