
Topic: Metal Gear Series Discussion

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@kyleforrester87 That's incredibly kind of you but I'd rather you stuck it on eBay, mate. It's worth a fair few quid.



@LN78 no worries, offer is there if you want it - I don’t have any emotional attachment to it, don’t even have a working GameCube these days and I’d never get round to actually selling it!


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 You never know when a few extra pennies might come in handy (especially at the moment) and walking it into CEX will probably net you £30 or whatever in a pinch. I really appreciate the offer, though.



Much like others in this thread, I would be happy if the series was over, but MGS 1-4 were some combination of remastered/ported so they're playable on the PS5.

Right now MGS1-MGS4 are all lost to time as far as PS5 owners are concerned, and that's a shame.


PSN: Gunnerzaurus


I guess PS Now (err or whatever it’s called these days) is an option if you can deal with streaming. I am sure I saw MGS4 on there, anyway.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger This freedom of how to play is what I like from the gameplay in the series. There are methods to break the games but there are many ways to approach them. So far I have managed a non-lethal play in all MGS games except MGS4 but only on easy difficulty settings.

I have some of emotional connection to Ac!d 1 since I got it with Ridge Racer and my PSP on the European release date and played it very much. I was a fan distraction and I used to break the game with the Running Man cards. The plot is a real MG plot with twists etc. but I never managed to replay it. The second game is more of the same. Good games but nothing very special.

On the other hand, I really like Portable Ops even though the fans sort of hate it because it was not 100% written by H.K. who said that the main plot happened but not every detail. I find the story very cool, Gene is an actual threat, I liked young Colonel and Grey Fox. Big Boss' leadership qualities were shown. Sokolov returned who disappeared from Snake Eater randomly without explanation and we had a very cool battle with the very first Metal Gear.

You can say a lot of H.K. but I think that how the women are shown in his games are not his strong point. In Snatcher and Policenauts you can casually harass women with no consequences. In Twin Snakes Meryl is shown as the worst woman in distress, the whole concept of Quiet nonsense in TPP seems like a H.K. joke. And the whole concept of the Boss' will is not well explained. EDIT: I forgot Paz, the worst example of those. Snake thinks she is underage and yet there is a bizarre scene in the beach with those two in Peace Walker.

Edited on by belmont



@belmont I saw this earlier having just read what you wrote about the versatility of the gameplay in "MGS" . It's pretty amusing - especially the choice of song!

Edited on by LN78



God, MGS1 was just so good wasn’t it?

What was awesome was that it came out in the era where game demos were a massive thing and were pretty sizeable too with this one letting you play all the way up to crawling inside the first hangar. I must have replayed it so many times before actually getting the game.

And that opening was so cinematic too from the underwater entrance through to the credits rolling as you went in the lift and then the “title screen” as you hit the top.



@Thrillho Did you have the demo that came with "ISS Pro '98"?



@LN78 Nope, it would’ve been from the Official PlayStation Magazine.

Edit: probably this one (not my image sadly)


Edited on by Thrillho



I spent hours and hours in Ground Zeros, PP in comparison was almost a bit too big. I'd say I enjoyed GZ more, overall, funnily enough.

MGS1, back then I actually borrowed a pirated copy of the American version off a friend - I had to play it in black and white, without being able to check the back of the box for Meryl's frequency. I'm not sure how I did that bit to be honest.. guess my friend told me. I know I completed it though.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Thrillho I miss OPM. I remember that there was an "MGS2" demo disc with one of the "Zone of the Enders" games and some people were buying the game just for the demo!



@kyleforrester87 MGS4 was on PS now, but unfortunately was removed from the service in 2022 and has not reappeared on PS+.


PSN: Mr_B021


@Thrillho that demo is one of my favourite childhood gaming memories. I got the disc from a friend who didn’t like it. My brother and I played it a lot. Same with the tanker demo of MGS2.

Edited on by Mr_B021


PSN: Mr_B021


@LN78 Yep, that would be me. I did play Zone of the Enders, but didn't really enjoy that much. I probably played the demo way more.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Yeah I played the absolute hell out of the MGS2 demo. I got the version with OPM, assume it was the same as the ZoE version, though.

I loved (and love) MGS2, cleared it many times - 3 times in one day, once - but I don’t think I enjoyed the rest of the game quite as much as the demo.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Yeah, the tanker section is great. So many moments that were just incredible for what consoles were able to do at the time.

I’ve said before that I got every single dog tag in the game back in the day. I still get nightmares now about beating the Harrier boss fight on extreme difficulty.



@Thrillho I also got all the dog tags! Tell me about those bosses, Vamp was tough too. I got to the end on Euro Extreme but in the end it was the Solidus torture section that beat me, I couldn’t press Square fast enough 🤷‍♂️


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Looking into the above a bit, I’m reading that apparently if you look to the left while being choked it is easier as your neck is in a less effective position - that’s some attention to detail right there, and wasn’t in the guide book! Also, apparently you can hold triangle to get through without losing health at all 🤷‍♂️ not verified that one either! Sounds like BS to me.

And those 30 Rays at the end 😂


PSN: WigSplitter1987

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