
Topic: Usb port technical help needed

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I recently unplugged my external hard drive a bit awkwardly and when I turned my ps4 back on i got a message saying the device doesn't work and to reconnect it. If I look at storage devices it's listed there and the data is accounted for but if I try and connect it I get the error message code ce-41902-6 and a list of the requirements for external hard drives.
I've tried the suggestions of covering the middle 2 pins when plugging it in but nothing works. The usb ports on the ps4 still work to some extent as the drive is recognised and the light comes on plus my controller charges. I'm trying to find out if it's possible that the usb ports are damaged in such a way that they don't work as 3.0, as in there's a connection to power the drive but not quick enough to transfer data. Or is it more likely that the cable is damaged in a familiar way? Or could it be a software issue if I unplugged it while it was doing something (which I'm sure it wasn't). Any help would be appreciated as I've not gotten anywhere myself



Did you go through the correct steps for unplugging it? On another point there is a serious lack of USB points on the PS4 why did they ever think that 2 would be enough, 4 should have been the minimum.



I presume you've tried switching off the PS4 and unplugging the power supply and leaving it for a few minutes. This might wipe out that bit of memory that's complaining about the drive and what happened to it.




In all honesty I pulled the two cables that were plugged in quite abruptly so I wouldn't call that correct. I can't see any visible damage on either cable or either port so I'm not sure where the problem lies. I'm going to get another cable for the hard drive and try that but I'm not confident that'll work. I also tried unplugging it for a while and I've also updated the firmware since it happened and no change

[Edited by Tracker86]



When you disconnect the hard drive you need to go to devices. You then click on something and it says safe to disconnect. So I am not sure if that has made a difference or not? The first time I did the same as you not thinking that you needed to go through a certain proceedure to do it.



@Tracker86 Can you be a bit more specific about exactly what happened? What do you mean that you pulled the cables out 'abruptly' and 'awkwardly'? Was the console on when this happened?

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@JohnnyShoulder as in I pulled them out a bit more aggresively than I should have. Kind of angled up the way so it wasn't smooth straight out. This is why I was wondering if I'd damaged the usb port in such a way to affect how it reads the connection. The ps4 was on at the time but it wasn't in the process of doing anything that id expect to cause an issue.



Yeah it could be the cable so trying another like you said would determine if it is that.

If that doesn't work you could try the HDD on a different PS4, like a friend or a family members.

I'm not sure if you should be unplugging it when the console is on without going through the proper settings like @hotukdeals mentioned. Whenever I've unplugged my ext hdd the console has always been off and I've not noticed anything wrong with it.

It is all about the process of elimination with these kind of things.

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