
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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z0d15g0d wrote:

Also how the hell is my TB Harmony 1 shotting Lv 82 Elites with his skill and my Acheron isn't with her ult.

That was my complaint about Super-break, also based partly on leaks about Firefly's damage numbers which can exceed Acheron's. Super-break has currently busted the meta open.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant Yes! Congrats on winning the 50:50 bout damn time that happened lol.
I was running Fall of Aeon on her as I'm used to swapping out LC's now thanks to swapping Trend of Universal Market on my Preservation's for Acheron. I just got her LC so maxed that out straight away. The additional 60% BE is pretty handy. Her Technique pretty much 1 shots mobs now shame it can't be activated for farming.

I'm going to try and build Gallagher as the new event needs all the SB I can get for the higher levels (so many jades at stake). There's never enough resources

Do you know if Jade is SB also? I might try pulling Ruan Mei also.



@z0d15g0d Nice work on the Light cone! I barely have any pulls but might try and see if I can get lucky.

I gave the new Divergent Universe a try gotta say I really like it so far. The main reason is that you can use ANY character you have even if unlevelled and it will temporarily, for this mode only, level them to 80 (or whatever the appropriate level is for the world level), make them 5/8/8/8 on with all other traces unlocked except Lv 75 and Lv 80 ones. It will also Level light cones and relics, or if you haven't got them equipped it will add them and level them to the appropriate level. This means you can try unlevelled characters out, and new teams to see if you like them. (Currently trying that Firefly, Hmny TB, Ruan Mei, Gallagher team and it SLAPS!!!)

EDIT: Firefly's technique is also hilarious at killing the trotters in the kill dozens of trotters adventure challenges. I thought Asta was OP at this but this is next level. Lol

Only early thoughts so this may change or it may get boring like SU, Swarm Disaster etc. but so far I like it.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant Thanks mate. I've added her to support if you want to check the difference between her LC and Fall of Aeon. Divergent is pretty fun but not getting the right blessings can be annoying. I'm glad they let us do this and also get SU points upon completion. Woulda sucked if we had to do both. Unfortunately Planar farm is not considered SU completion lol. I tried to use it for the daily task.

I haven't encountered the trotter domain as of yet but looking forward to setting her loose on them. This could also work for the break the barrels mini game as she destroys objects upon landing too. Yea it's pretty cool that they let us use maxed versions of characters for it. I need to confirm but can we use support characters also?



Just tried out Firefly's technique in the trotter domain and 1 shot all of them lol.



@Shigurui @themightyant - What's the purpose of the save file at the end of Divergent Universe? Can we use the same blessings on a different difficulty?



@z0d15g0d The save file allows you to IMMEDIATELY fight the final boss in Simulated Universe to make farming Planar Ornaments faster. You keep the build you had in that save file. However the save file only lasts one week, so it's only really useful if you are farming a domain over and over.



@themightyant Ah thanks just tried it out and was fun to unleash the new blessings on "Death". I shaved off 2 HP bars in 1 go with the Molten Knight fusion blessing.



I just tried out Apocalyptic Shadow. Honestly not a fan. You play the same 2 bosses up to 4 times with them getting progressively harder (/ longer) and changing their moveset slightly as the difficulty increases. The problem I had with it was the first 2 levels were too easy and the last 2 too hard. They just seemed hard for hardness sake... or more realistically hard to give whales harder content to justify spending more money. In the 3rd battle against Cocolia for instance she dropped 3 of her 'meteor stars' almost back to back before I had a chance to heal which effectively one (or three) shotted me. I'm sure there's a team combination I have that can make it work, but not sure I have the desire to do it. But I got a Free Xueyi for finishing battle 2.

One of the things I liked about the other new mode Divergent Universe is that at least you could use ANY of your team members as it levelled them up. Which gave that mode some unique fun.

Aside from that I finished the other match fruit event and got a free Gallagher, now E4 which should help my Firefly team once I build it.

Lastly I wasted around 3200 stellar jade trying to get Firefly's lightcone. Not sure that was a wise move, with my luck I don't have the jade to get characters and light cones, and I have On the Fall of an Aeon S5 I'll just swap that with Jingliu... or maybe upgrade Flames Apart to S5 through the forgotten hall shop. But I guess i'm 20 closer to pity on the lightcone banner for some 5 star weapon. Maybe try for Acheron's LC on rerun.



@themightyant - Hey congrats on the Firefly win mate! I got her on my alt. Have a fully built Xueyi and Gallagher both at E6 on there so just need to build HMC, same dilemma as you though, might have to steal Aeon LC from Xueyi for Firefly.

Speaking of LC's what do you guys think of the new Erudition LC from Herta's store? I've got enough bonds to buy and S5 it so might grab it as a Pure Fiction stat stick for Himeko. Currently swapping the Erudition BP cone between her and Argenti.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui The new Erudition light cone looks very strong for Himeko in PF where there are almost always 3-5 enemies, stronger than the BP weapon imo. Was thinking about getting it myself but already have too much to buy/upgrade right now. Will wait till after upgrading Firefly, Gallagher, TB & LCs



@Shigurui That LC looks pretty powerful especially if you're able to max it out quickly. Should be a big help for PF.



@themightyant @z0d15g0d - Picked it up and got it maxed, it's really good on Himeko. Tested it on boss Argenti in Apocalyptic 4. Definitely better than the BP cone on her.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Gotta say I like the new DU planar ornament farming, I had saved my immersifyers (simulated universe reward tokens) from the last week or so and had 11 in total after my DU run gave 4 more from weekly rewards. While each run only gets you one set of rewards, compared to up to 4 in full SU run, you are only fighting the final boss so it is still much quicker. Had a pretty OP run saved that wrecked the new Sets’ bosses 3 health bars in about 2 minutes. Sadly didn’t get much for Firefly but did get an Energy Regen rope for Gallagher although the substats are all pretty bad, these things are gold dust, so I saved a self modelling resin.

How’s your farming going?

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui @z0d15g0d Also beware there is a spoiler for 2.4 on Prydwen. I was just going there to look at build guides for Firefly and saw something I wish I hadn’t. Similar happened with Harmony Trailblazer.



@themightyant - Thanks for the heads up, I tend to search for the character build link rather than visit the landing page but good to know. I haven't really played the planar extract mode as I'm working through the threshold difficulties. Up to v4 so far and it's no joke. Good fun though.

Lost the 50/50 on my Firefly pulls but along the way my Xueyi went from E1 to E6 and Gallagher from E2 to E5 and I did get Ruan Mei so I can put a pretty decent budget superbreak team together.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


My farming for Firefly has been the most the most garbage i've ever had in one of these games. (Err... except maybe Crimson Witch in Genshin, that domain was/IS cursed). I've been farming the domain and planar sets for 3 weeks and I still don't have a basic set for her with more than 2 substats on each piece for any of the 6 pieces. I even used up 3 self modelling resin and got flat HP, flat DEF and Effect Hit % on two of them. The other had ATK% but then rolled into a 3rd useless substat. It's really tedious!

Most frustratingly I keep pulling CRIT RATE + CRIT DMG pieces on Iron Cavalry, two stats she can't use. I pulled a God Tier piece on any other set that was Crit DMG main, Crit Rate, SPD, ATK% and HP% substats. If they ever release a character that uses that set and does need Crit i'm sorted, or it might have to pull for Boothill at this rate!

On the plus side I've got a pretty meaty Gallagher build right now, but my DPS is weak.



Also gave ZZZ a go. I feel pretty mixed about it so far (near end of Chapter 2). It's not a bad game, but almost everything it does it seems to be worse than one of their other games. E.g. world is not fun to explore, Combat is OK but a bit basic, Story is OK but nothing to write home about, Hollow / TV puzzle gameplay is unchallenging and boring.

It's an exceptionally well made game but considering how much of a timesink these games are if you take them on as dailies, I suspect I won't keep it up after I've completed the campaign, but might come back later.



@themightyant I don't think it's only you. My Firefly farming since she launched has been pretty garbage too. I've squandered quite a lot of resources on farming her equipment. With similar CRIT results which I doubt any other character would use as the relics themselves boost BREAK DMG. I feel Hoyo tweaked things on their end as all the parts I used for her were farmed from when Boothill launched. I've farmed more than 5 times that amount since and it's all been trash.


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