
Topic: I don't mind paying 15 bucks for PS2 games when they look this good

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Man, it seems like the Internet is happy to target Sony's pricing standards for the newly released PS2 emulation titles. But honestly, after downloading the often forgotten but always fun "The Mark of Kri", I can say that these titles look phenominal, in both frame rate and clarity........I don't understand all the fury, when they went the extra mile to make these classics look this good on a modern television, they can charge 15 dollars.



Not to mention, no one is stopping you from playing the games you already own on the PS2 you already own. Nothing has been taken away, they've just added an additional choice. You may not like the specifics of that additional choice, but it's still more than what you had before.


PSN: Matroska_


Matroska wrote:

Not to mention, no one is stopping you from playing the games you already own on the PS2 you already own. Nothing has been taken away, they've just added an additional choice. You may not like the specifics of that additional choice, but it's still more than what you had before.

Well, this is the thing, isn't it? I tweeted after the backlash about how Sony probably would have been better off not doing the PS2 games at all. And then I thought about it and I was like, "Well, that's just ridiculous." People love to complain and I think there are valid criticisms of this, but at the end of the day, if you don't like it, just don't buy it. If not enough people are buying these then Sony will soon get the message. Job done.


That's grata to hear. How would you compare it to the HD Collections of PS2 games the PS3 had? And while I'm not sure about them all being $15, I agree a premium would be worth it to play them while they look good on a modern television. One of the reasons I don't use my PS2 much is that I don't want to deal with the fact that it wasn't meant for an HD TV.




Hmm, the difference is that the PS3 HD versions usually added new textures and geometry,.........these are the original titles, but they are sporting a pretty slick resolution, I'm guessing 720p or 1080p? Either way, it's not an eye sore on a modern LCD. The frame rate has also been given a significant boost.



Any guesses if PS2 games will go ps+ route? either free or discounted?



Some have said that they could be part of future Plus lineups, I'm fine with that. The only thing I hope is that Sony don't take forever in releasing new games, oh and PS1 titles too.




Thing is, I still have my ps2, all the games and 15 billion controllers... so like you say if I want I could just plug it in. I doubt I will though, and 15$ is totally worth not having the extra box and wires in the living room and not unleashing all that dust



Mind you, I have Kingdom Hearts and I'm uncertain that it will make the list of ported games....



@Mega-Gazz: They have the KH as HD remasters on the PS3 you know. They're the final mix verisons too.



@Jaz007: ya, but I my ps3 is just as buried as my ps2, and I have the physical disks for the ps2 copies.



Microsoft really screwed Sony here... I don't think people would be complaining so much if it wasn't for the fact Microsoft had their big campaign over "not making you pay for games that you already own".... Sony may have good reasons not to allow PS2 classics and disc games be played for free on PS4 but it just looks bad when Microsoft is allowing people to play 360 games at no extra cost

PSN: Fertheseeker


@DualWielding: People are just awful "insert your choice of animal genitalia here" for the sake of it. Microsoft already lost this generation to Sony and while their backwards-program may be a bit "smoother" than Sony's but at the end of the day it's old games. And old games won't save Microsoft.

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Just thought I would throw this into the argument about pricing;

For years the majority of game companies have been getting diddly squat for their old games. In my opinion rightfully so - they make a game, release it, make a profit, move on, repeat. Just like releasing a new album or new car.

£12 isn't the value of a 10 year old digital download, not when until recently alot of those properties could of been played for free. They have missed the sweet spot on pricing, the games are the same - its the Sony software which is up scaling the resolution. All a solitary programmer has done is issued the trophy list. In my opinion they should All be under a tenner.

The amount of ps1 classics I buy, play for 5 minutes then delete off the sd card is more often than the games I play for over an hour. Old games are brilliant, but incomparable to todays amazing pieces of software. When kotor for the xbox is under a tenner on ios why are we playing through the nose for less ambitious games originally made for a ps system?

2 old ps2 games = £25... Don't think so.

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PSN: mc_noisy


Well,say for example we get some ps2 wipeout -is that going to play as well as wipeout hd? i doubt it,and thats a ps3 rehash of ps2 games..So to me,its the same old ps2 titles with a little bit of spit and polish = Not worth £12.50.I'd much rather play some old 360 games.


PSN: special_donky


@themcnoisy: The thing is, as has been said, it's a case of just not buying them then. It's totally fine for you to not think it offers good value for money, but you can't really dictate what other people would consider as value. It's giving people the option to purchase should they want to, and enjoy in HD on their newer system with newer pad and newer TV. Should they want to pay less, the option remains for them to hunt down the originals and play them on old hardware, if they still have it. Luxury items, my friend!


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Jaz007 @Mega-Gazz: all I want is for tem to release a full hd collection on ps4 with all of them but square has even said they are not interested in the idea I never had a 7th gen console too so I cant get the 1.5 or 2.5 remix


PSN: SKC_Diamond | Twitter:


@kyleforrester87: Well not really, my argument for this topic is to have a larger turnover of sales rather than a bigger profit on each sale on a product that's passed its sell by date, which most of us will buy but won't play to anywhere near completion.

That said, its good its on the system - and I am happy regardless of the price. Just responding to the topic header, at £12 I have to think before purchasing. If GTA san Andreas was under a tenner I probably would of scooped that up by now as well as the space rpg game.

At a fiver - well I would of bought them all.

[Edited by themcnoisy]

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PSN: mc_noisy

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