
Topic: Dead Rising: Deluxe Remaster (OUT NOW!)

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As a kid I had no concept of what a roguelike was, so I remember being so stressed out playing DR and having side content constantly unlock and then it vanishing almost as quickly as it appears.

It is pretty refreshing playing this now with the knowledge I have that you aren't expected to have a perfect playthrough on your first try and I am not sure if a perfect playthrough is even possible in general.

Just following the story and seeing what you discover in the mall along the way is probably the most fun way to play this the first time around. Going out of your way to save everyone and discover all the secrets in one go on your first try is probably going to just make it a more frustrating experience than it needs to be.

It also helps they've made getting survivors back to the security room at least a little less annoying. There are still occasions where survivors just fall too far behind and its kinda more annoying to fight your way to them than to just push on with the ones you still have left. But letting some of them is sorta expected so don't stress if its not worth fighting your way back to them.

I also think once you clear this once, you can restart with all your upgrades and levels intact I think a reviewer said. So if you are gonna treat this as a roguelike and each playthrough a run, you are going to have an easier time each time as Frank gets stronger and you start to memorise where certain things are in the mall, or how certain things sequence or when they unlock, so you can plan and navigate through it all. Its a design I just couldn't appreciate as a teen, but as an adult I really admire. Kinda feels ahead of its time in that regard.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg you’ve described it incredibly well, that is definitely the appeal of DR in general. : D

Yes in NG+ all your levels, inventory and moves are maintained. Actually not just NG+, ANY point you die and restart a playthrough it’ll be like a NG+.

That last paragraph is exactly what is : D yeah DR is great like that. I honestly didn’t even have the rogoulike comparison as a point of reference, but it does become apparent after a decently lengthy session and some basic knowledge of the game : D the DR series is pretty cool the voice acting in this remaster/remake is pretty stellar the OG was great but it’s awesome seeing a new take on this : D it makes me hope for a DR2 version which is my favorite in the series and who knows maybe they’d even bring back DR3 with newer features and a proper multi platform release. That game is starting to feel slightly outdated even by its year’s standards xD.

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