
Topic: Ps4 keeps turning off

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Hi my son's ps4 keeps turning off when he tries to load a game. He can watch YouTube and Netflix and it is fine. But as soon as he tries to load any of his game it starts to load them then beeps once and turns off. Any ideas will be greatful. Thanks

[Edited by get2sammyb]

Thanks Kris middleton


Hot weather, probably overheating. Be sure to check the fans are dust free and then make sure the console has plenty of space around it so the fans can do their job well. If it's in a tight space it will have difficulty on hot days.



Thanks. I have had covers off and cleaned all dust away. It's from new so no warranty. I have ordered a PS4 fan to see if that helps. It's doesn't give any message just turns off. Would don't still help. And would a factory reset help if it has a virus

Thanks Kris middleton


Thank you I will go do this now. Tried it and was unsuccessful. The fan gets really load then ps4 turn off when I try load a game

[Edited by Middy105]

Thanks Kris middleton


Hi, it sounds like it's overheating. Is this a slim model or an older one? The fins may also be blocked with dirt/dust. You may also need to re-apply the thermal paste. If when you have done a thorough clean and the issue persisit it may be a faulty solder joint between the APU and motherboard.



I have done a clean and ordered a cooling fan to be delivered today. If this.doesnt work would u recommend I do thermal paste. What can I do if it's solder fault?

Thanks Kris middleton



Thanks Kris middleton

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