
Topic: Why no PSVR games with PS Plus?

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Is there a reason we do not get any free PSVR games with PS Plus (yes i know we got one in 2018)?

I would like more PSVR games or the option to choose a PS Plus bundle for either VR or Non-VR games.

Was just curious to hear what you guys think as googling this subject will mainly reveal "best VR games" or "Best PSVR Games" lists/reports

If there is already a thread to this please ignore my ignorance and just refer me to it as i couldn't find it.

Your Forum "N00b"




probably because not every one has a PSVR so there would be a lot of people who wouldn't be able to play the games on offer

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"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


@FullbringIchigo If they did add one on occasion, it might make people want to get a VR set of the already have PSVR games sitting in their account.



@FullbringIchigo true but the option to add a game here and there would be nice or at least let me exchange one of the existing PS Plus games for a VR game (if i haven't downloaded it yet) kinda like a menu in a restaurant, also what @Jaz007 said makes a lot of sense.... but i see your point and that will most likely be the most common answer in this thread.




Because VR is dead and Sony doesn't have the brass to call it yet

[Edited by Tasuki]


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