
Topic: Most important game of 2015

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Loads of sites talk about what's going to be the "biggest or most anticipated game of 2015" but one question that's never asked is the most IMPORTANT. Of course it's very subjective, that's why I wanted to start this discussion. What's the most important game for you next year and why? Is it it a title your hoping will convince you to buy some kind of hardware or a game in a genre that never interested you but this one has? Mine is Ninja Theory's Hellblade (granted it hasn't got a 2015 date yet) because the studio are going about things a different way & focusing on been open with the community as well as proving that yes "you can be an indie developer but can still create a game of AAA quality without breaking the bank" if they pull it off, it could change the way middling devs create content.




for me, Arkham Knight whether the title is good or not will determine whether I buy a PS4 or keep waiting until FF XV or KH 3

PSN: Fertheseeker


for me, Arkham Knight whether the title is good or not will determine whether I buy a PS4 or keep waiting until FF XV or KH 3

Ah yes, definitely near the top of my list that one, I'm quietly confident that it'll be excellent. Rocksteady haven't let us down yet & focusing on next gen only should help.




FFXV.  Please.



For me on Wii U it would be Splatoon, for being a new IP and an alternative and colorful way of doing shooters.

For PS4 it would be Uncharted 4 (if it is ready by then, I doubt it) and for XBO would be Scalebound. Those are the exclusives I care the most about from each company, and that will decide which of the two consoles I end up getting.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


For me on Wii U it would be Splatoon, for being a new IP and an alternative and colorful way of doing shooters.

For PS4 it would be Uncharted 4 (if it is ready by then, I doubt it) and for XBO would be Scalebound. Those are the exclusives I care the most about from each company, and that will decide which of the two consoles I end up getting.

Splatoon's a good choice, hopefully it might encourage Nintendo to continue more new and original IP's. Scalebound is bound to be good cos Platinum's games usually are but not sure about a 2015 release yet since they've just finished Bayonetta 2 & Legend of korra. Uncharted 4 I think will be ready for late next year cos it's been in development for a few years now and Naughty Dog rarely miss deadlines but a collection would be a decent fallback option if it was delayed.




I am very hopeful for Scalebound since it is not only from P* but directed by Kamiya, and I love his games. I still want to see gameplay of it. Not sure how long it is going to take until release.

For Uncharted I guess I know what to expect, since I played all three main games. I hope we can see something in the PS Experience this December. I would not be interested in a collection.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


Uncharted 4 and maybe Metal Gear Solid 5

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PSN: Crossword-Man


Unless there's a game we have no idea about, Uncharted 4 will be the most important exclusive for PS4. Hopefully Naughty Dog has it ready, especially with Halo 5 and Zelda set to hit the competing platforms.

For AAA games as a whole after what was a disappointing and at times disastrous 2014, The Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight, MGS 5 (again, if it's actually a 2015 release).

[Edited by Gamer83]



Witcher 3, The Division, No Mans Sky, Silent Hill. All have a chance to make great leaps forward in their genre, imo



Ahem. Most defintely MGSV The Phantom Pain.

No ifs, buts or what's about it.

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss


Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda WiiU

Enough said

WiiU: FarukoSH
3DS FC: 4640-0256-4473
Steam: Farukool
PSN: Farukosh


Clearly its the Ps4 release Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair that's set to launch in Japan during February. Not only will it no doubt fix the technical issues of 2025 on Ps3, but you now get to operate a 50ft mech & beat up Kaiju


Nuff said.

[Edited by MadchesterManc]

"Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn" AJ Rimmer

PSN: MadchesterManc | Twitter:


I think Arkham Knight and The Order are going to be the early year important ones. They both really need to be rock solid in performance and really deliver the goods in both scope and visuals.

PSN: KALofKRYPTON (so you can see how often I don't play anything!)

Twitter: @KALofKRYPTON (at your own risk, I don't care if you're offended)

"Fate: Protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." - Cmdr William T. Riker


Arkham Knight isn't out until June at the earliest, MGS will just be more solid gameplay and story, I don't think its planning to do anything groundbreaking, perhaps in the ai and visual depts.



Most important? Zelda on Wii U. Could be the point where Nintendo start to embrace open world games and if they get it right it could be the most spectacular video game moment since first stepping out on to Hyrule Field back in Christmas 98. Nothing else has ever come close to that moment (and I couldn't get into that game for a good five years) and nothing else is anywhere near being the most important game of the year. If it delivers it shows Nintendo really are serious about trying to win people back and being a force again, if it is 'just' another Zelda then it's equally important as it shows Nintendo aren't interested in fighting.

If you're talking personal opinion then for me it's No Man's Sky, Zelda U, Persona 5 and Arkham Knight. Mainly as they are the only four games I give a damn about. The Division intrigues me but I want to know what it's like solo before getting excited about it.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


Most important? Zelda on Wii U. Could be the point where Nintendo start to embrace open world games and if they get it right it could be the most spectacular video game moment since first stepping out on to Hyrule Field back in Christmas 98. Nothing else has ever come close to that moment (and I couldn't get into that game for a good five years) and nothing else is anywhere near being the most important game of the year. If it delivers it shows Nintendo really are serious about trying to win people back and being a force again, if it is 'just' another Zelda then it's equally important as it shows Nintendo aren't interested in fighting.

If you're talking personal opinion then for me it's No Man's Sky, Zelda U, Persona 5 and Arkham Knight. Mainly as they are the only three games I give a damn about. The Division intrigues me but I want to know what it's like solo before getting excited about it.

Not to be that guy, but, by my count that's four games....



Most important? Zelda on Wii U. Could be the point where Nintendo start to embrace open world games and if they get it right it could be the most spectacular video game moment since first stepping out on to Hyrule Field back in Christmas 98. Nothing else has ever come close to that moment (and I couldn't get into that game for a good five years) and nothing else is anywhere near being the most important game of the year. If it delivers it shows Nintendo really are serious about trying to win people back and being a force again, if it is 'just' another Zelda then it's equally important as it shows Nintendo aren't interested in fighting.

If you're talking personal opinion then for me it's No Man's Sky, Zelda U, Persona 5 and Arkham Knight. Mainly as they are the only three games I give a damn about. The Division intrigues me but I want to know what it's like solo before getting excited about it.

Not to be that guy, but, by my count that's four games....

Edited Persona 5 in and forgot to change three to four. One day I'll get the hang of editing comments.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


I think Uncharted 4's going to be hugely important. I'd love to know whether Naughty Dog is feeling the weight of expectation - or is revelling at the opportunity to blow people away.

No Man's Sky is in a similar situation for different reasons. That game has blown up way more than I think Hello Games probably ever expected. Going to be interesting to see where the crumble, or are energised by the weight of expectation.


Maybe people didn't hear me. Ahem.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, not one department this game will fail in.
I'm deadly serious, the most important game of the year factors have all been displayed.

[Edited by Punished_Boss_84]

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss

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