
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@themightyant Gaze ZZZ a go also but only lasted 2 hrs before I dropped it. It's all flash and no substance to me so will be giving it a miss. Shame as it does look really cool. Maybe in a couple of years if it's still going I might try again.


  • WAKE4HCV745T - NEW 50 Jades code as of 2 days ago.

@z0d15g0d I gave up on farming for now and am just levelling most traces to max and guaranteed upgrades as the farming was woeful. That said I tried her as is and while her Damage per Screenshot isn't that high (she doesn't always have those big sexy numbers) the fact she attacks so often means it adds up! (I have her at 219 speed with all buffs active) Crazy to think what she could achieve with good relics and a better light cone.



@z0d15g0d There is more substance to ZZZ as you go on, but it's quite a lot of busy work to get there. The combat actually has a lot more depth than I thought, and after watching several videos online I enjoy that side of it a lot.

I'm going to get to the end game and see how I like it overall, but I suspect I might just play it casually when there is new content and skip the dailies. I'm interested to know how I feel playing a gacha game like that and even if I can or if it feels not worth it.



@themightyant I might give it another go if the combat improves. Is the story so far as good as Star Rail (in the beginning)? I've got StarRail, Warframe, WuWa and now First Descendant for my daily pick up and plays. 3 of which I'm up to date so dailies only take about 5-10 mins. I was looking forward to adding ZZZ to the list too.

Thanks for the code.

[Edited by z0d15g0d]



@z0d15g0d stories a bit lame to be honest, but I like the setting, characters, combat and vibe



@z0d15g0d @themightyant - Todays livestream codes..


Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Who are you all thinking of pulling next?

So far no one in drip marketing is really grabbing my attention. Neither Jiaoqiu, Feixiao or Lingsha. But we know very little about them so maybe their characters will be great or they might be must-pulls. I'm still pretty broke from Firefly/Gallagher and trying to snipe Asta copies (my 4 star luck failed me for once, but at least I didn't get a 5-star I didn't want!)

I'm possibly thinking of Huo-Huo, but undecided.

In other news i've given up on relic farming for Firefly for now, it's been well over a month including two double events and they still aren't great... but it is what it is, she still hits like a truck.



@themightyant - Nobody for the foreseeable, Yunli looks fun but I recently got my first Clara and have her LC so I have a physical counter attacker at home. I'm at exactly 40 pity on both character and LC banners so I'm just saving for now. Might go for Aventurine on rerun or wait for Firefly and go for E2 S1.

My account is in really good shape, got FuA mostly covered and already have the best DoT and break teams in the game along with E2 S1 Acheron. Huohuo is a great addition to any account but I have Luocha and Fu Xuan and won't be replacing either so I'm good for now I think.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Yep saving seems wiser right now unless those new characters wow. Perhaps their stories, or power, will make me want them.

Longer term I also want Aventurine (Fu Xuan has been invaluable) and Acheron's weapon. My account could still do with some more FUA and DOT, but to be honest it's not all that needed, I still brute forced a 10/12 on the recent DOT Pure Fiction without many DOT characters. I really don't care about missing a minor amount of rewards like that while being F2P.



@themightyant I'm only missing 5* DoT characters now. That's who I'll be going for next. The new characters do not appeal to me either. And I agree saving is the next step. Once I get a decent DoT that's what I'm going to do and wait till it's at 86 - 100k then max out 1 character lol.



@themightyant - I want Aventurine to round out my FuA team but also to make Yanqing worthwhile. I've been using them together on my alt and ice boy can put in some serious work as long as he doesn't take damage. I had a run of luck on standard recently and got E2 Welt, Clara and E1 Yanqing in 20 pulls and feel he's going to waste on my main account. An unbuilt E1 5* doesn't sit right with me lol. Had a lot of fun with him on my alt.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui @themightyant - My Yanqing is E2 but he's just been gathering dust for months. I never thought to pair him with Aventurine. There must be a hidden stat for aggro as every time he attacks they all come for him and that dispells his buff plus he's made of glass. It's been over 1 yr and I still don't have Welt but E3 Bailu What the hell is going on?
I'm going for Black Swan next as she will pair well with Acheron and she can boost my 4* DoT's.



@z0d15g0d - I only started using them together when I got ice equations in Divergent Universe and they pair well thanks to Aventurine's near impenetrable shields. Give them a run and see what you think.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@z0d15g0d @Shigurui I also have Yanqing and Gepard barely built or used. And Welt hasn’t been used in awhile even though he’s E1. Bailu carried me through early game but has barely been used since CC debuffs become more prevalent

The trouble with these games is upgrading characters takes so long, and is so costly, that it doesn’t incentivise trying lots of options.

I should really use Divergent universe as a test for some of these characters where it automatically makes them high level everything.

Yes Black Swan is another good shout, i tried her with Acheron in recent events (and Kafka) both were amazing at adding stacks.

As for farming I think I am going to go back to farming Acheron and try and move her to a Crit DMG body relic, I just don’t have the Crit rate substats yet.

Last question: what have you used self-modelling resin on recently? And was it a success or failure? I used 4 on Firefly 2 x SPD boots, 1 x ATK body and 1 x planar ornament (I forget which) and didnt have much luck with substats, only 1 useful one.

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui Aventurine is so powerful at E0 and even without his SLC. I'll have to try him with more characters just for the fun of it.



@themightyant Lol pretty similar to your actually. They mostly went to FF and trying to get her some decent gear seeing as farming was a bust. I went through the ornaments I had farmed for her yesterday and I recall using self mod resin for it cause I was tired of farming at that point. Out of 23 Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern the only one with ATK% base stat was the one I built.



@themightyant - Divergent is great for testing but it can be a bit weird with relics, I have 2pc Messenger, 2pc Passerby on Gallagher but until I fully levelled them all it kept putting 4pc Passerby on him and the Passerby pieces weren't the 2 that I wanted to use. Just something to keep an eye on.

As for resin I've only used 2 recently, Kalpagni ATK orb for Firefly that rolled nicely and outgoing healing Passerby chest for Gallagher which also rolled really well. I used 11 immersifiers for Kalpagni pieces in the triple drop event, 33 lots of rewards and didn't get a single ATK orb so it owed me a good resin roll lol.

@z0d15g0d - Yeah mate, Aventurine is a top tier unit. I run him with Dr R, S1 Topaz and Clara on my alt, my Topaz is a proper glass cannon, hits like a truck but seriously squishy and he never lets her down. He makes everyone an absolute tank!

[Edited by Shigurui]

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui yes divergent auto relics (arithmetic mapping) can be weird, I’ve seen that, they need a way to turn this off per character. I have some characters that are better with my lower level and +12 relics than their setup.

[Edited by themightyant]


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