@RogerRoger Not disagreeing with you, but given what Insomniac has put out since the PS4, does Sony really want them doing something other than Marvel games?
As long as we're not just wishfully thinking, it's all good in the end of course. It's not like I don't love their Marvel games of course, but Rift Apart left things in such an interesting place for Ratchet & Clank (and Rivet) that it would be a shame not to make more of them on the side. We'll see obviously.
PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386
#189 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PS4)
Pretty good modern dot dot vania. Quite a lot of post game grinding for materials needed to craft everything possible. Took just under 40 hours.
Really enjoyable game, little heavy handed with the sheer volume of collectibles for the platinum. Was super impressed by the level of detail in the city as you go hunting for the collectibles though, the descriptions of landmarks being in Bruce’s voice as the Bat-Family add to them were a great touch. Little things like a pizzeria that Bruce and Dick would frequent back in the day.
I got the platinum in Elden Ring on PS4. Already got the PS5 platinum. This might seem silly but my girlfriend was like "Fancy playing Elden Ring again?" and I know this has been a historic year for gaming but I just had to do it.
I also got the platinum in Like A Dragon Gaiden. I loved this game so much. The ending few hours is one of my favourite sections in any Yakuza game. Amazing scenes.
@johncalmc I'm downloading the game now as I think another Yakuza fix in my life and I'm very happy to see that it's one of the rare games that doesn't require multiple play through (just copious amounts of grinding instead).
As for me, it's #66 - Dredge
A fun little game to pass the time that has a fairly rewarding loop mechanic for catching fish. It's a bit weird that there is almost no story and then suddenly seems to drop one you at the end.
The plat isn't too hard. Catching every fish was straight forward as I already had most of them but catching the "aberrations" (random variations) was a pain, although made easier by one ability you unlock that guarantees one once you've found a spot to fish.
Last game I finished was UNO on PS5 on November 4. Since it was a free upgrade, why not? My last platinum was Sea of Stars on October 19. If you enjoyed Chrono Trigger and similar old school RPGs, definitely worth a go. I really enjoyed it. I didn't play The Messenger before, so not sure what references I missed.
#191 The Callisto Protocol (PS5)
Let's make a game like Dead Space... but not as good and not much fun. Let's make it really linear so the player can spend most of it walking down corridors, squeezing through gaps and crawling through vents... Well at least it looked pretty good and had a bunch of fairly gory death scenes.
To be fair, attempting to power through as quick as possible on NG+ on hard mode was much more fun than the initial playthrough. Glad I got it on PS+ essential as I would have been disappointed if I had payed for it.
Congrats everyone on their recent plats. @sorteddan I too was pleased I didn't pay for Callisto, such a disappointment plus I feel the preview trailers were misleading and gave the impression of a dead space spiritual successor. Thankfully we got the dead space remake which I'm playing ATM thanks to the recent EA play deal.
My plats are Odin sphere leifthrasir, Shadow legend VR, Sniper ghost warrior 3 (which wasn't that bad).
coming soon plats are Borderlands 2 VR (absolutely fantastic port, such fun), Sniper Contracts 1, NFS Unbound (on ea play) which is not very good. Uncharted legacy of whatever, "all guns" trophy glitched on me so not sure when I can be bothered to do another run.
And hopefully Dead Space.
Alright trophy list, although I’m not sure I completely agree with the recent trend towards simplifying collectible trophies. If I only have to find a few gold bolts, what’s the point of getting them all? Well, apart from infinite health/ammo. The void reflect one was the worst, ended up doing it in the opening sequence of Challenge Mode, same as the trophy to get all guns because inexplicably, the Pixeliser and Bouncer were 1 bolt in Challenge Mode only. I’m not saying we need a trophy for finishing Challenge Mode, maybe just one to evolve all guns and one to get all the gold bolts, because getting every bear was honestly more of a hassle. Fantastic game though all round.
Coming up to number 50, not sure what I should do for it. Maybe Lego Star Wars seeing as the Lego games were really where I started chasing plats?
Just snagged the Platinum trophy for Gravity Rush Remastered. It's my 26th one to date. That said, I still need to complete the DLC episodes, so I'm not done with the game just yet.
Currently Playing: Kawaii Deathu Desu (Steam Deck)
@render Managed to platinum Dead Space remake. The impossible trophy is fair from it and really not too difficult at all, I just ensured I uploaded to the cloud every once in a while and just before some instant death sequences. An enjoyable platinum with a decent trophy list (not unlike the original).
PS. Never had to download from the cloud but I still don't like that sort of trophy, it is lame and a cop out imo.
@CaptD Congrats on the Dead Space platinum, that's great work. So you managed to not die at all through the entire playthrough? That's pretty impressive as I died a lot during just a normal playthrough. I really enjoyed the game and maybe one day I'll go back for that platinum just to see if I can manage that
@render I died loads during my medium difficulty playthrough but didn't in my impossible, however a few times I did quit to the menu as I thought "I'm not having that "). The save points are quite generous in the game and once you've finished it then you aware of the major battles and spawn points.
Impossible/hard difficulty didn't seem much different from medium if I'm being honest, however the first few areas are the trickiest until you can get to the bench and upgrade the damage but from then on it gets easier (mostly). I used mainly the plasma cutter and flame thrower (for those crawling enemies and the wall mounted tentacle things). The fire wall on the flame thrower is also very useful.
Later on I used the force gun which is a beast, never used it before except for the trophy but once upgraded this blows the crowds away. Most important to get the schematics for the weapons and I always upgraded the suit to the latest, also I found a trick with the suit and that is to not upgrade the HP until you are low on health as it gives full HP when you allocate a node to HP.
@CaptD Yeah, I have found that is a common mechanic — that is, a lot of games have it so that when you upgrade the health bar or when you level up that you also replenish the health bar. I am so bad about remembering that and always do a Homer Simpson “D’oh!” when I use a potion or health pack and then immediately level up and realize I wasted a health resource. 😅 I hate it when that happens! 😂
Recently having played Jedi Survivor, there was a similar tactic of where picking up your lost XP (Soulslike bloodstain) after a death also was a free health replenishment, so boss fights became an interesting dance around the soul-spot trying not to pick it up until my health was low, and yet not waiting too long and accidentally dying first and losing all the XP! 😄
@Th3solution Ha ha indeed, too easy to spam circle and in an instant your health packs are gone and of course Dead Space uses the largest health packs instead of all those rubbish minor packs.
As for the dropped Souls XP mechanic, it is good when other Devs put their own spin on things and I remember that Lords of the fallen (the original) had some health regen mechanic when near your lost souls, so you could die in a boss fight and then hopefully remember to not pick them up during the rematch.
Congrats all on their recent plats. I've been forgetting to post mine on here but for some reason a few weeks ago I got the itch to go back and play Guacamelee again having played it back in 2021.
I really got into it, so much so that I took the time to complete all the trophies I was missing for the platinum including the hard playthrough. That was quite the challenge but a good one at that. I then pushed on to Guacamelee 2 and realised I'd literally only got a few trophies left to complete the platinum on that as well. Another hard difficulty playthrough and that was 2 platinums in the bag.
Great couple of games with some really challenging platforming.
Yeah I loved the both of them too... and agree that the post game platforming was more difficult than I believed in could achieve - until I did. Those games made me more open to the metroidvania genre as a whole. Congrats.
#196 Signalis (PS4)
Knew I would love this game as soon as I saw reviews of it last year. Loved this game. Proper old school survival horror and pretty much made by just two people.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
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