
Topic: Rare Replay and how Sony can do something similar.

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While I don't have time for Microsoft it's hard to deny the compelling value that the Rare Replay collection brings, I champion any form of game preservation even though I never played any of Rare's game (just happened to be on the other side of the console fence all of my life) yet many will tell you that games like Banjo Kazooie, Battletoads and Conker's bad fur day were classics and deserved to be played. But it had me thinking, what if Sony did something similar? A collection of a famed studio's back catalogue? I wondered "but which studio"? At first I thought Naughty Dog but immediately there was a problem, remasters of Uncharted and TLOU are either happening or happened which lowers the value of such a collection which would add Crash and Jak. So what about Sony Santa Monica? Again recent remasters prove a problem with GOW3 and Journey, Sucker Punch only made two franchises with Sony so that rules them out. But then I thought "what about Psygnosis/Sony Liverpool"? They would fit perfectly because not only did they make some amazing games but they published some too. If Sony put together a collection that included the Shadow of the Beast trilogy, Colony Wars, G Police, a few Wipeouts and Lemmings along with some of the best games they published it make the collection a compelling purchase. Of some cynics will look at it and say Sony are profiting off a studio they closed (and I wouldn't blame them) but if you announce it at the same time as say Firesprite (spiritual studio to Psygnosis) announce there making the next Wipeout then that might bring far more people onboard. Would love to know what you guys think of this.

[Edited by AdamNovice]




Honestly if Sony would make something like Rare Replay I would pass on it, quite simply cause Sony doesn't have the catalog that Rare does. Yeah I will admit that alot of Rares games are nostalgia for me, especially games like Battletoads, Snake Rattle and Roll, RC Pro Am etc. Also to be honest alot of those games are harder to come by then PS, PS2 games. I know this probably doesn't speak for most people but most of the PS, PS2 games I want I still have. Also there are ways to go about getting some of this games like PS one classics on the PSN.

I have to admit this is one of the times that MS is making PS4 and Wii U owners jealous especially Wii U since alot of those are games people have been asking for years since the Wii VC was announced. This was a brilliant move by MS and as I said unless Sony releasing something like an Activision Replay or Capcom Replay I don't see anything like that happening on the PS4.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


get2sammyb wrote:

They'd be better off just getting PSone Classics to work on the PS4.

Agreed. Why settle for a few games on a disc when you can have a catalog as big as the PS One classics.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


I think if they just put PSOne and PS2 classics for download on the PS4 (more than what they have available on PS3) and maybe throw in a little trophy upgrade for each title, I think fans will flock to just Sony!


PSN: JLpick


Meh, wouldn't be remotely interested to be honest. As has already been mentioned here, what they need to do is get the PSOne/2 back catalogue on the PS4, with full remote play functionality for all of the PS2 games. Even better would be PS3 back compatibility with RP functionality, but let's face it, that's not going to happen any time remotely soon.

Still seems strange to me how dead set Sony have been on insisting that nobody wants backwards compatibility, even though it always seems to me to be the most highly requested feature!

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

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PSN: SteveButler2210


SteveButler2210 wrote:

Still seems strange to me how dead set Sony have been on insisting that nobody wants backwards compatibility, even though it always seems to me to be the most highly requested feature!

I think they've said it's highly requested but not often used. Which, based on my own experience, is true! Mileage may vary, of course.


@get2sammyb: I don't really get how they can track the usage statistics of a feature they don't currently have though. Surely there isn't any way they can track how many people used backwards compatibility on the original models of the PS3, and I don't think looking simply at downloads for PS1/2 classics is a valid measurement of the "usage" the feature would get. You can guarantee that if the PS4 played PS3 games, a lot more people would utilise that to play their back catalogue than they would pay more to re-download PS1/2 games they quite likely already own. It's just not a fair comparison, and I don't see what other stats they could be trying to claim are relevant.

I know it's a cynical outlook, but I think it's clear that the real reason is Sony know customers new and old alike will shell out extra cash for slightly dolled up versions of last gens games (even ones they already own). Why give people the option to play something they already own for free when you can ask them to pay more for the privilege? I personally have a whole stack of PS3 games that I know would get more play time if I could play them on my PS4, particularly if RP was thrown into the mix.

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


@SteveButler2210: nah, I think it's purely because of Playstation know, the streaming service for classic pre-PS4 Playstation games.

The remasters are too few (yes, I said it!) for them to simply not want BC.
How many are there really? Last of Us, Uncharted and God of War....that's it right?



Rare/Ultimate are quite a unique case when it comes to a developer as it is a company that had a mystique and culture about it even when it was Ultimate Play The Game. Part of Rare Replay's appeal is that you've got so many games over a long time period, all of which were on different systems, with some being quite difficult to emulate properly.

I think the idea of dipping into Psygnosis's back catalogue could be interesting, especially if you included some obscure classics like Hired Guns, but the problem with a lot of Sony's exclusive games on their consoles is that the licenses now belong to other people or are harder to aquire. Ideally, it'd be great to include the Crash trilogy, Spyro Trilogy, Medievil, Tekken, Parappa, Final Fantasy but getting them all might prove difficult. I think you'd have to include some other incentive or other physical goods to make the package special. Just my two pennies!

There was a game idea here. It's gone now.



@SteveButler2210: @BlaBlaBla: I mean, I'm sure they do a lot of research when making these decisions. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if BC usage was generally quite low - especially once a console is established.

HOWEVER, the reason we can't play PS3 games on the PS4 has nothing to do with PS Now or remasters - it's simply that the CELL architecture is a nightmare.

If there's a PS5, I'd put $1,000 on it being backward compatible, because the architecture they're using now is unlikely to change.


Even if they had the games to make such a collection (they don't) they won't make it because of PS Now.

As good as the Rare Replay collection looks it's missing GoldenEye 007, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 plus Diddy Kong Racing which are their four best games. Sadly the collection also just highlights how dreadful Rare have been since the turn of the century. Since Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark every game has been completely average with just a couple worthy of being described as good if you're being honest (even Conker is saved from it's boring game play by the humour). They used to be must own games every time.

After Sega, Rare are my biggest gaming love and it pains me to see what Microsoft has done to them. They should just close the studio and have the staff form a new studio. They aren't Rare, and haven't been for well over a decade.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


rastamadeus wrote:

Even if they had the games to make such a collection (they don't) they won't make it because of PS Now.

As good as the Rare Replay collection looks it's missing GoldenEye 007, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 plus Diddy Kong Racing which are their four best games. Sadly the collection also just highlights how dreadful Rare have been since the turn of the century. Since Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark every game has been completely average with just a couple worthy of being described as good if you're being honest (even Conker is saved from it's boring game play by the humour). They used to be must own games every time.

After Sega, Rare are my biggest gaming love and it pains me to see what Microsoft has done to them. They should just close the studio and have the staff form a new studio. They aren't Rare, and haven't been for well over a decade.

Didn't all of the main staff leave anyway? I imagine there aren't many veterans left these days.


@get2sammyb: Pretty much. Even the founders are gone that's how MS got Rare. Which I guess surprised the owners cause they thought Nintendo was going to buy Rare.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


There have been ROM collections on Sony platforms for years. There's a Sega Collection on PS3 with 40 games including Sonic, Street of Rage and Shining Force. The Rare Collection becomes quite laughable when you read that one of its selling points is being able to FINALLY experience Grabbed By The Ghoulies in 1080p 60fps.

Some critics pointed out that Sony announced a lot of games that won't be out till 2016 or 2017, but Microsoft tried to get hype by announcing games that came out 10 or more years ago. It's also another example of something that's way more appealing to an American audience than a European one, given Rare's history with Nintendo. There are statistically way, way less people in Europe that have played these games, thus have any nostalgia for them, than there are in America. Microsoft need to move beyond that. But yeah, just about anyone can emulate all of these games in 1080p (or above) anyway. Like I said, a ROM collection.


PSN: Matroska_


Some very interesting points guys, seems like many aren't that enthused, guess I still feel rather sad at Psygnosis been no more.
@Churchy Good point there, I can easily see Sony doing some kind of PS1 collection all packaged together with the option to get them on PSN.




@get2sammyb @adf86 @SteveButler2210 In relation to backwards compatibility its not even slightly true that people 'rarely use it' even on this site the 4th section in the forums Is dedicated to retro gaming. Sony just want to monetise using old games. Also the research - what info do they have? I know without question everyone in this thread would play an old game on the ps4 if they could - that's all the research we actually need. Complete baloney, even now Rare replay is a selling point for the x1.

I'm actually disappointed - they can easily emulate ps1 and ps2 games but due to the abortion of ps now they simply wont. But who can blame them I would rebuy Anna Kournikovas smash court tennis in a heartbeat, and have rebought a load of ps1classics for Vita. So that's why we wont get bc - not that people rarely use it.

Personally I would love a Namco collection or even less likely a bitmap bros / sensi software mash up compilation.

[Edited by themcnoisy]

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PSN: mc_noisy


@get2sammyb: There's a few left, but my point is they're not Rare anymore so why continue the name? Imagine King (Candy Crush makers) bought Nintendo, got rid of all the staff and put their own in. They're not Nintendo anymore.

@Matroska: What a load of old tosh. "There are statistically way, way less people in Europe that have played these games, thus have any nostalgia for them, than there are in America" Says who? You can't just make up statistics to try and prove your point at being annoyed that Sony showed off games for a year or two in the future (which they did). Or maybe you can make crap up like that.... There are statistically more zebras in Liverpool city centre than there are in the rest of the world combined. There you go. Anyone can make anything up and report it is a fact.

@themcnoisy: Would you be buying that though for the game or because of the pretty lady on the front though? Haha. Sadly PS Now is here to stay so these sort of collections won't happen much anymore. The only company I really want to do one anyway would be Sega - a Mega Drive collection, a Saturn collection and a Dreamcast collection. Have a special edition for each with a book on the history of the console, memorabilia, soundtrack CD, all sorts. It's ridiculously easy money for Sega but they seem allergic to wanting to make money.

There's far too many Sega games that aren't available to everyone on all consoles, such as NiGHTS, Rez, the Panzer Dragoon titles, Burning Rangers, Sakura Wars, Crazy Taxi 2, Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio Future, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, the Shining series (particularity III). Pulseman, Spike Out, Segagaga, Virtual On, Typing Of the Dead, Chu Chu Rocket, Skies Of Arcadia and, of course, the Shenmue games. Too many gamers under the age of twenty haven't played or even heard of most of them. That's a crime. Sort your f**king head out Sega!

Oh, and Treasure doing one wouldn't be too bad actually. Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga and Bangai-O aren't available on PSN and there's no reason for that.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


@rastamadeus: How about because over 50% of each Nintendo console sold in just North America, thus the remaining less-than-50% is spread around the whole rest of the world? So all those Rare games on Nintendo consoles sold way more per capita in the US than in Europe. Do you realise that after 18 months the PS4 had already outsold the NES in Europe? The NES being the most popular Nintendo console after the Wii? Not to mention, cartoony platform games - cartoons in general - do a lot better in America.

Look at Banjo-Kazooie in the link below. It sold almost double in NA despite the fact EU has well over double the population.

Donkey Kong Country:

61% of Perfect Dark sales were in NA. It doubled the sales in Europe, again also factor in the huge population difference.

Goldeneye is even worse, 5.8 million in NA compared to 2 million across all the countries of Europe:


PSN: Matroska_


It's sad you wont see many of these collections anymore. The PS2 area had some of the greatest inexpensive compilations with Capcom Classics, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Taito, SNK, etc.. I'm having a blast with Rare Replay right now but it is certainly a rare gem (pun intended) moving forward as companies rather make at least $5 a pop per game with minimal features and work or charge for backwards compatibility like with PS Now or remasters.

At least there is the Mega Man Legacy Collection.

[Edited by Ryno]

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