
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?

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this is my entire PS3 physical disc collection everyone is worth playing

Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Infamous 2
metal gear solid 4
chronicles of riddick: escape from dark athena
remember me
spec ops the line
Darkness 2
last of us
heavy rain move edition
beyond two souls
batman arkham asylum
south park stick of truth USA
dead space
dead space 2
dead space 3
deus ex human revolution x2
Fallout 3
fallout new vegas
mass effect
mass effect 2
mass effect 3
max payne 3
Bioshock 2
bioshock infinite

[Edited by trev666]



Started playing Sly 3 today. It's been so many years since I last played Sly 2 but the third game still feels very similar. I played it for a few hours and it's been a blast, I'm really enjoying the game so far. Another thing that I'm glad about is that Sly 3 apparently doesn't have collectibles like in the previous games. This is fantastic as I don't really feel like collecting stuff right now. I only want to do the missions, which are super fun.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge nice, enjoy! The whole sly trilogy is so good, itā€™s hard to pick which of the three is ā€œthe bestā€ . Is it your first time playing the third game?



@nomither6 Yep, it's my first time playing it. I think it's hard for me to choose my favourite one since I've played them so far apart. What I can say though is that it's my second favourite PS2 era 3D platformer in terms of it, Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter, with Ratchet & Clank being my favourite one. The first Jak & Daxter was fantastic, but the second and third games were awful due to their high difficulty. The Sly games are just in general tons of fun and not that challenging. The missions are also very varied in these games. You can tell that they were made by developers who put a lot of thought into making truly enjoyable experiences.



@LtSarge youā€™re in for a treat then , lucky you. iā€™ve beaten 3 so many times as a kid iā€™ve lost count , itā€™s one of the greatest platformers of all time and the sense of adventure and variety is so fun, & the story is the cherry on top. i miss when games were kid-friendly but not kid oriented , unlike the R&C 1 remake - it was just way too childish for me.

[Edited by nomither6]



@Yousef- It's a great franchise! Every mainline game is just so much fun to play. It doesn't get more fun than constantly acquiring new and cool weapons that level up the more you use them. It's such a brilliant gameplay loop that I don't understand why there aren't more series that have copied this formula.

@nomither6 That's great to hear! Like I mentioned before, I'm glad the game doesn't have collectibles so that I can only focus on the fun missions and not get distracted by other stuff. I mean sure, you have to steal money from the enemies in order to get upgrades, but I find that fun to do.



@LtSarge yup, never a dull moment with that game & its only right for the gang to steal for some upgrades, gotta live up to that theivus racconus reputation. plus they only steal from criminals so its all good, haha.



@nomither6 I wish we got a new sly and inFamous, I know theyā€™re finished franchises but I imagine enough time has passed for new ideas to substantiate a brand new game full of soul.

@LtSarge Yup!! Love it. RC and Ape Escape are my favorite Sony platforming series. Endless fun. Nothing quite like it. New games (that are fun) def wouldnā€™t hurt, methinks. >.>

We are playing āš”ļø Child of Light. āš”ļø


@Yousef- What perplexes me is why these huge companies with a long history haven't realised the way to release simpler games alongside their more complex titles. Take Sony for example, their first-party titles take years to come out. So why not assign some studios to create simpler games that we saw back in the PS2/PS3 eras. While we're waiting for Ghost of Tsushima 2 or Horizon 3, have other studios pump out 10 hour experiences like a new Killzone or Sly Cooper. Surely these games can't take more than a few years to develop considering how short and linear they are compared to the more complex titles. I mean, the only major company that does this is Nintendo and it's working out great for them, not to mention that their fanbase is very content with their output.

Both Sony and Microsoft are sitting on a treasure trove of IPs that they are completely neglecting all the while development times for games in general are becoming longer. The solution to that problem is to go back to your history and make simpler games. It absolutely baffles me how they haven't figured this out yet.

[Edited by LtSarge]



So have been chipping away at the online GTA IV requirements since last week andā€¦ absolute nightmare. Having completed and gained a win in each and every game mode - death match, team death match, mafiya work, team mafiya work, car jack city, team car jack city, cops & crooks all for one, cops and crooks one for all, all 3 co-op missions and all 108 racesā€¦ the Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic trophy didnā€™t pop.

Oh well, Iā€™ve put far too much time in now to quitā€¦ from the top then, once more with feeling šŸ˜….

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


A couple of alternative descriptions for that trophy...
"I bet you are glad to see the back of this one"
"That's livin' alright"

You deserve the platinum if you can figure out the second reference.



@CaptD unfortunately Iā€™m old enough to get that second reference šŸ˜…

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore if itā€™s any consolation, I can at least attest the offline-stuff is far, FAR less of a nightmare. The worst grind are the 200 pigeons, just pray you donā€™t miss a single one as that will take 5 hours to re-trace. >.>
Everything else is piss easy or doesnā€™t take long. You have easy races with real dumb AI, assassin missions that are shot and sweet, a Puyo Puyo clone that only takes a second to learn, a few mimigames that are only mildly annoying at worst.

Also, I havenā€™t been replying much lately cuz Iā€™m trying to catch some sleep, and been hyper fixating on my own gta grinds >.>, mainly on the ps2 emulator because I think Iā€™ve 100%ed every gta with some modern release. All thatā€™s left are the psp games.

We are playing āš”ļø Child of Light. āš”ļø


@Yousef- yeah Iā€™ve been playing the single player campaign too and really enjoying it tbh. Probably quite close to the end of the main story now and done bits and pieces of side stuff. Itā€™s a great story and Nico is a fanatic protagonist but my feelings going in remain. The open world of Liberty City still feels a little claustrophobic to me, together with the driving and gunplay feeling too heavy and sluggish though. This hasnā€™t prevented me from enjoying the game thoughā€¦ itā€™s still right up there for sure.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I think I get what youā€™re getting at. Yeah the story can really fly by after you spend so much time doing the grindy bits, itā€™s really relaxing.
I personally adore every little thing about gta iv and can gush about everything in great detail, but I can understand what youā€™re saying, personally I love Liberty City. But I get how it may feel small, considering they couldnā€™t add air planes because of the map size, not that I care either way.
Quite frankly, I think smaller maps are quite under appreciated as a whole. The PS2 GTAs, Sleeping Dogsā€™ Hong Kong, Kamorochu in Yakuza, The Warriorsā€™ cute little alleys and Willamette Parkview Mall in Dead Rising just to name a few.

We are playing āš”ļø Child of Light. āš”ļø

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