I'm sure most of you are aware that Sony are shutting down the servers for MAG, SOCOM and Resistance (FOM,2,3) over the next couple of months, which is a shame-I had great fun with MAG and Resistance.
Since I'm PS3less these days I was wondering if any of you are planning a farewell session for youtube or similar? I'd like to see the last of MAG especially and live it's last moments vicariously!
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
It's always sad to hear of servers shutting down for a particular game. Best laugh I got though was when Halo 2 shut it servers down. I got a chuckle when Microsoft had to finally kick people off cause they managed to stay on for like a month after the servers were shut down.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
It's a real shame about MAG but I can understand the reasoning to shut them down. It was such an awesome game in it's time, but with dying numbers, the matches just aren't what they used to be. Even when I bought the DLC, it was difficult to play the new content because not many people had it.
I'd love to see another iteration of MAG turn up on PS4 or PC. As for SOCOM4, I enjoyed it for what it was, but haven't touched it since it's launch month probably. Coop was a lot of fun, but didn't have enough content.
To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!!
Yeah, I'd gotten to the point where it was impossible to get in to a Domination match well before the Japanese release, after that I thought the numbers may pick up but it just didn't seem to happen. Spent more time waiting to get in to games than playing them. I can't help but feel despite the initial effort, Sony gave up on it. With the level of after release support and patching some mp shooters get, MAG could've really shone!
It was a great game, sadly ahead of it's time and overshadowed by the popular FPS games.
I will say, that the (all too rare) games with a squad full of mic'd up players, and a good squad leader were some of my favourite FPS multilayer moments.
PS4 is the perfect place for a MAG follow up, though I doubt very much it would happen unless it has the kind of glitz and glamour afforded to the likes of Battefield.
PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)
Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)
"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker
Loved MAG. What day does it shut down again? I think it's in the next week or so, right?
I think it's around the 21st of this month. I've been having the odd game here n there lately even though only TDM & Sabotage have enough players to do a game. Will be missed. The best shooter out there in its prime and a great experiment I'm glad I sampled.
Shame to see Resistance 2 go as well. Hectic 60 player bouts and some great 8 player Co-op. Sony's first party offerings have been under appreciated for their online portions in favour of the usual suspects. Shame.
Its a shame that multiplayer only games always have this threat under their noses and theirs even more focus on this with games like Titanfall and Evolution coming soon.
Topic: MAG SOCOM Resistance Servers Shutting Down
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