I don’t own a Switch and I don’t game on PC so I was waiting for this to come to PS. I might not be a huge rougelike guy but having loved Bastion and Transistor and with the kind of praise it got, it’s definitely a must play for me.
Glad PS players are finally getting it. Been playing it since the alpha on PC. Although I actually haven’t seen the ending yet, I haven’t beaten the final boss since it went to 1.0 as I’d mostly moved onto other games. I should probably go back to it.
@hypnotoad yeah I’ve held off too, been looking forward to finally getting a PS4 version all year though. It’s brought my attention to their other games too, so I’m hoping that Transistor, Bastion and Pyre might go on sale around Hades release and I’ll pick up all four.
I've played a bit on switch and it's awesome. Animations and art style are gorgeous, voice acting is great. Although it's run based you get story stuff if your run is successful or not. Hope everyone enjoys it. I'm hoping for a switch pyre port as I have bastion, transistor and hades there. Chances are pretty slim though
@Majimagorojr84 I’m normally very good (like nearly always) at resisting the urge to scrap my schedule and play a game at release… I’m kinda feeling that my resolve might fail here though…
@colonelkilgore I totally get that LOL. It's handy working from home these days, that extra time you get from having no commute! I was happy to play £20 for it as well, it's a good buy.
Okay so I just checked out the essentials on Hades trophy ‘journey’ and the platinum is set to take around 70-100 hours. Having checked the time-to-plat on SuperGiant’s other games it was a bit of a surprise. Was planning to play it in between TLoU:R and TLoU2 (I have a week off in September to get fully in-touch with my Ellie-side) but 70-100 hours ain’t an in between game for me.
I’m really excited to play it though, so some schedule-tweaking (my second most time-consuming hobby behind gaming) is needed… what to drop though?
#deraufrichtigstejäger - the artist formerly known as @colonelkilgore
@colonelkilgore Just don’t platinum it straight away. It’s a roguelike and therefore meant to be played in chunks whenever you can. If you only played Hades for the next few weeks then you’d get sick of it, whereas if you played a run here and there then you’d be getting the full experience.
@colonelkilgore Returnal actually works more like a Souls game, in that you die a lot but you’re ultimately working towards the end credits. Hades and similar games will have you complete the game several times, much shorter runs obviously but you get to steadily add difficulty multipliers to unlock more and more of the story and upgrades.
@Keith_Zissouonce you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you - some backlog scheduler 😉
Don't think there is any right or wrong way as long as your enjoying your gaming mate. For me personally, keeping things fresh is vitally important so I try to categorise games into a number of key quantifiers and then continually alternate using these differentials ie. First and foremost: genre - I try to never play games of the same genre consecutively. Second: time-to-plat (or time-to-beat if you're not going for plats) - I'll never go for more than one game in a row where the plat will take over 100 hours... and by the same token I wouldn't want to play more than one game where the time-to-plat was under 20 hours. I'll always alternate between short, medium and long playtime.
I've recently mixed it up a little more by making a conscious effort to play more indies, so I'll also try and go from AAA, to AA to indie and back again.
Taking all of that into account though, sometimes I just really fancy playing something that isn't planned and if the draw is that strong... well I'll just reschedule.
As I stated earlier though, as long as your enjoying your gaming... you're doing it right 👊.
@Keith_Zissou Not unless you want a schedule for the next 10 years! 😂
All I would say is try to only play one game at a time not leave them un-finished if you are stuck or fed up with them. Sometimes you need to grit your teeth and get through a boring/difficult section.
At the same time, learn to let go of games you really weren't enjoying. If you have stopped playing a game because of this, are you really gonna go back it? And if you do, is it worth it? When I've done this 95% of the time I've not enjoyed the experience. Obviously each game and every person will be different. So when I go through my library I think why I stopped playing them in the first place and am I realistically going to play them? If it is no, then I delete it (if not already) and hide it in my library.
And the big one I found is only buy what you are going to play. I've got loads of games I've bought in sales only never to touch, it was getting me a bit down and overwhelmed when I thought about how many games I've got to play. As soon as I stopped buying games in bulk just because they were on sale, I felt a lot better. I still buy games, but only if I'm gonna play them next and having a bit more self control.
Hope you find this useful!
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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
@JohnnyShoulder I have a step-daughter and in fairness she does start our chats with: "Any new Plats?" love her... she's just appearing interested to be nice though.
I have no issue dying with loads of games still unplayed though... gaming is my primary hobby and I always got something to play. If I ever get to the point where my backlog dwindles into single figures (never gonna happen like... but hypothetically) I would probably start to get real anxious 😟.
Just downloading this now so will start it later on. This and my DeS NG+ are going to keep me busy for a bit but sounds like this is a good game to just do a run or two an evening between other games. Can’t wait to see how many deaths I rack up on this one.
Topic: Hades.
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