
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?

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@Yousef- In GTA6 your car will be towed and compounded if you park illegally. 😉

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution every plat brings its own anxieties in all honesty but yeah, this is the first one in a while which has felt like there are quite so many obstacles in the way. It’ll be a fun pursuit either way though.

**** DLC!


Started playing GTA 5 last night, though technically on PS5, it's funny to think it was a PS3 release 😅

Don't make me drive that damn tow truck again, Tonya!


Also, I can't remember if this can happen at random, or only for this scripted moment?


It's cool all the same, but when I get my jerry can, that is when the real fun will begin 😁

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

Started playing GTA 5 last night, though technically on PS5, it's funny to think it was a PS3 release 😅
Don't make me drive that damn tow truck again, Tonya!


Also, I can't remember if this can happen at random, or only for this scripted moment?


It's cool all the same, but when I get my jerry can, that is when the real fun will begin 😁

Screw Tonya. Annoying tw@ .
Yeah it’s a scripted moment. Pretty cool. Somehow I don’t remember it though.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@Yousef- i'm wondering if they added it in later updates, as I didn't remember it, and they have added some stuff for sure, even changed the handbrake button in place of a new duck and hide animation which confused the hell out of me in a race.

I am going to try and shoot cars in the fuel tank to see if they leak at some point though 😁 as that would be a cool way to end some moments. If not, the jerry can awaits all my sadistic needs 💀

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

@Yousef- i'm wondering if they added it in later updates, as I didn't remember it, and they have added some stuff for sure, even changed the handbrake button in place of a new duck and hide animation which confused the hell out of me in a race.
I am going to try and shoot cars in the fuel tank to see if they leak at some point though 😁 as that would be a cool way to end some moments. If not, the jerry can awaits all my sadistic needs 💀

I will disappoint you and say…. No, GTAV added virtually zero single player content post-ps3 release. Trust me, I’d be the first to know.
PS4 version added FPS, obviously, but also added a few weapons and allowed you to become animals by smoking pot, like a temporary dream sequence.
PS5 version added nothing. At least nothing interesting. A few new weapons that don’t stand out and there’s some radio differences across all 3 versions but really not anything to go gaga about. New radio stations is something I’d get more hyped about in other GTAs, unlike V where there’s just too many songs, plenty of good ones, but plenty of songs fullstop.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Th3solution wrote:

@Yousef- In GTA6 your car will be towed and compounded if you park illegally. 😉

You will find a giant box of pickled beetroot on your bed.

colonelkilgore wrote:

@Th3solution every plat brings its own anxieties in all honesty but yeah, this is the first one in a while which has felt like there are quite so many obstacles in the way. It’ll be a fun pursuit either way though.

It’s challenging, but I’ve spoken with two people who did it. They’ve had a blast. I don’t have anyone to boost with, so I only went for single player achievements, they were fun nonetheless though. Perfect 10/10 game.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


Well I managed about 6 hours of GTA IV today… or yesterday actually 😅 and so far so awesome! My feelings around the driving and gunplay remain… they even feel worse than I remember tbh but the overall package more than makes up for it. There’s just something about those R* open-worlds that feel… more… real… hyper-real than those from other devs.

Made some half-decent progress without having my pedal-to-the-metal. Still on the first island and a half but done some side stuff too. Also got my first online mp trophy… regardless of the difficulties I had starting a private match with a friend. No joy with that but ended up in a death match with a random and got the viral trophy Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie for killing someone, who has killed someone, who has killed someone - ad nauseam… who way back when killed a Rockstar dev. Hopefully I’ll have more luck getting into a private match tomorrow to begin the hard boosting grind 🤞.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

Well I managed about 6 hours of GTA IV today… or yesterday actually 😅 and so far so awesome! My feelings around the driving and gunplay remain… they even feel worse than I remember

No shame in having the wrong opinion (I joke, there is). Hope you come around though (you will, it’s a matter of time).

There’s just something about those R* open-worlds that feel… more… real… hyper-real than those from other devs.

Too true, too true.

Made some half-decent progress without having my pedal-to-the-metal. Still on the first island and a half but done some side stuff too. Also got my first online mp trophy… regardless of the difficulties I had starting a private match with a friend. No joy with that but ended up in a death match with a random and got the viral trophy Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie for killing someone, who has killed someone, who has killed someone - ad nauseam… who way back when killed a Rockstar dev. Hopefully I’ll have more luck getting into a private match tomorrow to begin the hard boosting grind 🤞.

I’m not surprised you found randos online, there’s still a few blokes playing, even on 360.
Yes, the plat grind is like 85% online boost. Do wish you good luck, you’ll need it.

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@Yousef- Liberty Rock Radio was my go to yesterday… unless I managed to stumble upon Pruit Igoe and Prophecies by Philip Glass on The Journey. I’ll give most of them a decent go though over the course of my playthrough.

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

@Yousef- Liberty Rock Radio was my go to yesterday… unless I managed to stumble upon Pruit Igoe and Prophecies by Philip Glass on The Journey. I’ll give most of them a decent go though over the course of my playthrough.

Great choice(s). 👍

I will also try to listen to my more under-listened tracks on my replay.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


well just finished Remember me again great little game. its a perfect encapsulation of what i loved about the ps3 generation not too long about 8-10 hours with a new world and good story something different. hey its not perfect but its flaws didn't detract from what it did.

I even went back and got the platinum missed a bunch of collectables and a couple of combat trophies and completed it on the hardest difficulty which isnt actually too bad if you've played it through once and got alot of the upgrades



@colonelkilgore So, not to belabor the prior discussion but I’m curious, is the movement and gunplay of GTA4 similar in feel to RDR2? We discussed at great length the narrative style of the two series so we can leave that, but as far as gameplay - I remember reading some opinions about RDR2’s combat and character control and some people said that the stiffness of movement and the awkwardness of controls is kind of a Rockstar thing and also feels that way in the GTA games. In RDR2 it seemed to fit the style of the game and the deliberate nature of a slow, methodical, Western adventure. The way Arthur would mosey about and meticulously animate didn’t bother me like it did some players. It took a little getting accustomed to, but it was still fun in my experience.

If the character (Niko, I think he’s called?) handles like Arthur, does it detract from the flow or seem dissonant with the run-n-gun style of the genre?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Niko is a fast f*cker in comparison to Arthur. It's more like RDR with John Marston than RDR2. In GTA 5 there is a more ambling walking style that does feel a little weird in a GTA game. And I loved the slower pace of RDR2 as slow walking up to bandits you're going to destroy is just badass and fits a western so well.

@colonelkilgore weird, I always really liked the gunplay in GTA 4 for some reason, and it took me ages to get used to GTA 5. GTA 4 was like headshots on tap with that little tweak you can apply to aims 🤯

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Th3solution yeah the stiffness and somewhat jankiness of the protagonist is an R* thing tbh, they use certain animations which have to complete in regards to the inertia that is imposed on the character at any one time. I understand why they do it but it does cause it all to feel a bit… yeah janky to me at least. They do refine the way their characters move with each game but there are definitely similarities between each of their games. I personally find it all controls far better in V than IV but I seem to be in the minority on that.

With all this said though, I’m still having a ball tbh.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


So I made some decent progress on the GTAIV multiplayer today. It took basically my whole day but I got a win in each mp race (which is only 50% of the total races, as I’ll have to do them all again in the GTA Race class too). Would’ve rathered progressing the single player campaign in terms of enjoyment but was a chill time.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Wow, it's cool that you were even able to find people who are still playing multiplayer. But I'm guessing there weren't a lot of them?

I just got done setting up my PS3 and 360. It was a stressful couple of days as my PS3 wouldn't turn on. It overheated years ago so this isn't surprising to me but I've managed to get it working the past few years. I was so close to giving up but it finally works now, thankfully. After I'm done with Yakuza: Like a Dragon, I'm considering starting up Sly Cooper 3 on PS3. Could use a chill 3D platformer now.



@LtSarge luckily PS3 seems to be the new hotness rn for some reason, so there’s a surprising amount of activity on most of the games I’ve played on it recently.

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

So I made some decent progress on the GTAIV multiplayer today. It took basically my whole day but I got a win in each mp race (which is only 50% of the total races, as I’ll have to do them all again in the GTA Race class too). Would’ve rathered progressing the single player campaign in terms of enjoyment but was a chill time.

Yup… I feel you and yeah that’s the usual MP shenanigans. If it’s any consolation, I was incredibly sleep deprived after work so I made little to no progress on my replay.
Well hopefully today is the day, I got Friday and Saturday off. ✌️

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️

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