
Topic: Game Themes, Settings, and Backdrops - the When’s, the Where’s, and the Who’s

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@Yousef- indeed it is, True Romance. One of many, many films I hope will have inspired this latest bunch of R* writers, mainly due to the relationship angle that seems to be the base of this game's story, character development, etc. But I do worry that without Dan Hauser's lead, they will be veering more towards something like the fast and the furious, or FAST as it cleverly rebranded itself to be even more digestible to the dot dot dots, of this world... 😪😅

Interesting about the vowels, it's not something I'd ever considered, despite it being a common occurrence in names and the like.

I will await your hopes for GTA 6, anyway. Now that the Houmous is out of the way 😁

Sidenote: I was just going to see if I had any current saves on the PS5 version of GTA5 as its been installed on my extra SSD for ages. I... do not. I think I mostly played the game on PS3 tbh, and maybe once more on PS4, and just did the intro mission on PS5 once.

Franklin currently has $216 dollars, so maybe I'll feel inclined to help him out for a bit 🥲

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Coming in with my limited perspective of the series — I’m not sure what I’d want, but here goes nothing:
Maybe an asynchronous online experience like Death Stranding but with an urban crime setting. Of course a well characterized protagonist with an inspiring redemption arc. Give me an emotional journey, an evolving game world (but no PvP please) and with a city that’s fully realized such that every building can be entered and explored and interacted with and have permanent effects on the game world. If online people set up shops or structures, I want to be able to use their structure and give them feedback like in Death Stranding. But I don’t want to have to be online at the same time or directly play alongside others. Just let me leave behind evidence of my playthrough for others and be able to get perks if I do something good for another’s game world. If soap messages giving hints in Dark Souls evolved into building roads and bridges for people in Death Stranding and sending out pawns to share experiences in Dragon’s Dogma, I want to see the next level. So maybe training a faction in my gang that will running an underground business in other peoples game world that they can benefit from, or something like that. And I like the age mechanic, so let me grow older, leave my mark on the world, have kids, and then my kids are running around affecting other people’s games for years to come and having their own kids and making their own decisions to affect the plight of the story. In 10 years I want people logging into GTA6 and seeing an AI NPC crime boss named Sol the Third who launders money under a cover family business selling office supplies because it was all set up by his grandfather 10 years earlier… my original game character, Sol the First.

Edit: or, how about this — each players character gets developed into a specific personality through the choices you make during the playthrough, like Baldur’s Gate 3 level of customization of choices and outcomes, and then when you complete your game, whether you end up good, bad, a crime boss, a cop, a reformed criminal, whatever — your character stays in the game and is an NPC companion for other people’s playthroughs (like a pawn, kind of), and people can even form a relationship with your character, like hire him/her, kill him/her, have a romantic relationship with him/her, etc. Then you can go back and see what’s become of your character in other peoples worlds.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Yousef- I love it… it’s been a while since I’ve watched it too, so might be due a rewatch 👊

**** DLC!


@Yousef- yeah Scorsese in his pomp was incredible, the early films of Tarantino are also all-time great crime movies. That’s not a knock on Tarantino’s later work either, they just don’t seem to fit in the specific crime movie section.

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

@Yousef- yeah Scorsese in his pomp was incredible, the early films of Tarantino are also all-time great crime movies. That’s not a knock on Tarantino’s later work either, they just don’t seem to fit in the specific crime movie section.

No, I see what you mean and relate. So I tend to forget to bring him up. Also, I know this may sound like an off-hand pick, but Edgar Wright is likely my favorite director, all time. Although I’ll need to rewatch some movies first.

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


As you've mentioned Tarantino (also the writer of True Romance, but didnt direct it) this is the second movie I want to have influenced the writers amd devs of GTA 6


I also want the airport to be a bit more functional for missions that may or may not involve smuggling drugs in to the country.

@th3solution I think you're looking forward to the elder Scrolls 6 😅 where those specific online elements might be better suited.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Yousef- yeah Edgar Wright is great, if you’ve never seen it… it might be worth tracking down his tv show Spaced. It’s pretty old now but was fantastic for geeks like us (not a slur, a badge of honour).

**** DLC!


@Ravix yeah Jackie Brown is really underrated… probably something to do with it being written by Elmore Leonard rather than by Tarantino himself. Its particularly good to watch back to back with Soderbergh’s Out of Sight due to Michael Keaton playing Ray Nicolette in both.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@Ravix Yeah, maybe so. Or maybe the new Fable? I have never played a Fable game, but my uninformed guess is that it has tried to do some deep rpg types of mechanics like I mentioned. But I don’t think it ever lived up to expectations, as I understand

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Th3solution wrote:

@Ravix Yeah, maybe so. Or maybe the new Fable? I have never played a Fable game, but my uninformed guess is that it has tried to do some deep rpg types of mechanics like I mentioned. But I don’t think it ever lived up to expectations, as I understand

You’re not missing out.

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@colonelkilgore ah, I have out of sight on DVD, as well as a big bunch of Tarantino, Coens etc. I can't remember if I ever knew that or not about the link, its been a while. I definitely want to have a watch of some of these stylish crime capers again soon, as they all ooze a quality that is less frequent in recent times, bar a few outliers. It seems like barely any of my collection are on streaming services either, which kind of makes it feel like a whole generation will miss out on some true gems.

I do wish game studios leaned in to the crime genre so much more, I feel like a Martin McDonagh cowritten game would be gold. And to a lesser extent, surely Guy Ritchie is the type that would happily dip his faux-gangster toes in to the games industry, especially after all of his latest straight to streaming stuff.

It seems like a license to print money in a hugely under-represented genre in gaming too.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Yousef- Yeah, that’s what I thought. But the new one might surprise and delight. If so, maybe I’ll finally buy an Xbox. 😌

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Ravix yeah Out of Sight was also based on an Elmore Leonard book so Soderbergh thought why not cast the same guy (as Keaton was so good in Jackie Brown). I’d actually go as far as to say Out of Sight is the better movie… maybe 🤷‍♂️.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore yeah, I feel like I remember thinking it's the same character, now. Without knowing why, perhaps haha.

I don't know, I do feel like out of sight is incredibly under rated, maybe even criminally unknown. I've provably only seen it once or twice though, But for me, I really love Jackie Brown, and have watched it many times, regardless of analysing anything, I just really love the movie, thw style and direction, and the soundtrack, oh that is some serious soundtrack. There's a good few Taratino films that I've seen many times, to be fair, and all I include in that are great watches in different ways, I suppose.

And if this:
Isn't in GTA6 in some way, I will lose all hope. Surely it is mainstream enough for the new batch of writers to reference 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

@colonelkilgore yeah, I feel like I remember thinking it's the same character, now. Without knowing why, perhaps haha.
I don't know, I do feel like out of sight is incredibly under rated, maybe even criminally unknown. I've provably only seen it once or twice though, But for me, I really love Jackie Brown, and have watched it many times, regardless of analysing anything, I just really love the movie, thw style and direction, and the soundtrack, oh that is some serious soundtrack. There's a good few Taratino films that I've seen many times, to be fair, and all I include in that are great watches in different ways, I suppose.

And if this:
Isn't in GTA6 in some way, I will lose all hope. Surely it is mainstream enough for the new batch of writers to reference 😅

While I think a lot of these movies are great, I’m legitimately confused as to why you expect them to be specifically featured as if the game’s core merit would not only solely rely on referencial material, but subjective choices too. Placing this kind of subjective expectation on a game we’ve seen nothing besides one single trailer of genuinely confuses me.
I understand having certain hopes, but hinging it on this as if it’s the devs responsibility is really bizarre to me and I feel if the game does not meet this specific expectation, and you’re disappointed, that would be entirely on you and in no way the game’s fault.
Unless I’m reading too deeply into it. I’m an arsehole! The brits are rubbing off of me!

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️

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