
Topic: Game Themes, Settings, and Backdrops - the When’s, the Where’s, and the Who’s

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@Yousef- oh, no I'm mostly being only partially serious, as I mostly always am. Like my statement is very much exaggerated, based loosely on a grain of truth. I would simply just like for their to be an influence in some design decisions, characters and within the writing rooms. As these days the influences of writers can be a lot more sucky overall, which then translates into their own work.

Basically, if enough of the writers and devs like good things, then their work will echo that heart, soul and overall quality. And if it doesn't, it may be a little more empty. That is all, really.

I do understand my comments can be easily misinterpreted, as I like a more dramatic way of framing them 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

@Yousef- oh, no I'm mostly being only partially serious, as I mostly always am. Like my statement is very much exaggerated, based loosely on a grain of truth. I would simply just like for their to be an influence in some design decisions, characters and within the writing rooms. As these days the influences of writers can be a lot more sucky overall, which then translates into their own work.
Basically, if enough of the writers and devs like good things, then their work will echo that heart, soul and overall quality. And if it doesn't, it may be a little more empty. That is all, really.

I do understand my comments can be easily misinterpreted, as I like a more dramatic way of framing them 😅

Yeah no worries there. Sleep deprivation got the best of Me. How ironic that I take some comments too seriously despite me myself being also often only half serious as well.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@colonelkilgore @Ravix @Th3solution

Alright. I got a moment. Time to drop how I feel GTA 6.

Now, truth be told, I have slept much, my head hurts, my tea isn’t doing it for me and I might forget some things I wanna say so I’m not exactly at my 100%, admittedly speaking, but finding myself with a few extra hours so I’ll write this as a therapeutic exercise. Being less energized probably means I’ll be less mean in my delivery so there’s that.

Truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of “doomposting”, especially the arbitrary kind. You think big game is gonna suck just cuz you’re more jaded these days? Boohoo.

Uhhh maybe I lied about not being mean. Soz.

Anyhoots, moreover, I feel there’s kinda like nothing really negative to say about the trailer. Throwing that out there early just to avoid the suspense and frankly, you’d have to be reachy to really find something to complain about unless you just complain for the sake of complaining. Surely, an intelligent way to articulate one’s thoughts.

I wouldn’t even go out of my way to call this a defense, as there’s nothing that warrants a defense as there’s nothing unusual in the trailer. It’s essentially R*’s usual. If someone lacks the frame of reference to have this kind of understanding, then that is entirely on them. Failure to grasp an information is not necessarily a failure of communication on the other party’s part.

However, this needn’t be confused with the whole “hype” discussion.

Matter of fact, there’s something that needs to be called out about the phrase “I’m not hyped” being currently synonymous with “I dislike this”. As if gamers needed more ways to impose their self-made values and associate even more negative conatstions with words that have concrete neutral meanings.

Matter of fact, you have zero obligation to be “hyped” for a product you’re looking forward to play.

Hype is merely a subjective expression meant to articulate a particular reaction, rather than being some kinda astute observation.

If you’re “not hyped”, doesn’t mean you’re any less invested or intrigued.

Back on track, the GTA 6 trailer showed a lot of interesting stuff. As someone who’s been following GTA V since the very day it was announced, it’s actually quite illuminating seeing R* stick to the same song and dance 13 years ago. GTA 6 is announced and shown almost exactly like how V was, with a vague, no gameplay trailer and intriguing main character(s).

In fact, this is on-brand with how R* handles things, I feel there’s nothing to worry about based on what’s been currently shown.

Reality doesn’t care about your cherry picking.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️



Haha, but what are your actual hopes and dreams for the game? that was the gist of the question. I think you're more analysing people talking about the game in certain ways 😆

Obviously we've not seen much, and I myself don't bother with leaks where possible. I think it will be very good, and I'm only slightly concerned of what R* as a whole will be 'Post Dan Hauser' and hope there is still the same soul inside the games, as that is one of those hard to capture things for a replacement writing team to recreate. And even though Dan has probably written the core story and planned the general direction for the series, a lot can change in the edits. But I myself am not looking for doom, more what potential elements excite you now it's been 11? years since the last GTA

I'm also glad there is a female protagonist and the chance to see some things as part of the core story from a different angle. Alongside the usual fun and madness, of course. I'm also hopeful that some of the tech and gameplay advances from RDR2 make it in, as environmentally that game is absolutely insanely well made. And to have the city and its inhabitants function in a new way for the GTA series is genuinely exciting.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

Haha, but what are your actual hopes and dreams for the game? that was the gist of the question. I think you're more analysing people talking about the game in certain ways 😆

Obviously we've not seen much, and I myself don't bother with leaks where possible. I think it will be very good, and I'm only slightly concerned of what R* as a whole will be 'Post Dan Hauser' and hope there is still the same soul inside the games, as that is one of those hard to capture things for a replacement writing team to recreate. And even though Dan has probably written the core story and planned the general direction for the series, a lot can change in the edits. But I myself am not looking for doom, more what potential elements excite you now it's been 11? years since the last GTA

I'm also glad there is a female protagonist and the chance to see some things as part of the core story from a different angle. Alongside the usual fun and madness, of course. I'm also hopeful that some of the tech and gameplay advances from RDR2 make it in, as environmentally that game is absolutely insanely well made. And to have the city and its inhabitants function in a new way for the GTA series is genuinely exciting.

Ah……. Yeah I forgot to answer that. My headache seems gone now so I’m more clear headed.

Hopes and dreams? I would presume you’re implying something along the lines of “specific requests”. I do suppose there’s no harm in expressing a few subjective desires of my own every now and then, as opposed to merely “hoping” for a solid product but I don’t think that’s what you’re referring to by “hoping” and even then, I’d be only saying that as a formality, as there’s no need for “help” when based on the evidence displayed thus far, it’s not difficult to decipher that the product is in good hands.

With that out of way, it’s rude to ignore a simple question so I’ll give my thoughts. Be as it may be, I’m generally a dreamless individual so I don’t typically self-indulge in this manner, but no harm no foul I suppose.

Moving on, hmmmm… my own self-indulged requests… what will they be, what will they be.

Hmmm, perhaps a 70s disco radio station?
GTA: Liberty City Stories had some great Arab songs, those would be great.
Mmmm, and what about… 80s music. That’d be appreciated.
West Coast rap radio station would be great too, although I presume “East coast” makes more sense here.

Oh yeah!! Indie rock! Radio Broker was so great in GTA IV.

What about friends? Those would be great. Loved them in GTA IV.

Perhaps maybe a walkman?

Minigames! And also, tons of stunt jumps.

Perhaps tons of interiors? And a great selection of cloths.

Maybe another playable character would be nice. At least in a DLC.

Long term single player content might be great too.

And also, hopefully this leads to a remaster of GTA IV and the PSP trilogy.

Frankly? Another 30 hour campaign would be… DELICIOUS.

Driving, the driving will be so fun.

Tons of businesses to own and operate? One of the best features in GTA V. Please expand on that.

Expand on buying stocks too. That was also fun.

Tennis? Bowling? Billiards? Basketball? Football? American football? Golf? Yes please!

Cinema needs to return. Loved watching tv too.

The internet was also awesome.

If they really want to keep bringing back the strip club, make it interesting at least. Or at least make the women attractive.

More weapons! More vehicles! More side missions! More customizabilty!

Maybe have someone deliver vehicles to you like in saints row?

Races! Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

GTA IV euphoria combined with GTA V gunplay? That would make an explosion in my pants.

Female protagonist? MakE her cool! Yay women power! : D

CANT deny, it was fun letting my inner child. Maybe I should let loose more often.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@Yousef- if R* can pull it off with all the big name departures, I’ll be the first person to applaud them but… you can’t blame a guy for being sceptical under the circumstances. It’s to protect me from my own expectations more than anything right? 🤷‍♂️

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

@Yousef- if R* can pull it off with all the big name departures, I’ll be the first person to applaud them but… you can’t blame a guy for being sceptical under the circumstances. It’s to protect me from my own expectations more than anything right? 🤷‍♂️

Fair’s fair.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️

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