
Topic: Transistor; Road to the Platinum

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So I picked this game back up, after a day one purchase and for one reason or another not finishing it. Absolutely loving the experience SuperGiant Games has put together. I am partly into my 2nd playthrough (stuck on Agency Test #1), has anybody else attempted the Platinum? Would love to hear feedback/general opinions on the game from the community! (No spoilers for people that have not finished it)

PSN: ClayDavis83



As far as I remember I've only got platinum on 2 games, Walking Dead 1 (easiest plat ever!) and this. I play a lot of games but normally don't see the point in trophy hunting..for some reason I got really into this, though.

I'm not a great fan of Bastion, Transistor I find to be much better. Perhaps it's the more interesting battle system but I'm also a sucker for all things sci-fi. The test aren't super easy but it's fun being thrown abilities you normally wouldn't use and figuring out the best way to link them all together to hit the goals.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Yea the tests are definitely designed to force the player to experiment with various functions. I absolutely agree about the sci-fi elements, cyber-punk has always been something that draws me in. Did you have to play through more than 2x's to get the Level 24 trophy? Also, playing with all the limiters on is a nice challenge.

PSN: ClayDavis83



Clay_Davis83 wrote:

Yea the tests are definitely designed to force the player to experiment with various functions. I absolutely agree about the sci-fi elements, cyber-punk has always been something that draws me in. Did you have to play through more than 2x's to get the Level 24 trophy? Also, playing with all the limiters on is a nice challenge.

Yes, love the cyber-punk setting (Looking forward to CD projekts next cyber-punk game on that basis!) From memory I hit the level cap on my second run. Playing with all the limiters on is tough, I think I started a 3rd run with all limiters on to get those trophies.. Obviously it's much easier to survive the battles at the start of the game.

Loved chaining a couple of Breaches and finishing with a Cull!

I would say it doesn't seem to get much love from members of the forum here as I havn't heard anyone else speak of it even though it's in my opinion one of PS4's best games. Would like to know what others thought of it, especially as I think it was a PS+ give away recently.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Yea I checked the forum history and there was nada. You ever play shadowrun (the old one), would love to see something like that on PS4.

PSN: ClayDavis83



Clay_Davis83 wrote:

Yea I checked the forum history and there was nada. You ever play shadowrun (the old one), would love to see something like that on PS4.

No, never did... I want to now I've looked at it, mind you!


PSN: WigSplitter1987

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