
Topic: Swapping Out or Upgrading the PS3 Controller Battery?

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I was just wondering if it was possible to upgrade/swap out the older battery for a newer one with more "life/hours"?

If yes, please tell me what specific battery I should be shopping for, I'm still a newb/novice at this stuff.

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Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan

PSN: KidRyan89 | Bluesky:


Yes the battery in the Dualshock 3 is replaceable but you need to look to see what voltage your Dualshock 3 is. If you look at the back of the Dualshcok 3 you see if it is 3.7v or 5v. I did this for my 3.7v Dualshock 3 back in January of 2014 I used this battery > works well still this day.

[Edited by EyeDeeNO76]

It is not a X button... it's a cross button. Because they are symbols not letters.

PSN: Death_to_Xbox_

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