
Topic: Most important game of 2015

Posts 21 to 34 of 34


Maybe people didn't hear me. Ahem.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, not one department this game will fail in.
I'm deadly serious, the most important game of the year factors have all been displayed.

Are the flying goats tastey?



I think Uncharted 4's going to be hugely important. I'd love to know whether Naughty Dog is feeling the weight of expectation - or is revelling at the opportunity to blow people away.

Personally I think Uncharted 4 won't be anywhere near important as it won't come out in 2015 (just a feeling) and because it will just be the same but with even more emphasis on watching pretty cutscenes as Naughty Dog become more and more of a cinematic experience team rather than a game team.


Maybe people didn't hear me. Ahem.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, not one department this game will fail in.
I'm deadly serious, the most important game of the year factors have all been displayed.

We all heard you, it's just not true. MGS games are widely praised by critics but how many people bar diehards actually play them for more than a few hours? How many people are sat at home saying "gosh I can't wait to play another MGS where we watch a day-long cutscene, walk a bit, press a button then enjoy another three hour cutscene?" I love the games dearly from the NES up but with the exception of the first Solid game on PS1 none have been anywhere near close to being the most important games of the year they were released. This one won't be any different. A fantastic experience with a mental story which people will either love or hate but it won't be a defining moment.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:



I think, putting personal bias for or against it, aside, Uncharted is one of the most important releases for PlayStation whenever it comes out, especially after the critical and commercial success Naughty Dog had with The Last of Us. Unfortunately, it's entirely likely it will miss 2015 and Sony better have a better fall back than it did this fall with LBP 3 (a good, enjoyable game but hardly a blockbuster fall exclusive that every console needs). Sony will especially need to have something else ready if the early year exclusives disappoint. I think it's safe to assume MLB The Show will be good, but it's a baseball game, very niche. Bloodborne I would say given From Software's pedigree should be a great game but again, pretty niche, The Order seems the one that could have the widest appeal, however everything we've been shown has me believing that game will be nothing more than trash. This 'PlayStation Experience' in December and the subsequent conferences that follow over the 6 months afterwards had better be more than great, Sony has a lot of convincing to do. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but a lot of my friends who made the switch back to PlayStation from the 360 are not entirely pleased, to me had it not been for MS' own idiocy, the Xbox One could very well have been even or maybe ahead of PS4 at this point. We'll never know for sure, but I can say living in North America, at least in this territory it would be a tie at worst for the Xbox brand.

As for MGS, it's definitely important. MGS 3 was certainly among the best, most important releases in 2004 and I'd actually argue was the best game of the PS2/GC/Xbox era. Granted Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, any of the 3 GTAs, RE 4, Smash Bros. Melee and Metroid Prime 1 would be serious contenders for the throne as well. Halo was a big time game-changer.

[Edited by Gamer83]



I know! It's going to be awesome.

I expect an MGS game to be MGS game, nothing else.

[Edited by Punished_Boss_84]

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss


Well, I guess then that MGS5 will be the most important game of the MGS fans.

Personally I feel Silent Hills will be more important, teaming Kojima with Del Toro, having the former doing something other than MGS and the latter working on a videogame instead of a movie.  But that one won't be a 2015 game.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


I know! It's going to be awesome.

I expect an MGS game to be MGS game, nothing else.

I hear you - though I was a little disappointed with the Demo we got but I like the direction in which it is going.  Open world Stealth, Kiefer Sutherland; What more do you need?

I only hope the cut scenes are a little bit shorter but this is what a MGS game is all about - story, story, story and this is how they believe is the best way to tell it. 

I cannot 100% agree that it is going to be the most important game of 2015 but I can agree it will make its mark.  Personaly, if it is anything like MGS3 (best one IMO) then we are on for a winner!

Long Live Snake


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


No Man's Sky seems to be pretty hyped, so it's probably pretty high on this list. And The Order 1886 is very important too because it's set to release very early in the year. That's the first big gaming purchase for me in 2015.

That being said, Arkham Knight gets my vote for most important game of 2015. It's going to be the last in the series, and it's going to be HUGE across multiple platforms. I can't wait for it, and I'm hopeful it lives up to the crazy success of Asylum and City.




Uncharted 4 immediately comes to mind, and on the X1 side of things, Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Oh, and I suppose that new Zelda game for Wii U is slightly important as well.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."


For me No Man's Sky, Uncharted 4, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse. I can't choose one between the three


PSN: SillyBoyJudas


Gamer83 wrote:


I think, putting personal bias for or against it, aside, Uncharted is one of the most important releases for PlayStation whenever it comes out, especially after the critical and commercial success Naughty Dog had with The Last of Us. Unfortunately, it's entirely likely it will miss 2015 and Sony better have a better fall back than it did this fall with LBP 3 (a good, enjoyable game but hardly a blockbuster fall exclusive that every console needs). Sony will especially need to have something else ready if the early year exclusives disappoint. I think it's safe to assume MLB The Show will be good, but it's a baseball game, very niche. Bloodborne I would say given From Software's pedigree should be a great game but again, pretty niche, The Order seems the one that could have the widest appeal, however everything we've been shown has me believing that game will be nothing more than trash. This 'PlayStation Experience' in December and the subsequent conferences that follow over the 6 months afterwards had better be more than great, Sony has a lot of convincing to do. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but a lot of my friends who made the switch back to PlayStation from the 360 are not entirely pleased, to me had it not been for MS' own idiocy, the Xbox One could very well have been even or maybe ahead of PS4 at this point. We'll never know for sure, but I can say living in North America, at least in this territory it would be a tie at worst for the Xbox brand.

My feelings on Naughty Dog are well known. I honestly feel that one day they will be caught out as the chancers they are but at the same time one day they might add the gameplay and make the truly amazing title they're capable of. Would gladly eat my hat. If it misses this year then I agree with you, Sony better have something in reserve. Back in 1997 Ocarina Of Time was delayed and Nintendo 'apologised' with Diddy Kong Racing and GoldenEye 007. I'm intrigued to see what Sony could have as at the moment they have nothing besides/including Uncharted.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


FF15 you've got a chance to redeem yourselves squeenix make it happen. Metal Gear is gonna be awesome Kojima has a chance to redeem himself from the uber short last game. Uncharterd 4 - nvr played any being an ex xbot so quite excited by this.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


My most anticipated Playstation exclusive is without doubt Uncharted 4.

I really enjoyed the previous 3 and certainly didn't have any issues with the controls of the third. To me that was the best looking console game of that generation too. I wasn't as taken in by the Last of Us though (although I may give it another go on the PS4 at some point).

As far as other games are concerned, I am most looking forward to Batman: Arkham Knight. This could very easily be my most anticipated release of 2015. I am looking forward to the Witcher 3, Star Wars: Battlefront, Rise of the Tom Raider and the Division too. These are the ones I am most looking forward to at the moment but can change on a fairly frequent basis as new information or other games get announced...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Maybe it's just because I'm all aboard the hype train for this one, but Mortal Kombat X. I know it's not Uncharted or Arkham Knight or Phantom Pain, but still - NetherRealm Studios finally righted the ship with 2011's Mortal Kombat. This new game is going to be something special for fans of the series

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."

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