Earlier this week we got word of how the upgrade path for Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection will work. But where other publishers and platform holders have made upgrades as easy as possible, PlayStation’s first-party suite of titles continue to require a spreadsheet’s worth of breakdown to work out what option is best for you.
Getting to experience both Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in their glitzy new-gen forms should be a cause of celebration, but the shine on this treasure is being hampered by a messy upgrade path, although it’s admittedly neat that you only need to own one of the two original titles to be eligible for the PS5 versions of both.
In today’s video, Aaron analyses what your options are when it comes to upgrading your existing copies of either Uncharted game to the upcoming Legacy of Thieves collection on PS5. Set for release in January, features like DualSense haptic feedback, 3D audio support, and 120 frames-per-second all await, but it’s far from a smooth process.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 64
I dunno, seems pretty straightforward to me. 🤷
I often think push square are secretly hired by MS - they spread more FUID than a Xbox fanboi convention.
There's nothing complicated unless your a tired journalist who wishes he had something else to write about... or you feel entitled to a free game. I bought all the uncharted's and enjoyed them and got my monies worth - they owe me nothing.
If I want an updated version would expect to pay for it as I still believe game devs deserve to get paid - maybe not surprising as I was one for 20 years. The fact there is ANY upgarde path is a positive thing, but push square rarely have anything positive to say anymore.. they all seem rather tired of life..
Removed - inappropriate
@Titntin That's not true. Whether or not you're happy with this, there's a discussion to be had about it.
My personal opinion is that this is one of the more generous upgrades Sony's offered, especially seeing as you only need to own one of the two games to be eligible for the upgrade.
However, not everyone agrees with that and I think it's fine to explore all perspectives.
I don't get what's so tricky about it. It's real simple for me.
Should be vilifying Eastasiasoft and SideQuest Studios. They charged a discounted price to buy a game on another console, instead of offering it for free or charging full price, way before Sony did. They did this all the way back on the PS4, if you owned the PS3 or Vita version of Rainbow Moon.
sony make you pay for upgrades ok get over it
How is it messy? If you own either one its $10 for the upgrade. It should be pretty obvious that a free game through PS Plus doesn't qualify for just a $10 upgrade since you never bought the game. It's actually awesome that you only need to own either game to get both for $10.
I don't think it's that hard to comprehend, personally. You own either non-PS Plus version of the two games and you get the remastered collection for $10. Far from the most convoluted thing Sony has pulled recently.
I don’t see how this is messy either. Obviously it could be better (being free would be one way but honestly I don’t think Sony owes that to anyone) but it’s pretty clear and straightforward as it is.
The upgrade is pretty generous. I will definitely pay $10 for an excuse to replay Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy.
It's not hard, as in "take your ps5 to a mountain top to see a shaman, sacrifice a goat, then pray to crom!" hard. Just compared to how others do it. Even on the same ecosystem, third party devs make it easier to upgrade than sony themselves, is what they're trying to get at. I don't think anybody here, is a shill. I think y'all just need to calm down.
@Titntin Push Square is more than one person. I happen to agree with most comments in here that there's nothing wrong with this particular upgrade path, but there's still a conversation to be had here.
yes would have been great if they had just one standard policy across all games since the start of the generation. The messy part is some are free some you upgrade and some you have to rebuy.
I'm often lost on this subject! I have both games on disc, do I get a fully digital upgrade version, a partial digital upgrade version whereby I still need to insert my discs, or does having the games on disc mean that I don't get an upgrade at all?
what i do dislike it sony keep delisting the ps4 version from sale
Personally i feel the Uncharted upgrade window is straightforward and completely reasonable (even if the situation for plus owners does suck)
However. One of the reasons i havent upgraded my PS4 copy of Ghost of Tsushima to play the iki island content (on ps5) is because its quite baffling how it all works. They massively overcomplicated the whole process
I was browsing my game library today and noticed that Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy have disappeared - and been replaced by a single Legacy of Thieves (PS4) icon. Regardless of whether I choose to upgrade or not, that’s a nice bit of streamlining from Sony that I didn’t expect.
@get2sammyb Well said. Also agreed this is a more generous one than many. I'm quite happy paying a small fee (£5 - £10) for a decent next gen upgrade, less so if's just a 60fps unlock or similar.
But I realise some people aren't keen on paying anything at all. Personally I think as this takes considerable work, well after the event, it is something worth paying for. You can always choose not to and still play the versions you have.
But they do overcomplicate it by making tiers of users e.g. PS+ owners aren't included. The fact there is no consistency and you have to check the smallprint carefully for each game just makes this more frustrating than it should be.
Lastly delisting the old PS4 versions, that were frequently £7.99 in sales and £15 normally is always going to be an unpopular move.
@Fiendish-Beaver Legacy of Theives is fully digital, but you need to keep one of the discs to put in your ps5 every time you want to play the ps5 version. Sell the other disc if you want, you don’t need it to play its respective game
I got Lost Legacy for $10 back in 2018.
Played UC4 thanks to the PS Plus Collection so for $10 to get the PS5 version of both is a good deal in my eyes.
$20 spent total for 2 games
ideal, @Just2Milky. Thank you...
I own U4 and borrowed lost legacy, so I'm buzzing with this upgrade path. I can't see the downside unless you wanted your free ps plus game to upgrade, in which case, too bad!
I can play Uncharted 4 on my PS5. But if I want to get the performance mode, I have to pay €50 (buy the whole game again, plus another game). That just doesn't make any sense, no matter how you cut it.
@get2sammyb A conversation that genuinely wishes to explore if its good or not would not start with a headline that states its messy. As evidenced by many posts here, its clearly not messy in the eyes of many, so I would suggest there must be another motive for wishing to push that angle? That doesnt seem an unreasonable suggestion if im to critique what should be an unbiased piece of news? If the title was 'Are PS5 upgrades too messy?' then the piece would have stood as an examination of the process, ratger than a statement of a dubious conclusion already reached.
These guys are journalists, they know exactly what they are writting, so calling it messy in the headline is deliberate and its one of many headlines and news stories to appear on the site in recent months that have been over critical and very damning without much reason. I used to find this site a more positive place and I prefered that, so I reserve the right to call out innapropriately negative headlines when I see them. Im sure if more of us did, they would adapt to being a little more optomistic and positive, cand I think the site would be all the better for it.
Fair points, but I'm genuinely okay with it. This particular case is actually quite generous. I'll definitely be upgrading.
@Titntin You're on a Sony fan site, many here are willing to defend Sony for things they shouldn't be defended for. That's just how that works. Just because there's half a dozen people agreeing with you on a PlayStation fan site doesn't mean that ''many'' don't see this as an issue.
i think it's a little unfair that thye offer these playstation studios games on ps plus ive given sony more than enough money over 8 years to justify me getting the free upgrade i believe that is unacceptable.
I wonder if we get the movie ticket by preordering the $10 upgrade? 🤔
@alexbolton2 Sarcasm?
But if you havent bought any of those game how can you be entitled to get 2 ps5 games?
Ps+ games you only own as long as you have ps+.
Thats why you cant upgrade a game since you dont own it.
But if you havent bought any of those game how can you be entitled to get 2 ps5 games?
Ps+ games you only own as long as you have ps+.
Thats why you cant upgrade a game since you dont own it.
@Loftimus no definetely not ive been a loyal ps plus member since the ps4 launched in november 2013 which here in canada it costs $11.99 cad so in total not acounting for any price increases lets say $900 cad and most of the months the games havent been good i think us as the collective playstation community deserve the free upgrade and i think its ridiculous that we dont xbox is handling this stuff so much better its very anti consumer and im getting tired of it
@Neverwild okay then let me upgrade the copy to the ps5 copy and if i decide to discontinue my service then cut me off the ps5/4 copy of the game
What if I own Keef the Thief? Can I pay £13.87 to upgrade to Uncharted 2 on Vita?
But ps5 version isnt on ps+ so you cant get that version.
Stop being greedy and expect free stuff.
@alexbolton2 But this isn't about being a loyal ps plus member. This is about being a loyal naughty dog customer. If you payed for the game before, they dont expect you to pay full wack again. That's nice and fair.
Hi Sammy
I know you got much on your plate but hopefully you read my comment.
Just to expand on your ‘ this is one of the more generous upgrades Sony's offered, especially seeing as you only need to own one of the two games to be eligible for the upgrade.’ quote.
It is , in my opinion, a very annoying trend from gaming reporters. That quote is actually a fact.
The annoying trend is reporters tend to mix opinion and facts and completely forget what the priority should be. Facts should be a priority to be reflected in the articles. Opinions come after.
It is not too complicated, but when you get use to the absolutely seamless simplicity that is MS Smart Delivery, everything else seems like a hassle.
(Don’t bother to @ me. I have a PS5 and a Series X. I don’t care about the cults of personality around any company, I just go where the games are and play everything.)
@Titntin I haven’t looked at this yet, but upgrading GoT was a headache for no reason. Sony is horrible about these upgrades.
@Uncharted2007 from what I've read that is very much the case.
I don't think this is too hard, I'm actually happy with this process. plus paying for the upgrade gives you a cinema ticket for the film. Which for me would cost £12.99, so technically I'm getting this game for free. As I would have paid for the cinema ticket anyway.
If you need to delist the existing product, bundle it, raise the price, and add a surcharge for the "upgrade", it's definitely more confusing than it ought to be. If the update was so tremendous it could sell on its own as a new priced game, then it's a new game, not an upgrade. If the update was so minor that's not necessary, then why is there a fee when most publishers, and especially publishers of games that are on PC, accept that as continued support of the title and it is free (GaaS, as it were) in support of continued sales across newer hardware.
If it's in the middle and should cost money, why is it "versioned" with "upgraded, non-upgraded, and discontined versions" of the software. Why not make it like a DLC purchase to buy the "enhancement pack?"
No matter how you slice it it's confusing how it's being done now. GoT was confusing with how it's set up in the store even as a dedicated games enthusiast. How is Sally Streamer going to figure it out without hounding sites like this that have articles detailing "how to upgrade?"
MS isn't totally above this mess either, though they're usually seamless with it, we had Halo launch yesterday where the campaign is basically a DLC for the multiplayer game, it's listed in the store separately, but only downloads the multiplayer, and then the campaign has to be downloaded by going into the game installation details and selecting to add it like a DLC.) But 343i is the "special" kid in MS's class with the propeller hat. Sony's just being kind of confusing and random across t he board with how it all works out. And they don't need to be...they just are.
When it comes down to it…
Microsoft’s Smart Delivery is better and is way more customer friendly.
Sony is all about that nickel and dime strategy.
Bought 4 for £6.50 on ebay, will do the £10 upgrade. Seems reasonable enough. Sony do make this stuff harder than it should be though
@Titntin i'm not the only one that thinks this way then? I thought that maybe i was being a bit too critical of pushsquare sometimes but i guess not..
I have lost Legacy digital but it is still asking for £44.99 to preorder. Can anyone help please?
@get2sammyb With some articles you make me doubt that but there are not a lot of other options around.
The €10 increase in price is one, the massive hate campaing against Returnal calling it a game not worth full price even before we knew anything about the game.
But with 2K calling a €99 edition a free update. But other big companies do get way less crap. The game is €60 but a day one gold edition, free to play menu's the same with the amount optional MT on a fully priced game.
@OmegaStriver Sony lets you pay for the upgrades MS is more on the MT side and liveservice i rather have the Sony way but thats me.
@Titntin Does it hurt licking boots this much? Imagine thinking PushSquare ISN'T a Sony fanboy circle because they dared criticize ONE thing about Sony.
Sony isn't your friend, they aren't gonna give you free games for defending them from criticism.
I get why people are frustrated and wish it was simpler. But think about it for a minute.
Sony treats PS4 and PS5 versions of the same game as different, unique games in almost every single case. That means separate trophy lists, and separate save files. Just like Madden or FIFA 2020 and Madden or FIFA 2021 are different games, the PS4 and PS5 versions of any game are also different.
BECAUSE they're different, the upgrade path can also be different. That's the reason - so Sony and other game developers can charge different amounts for each title, charge an upgrade fee, and so on. But because they're different, Sony can create rules for a whole variety of games that are allowed to upgrade to a "new" title, as they have here. If they'd taken Microsoft's approach, this would be uniquely messy.
Arguably, it means every single upgrade is messy, which isn't necessarily a plus. But, c'mon - if this is your very first upgrade, I understand being confused, but if you've had a PS5 for a year, or even just been following the PS5 news all year, you ought to know how this works already.
@Flaming_Kaiser yes for now,cause honestly no game from $ony where you can implement MT,just wait a year or two
@KevseyLFC Can't upgrade until day of release.
Screwed myself on this one. Sold both disc games with my ps4 after I bought the ps5. As both games were on ps plus so was happy to play them on that. I'll wait for it to be discounted greatly. Not in the mood to pay £45 to replay them.
It’s not confusing but I think Microsoft had the right idea with Smart Delivery.
I wish Sony would have went that route.
@OmegaStriver Lo , I hope you said that with a smile xD
If you want to buy the items in the halo store right now its over $1000 for them. I'd rather buy my games and upgrades as per the Sony model, than have that level of monetisation, but I sit in all camps anyway.
@Octane You make a fair point mate, but at least you acknowledge that the criticism is not universal xD
@CrashLanded Failing to see that your comment has added anything to the conversation other than trying to insult me?
Maybe I missed the bit where you said anything relevant.
The reason for my post is that I'm tired of seeing this past time dominated by negativity and over-entitlement, and I've noticed many such overly negative posts on Push Square, where I never used to.
If this makes me a Sony apologist in your eyes, then you are welcome to label me so. I am a game pass ultimate subscriber with a Series X and a 3090 PC, and I have a Switch too as well as my two PS5's, so I'm certainly not stuck in any manufacturers pockets. I'm also in the nice position of having developed AAA games for Sony, Microsoft, EA, Nintendo and many others over the 20 years I was a dev, so I certainly dont swallow PR BS from any of them as I've seen how they operate from the inside.
I love gaming - its been with me since the first games machine launched when I was 14 and I spent 20 years of my working life making games, which was an honor. It still makes me excited and I believe there has never been a better time to be a gamer.
I'd prefer to find outlets that still express the fun and excitement I still feel about this industry, and will happily point out when I feel people are being overly negative or critical. I dont expect many will agree with me, but equating this with 'licking Sony's boots' says more about your intellect then it reveals of my intention's.
@Titntin I guess you never played TLoU Factions, you’re pretty naive if you think future PS multiplayer titles won’t be worse. Sony has multiple multiplayer titles coming that will surely have cosmetics and battle passes. Hell, Sony was worse because some of their multiplayer games are actually pay to win. Uncharted 3 had a Viking helmet cosmetic that boosted headshot damage and Factions had multiple guns and an extremely overpowered crossbow that you could only purchase with real world money.
I don’t know how Sony nickel and dime’n you with single player games makes you think future multiplayer titles won’t be heavily monetized.
Hell, Destruction Allstars already is like multiple other multiplayer titles with monetization.
@OmegaStriver Naive = hopeful?
Its noticeable you have had to go back 10 years for your pay to win examples and I assume that because there's not so many recent ones?
But I take the point on Destruction all stars, having created something almost nobody would buy, they pursued that model to get some return.
However, I cant think of any 1st party solo games that follow this income model? Whereas both FH5 and flight sim on series X have transactions all over them. I'm a little worried that might be the future of Game pass, but I'll still take what's on offer.
Thanks for offering your thoughts without insults!
@Titntin Calling consumers entitled for not wanting price spikes and paying for things other vendors are doing for free does in fact make you an apologist. Again, Sony and no company is your friend.
@CrashLanded your inability to read and comprehend is quite astonishing. Doubling down on your supposed 'insults' whilst still contibuting zero to the conversation shows a tiny intellect thats not interested in a discussion, so theres zero point in even trying to engage you in any conversation, its like talking to a brick.
@Titntin All I see is a bunch of complaining from some entitled PS fanboy who thinks the world revolves around Sony and their profit margins
Then you are blind and full of it. Having looked at your comments history, its clear you barely read anything before typing in anger and thinking you know better than anyone. You are a prime example of tiny mind, big ego. Goodbye.
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