
Topic: Remasters

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I'm currently playing Batman - Return to Arkham Asylum and absolutely loving it. I finished this way back on the PS3 but couldn't help but snap up the collection in a sale over Xmas. I agree with the comments about the game looking rough at times but when they get it right, it looks great!
I still believe this holds up against some current gen titles and is still a great game and clever use of the license.
Any other great remasters out there that you guys recommend. I have FFX already too.

PSN: Bigkopman | X:


The Bioshock collection is well worth getting as is the Heavy Rain/ Beyond 2 souls bundle,

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The ones that spring to mind are the Nathan Drake Collection and Gravity Rush Remastered. Both are very good remasters, but Gravity Rush in particular is a cut above the original game, for fairly obvious reasons. The graphics are improved, but more importantly, the performance is much, much better than the Vita version, which actually benefits the gameplay. I have played both and while the Vita original is still great, I enjoyed the remaster more because I found the controls much easier to use.


PSN: Quintumply | X: | Bluesky:


Modern Warfare: Remastered is probably the best example of how to make a remaster. Its only available as part of the Legacy editions of CoD:IW though. Tomb Raider: Definitive edition, Last of Us: Remastered, Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection and Skyrim: Remastered are also quite good too. Ratchet and Clank is a mix of remastered content and brings something 'new' as well but worth playing if you like that type of game.

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PSN: TaimeDowne


Last of Us,Uncharted and Skyrim are the best ones IMO.

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PSN: Splathew


Bioshock is a good bet because you get three great games. Everyone might have moaned about Bioshock 2 at the time, but it's still one of the best shooters of the last generation, whether it was unnecessary and a cash in or not. The other two games are fantastic.

Nathan Drake Collection is a winner. Uncharted 2 and 3 are both legit 10/10 games and among the best games released last-gen. Well worth picking up.

Also, Valkyria Chronicles. Because why not.




As far as standard remasters go, I'd say Skyrim really stands out since the original was basically unplayable on PS3.

I think the only remaster I'd like to see at this point is Max Payne 3. Would love to play that at 60fps.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Modern Warfare Remastered if you're a CoD fan, however that is only available with the purchase of Infinite Warefare.

Other remasters that are great are

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Street Fighter IV

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


I forgot to mention that I have the Last of Us, Uncharted Collection and GTA V. I'm quite tempted to get Bioshock and Darksiders 1 & 2 at some point. I've completed all bar 2, but really enjoyed the first one. Very underrated when it came out.

PSN: Bigkopman | X:


Odin Sphere, Valkyria Chronicles, Tomb Raider, The Last Of Us and The Uncharted Collection.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


My five favorite remasters, aside from the ones you already have, are Gravity Rush Remastered, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Odin Sphere, Tearaway Unfolded and God of War III Remastered. While it's more of a remake than a remaster, Ratchet & Clank is also one to look into if you don't have it.



I almost forgot the Borderlands Handsome Collection. Best thing with this one is that it allows 4 player couch co-op. Not only that but it contains all the DLC for both BL2 and Presequel which in total is more then $100 worth all for like $40.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Assassin's Creed Ezio collection is actually pretty decent and it has a bucket load of content.

PSN- Crossword-Man
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PSN: Crossword-Man


TLOU is my favourite game since the first Resident Evil on the PSOne. The first time I encountered the clickers at the bottom of the tower block - terrifying. The surround sound makes all the difference to the atmosphere.

I bought it on PS3, I bought it on PS4 & it was the first game I played on the Pro.

I can't recommend it highly enough as a game & a remaster.

Edit: I do apologise if my mention of clickers is a spoiler for anyone. Sorry!

[Edited by Woogy]

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