I decided to try RDR2 and its a great game however it has very poor accessibility.
I probably going to stop playing it because of that, which is a shame, i really got hooked on this game at the start.
I used to love Rockstar games and played GTA ONLINE for over 2k hours. But now i have problems, and its nqot so easy to play games anymore.
U only think about these things when when it affects u, b4 obviously i didnt bother about any accessibility settings.
Will not reccommend this game to anyone who has limited motor functionc
@Kelics If you need support with playing games and you're based in the UK, there's a charity called www.specialeffect.org.uk who can help with providing accessible gaming setups. Could be worth checking them out.
SpecialEffect also have another website called gameaccess.info which has articles highlighting games and their accessibility settings, as well as equipment like specialised controllers, joysticks, switches...
Topic: RDR2 poor accessibility
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