
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@Pizzamorg Good luck with all your pulls. I wouldn't sweat not having all the pillars, it takes a long time to build up many teams. And to be honest I've been playing since Day 1 on PlayStation, almost a year (11th October 2023) which is about 6 months after it appeared on PC/Mobile and I STILL don't have a team for everything. I still don't have a good Wind or Physical DPS, nor many DOT (Damage over time) characters. And my FUA (Follow up attack) team is pretty barebones but i'm working on that. Plus they will add new mechanics and power creep the early characters a bit.

All in all I wouldn't worry about not having all the teams, you don't need them for most content, and some of the toughest end game content is a bit of a con to try and get you to spend more. You don't need to unless you want to.



@themightyant - Nah man, getting all the 4* doesn't sound silly. I'm exactly the same. On zero pity on my main so I'll drop at least the free 10 pull for Moze. Then its full on saving mode for the next meta shift lol.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


So I pulled for Feixaio and got her (kinda glad I missed the 50:50 on Jiaoqiu now) I didn't count exactly but I think I went near to full pity. I mostly got a lot of Luka's (who I already had E6) and some 4-star light cones (which is always useful) but I really wanted E6 Asta and E2+ Moze which I didn't get initially. So I used up all my remaining 20 wishes on Robin's banner but got lucky in the end and got both. Now to save again!

Looking forward to building her. Not sure what main team I will use as I don't have Topaz or Robin. Maybe Feixaio, March 7th, Moze and Fu Xuan/Gallagher. But I might try Bronya, Asta & Clara in there too.

Also got another copy of Sleep like the Dead on the standard banner recently. That doesn't work well with Feixiao but instead of Superimposing it (I hate constantly changing gear) I'll give it to Seele and take Cruising the Stellar Sea for Feixaio.

[Edited by themightyant]



Oh and a new code. No Stellar Jades i'm afraid though.




@themightyant - Nice one on getting Feixiao, I got her on my alt and was pushed close to hard pity too. I have Topaz and Aventurine on there so probably putting hunt March or Bronya in that team. Wasn't going to drop more than 20 pulls for Moze on the Robin banner on my main acct but I pressed on as I really wanted her for a no sustain DoT comp, got his E1 and Robin decided to show up nice and early on 60, I'll take it. Thanks for the code!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Nice getting Robin. I’m going to keep an eye on who’s on the next banners and if it’s no one I want I’m going to try for Moze Eidolons and hope to get her early as a bonus. Both a long shot but you never know.



@themightyant - You not trying for Topaz? Her stack building is insanely good for Feixiao ults, then again Robin is universally useful, tough choice. I can put my very average built 8/8/8 Topaz in supports and put Robin up in a couple of days to test them with your Feixiao. Pretty sure @z0d15g0d has a fully built Robin you could try too.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Robin is useful in so many teams and the #1 Feixiao teammate. Thanks for the heads up on trying her out, I always forget about that feature.

[Edited by themightyant]



I had either a nightmare or a dream depending on perspective. I decided to just whale and buy some pulls. Treat this like I was paying for an expansion. I got two S Rank, but they weren't Robin or Feixiao they were... Welt and I don't know how its spelt, the little boy with the ice sword.

So like yay two new S Ranks, but like... Ice sword guy is basically useless as far as I can tell, if an enemy has an AOE his kit just doesn't work? Seems like there are much stronger DPS without such an extremely limiting design.

Welt seems better, but I don't have really any pieces where he would serve a clear purpose in it. Especially as with this new event added, I should be able to get Hunt March to E6, so she just seems better than Welt as an option all around.

I also managed to get Luka like four or five times and Asta like three or four times and not a single Moze. Luka is at least new to me and actually seems quite good.

But its amazing to me I could pull two S-Ranks and like 9 A-Ranks and somehow not get a single new character added with this patch.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg - Are you saying you lost the 50/50 for Feixiao and then also lost the 50/50 on the Robin rerun banner and got back to back standard 5* characters? If so that is quite disgusting that Hoyo would separate the banner pity like that. Brutal!

@themightyant - Just DM me ingame if you want me to swap out my supports mate.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui I checked the rules and that shouldn't be possible, despite having 4 character banners this patch the pity carries across them all.

Rules from HoyoVerse with my notes in brackets and keywords highlighted

This warp (Indelible Coterie AKA Robin, Kafka or Black Swan) is considered a Character Event Warp. The cumalative Warp count for a guaranteed 5-star character in any Character Event Warp will always be carried over to other Character Event Warps, but is independent of and unaffected by any other types of Warps (e.g. Stellar Warp AKA Standard Banner, or Weapon Banner Warps)

@Pizzamorg Are you sure you were wishing on the right banner? Because what you described shouldn't be possible. If you lose a 50:50 on ANY character banner you are guaranteed the promoted 5-star on the next character banner.

I'd double check where your wishes were made in the history and if you were in the Feixiao and Robin banners or if you accidentally pulled another 5-star. If not contact HoYoVerse because that isn't right. But I think it's unlikely, or there would be reports/complaints all over the net today.

Outside that Welt is pretty good in some teams. I have Yanqing and haven't built him.

[Edited by themightyant]



Yeah I think I must have just got really lucky and got two S-Ranks really close together, cause I think the pity is shared across the two banners. But within theory the banner S-Rank should be boosted on each banner, so I didn't miss the 50/50 twice so much as just miss the boost twice.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg I think you are misunderstanding. If you are wishing on ANY featured character banner and lose the 50:50, so you didn't get the featured banner character, then you will ALWAYS get the featured banner character the next time you get a 5-star whether it is 1 wish later or all 90. This ALSO applies whether it is on this same featured character banner (e.g. Feixiao) or another featured character banner (e.g. Robin). That's how the system always works.

Something isn't right here. Either you were wishing on the wrong banner (e.g. perhaps the standard banner with all the standard 5-stars, the one with Silver tickets) or something has gone very wrong with HSRs wish system, which I think is highly unlikely.

[Edited by themightyant]



Oh then I dunno what happened then. But either way, it kinda sucks since the ice guy I will never use. But it is what it is I guess. I guess I can't really complain as they are still new for my account, but it would have been nice to get at least one banner character or a Moze lol

Life to the living, death to the dead.


I think you may have used your wishes on the basic banner that's the only explanation I can think of. You should have one of the premium characters at least.



@themightyant I tried FeiXiao, Clara, Robin/Tingyun and Aventurine during the story missions and it was a follow up party lol.



Been looking at the game tools and there's a player on there who 0 cycled MoC 12 with only 2 relics equipped for Bronya E1 and RuanMei E0 other 2 characters are Feixiao E0 and MarchHunt E6. I would very much like to know how he pulled this off. Maybe I don't need to be maxing every character I get.



Finally managed to pull a Moze. Also got March 7th Hunt up up to E06 through that Wardance mode thing. Pairing those two with Yunli and Lynx feels pretty nice. My Yunli is 10 levels behind everybody though as I haven't gotten far enough in the story to unlock the Shadow where you can get her ascension materials. Now I just gotta hope I can pull at least one of the S-Rank characters from the banners before the month is over.

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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