@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Stairs are the worst enemy in the entirety of the Castlevania series. I’ve died far more times to stairs than any boss so it’s not just you 😂😂
Playing Ni No Kuni 2, 10 hours in on to chapter 5, I'm really enjoying it, I normally don't like the childish/campish looking jrpgs, it's the reason I've always been put of by persona 5, I'm more of an old school anime fan, but this reminds me so much of studio ghibli that I'm actually really enjoying the art style and the story telling.
Plus the load times are so fast on the ps5 that the fast travel and save load up are almost none existing.
It's actually got me rethinking that I should probably give persona 5 a chance seen as its so popular and I'd probably be missing out on one of the best jrpgs going
I don't have much of backlog as I tend to buy games and try to complete them in as few sittings as I can. I like to live life on the edge.
I need something to occupy my mind until Hitman 3, so I'm playing through Driveclub. Servers are gone so I'm playing what I can of the tour. I really like how the cars handle in this, and I'm constantly impressed by the visuals. Driveclub wasn't a bad game!
Just jumping back into Marvel's Spider-Man while I await the next PS5 drop. It's actually my first time playing in a while so I haven't had the chance to check out the update that added the new suits (Arachnid Rider, TASM1, Armored Advanced). I'm really digging the Arachnid Rider suit as a Kamen Rider junkie and the TASM1 suit honestly looks better in this game than it did in the film it's adapted from
When I get my hands on a PS5 I'm definitely swinging for the Miles Morales Ultimate Edition so I can transfer my PS4 save over to the remaster
So after Code Vein I was planning in playing something relatively short and breezy... Like Uncharted 2 or something along the lines.
... Instead I've spent four hours today getting utterly absorbed by Yakuza 0 & the tale of Kiriyu Kazuma. I couldn't help myself 😂
I've beat the first chapter The fight through the Dojima family headquarters that ended with the fight against Kuze was pretty fun..
I got the third fighting style (Miss Tatsu makes a great entrance), I've done a few sidequests so far including finding the pocket racing circuits and getting some gifts with the claw machines.
The dialgoue can be especially humourous in the side quests but the main storyline has that nice blend of honour, loyalty, betrayal and ...
and I'm hooked to wherever this wild ride may take me 😄
I've only done the first race but I have a feeling I'm gonna play the crap outta Pocket Racing @Thrillho
Played for a bit more and did a few more side stories (Including the dominatrix one). Still in chapter 2 and trying to find more about Tachibana real estate
You're playing Yakuza 5 at the moment right? I assume it has multiple playable characters in it like the 4th which had 4 characters right?
Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Pocket Racer is great fun and gets quite tricky later on. It’s also in the first Kiwami game as well.
And yes, I’m on Y5 which I believe has multiple playable characters too. I’ve spent most of the time so far doing the taxi/race storyline. Driving is seemingly not something Yakuza does well!
Yeah I had a look at Yakuza like a Dragon and ended up seeing the kart racing minigame being played. It looks... Ok to play and I can totally believe that the racing isn't all that good in the 5th game (which is from 9 years ago?!) @Thrillho
Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Well done on discovering the pocket racing so early on. It wasn't until the postgame when I found it. Even then, I had to look up the location online. I got quite hooked on trying to find the best parts combinations for the car.
That Dojima Headquarters fight is a great moment. It really sets the tone for the game.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Oh goodness... you’ve been Yakuza’d! Glad you’re enjoying it. It is so hard to not get distracted by all the copious mini-games and side quests. Especially when each of them are so hilarious. Still can’t believe the Miracle Johnson one. It’s right up there with the most random and humorous pieces of content I’ve seen in all my gaming years. Too bad I never completed Yakuza 0 because I could never make any progress 😅
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Yeah, I think Y5 is from 2012 from what the opening said. The racing in this game is a bit weird and tacked on and makes up one of those really long side stories that I've spent hours on so have forgotten what little story has happened.
I've always tried to clear all sub stories as they appear (most don't disappear as you progress in the game but one or two sometimes do) which means you get periods where you can play for an entire weekend and not touch the main story. While I love all that content, it is one flaw of the series as the momentum of the main (and interesting!) story gets lost a bit but I don't want to risk losing a sub story and you often get abilities etc from them that help in the main story.
It sound like that's the problem @Th3solution had too!
@Thrillho Yes, that’s pretty much what happened. I wanted to see each side story and activity because they were so entertaining, but it caused a bit of a problem with momentum. The Real Estate game is where I hit my wall. It was fun but not as fun as the other content, yet I felt obliged to pour significant time into it, which eventually burned me out. Couple that with the rapid release of games in the series (Y6, YK2, Y3-5 bundle, and Y:LaD all released with a couple years) which overloaded my capacity to get into the series. With each game being a huge time sink, I gave up trying to get through Y0. Foolish, I know. Maybe I’ll bring it out eventually again because there was a lot to enjoy about it.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Kuze's right hand man? Or whatever he is (I kinda forgot his name too) that keeps coming back five or six times throughout the building before Kiriyu eventually drop kicks him through a window was utterly brilliant @crimsontadpoles.
And yeah I know what you mean... I have the godspeed motor from the gift packs and after using it once I've been trying to do the races with normal components as it's far too op. Bought a new slot car from the pawn shop... I spent all my money but goddamn does my car look great now lol
Though now I can't actually but the new stuff that came in to do the slot racing legit...
Ya know I've never really got distracted by minigames before in a game. Typically I'll play them a couple of times but then I'll move on. But in Yakuza 0? I spent over half an hour just playing the claw machine in the arcade, yet alone sinking more time into Outrun and Space Harrier 😄
Not to mention hunting for sidestories (I met Miracle Johnson and my god I was not expecting that til I saw the dead eyed Stephen Speilberg and realised who Miracle was gonna be... ) that tease at the end of the mission for his return best pay off @Thrillho & @Th3solution!
I finally moved onto chapter 3 last night in Yakuza 0 and got to see Majima's introduction.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy 😂 I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I knew you’d like the Michael Jackson and Stephen Spielberg cameos. I still am amazed they were allowed to put their likeness in the game without being sued by the Spielberg and Jackson families 😅. But it turned into one of the most memorable gaming moments in recent times Majima is one amazing intro, for sure. Apparently he is way more eccentric in Kiwami, but I enjoyed what I saw of him in Zero. The game definitely goes from quirky to outlandish in a flash. The Japanese humor works so well in the game (although there are plenty of eye-rolling moments too.) Have you met Mr. Libido yet? 😅 There is definitely places that this game goes that a Western game would never even try. 😂
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy For some Pocket Racer levels, you’re best off not using the boost as it can send you flying rather than helping! You’ll be pleased to hear that mini game makes a comeback in Kiwami 1 if you get that far
Majima is fantastic though and it must have been weird to see him as he is in Zero if you had played the games on release order. As @Th3solution says, he’s rather different in “latter” games, especially the “Majima Everywhere!” mechanic in Kiwami.
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