For Easter I got Saint Seina soul Soldier - Quite looking forward to it. I had zero idea I would get a game off the wife and zero idea what this is. Winner!
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
OK something strange happened. It is not a proper purchase but may be interesting.
I have preordered from PSN the game "The Park" supposed to be released on 12 April. But for some reason they removed all traces of its existence. It is not up for preorder nor can you search for it via the store. If you search it from Google you only find this:!/en-gr/games/the-park/cid=EP1...
Seemed to disappear from my library but it got back and I cancelled my preorder. I also asked on the official blog for this sometime ago and I forgot about it but when browsing causally I saw that a psn user has replayed and predicted that the game was removed because it will be offered on Plus in the near future. This theory may have some basis.
On topic: I got Resident Evil 6 for 20 euros, it is up for PS4.
Dark Souls III. Playing and dying right now... It's going to be an epic night!!! The steelbook is great but the game looks even better and the music is just incredible...
Dark Souls III. I played the SOTFS until Sunday, couldn't make it to finish it (@ Undead Crypt right now), but now I am totally into the III.... I am loving it so far
@Gamer83: Lucky man in nz I still have to wait a week before it comes out I'm still thinking whenever to get the digital or physical version I've always gone for physical the problem for this game is that there is a price difference between the digital and physical version the physical is 70$ while the digital is 60$ this also the same with no mans sky but for that its 120$ for physical and 90$ for digital these are the only games where I have seen a different launch price and also not changing the disc is also a plus but then I don't get to hold the game in my hands this is very hard to decide
Well, if you pre-order the game you can get The Bouncer (pre-ordering is actually the only way you'll be able to get it), which is the most bada$$ weapon in the game. I'd say whichever way is easier to get that pre-order bonus would be the way to go. These days there really isn't too much difference between digital and physical because the whole game is installed either way. Still cool to have a physical copy if you're a collector but if not, probably easier to just go digital and not have the clutter... Sucks you guys have to wait, by the way. I think Sony should've tried to do a worldwide release but maybe there were some extenuating circumstances.
@Gamer83: Awesome I was hoping for someone to say if the bouncer was good I'm defiantly going to pre order it then ill have the money a day before it releases but at least ill get it btw what's the pixilator like from what I've seen it looks like its going to be my favorite weapon in the game and yea I guess there were some problems getting it world wide but I don't get how square enix got FF15 a worldwide release its square enix they are usually horrible at release dates I'm probably just going to go digital as your right they are both basically the same and also get the cheaper price
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