
Topic: Baldur's Gate 3

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@Thrillho Haha I had exactly the same experience, and managed to avoid combat completely!
My tav is a 'Charismatic Rogue' (dumped INT and put points into CHA) so I'm passing most/all checks pretty easily, alongside being proficient in persuasion/deception.
I would have liked to have re-loaded for the actual fight, but camp supplies are short so I'll leave them in the ground as they are!
Such a mad game, love it



@CJD87 How on earth are you short on camp supplies? 😁

I feel like I’m long resting constantly and can’t move for supplies. I send anything I find in the world back to camp rather than carrying it, including alcohol (there is actually a trophy for having a long rest using only alcohol for your supplies!)



@CJD87 @Thrillho

For the surgeon, I had a slightly different outcome, by the sounds of it 😁

Instead of the nurses just killing each other, I convinced the surgeon to undergo the test/trial himself at their whim, practise what you preach if you truly have faith in what you are saying etc, and they stabbed the holy bejeebus out of him 😂 then they just went on as floaty peaceful beings who had the odd line of dialogue 😁

It was absolutely brutal 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Thrillho I’m long resting like it’s going out of fashion mate! 😂😂

My inventory management is quite poor, I really need to get a lock on it. I’m actually tending to be selective in what I pick up, just to mitigate the admin of shifting it around (console UI ain’t great for this I guess)

How do you send back to camp then? And can you only access once you’re back at camp? Or in-field also? My tav becomes overburdened after picking up just a few coins!



@CJD87 If you're picking something up from a crate etc, press square and the option to send to camp is there. It gets stored in the traveller's chest that is highlighted in camp. But it's really easy to overburden your main character as they pick everything up. Offloading camp supplies frees up space quickly but it's also a good place to store weapons and armour that you want to keep hold of and try out later.

And remember you can use other characters to carry stuff too. If you split gold between the party it still all counts as one pot for the group.



@Ravix I also managed a no-combat approach to the Thorm in the brewery too



I’m nearing the end now. Played it with my brother yesterday and we ended up playing for 10 hours straight. I think that’s the longest we’ve played something nonstop in co-op. We only got off because my brother had to get up early for work.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Thrillho thanks for this tip, appreciated and I’ll start doing this straight away!

Yeah currently I am using all characters for inventory mgmt - Lae’Zel carries all the weapons for instance, as she has a fairly high tolerance for weight (Gale has my scrolls, cash and general potions… Shart has my armours etc)

Due to the scope of this game, even in the latter stages of Act 2 I’m still uncovering ‘basic’ tips that would have largely helped me in Act 1!

Who is your party btw? I sadly shelved Astarion in camp due to my tav being a Rogue class… so I have Shart/Gale/LZ.

I know Astarion gets a lot of praise for voice-work and character writing (rightly so) but I also think Gale is absolutely solid! He irritated me a bit early-game, but as his story unfolds and you learn more about him I actually think he is a quality character. Has some funny lines as well, and his delivery is so good.

In fairness all the VAs are really good - Raphael is gas as well



@CJD87 LZ and Karlach are the stalwarts of my party but the final slot has rotated between Gale, Halsin, Shadowheart, and even Astarion depending on what I'm up to.

At level 8 I've unlocked some neat abilities; sharpshooter for Tav helps with his sneaky archery; Astarion can dual wield most swords now; LZ and Karlach both have great weapon master so they can increase the chance of a critical hit with an accuracy penalty but crits give a bonus point extra attack.



I'm well into act 2 now though with Shadowheart's quest and Moonrise...

I cleared the mausoleum/the Shadowheart character mission. I've had a couple of reloads from messing things up though; fighting Balthazar by Nightsong was too tricky so I went back and killed him where you first meet him. I then freed Nightsong but hadn't been into Moonrise yet so failed saving the gnomes and tieflings so had to reload an older save, kill Balthazar again, and then go into Moonrise with Nightsong still in place for now.



@Thrillho oh noooo, pretty sure I warned you all about trusting the point of no return messages from act 2 onwards 😂😂 at least you get to play more of the game by redoing everything 😬😁

Anyway, I came into the thread to simply say, the game has broken me. I was enjoying hogwarts legacy well enough, but I kind of just stopped playing it for a few days as it isn't Baldur's Gate 3. Damn 😅 it's similar to the Elden Ring effect, although I followed that game by playing modern classics like GoW for the first time, and even though I still craved more varied and harder boss fights in GoW because of it, it was great enough to keep my attention locked.

HL, not so much, despite it being lovely and chill, and great to look at, the characters are like ubisoft light, or UbiZero atm, just floaty pieces of nothing that say random words at you while stood there being sort of animated, but also sort of not very animated. (Mo Cap in BG3 was great too, for expressions and delivery) and obviously the drop off in caring about anything these floaty lumps say compared to genuine emotional turmoil and decisions in BG3 is massive.

Might have to break out my last TW3 playthough to make up for the emptiness 😁

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


That’s Baldur’s Gate 3 finished. What a game. I’m pretty sure it’s now ruined every future RPG I’ll play.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Bentleyma @Ravix Man, that’s awesome, but also simultaneously concerning. I get what y’all are saying, in that the game just set a new bar, but I hope it doesn’t have a lasting effect in that regard.

I wonder what it would be like to go back to Divinity Original Sin II now for you (if you haven’t played it yet). I suspect it also might feel disappointing in comparison. Probably the thing to do is steer clear of RPGs for a while. Play some puzzle games or a sports game or something so different that your brain won’t compare it to BG3. Power Wash Simulator or GT7 or something.

That’s partly why I’ve put off Elden Ring so far — I want to make my way through all the Dark Souls games first so they wouldn’t potentially be ruined by doing ER first and then have to go back.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@ApostateMage I also captured that exact same moment on the ps5 😂😂😂😂😂 reminded me of Billy Connolly, dont know if it's an actual reference, but it seems like the kind of thing he'd have sung on stage as part of one of his stand up tales 😁

@Bentleyma @Th3solution I may be broken, but you do get over it eventually. Just with Hogwarts being mostly young characters they are a bit bland compared to the fully formed, and complex adults who are also superbly well acted in bg3. There's loads of other games where you care about the characters, so it's not all doom and gloom 😁 and ill get back to enjoying HL at some point

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Luckily it didn’t set me back too much but it felt kind of weird that the stuff in Moonrise Tower would disappear… before storming the tour. It makes sense now I’ve actually been there now though.

Everyone rescued from the dungeon and Sazza saved for a third time to get the trophy Picked off a few guards where I safely could as well. Just ready to actually lead the charge now!



@Ravix Despite it being my personal GOTY, if I’m honest, you’ve got a legitimate complaint about the characters in Hogwart’s Legacy. Especially early on, the main NPCs feel quite bland in retrospect. Of course the main protagonist is mostly a blank slate anyways, but the other story characters don’t do much to excite until later on. The villains are probably the least interesting aspect; the allies do come alive in the second half, narratively speaking. Two of the three main side-quest focused classmates’ stories end up being quite good and there’s some legit character development for a couple of them. The one girl I didn’t really care for, partly because her voice acting was so uninspired, but the others I grew quite attached to. And a couple of the professors have great personalities. But unfortunately the early hours is burdened with exposition, world building, and tutorials so it doesn’t hit its stride for a while, from a character development standpoint.

Sorry to veer off topic. 😅 But I am looking forward to getting to know all the BG3 characters. They sound brilliant!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution It’s really hard to know who to have in your party as they’re all such great characters with fab voice acting.

I’m just hoping I haven’t messed up romancing anyone; my guy did the dirty with Lae’zel early on and then booted her before dancing with a kissing Wyll before giving him the boot too. No one seems interested in me now

[Edited by Thrillho]



@Thrillho Word is traveling through camp that you’re a playa’ 😂

I usually do harem playthroughs if the rpg will let me. Persona 5 was madness romancing everyone and then on Valentines Day they all found out I was cheating on them. That was rough. 😂

Seems BG3 may not take kindly to infidelity.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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