
Topic: Your opinion on buying used PS4 Slim...

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So, am in the market for a new PS4 slim console and the prices are just ridiculous, 460$ minimum for the 500gb version here in the middle east, that's f@#king absurd, am not buying a last gen console for that price, so my last hope is to look at the used market and the best i could find is 350$ used, but thing is am not sure how the owner used his console or how many years its been used, i'v spoke to most of them but i get a sense they'r lying just so they can get a sale.... anyway

My biggest fear is the harddrive health, people here install and delete games liek crazy in a short time and all that data write can degrade a hard drive health resulting in performane issues, now, they did give me a warrenty of about a week after purchase so if i find anythng i can get my money back but idono...

what are you guys opinion on buying used consoles ?

[Edited by Z390]



I think it's a heavily subjective matter. I live in the middle-east too (idk where you are but where I am consoles are so expensive, I'll have to spend my next year's savings on a PS5). That said, I always say go the extra mile of buying new products, because only then can you be 100% sure of its potential. (But depending on the country, that's not guaranteed either because we don't have official Playstation support in ours and if anything is wrong with the console, I simply can't use the warranty).

On the other hand, there are many people out there who are protective of their devices, especially if buying them is challenging. I for one have been playing on my Original PS4 since early 2015 (it's a CUH-11 with touch keys for power and disk ejection) and I haven't ran into any problem yet, mainly because I'm very protective of it. I've cleaned the insides once and plan to do it again very soon. All in all, it's a pretty damn healthy console for a device that's been working almost every day for the past 6 years or so. And with all that, I still wouldn't recommend anyone to buy it from me, because despite how clean and healthy it is... it could still fail at any given time without zero warnings.

It's tough, and I'd be the first to admit it, but getting a new console is always the better option, even if it's the more expensive one. I hope you can find the answer you're looking for!

I make deliveries, that's all.

PSN: Homo-Ludens97


@Z390 Just bought a used Pro for my son from CEX for £260 in the UK. Think they're upwards of £300 now for a boxed one with all the accessories but do come with a 24 months warranty. Not sure if you have the equivalent/similar store in the middle east?

Thing is with all the the PS4 models, you can easily swap out the hard drive and replace it with a brand new one or, if you spend a little bit more, an SSD to reduce load times and reduce heat/noise. If you're worried about the hard drive, just replace it with a new one.

I put an SSD in my Pro a couple of years ago and it really flies (thanks to Pro's SATA 3 interface) and I'm using the old HDD in an external case (that cost about £7) as extended storage.

Ultimately the PS4 seems to be a fairly tough cookie and should be serviceable for years to come.

With the Pro and the Slim it's very easy to pop the lid off the thing and see what state it's in and clean out any large fluff deposits that have accrued over the years, especially near the fan and on its blades!

[Edited by sanderson72]



Buying used is always a crapshoot. I’d start with the sellers advertisement, does it look organized clean are all the parts there or is it laying on the carpet in the corner somewhere in a jumble. That does seem super expensive for a last GEN console. Before I bought a PS4 slim I would get an Xbox series S. Until you can get your hands on a PS5 lol!



@lolwhatno Hahaha, now that's how I'd like to describe distances from now on, based on whether you're riding a Strider or not lol
And I totally agree, gaming has that effect. As toxic as some communities are, gaming always brings people together.

I make deliveries, that's all.

PSN: Homo-Ludens97


Thank you all for the feedback, just went to check another seller and saw the second hand console for myself, it looked very clean, almost as good as out of the box new, but the seller took the controller and gave me absolutely the crappiest used controller i'v seen in my life, i told him to swap it out but all the used controllers he had were as bad and sometimes worse, it was ***** hysterical how bad they looked....

A kid in the family has a ps4 slim for over 3 years and he does not take good care of his controller, but despite that it still looks so much better than the used crap that seller offered me, i was almost 90% confident in the purchase, until i saw the controller and decided to fk off

At this point it would be better to wait till prices calm down when the chip shortage is over and maybe save a little bit to buy a PS5, it would be a long time, but the wait will be worth it

if am paying above msrp for a used console, i want the complete package to be at least in decent condition, not paying 60$ over an already stupid price



Good call. I’m starting to get the feeling that the PS5 is going to get better. Scalper prices have dropped dramatically from what I can see still scalping but they seem more desperate. If you have the option to sign up for Sony’s purchase invitation you should.

This is how I was able to get a PS5.


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